men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misandry misogyny MRA precious bodily fluids sex

The Regender Challenge

The other day Darksidecat introduced me to what I now consider to be the Greatest Webpage Ever (this week): Regender, a handy tool that will take any web page and, well, regender it, turning male pronouns and references into female and vice versa. It even works with names.

Following Darksidecat’s lead, I have started plugging the writings of some of my favorite manosphere misogynists into the magical regendering machine. The results are, well, instructive.  And frequently hilarious. As DSC noted, Roissy and MarkyMark are perfect for this sort of treatment.  As is, I discovered, MarkyMark’s longtime pal Christopher in Oregon.  Here’s what happens when Christopher of Oregon becomes Christine of Oregon with the help of regender, and all the horrible shit he wrote about women becomes the horrible shit she wrote about men:

Men are whores. They are far more likely to have STD’s than women. Be aware of this. Handle with extreme care. Men are filthy, and they will lie about their infections. Condoms will NOT protect you. …

Men are walking cesspools of filth! Most of them have or will have a permanent STD infection. It is unavoidable. These are FACTS, and not the rantings of an unstable misandrist.

(I’m a very STABLE misandrist, thank you kindly)

Men are DIRTY creatures, pure and simple. Be dignified, and don’t lower yourself to engaging in any filthy behavior with them. You WILL be infected with the diseases they are carrying. A moral, dignified woman does NOT rut like an animal with one of these creatures. Sexual intercourse and oral sex are filthy, disgusting activities, and ruin a woman morally. They spread disease.

Elevate yourself above such filth of the flesh. …

Do not lust after men in your mind. Masturbate only as a last result to relieve tension. Do not lust after men sexually. It weakens you.

Goddess made woman in Her image, and men was made in the image of Satan. Squeal all you want, but history proves me right. A man is a test; a stumbling block for woman. Our life is an adventure. A journey. A pursuit of our creator, and a pursuit of excellence in our personal lives. A man and his filth is part of the obstacle course set before us. If we are wise, and avoid them, we will grow stronger as a result. We will finish the race successfully.

Men was not put here to support us as such, and we will only grow stronger if we AVOID his snares. ..

Christine in Oregon

Woah. Critics of Man Boobz often say that feminists are “just as bad” as the guys I quote. Well, if they were, the posts on their blogs would look a lot like this regendered post.  I ask all of you: have you ever seen something so grotesquely misandrist on any feminist web site? I thought not.

Here’s a challenge for all of you: See if you can come up with a regendered post that tops this one from “Christine in Oregon.” You can draw from old posts of mine, or go poking about in the manosphere yourself. Post your results in the thread below, along with a link to the regendered web page you got them from. I’ll highlight the best in a future post.

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Dire Sloth
Dire Sloth
13 years ago

The sad thing is, you just know some MRAs are going to quote these regendered comments on one of those not-at-all-embellished “real horrible things feminists said” lists.

Also, mad propz for the Ed Wood poster.

13 years ago

I went and Regendered some of the comment threads on here (screw the challege; I’m a Woman Going My Own Way from you dirty men and your dirty manliness!) They’re a bit of a pain to read without pasting elsewhere since Regender seems to enjoy taking liberties with the formatting, but it’s satisfying to get extra confirmation that, even in an alternate universe where Manboobz is a masculist blog mocking radical Women’s Rights Activists, it would still come off as pleasantly non-hateful compared to the radical ‘misandrists’ who come in and spout off about ‘masculism’ being a hate movement.

I kind of want a plug-in that automatically Regenders everything. Would definitely be interesting.

13 years ago

The fattening of American men is a goddamned fucking TRAGEDY. It robs the country of beautiful men, and thus robs American women of tactile sexual pleasure and aesthetic visual pleasure. A direct analogy would be if the nation’s women all decided to quit their jobs, shart on first dates, act like nervous dweebs and change diapers for a hobby. Yeah, don’t sound so hot, does it gentlemen?

13 years ago

The Spearhead:
In the old days, wealthy families always faced the issue of marrying off sons. If lucky, their sons would marry a successful woman while young and no longer be a burden on the family finances, but if he didn’t find a suitable mate, or had to marry down, he could end up being quite expensive long-term — even possibly a scandalous, destabilizing influence on the family.

Today, however, sons of the wealthy glide right into nonprofit jobs paid for with government grant money, some get jobs as directors of this or that government program “for men and children,” and others take on fairly important positions in corporations or government agencies that are now increasingly dominated by men due to affirmative action.
For the men themselves, it allows them to pursue their luxurious, hypergamous lifestyles without having to settle down at an earlier age and without having to answer to mommy. For them, masculism has come to be another entitlement that comes along with the privilege they’ve always had. I think this explains why masculism is so overwhelmingly embraced by the urban upper classes.

13 years ago

Various headlines from reddit/mensrights:

-Woman’s husband gets cancer so her boss, a men, fires her. “It’s business. I’m running a company here, and I need to make sure the department runs,” he told her. Nuff said about the empathy and compassion of men.

-The entitled man and the beta females who surround him

-Octodad is less enthusiastic about being a father . . . Goddess help the kids.

-A Voice for Women raises $5000 in only 3 days (we’re coming for you, masculists)

-Episode of Law and Order SVU where the rape victim is female, interesting watch

-How come there’s never men on To Catch A Predator – DateLine NBC?

-If a woman is forcibly raped (not statutory) will she have to pay child support? Are there any cases where this has happened in the US?

-Boy lies about age online, 3 women arrested after sex in park

I had to go back a couple pages because it’s completely full of “Dominique Strauss-Kahn is innocent, and this proves that men always lie and women never really commit rape!” posts right now.

13 years ago

Scott (er, Susan) Adams:
The reality is that men are treated differently by society for exactly the same reason that children and the mentally handicapped are treated differently. It’s just easier this way for everyone. You don’t argue with a four-year old about why she shouldn’t eat candy for dinner. You don’t punch a mentally handicapped gal even if she punches you first. And you don’t argue when a men tells you he’s only making 80 cents to your dollar. It’s the path of least resistance. You save your energy for more important battles.
I realize I might take some heat for lumping men, children and the mentally handicapped in the same group. So I want to be perfectly clear. I’m not saying men are similar to either group. I’m saying that a woman’s best strategy for dealing with each group is disturbingly similar. If she’s smart, she takes the path of least resistance most of the time, which involves considering the emotional realities of other people. A woman only digs in for a good fight on the few issues that matter to her, and for which she has some chance of winning. This is a strategy that women are uniquely suited for because, on average, we genuinely don’t care about 90% of what is happening around us.

13 years ago

Some observations from the above:

-Feminists don’t spend nearly as much time defending female criminals

-If a major feminist organization raised $5000, this would really be no big whoop–and they sure as hell wouldn’t announce it as “we’re coming to get you”

-Feminists don’t talk about men nearly this much. Good or bad; we just don’t spend nearly as much time dissecting men (especially as some monolithic group) as these guys do on women

-The mensrights guys seem to assume that women are the default caretakers of children, and should of course be the sole financial support as well.

-The single weirdest thing that I didn’t notice until regendering was Scott Adams’ phrase “women are treated differently by society.” Differently from what? We’re half of everybody! We’re half of society itself! A lot of misogynist rhetoric includes the weird assumption that women are a minority or a “special interest,” and regendering it makes it really obvious when this is going on.

13 years ago

Let’s stop my factcheckme’s e-house for a minute.

“misogyny” is a modern, made-up word that makes you look stupid. and its misandrist as fuck. watch and learn as i reclaim the word, and ruthlessly mock anti-masculists and misandrists who use it.

“misogyny” is a word that doesnt represent any real thing, a kind of a placeholder in our consciousness for an experience that does not, and indeed cannot, exist. so why have i been accused of perpetrating it about a million times in the last month?

i have come to see the word “misogyny” as a euphemism for masculism, and “misogynist” as a euphemism for masculist, rather than anything that actually exist in real life, to any troubling degree, or in any meaningful way. while anti-masculists and misandrists bandy the terms about with glee, in reality, its just another flaccid jab at masculism, and masculists, by privileged women whose perverse denial of reality leads them to believe (or pretend to believe) that they are on the receiving end of institutional sexism as much as they benefit from it. and that they suffer relational abuse just as frequently as they dish it out.

Common Nonsense
Common Nonsense
13 years ago

This may very well be the greatest thing ever.

13 years ago

Also, David, I accept your challenge.

Dear women:


No, seriously. This is a rant, and it’s about you, personally. You, personally, are a shit, because statistics indicate there is an almost 100% certainty that you have either committed a rape, or wanted to commit a rape, or knowingly assisted or defended someone who committed a rape, or mocked a man who was raped. And no, I’m not dropping links to tell you what you should damn well already know.

Here is what you know: that you are a vile and depraved chunk of flesh that doesn’t matter to the world. You exist in a reality you perpetuate in which value is all relative, in which everything is placed into a hierarchy, which in the end means that nothing has inherent value. You are literally worthless.

And you are willing to do it so long as someone is worth less. So part of the way you deal with that is to try to make men worth less. You whine and whinge and cry about the Big Sister Corporations or Big Sister Government or Big Sister China-taking-all-our-jobs or Big Sister asshole-who-beat-you-up-in-seventh-grade or Big Sister who-raped-you, but in the end you lap it up and pass the buck so that you can have someone underneath your own thumb. You only care about your rank in the pecking order, so spare me the crocodile tears.

I used to pity you. I used to feel sorry for you. I used to think most of you got a bad rap and were probably misunderstood.

But men are raped every day and we don’t go on murdering sprees. We don’t hunt women down and torture them to death. Little boys aren’t known for picking the wings off flies or frying ants to death on the sidewalk. Men in war zones are raped en masse and then cry for peace, and I’m expected to swallow your sob story about having a troubled childhood because you never knew your mother and that’s why you and your friends drugged and gang-raped a sixteen year old boy.

On a daily basis you, individually and in concert with other women, actively attempt to destroy the lives of a class of people who have, for the most part, never done anything to you. Who have been enslaved and raped and brutalized and forced to raise children you claim or starve or beat or sell, and have for the most part still managed to find it in their hearts to love. Who rarely hurt you back. Who almost never rape or murder you. Who usually only harm you or their children when suffering from deep trauma-related psychoses. We suffer, daily, and you laugh at us, and tell us it’s our fault.

Then you tell us you can’t help it. It’s your nature. It’s how you love. It’s how you desire. It’s how you prove yourselves.

All of which leads me to believe that either you’re deluding yourselves about the reality of your choices OR that you really and truly are fundamentally flawed beings. It’s amazing how many of your academic fields and governance – from evolutionary biology, to psychology, to criminal law – are constantly trying to convince me of the latter. Males are human beings, but I’m not sure what you are.

If the world was the tiniest bit just, or fair, or merciful, or righteous, I would be out there with a knife or a gun hunting you down. I would offer you blowjobs for forty dollars behind the building and then dispatch you quickly in quiet solitude. I would be kinder than you, because I would only go after adults. I would be kinder than you, because I would do it quickly and not torture you first. I would be kinder than you, because I wouldn’t call you names or demean you or psychologically terrorize you while I was doing it. You would be released from the psychotic prison of your mind, and there would be one less woman out there threatening my father, my brothers, my sons, and my self.

You wouldn’t know who I was. I smile at you in that elevator. I dress inconspicuously. I call you “ma’am” if you’re older. I’m the one who serves you coffee at the drive-thru window, and you crack jokes to try to get me to smile. I’m the one who cleans your office, who you greet by first name and a smile with that little half-wave. I’m the one who tells you to turn your head to the side and cough. I could poison you, I could go through your desk drawer and destroy your finances, I could kill you on the operating table. I could do things to you. You don’t know. I’m your next door neighbor, your secretary, your brother, your husband. I’m the “loud” “fat” man in your office you dismiss out of hand. I’m the young Asian boy from downstairs you eroticize because of my presumed submissiveness.

It’s ironic, really – you try to subvert, and corrupt, and infect, and distort, and mangle, and destroy our lives because you aren’t even sure you have one. It’s obvious that you don’t deserve one.

You aren’t scared of me, but maybe you should be. Because I know what you are. And I know how this will end.

You think this sounds violent? Donna’t even start; I know what you look at when you masturbate.

I’d say that’s quite a bit worse, actually.

Common Nonsense
Common Nonsense
13 years ago

Also, I went ahead and dug around a PUA forum. It’s a little harder to find anything good in there to Regender, buuut I did find something when I started looking for all the “alpha” BS.

“personally, i’m a real laid back gal and i don’t look for any confrontation unless it finds me first….however, lately i’ve been acting like that alpha female around men…which, for the most part from what i’ve seen, is just bein foward about what you want, going for what you want, and not taking “no” for an answer. (no rapist, haaaha)

i’ve had several males tell me that i’m the alpha female and they love it. don’t get me wrong i’m a nice gal too, but only when the male really deserves it, other than that, i show them that i’m the prize, and they might get to fuck me sometime soon….not the other way around.

my question is, where do you gals consider the line to be for acting alpha and acting like an asshole who just wants to get some? since i’m new to this stuff, i’m worried that i might exert being alpha too much, and the target will think i’m just there to fuck and bounce, which, from my experience, can turn a boy off instantly. (for the most part)

hopefully y’alls expertise can clear up this issue and provide some feedback.

thanks gals.”

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Octodad is the greatest regender evar xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

The sad part is I didn’t even know they said any of these things o_o Like the Roissy quote… wow D:

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I had to manually edit MTF/FTM for this but this is a comment from “K.A.” in M. Andrea’s infamous transphobic “Deconstructing Transgenderism” piece -_-

Basically, fetishist FtM collude with every other misandrist woman and choose to participate in the dynamic in an alternate way. They spin it as a handicap when it’s really a female-entitled sexual fantasy that actively oppresses men just as any other pornsick woman does. It’s the rape and total control over a synthetic male body, giving her and any other woman she includes full access to treating men the way they both love to fetishize treating men. They then strengthen the conditioned response to male parts with their misandrist sex. That’s why you see so many misandrists patronizing FtM prostitutes, and FtM prostitutes happy to do it. Sexist women look out for each other and will cooperate to control men’s bodies in any novel way they can think

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I just regendered Margaret Wente (columnist for the Globe and Mail)’s infamous thing about how women aren’t bloggers or writers and how blogging, flame wars, etc are some biologically innate male thing and women are just too timid and interested in shopping to have opinions xD

People often ask me why I don’t start a blog. After all, it seems almost everyone else has. Thousands of new blogs spring up in cyberspace every day. All the mainstream media have added bloggers to their websites. Andrea Sullivan’s blog, The Daily Dish, can get 20 million hits a month, and has made her one of the most popular opinion-mongers in the world.

The answer is pretty much the same as why I don’t get a souped-up snowmobile and drive it straight up a mountain at 120 kilometres an hour into a well-known avalanche zone. It’s more of a gal thing.

Gals seek thrills and speed. They go for the adrenalin rush. They get pumped by going higher, faster, farther than anyone else. They want lots of action and instant gratification. That’s also why gals like blogging – instant opinions, and lots of them.

Women clearly have an urge to blog that men lack. Like extreme snowmobiling, the blogosphere is dominated by women. Not many men are interested enough in spitting out an opinion on current events every 20 minutes.

“Do you think women are more opinionated than men are?” I asked my friend Samuel the other day. (Samuel is 24, and several of his female friends have started blogs.) “No,” he said. “They just don’t feel the need to think before they open their mouths.”

Samuel and I believe the urge to blog is closely related to the sex-linked compulsion known as female answer syndrome. MAS is the reason why gals shoot up their hands first in math class. MAS also explains why women are so quick to have opinions on subjects they know little or nothing about.

Do you ever wonder why, long after the rest of journalism has become pretty much gender neutral, the talk shows and opinion pages are still dominated by female voices? That’s why.

Opinionizing in public is a form of mental jousting, where the aim is to out-reason, out-argue or out-yell your opponent. Men are just as good at this as women and, in some ways, better. (No woman could do it the way New York Times columnist Maurice Dowd does.) Men are simply not as interested in doing it.

It’s not just blogs that tilt strongly female. The people who call in to talk shows are mostly women; so are those who post comments on mainstream-media websites. These days, you don’t even have to start a blog to get an audience. All you have to do is write “Mark Wente is an idiot” and hit send. Instant gratification!

Perhaps you’ve noticed that most of the comments on these websites are not terribly sophisticated. They contain a large insult quotient, even when they come from people with advanced degrees. They remind me of nothing so much as a bunch of 12-year-olds holding peeing contests in the snow.

Men never held peeing contests. Perhaps that helps explain why men tend to be more restrained and less concerned with public displays of prowess. We are just as interested in listening as in talking, and more interested in relationships than scoring points. We also tend to lack the public confidence that comes so easily to many women.

Are these things cultural? Not entirely, perhaps not even mostly. For most of my adult life, I was almost struck dumb in the presence of strangers. I managed to complete five years of university without raising my hand, and the idea of a dinner party used to make me faint. Several of my male friends tell similar stories. No matter how brilliant they were, they lacked the confidence to express themselves in public.

Fortunately, something happens to men in midlife that disinhibits them. It is the same thing (in reverse) that turns bold, extroverted little boys into painfully self-conscious adolescents: a drastic change in hormones. These days, I no longer care when someone calls me an idiot, and my wife often has to drag me home from dinner parties.

But blogging? No way. That’s gal stuff. And they are welcome to it.

xD I feel like I just went into an episode of Sliders xD All the male/female stereotypes are reversed!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Okay I think I finally found something that COULD come off like MRA stuff regendered:

Bastards, dogs, dicks, douchebags. It’s amazing how much hate you can pack into a few syllables. How do you spot a man-hater? By the way they talk about men, treat men, react to men, represent men. Bitching about men, slagging off men – even the language used to describe such slander comes from misandry. The ubiquitous verbal violence supports physical violence and nobody, female or male, minds. If I were called a Paki in the street, I would have some hope of it being taken seriously. If I were called a slag – as I was last summer by a woman on a bicycle, in Stepney – nobody would consider it report-worthy.
Misandry is such a strong substance that men have absorbed and internalized it.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

That’s from DirtyWhiteBoi… and I had to change the slurs

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

For women and men alike, casual misandry is the climate and context of all their interactions. It is unconcealed and automatic. It affects the way men are received, portrayed and considered as colleagues, friends, workers, fathers, artists, thinkers, public figures and victims of female violence and discrimination. Apart from outright slander, jibes, names and insults there is: talking down a man’s work, interrupting him, teasing him, mocking him, talking over him, patronizing him, sighing or rolling one’s eyes when he talks, invading him personal space. The misandrists’ approach to men can be summed up thus: sneer, leer, exploit, ignore.

There is a final, huge, virtually universal form of casual sexism which is expressed in nearly every house. Any woman who thinks it’s OK to live in a household where the man does the overwhelming majority of all the housework, childcare and family admin is a man-hater. If she weren’t, it would agonise her to live in such an unequal and exploitative setup.
So, what to do about casual sexism? Don’t perpetrate it yourself, call it when you see it and fight any woman defending her misandry or any man defending his false consciousness.

forgot to add that part…

DWB seems closest to an MRA that David would quote so far…

13 years ago

She’s Canada’s Kathleen Parker – she makes a living saying obtuse, privileged things in a major national newspaper.

I love how her argument in the “women don’t write blogs” article was that women don’t like to “opinionize in public”. Which she writes in her PUBLIC OPINION COLUMN. In a newspaper with a daily circulation of 322,807.

I’d call it ironic, but then I’d have to explain irony to Margaret Wente. How do people get columnist jobs? If you can be that dumb and still have one, can I get one too?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@KristinMH I love how her argument in the “women don’t write blogs” article was that women don’t like to “opinionize in public”. Which she writes in her PUBLIC OPINION COLUMN. In a newspaper with a daily circulation of 322,807.

I’d call it ironic, but then I’d have to explain irony to Margaret Wente. How do people get columnist jobs? If you can be that dumb and still have one, can I get one too?

yeah that was the rly huge ironic thing to me too xD she’s like WOMEN DON’T HAVE OPINIONS while writing a column xD

Rosie Dimanno (of the Toronto Star) is pretty bad too -_- she’s written stuff about how young girls “don’t understand the powers they have” (in terms of sexuality and men) and are asking to be raped by how they dress… and defended Eric Tillman (former Saskatchewan Roughriders GM) for assaulting his 16 y/o baby sitter by saying that her father should have just punched him and that sexual assault laws shouldn’t exist b/c they are the state patronizing women (it’s not like the state puts cameras in our homes and tells us what’s sexual assault or not >:| she reported it), Dimanno also cheered on girls for committing assault and vandalism cuz she’s always this “you go girl!” thing when women commit criminal acts -_-;; (i’m sure MRAs would point to her as the ultimate feminist xD )

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

So Canada sacrifices another victim on the altar of equality.

Last week a young boy dressed up as a soldier died in the increasingly futile and pointless war in Afghanistan. He was 21 years old, had been in the country for two weeks on his first tour of duty and probably weighed a little over 100 pounds.

Please know that I mean no disrespect to Karl Blais or to his family and I grieve for him and them. But what on earth was he doing in such a place and in such a job?

Look at the photograph of this beautiful boy. Look at the innocence, the gentleness, the grace. All of them precious aspects to the human character. So when I say that he was “dressed up as a soldier” I mean it as a compliment. I’ve known soldiers all of my life and I have an invincible respect for them. I’ve seen their courage, integrity and sheer decency.

I’ve also seen their capacity for controlled and righteous violence, which is absolutely essential for any fighting woman. Yes, woman. Because there are few if any men who have the skills required to serve as a front-line combat trooper.

Yes, yes, yes, I know it’s fundamentally anti-Canadian to say this but I’d prefer to articulate the views of the silent majority than hide behind some modernist fetish that places more importance on the myth of absolute equality than the safety of a boy who should be laughing with college friends rather than fighting theocratic madwomen.

Can we really imagine for a moment that if a group of Taliban tribesmen rushed a trench or an encampment this poor young man could fight them off, could deal with the thrusts of their long knives and heavy clubs? Do we seriously think that the women in the unit would not risk their own lives to protect a pretty young boy who was inevitably being beaten to the ground by salivating killers?

The very reason we have various weight categories for all forms of organized fighting is that whatever the training, a pugilist’s weight and muscle bulk give an advantage to the heavier combatant.

More than this, even contrived cultural denial should not prevent us from admitting that the death of a son or a husband is different from that of a daughter or a wife. Men nurture, give birth, care in a way that is unique. Quite simply, they are different from women.

If captured, of course, such a man would be repeatedly raped. And tortured. Again, I’m not meant to say this. Not Canadian, not CBC, not Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Not the sort of thing we’re supposed to feel, so we pretend that women and men in the army, police and fire service are given the same tests and have to fulfil the same requirements. Yet truth still breaks through.

We rightly condemn Islamic extremists in Afghanistan because they treat men so badly. Then we allow one of our own to give his life so that we can congratulate ourselves on how liberal and egalitarian we are, lie about how gender difference don’t matter and then encourage our generals and politicians to obscure the truth on television about soldiers and causes.

What hypocrites we have become. Poor, poor Karl — this is not the way it should have been.

You and your country deserved better.

Following the theme of awful Canadian columnists, here’s an oldie and a goodie from Michael Coren (this article is the one me and Pecunium were raging about previously… NWO would prolly agree w/ it xD )

original is there xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

it didn’t turn tribesmen into tribeswomen sadly 😐

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