evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misogyny nice guys

Stare me up, stare me down

That bitch in the white boots -- what the fuck is she staring at?

Women truly are devious creatures.  Over on, a young fellow named Deano exposes yet more evidence of their accursed misandry: the dreaded stare-and-sneer!

Let’s let him explain:

[M]any women have trouble making eye contact when they approach a man who they know to be perfectly harmless and friendly. As they come within the range where a male acquaintance would simply look you in the eye and nod or say “Hi”, our female friends will stare down and sneer as if you’re a giant slimy turd they cannot bare to look at.

I confess I haven’t run across this so much, but let’s take him at his word: this happens ALL THE TIME! What’s even worse, those pretty princesses often do this even after you’ve spent the whole morning Going Your Own Way helping out cute girls in case this might lead one of them to give you a blowjob.

You may have just gone out of your way earlier that day to fix her hairdryer or carry something heavy up 10 flights of stairs but all of that is forgotten when she sees the opportunity to show what a sulky little bitch she really is.

But Deano is ready for them.

I like to point at the spot they’re staring at as I walk past – as if I have some special powers to direct their gaze. I don’t do it all the time, but it can be piss funny especially when other guys watching are in on the joke.

In your face!

Surprisingly, the story got a bit of a mixed reaction from the other fellows over there. Stonelifter, a true blue MGTOWer, responded with a terse:

I don’t have female friends

Dr. Poon, a medical doctor Going His Own Way who for some reason seems to have specialized in the ickiest parts of a woman, was a bit more supportive:

It is counter-intuitive, but you are doing everything right.

NEVER avoid a woman’s gaze, let HER break the eye lock first and look to the side or to the ground. The establishes DOMINANCE on your end and SUBMISSIVENESS on hers.

LivingFree has a simpler approach:

I usually avoid looking at them during passing. I dont want to give them any impression I value anything about them.

Exactly! That’s why, whenever I spot a girl, I run and hide in a bush. Totally puts them in their place.

I am glad I gave up that whole feminism thing yesterday. I am learning so much about these foul creatures I used to worship.

EDITED TO ADD: I found the picture above here. I added the little red arrow.

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13 years ago

I find it hard to look at people in the eye-I have reasons for it and it has to do with not very nice stuff that has happened in my past.

So this guy’s whining is just that…whining.

13 years ago

Yeah, good grief–avoiding making eye contact with people, especially men, in public, has a whole host of reasons, but it’s rarely if ever about dissing TEH MAN.

And “I shall show my power over you by pointing at THAT spot” magical thinking—OK!

13 years ago

+100000 points to stonelifter, for having some self awareness and honestly stating what is true of everyone on that thread.

“will stare down and sneer as if you’re a giant slimy turd they cannot bare to look at” Shit, even I know that is not friendly body language being described right there.

“its more the eyes face and hair that i notice the body is next though heh. im going to go stare at marisa and anyone be damned if they dont like it ” Congrats, ratslicer, you clearly are not talking about friends either.

“all of that is forgotten when she sees the opportunity to show what a sulky little bitch she really is” You are not that person’s friend, Deano.

13 years ago

It’s interesting, because I’ve found that when i look a strange man in the eye, there’s a high chance that he’ll take it as permission to say whatever he likes about my looks, what i’m wearing. and what i’ll be doing that night. Usually, i just don’t want the fucking aggravation (I hate catcalls and the like; they make me uncomfortable) so I just WON’T make eye contact. I’ve found that taking out my cell and pretending to text or something is a really non-awkward way to do this.

13 years ago

Maybe I don’t make eye contact too much in public, because living in a big city that meant inviting all sorts of batshit into your life.

13 years ago

If they really are unable to go their own way, which they seem to be, I have two suggestions for them:

1. Don’t name your movement after an action you are unlikely to take. It just makes you look dumb.

2. How about joining the organization that I just made up, Men Understanding That Everything’s Not About Them. MUTENAT. And then doing that.

Yeah, Stonelifter at least seems to be doing it right. I picture him locked in his room, away from the world of women, lifting giant boulders and crying.

13 years ago

Whaterulookinat Hellkell?

13 years ago

PFKAE, nothin’, just mindin’ my own business!

13 years ago

Hmmm, I wonder if these women also spit on Deano. I’ve heard that’s quite popular amongst the kids today.

13 years ago

I have been known to *stare over my bifocals in professorial manner* online in certain communication contexts.

Because, um, well, LOOK OVER THERE QUICK! *sneaks away*

13 years ago

I tend to not look people in the eye. I don’t care what sex they are, male or female, doesn’t matter. Studying other people’s faces unnerves me, not so much that it wigs me out but enough to make me uneasy. It’s like looking at portraits whose eyes move. But that’s just my own personal reaction; it doesn’t have a thing to do with anybody else.

There are two things about this which strike me as peculiar. The first is that Dr. Poon is right: looking down or to the side can be interpreted as a signal of submissiveness. It doesn’t have to be a signal of submissiveness but it can be: isn’t that, all things considered, what Deano wants? So why can’t Deano just interpret a downlooking woman as a woman who is overwhelmed with Deano’s awesomeness and walk away satisfied? What prevents Deano from doing that? Why can’t Deano take a lesson from Dr. Poon?

The second is: what alternative does Deano propose? Would he like it better if some rumbustious chick were to staple him right in the phiz with her gaze? Would that make Deano any happier? Somehow I doubt it…

13 years ago

Looks like the MGTOWers have as much talent for attracting bitchiness from women as Andrea Dworkin had a talent for attracting rape and abuse from men.

How do they do it ?

13 years ago

Having grown up in a small town, being friendly and frequently making eye contact is just a habit of mine. As some posters have already pointed out, it might not always be the wisest sort of behavior when living in a large or dangerous city (since it can attract the wrong kind of attention), but I didn’t get any trouble for the period of time that I lived in Cleveland.

Either way, I don’t see the whole eye contact business as a matter of being rude versus being polite; it’s either something you’re accustomed to doing or something you aren’t, and as long as you aren’t heckling anybody there’s not really a wrong way to go about your own business in public. I don’t see what the big deal is for these guys…as MRA’s, is it on their agenda to support legislation enforcing perky, friendly eye contact at all times from females they pass on the streets? o_O

13 years ago

Reductio ad Andrea Dworkium. Luke123 wins!

13 years ago

*tweet!* Penalties called on luke123 for false equivalence and rape apologism! Fifteen yards, first down.

13 years ago

Everything female dominates their lives and dictates their behavior. Reactionaries.

Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek
13 years ago

Sorry, MGTOWers, for any perceived slight.

That is just the way my face goes, when I’m thinking the thoughts, in my head, about my complicated life, which, most likely, has very little to do with you.

If we are acquaintances, please feel free to say something “perfectly harmless and friendly,” such as, “Hey, there,” if it is important to your self-esteem that I acknowledge your presence.

But please refrain from performing this maneuver more than once a day, because it annoys me to greet people I have already greeted; unless we’re going to proceed to an actual conversation more interesting than my previously mentioned thoughts.

I appreciate your understanding in this matter.


Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

When I don’t value someone AT ALL, I know that one thing I really like to do is talk about the specific ways I will hold my body when I walk past them. I mean, THAT will CERTAINLY show how very LITTLE I care about that person.

13 years ago

I think Deano is expecting something like this because he’s just so super awesomely Going His Own Way that all the wymynz want to steal his man-seed and money.

13 years ago

I personally look down because if I make eye contact there’s a reasonable chance it might end in someone hitting on me and I am so over that. 🙁

13 years ago

Dworkins rape stories don’t stand up to scrutany though.

Do you know about the theory that she secretly got off on rape fetish fantasies but was so conflicted about it that she somehow convinced herself in her own mind that it all really happened to her ?
Even Stoltenberg didn’t believe her anymore in the end.

13 years ago

I can make eye contact. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. More often than not I don’t. Why? Because a lot of people, men especially, feel it’s an invitation to do more than look. Just this morning, I was heading out on my run. I made eye contact with a neighbor, who I had not yet spoken to. I was starting to jog to warm up, and in spite of my clearly being busy, decided to yell something very, very lewd at me, and make kissing sounds. I have plenty of other anecdotes where I made eye contact- and it was no come hither gaze- and I got unwanted attention.

But you know what will definitely not make me make eye contact with you? Creepazoid behavior like making big pointing gestures at where I’m looking instead of your creepy ass.

13 years ago



13 years ago

Andrea Dworkin was weird. Therefore, feminism is bad.

13 years ago

You would think that these MGTOWers would relish the fact that women don’t make eye contact with them, rather than disparage women for it. After all, if women don’t make eye contact with them, they won’t then feel a need to have to interact at all with women and can quite blissfully continue to GTOW.

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