men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misandry misogyny MRA precious bodily fluids sex

The Regender Challenge

The other day Darksidecat introduced me to what I now consider to be the Greatest Webpage Ever (this week): Regender, a handy tool that will take any web page and, well, regender it, turning male pronouns and references into female and vice versa. It even works with names.

Following Darksidecat’s lead, I have started plugging the writings of some of my favorite manosphere misogynists into the magical regendering machine. The results are, well, instructive.  And frequently hilarious. As DSC noted, Roissy and MarkyMark are perfect for this sort of treatment.  As is, I discovered, MarkyMark’s longtime pal Christopher in Oregon.  Here’s what happens when Christopher of Oregon becomes Christine of Oregon with the help of regender, and all the horrible shit he wrote about women becomes the horrible shit she wrote about men:

Men are whores. They are far more likely to have STD’s than women. Be aware of this. Handle with extreme care. Men are filthy, and they will lie about their infections. Condoms will NOT protect you. …

Men are walking cesspools of filth! Most of them have or will have a permanent STD infection. It is unavoidable. These are FACTS, and not the rantings of an unstable misandrist.

(I’m a very STABLE misandrist, thank you kindly)

Men are DIRTY creatures, pure and simple. Be dignified, and don’t lower yourself to engaging in any filthy behavior with them. You WILL be infected with the diseases they are carrying. A moral, dignified woman does NOT rut like an animal with one of these creatures. Sexual intercourse and oral sex are filthy, disgusting activities, and ruin a woman morally. They spread disease.

Elevate yourself above such filth of the flesh. …

Do not lust after men in your mind. Masturbate only as a last result to relieve tension. Do not lust after men sexually. It weakens you.

Goddess made woman in Her image, and men was made in the image of Satan. Squeal all you want, but history proves me right. A man is a test; a stumbling block for woman. Our life is an adventure. A journey. A pursuit of our creator, and a pursuit of excellence in our personal lives. A man and his filth is part of the obstacle course set before us. If we are wise, and avoid them, we will grow stronger as a result. We will finish the race successfully.

Men was not put here to support us as such, and we will only grow stronger if we AVOID his snares. ..

Christine in Oregon

Woah. Critics of Man Boobz often say that feminists are “just as bad” as the guys I quote. Well, if they were, the posts on their blogs would look a lot like this regendered post.  I ask all of you: have you ever seen something so grotesquely misandrist on any feminist web site? I thought not.

Here’s a challenge for all of you: See if you can come up with a regendered post that tops this one from “Christine in Oregon.” You can draw from old posts of mine, or go poking about in the manosphere yourself. Post your results in the thread below, along with a link to the regendered web page you got them from. I’ll highlight the best in a future post.

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13 years ago

“we’re like feminism, but for men!”

MRM and mgtow are misogynists to the extreme. Misogyny is their movement. Mgtow are 1,000 leagues below the feminists and the absolute scum of the Internet.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Oooh, I got a better one, as long as we’re shamelessly quoting ourselves!

The total, then, is nine female characters and one male character. (One character is an alien and is arguably alien-gendered. Eight females and one male, anyway.) This is what TvTropes would call the Papa Smurf Principle: For any series not aimed solely at males, odds are high that only one male will be in the regular cast.

The implications of the Papa Smurf Principle are numerous and pretty smurfing offensive:
-Women are the default gender, and men are a variation
-It’s normal for there to be more women than men in a group that is doing something interesting
-Women have a variety of personalities; men don’t
-Men won’t mind playing a female character, but women would be embarrassed or unwilling to play as male
-If a game had a lot of male characters, it would be a “boy game,” and those are widely known for being condescending and technically incompetent.

13 years ago

“I fail to see”

indeed, you are willfully ignorant. guess what the world is round 9/11 shill kirby the ignorant nitwit.

13 years ago

… Did someone hack AWS’s computer to regender each of his posts? Or has he really found a movement he hates more than feminism?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Re-gendering my blog didn’t do nething interesting except:

Apparently Kia (the car company) = Kirk xD

UGH >:O A rape joke is a rape joke >:| It isn’t funny or better cuz it’s about women >:O
I just saw a TV trailer for the movie “Horrible Bosses”

The 2nd final scene of the trailer had 2 chars walking together and one char says “I can’t go to jail, look at me, I’d get raped like crazy.” and the char next to her looks insulted and jealous and says “I’d get raped just as much”, the other gal then reassures her friend’s self-esteem “oh no, yeah, yeah, you’d definitely get raped as much”


Gross gross gross >:O

And that I guess xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Kirbywarp he mentioned it when he first showed up xD

13 years ago


Not that its bothering me or anything (I find it incredibly hilarious), but is it possible for you to post one response without devolving into personal attacks and accusations? You kinda have a one-track mind for insults (talk to pecunium about rectifying this), and its starting to get a little stale.

13 years ago

“found a movement he hates more than feminism”

it should have been clear from my posts that I believe mgtow are worse then the feminists kirby the ignorant 9/11 shill.

13 years ago


That proves nothing! It just means the hacking is worse than I thought! He must have gotten hacked before the topic of regendering ever came up! It must be the MGTOW group, he hates them, and they have every reason to mess with him.. Open your eyes, sheeple!

13 years ago

Kirby: No arguing with the lady with the Greek textbook about her brand-new Greek derivatives. 😛

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

<iit should have been clear from my posts that I believe mgtow are worse then the feminists kirby the ignorant 9/11 shill.

well it’s clear cuz you stated so… but why do you believe that they are worse? :3 what about the MRM do you believe makes them “worse” than feminism? 😀

13 years ago


…said the dirty sadist to the fresh and clean anti-feminist.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

it should have been clear from my posts that I believe mgtow are worse then the feminists kirby the ignorant 9/11 shill.

well it’s clear cuz you stated so… but why do you believe that they are worse? :3 what about the MRM do you believe makes them “worse” than feminism?

(fixed HTML)

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

So, uh, AWS… who do you like?

13 years ago

But… AWS… you said that MGTOW are good because at least they aren’t getting perfectly treatable STIs unlike the feminists… *head a splode*

Also, I have no idea what 9/11 has to do with anything.

13 years ago

I mean, seriously, what does 9/11 have to do with anything? Unless it was secretly organized by a cabal of Zionist and STI-ridden feminists in order to… uh… shit, where’s the Feminist Manifesto, I forgot what our damn goal is.

13 years ago

“what about the MRM do you believe makes them “worse” than feminism”

Read manboobz dumb dumb.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

He thinks 9/11 was a flag operation xD

13 years ago

“So, uh, AWS… who do you like?”

i like female anti-feminists.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


he’s so bad at this xD

13 years ago

Wow, I go out for one drink and I come back to yet another troll? Kirby the 9/11 shill was this your doing? He sounds like some kind of prohibition era gangster.

“…said the dirty sadist to the fresh and clean anti-feminist.”

And he actually uses the “said the liar” argument. I mean, I know I used the “your mom” argument fairly recently but seriously, that’s at least 5th grade. Are we in 4th grade?

13 years ago

“but women need to be made aware that STD’s are a big problem and they should make an effort to keep clean.”

Probably saying this for the millionth time to Aws won’t make a difference, but the CDC recommends that health providers test all sexually active women under 26 for chlamydia, and reports that higher testing rates for women are likely the cause of higher reported cases in women.

CDC apparently doesn’t make such recommendations for male patients.

So, most/many women are getting tested every year, and most men are getting tested never — I’m sorry … which sex is it that you’re saying needs to make an effort again?

Oh, not that you’ll ever be able to logic, Aws. I’m just typing to amuse myself.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Ozy I’m not mocking him either.. he said this in the first thread he was in xD

13 years ago


The short out-of-context quotations are starting to annoy me a bit, though. If you weren’t insulting me in every post, I’d find it hard to actually know who you are talking to. I mean really; one word? And the very last word of the post at that? Do you want to be taken seriously? At all?


Somehow AWS has figure out that I, in my disbelief of a big conspiracy around 9/11, am a government shill masterminding his pet conspiracies. Its endearing, even though its kinda random.

13 years ago

AWS: So, women have the sense to check for clamydia… that’s a mark against them why?

Men have a reported rate of gohnorrhea which is .154 percent different… this is a huge difference?

For Syphilis the rate is .64 percent higher for men… which makes women a “cesspool of STDs” how?

Oh right I forgot, you are “The Fact”, not “The Truth”, or “The Comprehension”.

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