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All-Weekend Open Thread Dance Party: Ballet Shopping Edition

Typical women, obsessed with shopping and ballet.

Welcome to this week’s  ALL-WEEKEND OPEN THREAD DANCE PARTY, BALLET SHOPPING EDITION! Talk about whatever you want, post links, etc.

Actually, by special request, there are two topics that are not allowed in this thread: False rape accusations and Andrea Dworkin. All comments referencing either (or both) will be deleted. Party hard!

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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hi 13! 😀


13 says he likes the card. Or least based on his reaction he thinks it is awesome, which means he agrees that Ami is awesome.

13 years ago

hi 13 hi

13 years ago

Hiya 13, what’s it like being named after a House character? 😛


Hah, I wish I was named after a House character 😛

13 years ago

My fiance and I just got back from seeing Cars 2. Holy crap that was FRIKKING AWESOME!! Better than the first one!

I adore rum. We make lots and lots of rum drinks around here, usually with some combination of fruit juice, syrup and club soda. Favorites include jasmine-cherry and fennel-grapefruit. But, ohh, mojitos might be my favorite run drink ever. We should make more of those.


I like one alcohol drink-a Midori Sour. They taste like a green Otter pop.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

So the rumours were true, there WAS a group that did! 😮 This is what I meant by bad organization 🙁 We were SUPPOSED to defy Toronto Pride and march down Yonge St. bvut then we were told we weren’t but if I knew that ppl were still doing it, I would have joined them : There’s a lot of issues w/ Pride Toronto and Trans inclusiveness atm… and the whole thing of “we get to march down the main st, you have to stay inside the village”.. >:| I’m not particularly a militant activist at all but I also think we should be marching along the main route along w/ the Dyke March and the Pride Parade >:|

UGH.. my mom just showed me a news report of the trans march.. (ours, not the splinter one) and the reported seems confused that ther’s a march going on.. I DUNNO WHY…

“I dunno what this is, I think this is a tranny march… I see one… two… I think that’s one…”

I hated the “hmm they don’t LOOK trans.. so they can’t be trans!” thing.. and they didn’t follow it up.. even tho y’know we had signs and everything… even tho the signs said TRANS PRIDE and “trans rights are human rights” he was like BUT THEY DUN LOOK TRANS SO I DUNNO WHAT THIS IS.. HAY THAT PERSON KINDA LOOKS TRANS..

plus “tranny” march.. UGH >:O

gross 🙁

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago



I thought the point was to ensure that no one could tell that a person was a trans?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

But not everybody has the privilege to pass… and also trans protections and acceptance should NOT be contingent on us being able to “pass” or be “stealth” or not reveal who we are >:| Not every trans person passes, or WANTS to pass… : Even *I* don’t pass all the time.. my voice or something else can give it away…

my issue is that he had a stereotypical idea of what trans ppl “should” look like and basically decided that despite the signs it can’t be a trans march b/c we didn’t all look the way that he felt trans ppl must look like >:| and he used the word “tranny”

and the point isn’t to “ensure that no one could tell that a person was a trans” (first off it’s trans, not “a trans”) , it’s to ensure that trans ppl have equal rights and protections to not be discriminated against as our gender and not face transphobic violence for stuff like using the washroom….

it’s good to break the stereotype that trans ppl CAN pass.. but we do not want to replace it w/ the narrative that trans ppl MUST pass, or all trans ppl CAN pass (and therefore it’s our fault if we don’t) or etc etc…

trans ppl are trans ppl, passing is an incidental thing that is often dependant on how other ppl perceive us.. some trans ppl work v hard to pass… some ppl just easily pass (like me) and others don’t care if they do… and others just CAN’T…

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I think the issue of “trans ppl can pass” is that often the msg is SUPPOSED to be “we aren’t ALL a stereotype, a lot of us are living amongst you and you never know, and it HAS NOT impacted your life, so therefore it’s just about you KNOWING, not about whether we’re trans” and that we come in all shapes and sizes, and some of us look JUST LIKE YOU… but kinda like how “not all feminists are fat unshaven lesbians” it becomes “good feminists aren’t fat unshaven lesbians” or that those that DON’T fit the stereotype feel the need or are encouraged by the mainstream narrative to distance themselves from ppl who don’t : I see this among feminists a lot where it becomes this thing where they don’t WANT to be associated w/ the butch women who don’t shave their armpits or legs… and that’s unhelpful… and w/ trans ppl there’s a divide much like that : the “I don’t tell ppl I’m trans.. I pass, I’ve gotten surgery, ppl who don’t pass or don’t get surgery are freaks.. I’m not like THEM!”

the original idea which is to show that the steroetype is WRONG b/c it’s not all inclusive.. and that trans ppl CAN pass… has become trans ppl SHOULD pass and every trans ppl should WANT to and it’s bad NOT to.. and it’s our fault if we don’t and we bring transphobia on ourselves -_-;; the point isn’t that EVERY TRANS PERSON PASSES.. the point is we come in ALL shapes and sizes, some of them fit the stereotype, some of them you never even notice… but we are ALL deserving of rights and basic human respect and that we are our genders… regardless of if we pass or not… >:|

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

And also, my issue isn’t that I and others passed.. my issue is that rather than reporting that it’s a trans march (clearly he had an idea since the signs gave him a clue), he decided that HE could tell if it was or not by looking at us… which means the stereotype is still alive and well and he’s just spreading it to wide audience >:| (and they didn’t follow it up or correct him)


I freely admit to not knowing much about trans. But a person is a person to me-unless I need to know, what business is it of mine?

Magical Laura
13 years ago

I have been reading more about the Pride here, apparently Trans London boycotted it in 2009 but I can’t find their standing on this year. I think it’s really sad that this shit comes up even at PRIDE, which is supposed to be celebrating diversity. Also Pride London does claim to speak for transpeople, and they have elected a representative.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I tend to pass (sometimes I don’t, I’m never rly sure WHY, but sometimes I just don’t.) which means I use washrooms pretty freely without fearing violence.. which means when I apply for a job I won’t get discriminated b/c ppl won’t know I’m trans… which means if I dun TELL ppl I’m trans, I’m generally treated like a cis person… but that doesn’t mean that I’m ACCEPTED as who I am, it just means that ppl think I’m cis… and it also means that even if protections for trans ppl aren’t enacted, I’m still ok… but that doesn’t mean I don’t care.. or that therefore, all trans ppl should be me >:| that it’s their fault if they don’t pass.. that it’s their fault b/c they can’t pass.. or don’t want to… or etc… I dun want to turn this into a politics of passing thing, or “well then why do you?” or ppl questioning me about what parts of me I do for me and what I do to keep safe or nething like that >:|

that’s not the point… the point is that a) if you figure out a person is trans, it shouldn’t be a justification to harm them, assault them, or discriminate against them or bar them access from public facilities and b) a side effect on “trans ppl do pass, and SHOULD pass” is that WITHOUT the “trans ppl should be accepted no matter what” narrative (and plus the “should” pass thing) it = we should be paranoid they are all around us, b/c trans ppl are creeps but they CAN pass, so we need to watch out for them >:|

@Elizabeth i agree :] my point was that the reporter was not doing that…. if he was treating us just as ppl, he would not be deciding that some ppl couldn’t be trans, or pointing out trans ppl as if they were novelties “there’s one! there’s another!” … he would just say “this is the trans march” b/c the signs told him so.. and not be speculating on which one of us were trans and which ones aren’t (apparently I’m not)

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

OK now I want to take part in a trans march for the wrong reason. I want to hear people tell me what a poor job I’m doing at passing for male. I’m a bad person.

13 years ago

Johnny, you may be a bad person, but you’re funny and that’s what really counts in my book. 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I know you’re joking Johnny so I wun be like “this is our march” or nething xD (and you certainly could march under the allies banner :3 ) but it WOULD be interesting, to see what ppl see when they EXPECT to see something and who they see it in xD

13 years ago

Johnny, you may be really funny, but you’re a bad person, and that’s what counts in my book.

(In a good way! Sheeesh.)

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


Johnny Pez
13 years ago

I’ve noticed that when I let my hair grow long people start to address me as “ma’am”, so . . .

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Rawr : Pride makes me feel lonely 🙁

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

You’ll never be alone as long as there are pixels on your monitor.