Welcome to this week’s ALL-WEEKEND OPEN THREAD DANCE PARTY, BALLET SHOPPING EDITION! Talk about whatever you want, post links, etc.
Actually, by special request, there are two topics that are not allowed in this thread: False rape accusations and Andrea Dworkin. All comments referencing either (or both) will be deleted. Party hard!
Okay… new advice… should I go out to the Pride nightlife tmrw night? o_O (it’s not easy for me to get to, I don’t live in the city : so I can’t easily just go and head back and head back out, etc) if nobody I know is there, I dun feel comfortable clubbing/being out etc alone at night : esp since today was filled w/ all sorts of creepy things : I would only do so b/c guy I like is gonna be out too, but that doesn’t mean he’d be w/o friends or want me along or nething 😐 I’m tired, so I might be making too much of a deal of this.. but I dunno 😐
Boo to loneliness! I wish it had the opposite effect, Ami. Do you have any plans for later?
Finals make me feel lonely too! And wacky. Maybe it’s a good thing I’m alone, now that I think of it. Either that or I’d be scarin people off.
My man logic says that it you don’t want to be alone, you should find somebody to go with you *cough*Spearhafoc*cough* so it doesn’t look like you’re just going out to be with guyyoulike, even though you are. And if by chance you do hit it off with guyyoulike, well then . . .
I dun think he’d want to hang out on the weekend night w/ a person he’s never met xD
@Johnny, I actually had something like that happen to me a few years back. Trans women came up in conversation (I don’t remember how), and I defended them, so a few of my classmates decided that, apparantly, defending trans women meant I was one, and proceeded to tell me I was really a man and pick apart how bad at presenting as a woman I was. This was before I started binding, before I cut my hair, before I worked on my voice, and when I was still somewhat awkward about deciding my gender (I was trying to figure out myself if I was a butch woman, a trans guy, etc.), and presented as a relatively butch woman. It was sort of a surreal experience to watch my few feminine read things be taken as a sign of what real women don’t do. “Your fake boobs are too big, real women don’t have breasts like that.” “Listen to that squeaky high pitched voice, you couldn’t sound more like a man trying to sound like a woman.” “Real women do not paint their nails all kinds of weird bright colors-only little girls and drag queens do that.” (Fingernail polish is one of the few really femmey presentation things I genuinely like, it gets me into trouble sometimes these days if I get read as a man with pink painted nails). And then my masculine read things got cited as proof that I was a real man. “Look at that novelty t-shirt and those baggy jean shorts, you dress like a boy.” “Why would anyone think you are a woman with shoulders like that?” “Your feet are huge.”
I meant that fingernail polish is one of the few very femmey presentation things I like to do myself, I am perfectly fine with all sorts of femmey presenting things for other people who like doing them.
@Darksidecat yeah XD I’ve had that in the past too xD where I’ve come out as trans and I pass so well to them they think I’m transitioning to male and are like “YOU’LL NEVER PASS!!!” or something XD i’ve had trans female friends like that too, where they got into a fight w/ a transphobe and they’re like “you’re FAR TOO FEMININE YOU’LL NEVER PASS AS MALE” xD
Ami, you look adorable in those pics 🙂 I’m sorry you still had to deal with shit at the Trans March, but it looks like there were fun times nevertheless XD
I’m being hermit-like right now (the whole “no drinking no money’ thing makes nightlife no fun), though I might take in the main parade tomorrow. I say go out if you’re feeling it, but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t.
@darksidecat, that is *hilarious*. That would make an amazing comedy sketch (if SNL could write it in a non-transphobic way, which is unlikely).
@darksidecat on the other hand I shouldn’t make light of what was probably a very uncomfortable and unpleasant experience for you. Sorry!
[NOTE FROM DAVID: NWOslave, who apparently has stopped reading my posts entirely before commenting on them, posted a long comment here on, yep, false rape accusations and the DSK case. As I noted in the OP, this ain’t the thread for that. SO I moved his comment to a more appropriate thread. Go here to read it and discuss, if you wish:
http://manboobz.com/2011/05/19/dominique-strauss-kahns-arrest-a-rorschach-test-for-misogynists/comment-page-3/#comment-36326 ]
I’d be willing to go.
Not sure what you meant by “tomorrow night”, though. I have nothing to do tonight, but I’m busy Sunday.
Wow, special. NWO has reading comprehension issues. What two issues did David say were out of bounds for this thread? And what does NWO bring up? Shocked, shocked I am!
Guess what, Slavie? I still hate you! =D
I would have all kinds of awesome, insightful things to say here, but I gotta ruuuuuuun.
Much love to everyone! <3
We live in a wired world as I write this on the road to San Diego…no, I am not driving.
Slavey’s whole “act like a Dick then become indignant when people respond in kind” shtick is really getting old.
Slave, wrong thread. You really can’t read worth a damn, can you?
For a new reality show produced by MTV.
The premise is to take 5 MRAs in their 30s and pair them with Northeast party girls, a la Snooky and JWow. Everyone will be living in the same house. Pay for first season is $25,000 per episode with an expected 8 episodes. The most misogynist, woman-haters only need apply. No moderates. Please contact Joanna Sussenfried at MTV reality show casting if interested.
The funny part is this thread has so much he can go ranting about too xD But he rants about something that’s not even on this thread xD
@Spearhafoc if you’re around, hit me up on Facebook if you want to hang out tonite :3
Hey Kristin! want to hang out tmrw w/ me and Spearhafoc? we can meet up and then watch Pride or just talk or something :3
BTW, thanks to everyone who gave me advice last night! When the guy showed up, he was actually rather civil to me – though, if his pattern holds, he’ll be civil to me twice and then make some kind of mean comment the third time, probably when my bf isn’t paying attention. He’s hosting a 4th of July BBQ that my bf and I are attending, so if he does say something that’s really mean, I can more easily just walk away.
I still think I’m going to follow David’s advice and write to Captain Awkward. I’ve never written to an advice column before, though I always love reading them.
Sure Ami, I’d love to. What’s the plan?
meet up at 1pm at bloor/yonge station, right outside it in front of the LCBO
Brett K, if you’re around you can join us too!