creepy douchebaggery I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA

Sunny side up


Good news, horny straight dudes! I can now report that the best, most efficient, most SCIENTIFIC way to score with the ladies is to figure out when they’re ovulating – and then act like a dick towards them!

Don’t take my word for it. Take the word of KRAUSER PUA, a guy so suave and superior his whole name is in ALL CAPS. As he explains in a recent blog post:

One of the things I’ve been meaning to do for months is to start tracking my targets with more scientific precision. …

It’s pretty clear that girls in peak ovulation are the best bets for first-time sex. It’s also clear they respond well to douchebag / aloof asshole game.

So here’s what I’m doing. I’ve just set up a spreadsheet to track all my active / still alive targets. Each one has a four rows representing each week of their cycle. Whenever I get any evidence to suggest they are in one particular week I’ll input it alongside the date. …Β  Examples of evidence:

Week 1 – Bleeding: tells me she’s on the rag, allows sexual touching but stops me at her panties, wears trousers, smells funny

Week 2 – Normal: no unusual behavior

Week 3 – Ovulation: dresses sexy, talks and flirts, initiates touching, responds well to everything, allows escalation, gives back in sex chats, wisfully seeks excitement, goes clubbing

Week 4 – PMS: frumpy, lack of makeup, confused, bad moods, rejects all alpha / gamey banter, lack of interest in returning texts and calls

Seems like a foolproof strategy to me!

I think the only thing I would change is the wording. β€œOvulation” has such a clinical, unsexy sound to it. I much prefer the slag term I just invented, β€œgettin’ eggy.”

It also makes the whole strategy much easier to remember. Just repeat the following β€œsuccess mantra” every morning while you brush your teeth:

When she’s gettin’ eggy

It’s time to neggy

If all else fails, guys, you can always make a soft-boiled egg and fuck that.

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13 years ago

Feminists are just mad that science continues to prove their equalist fantasies wrong.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Didn’t we alrdy determine that Arksibalt was a Poe? XD

13 years ago


Ok… so what you’re saying is: DUDES ARE BETTER THAN LADIESS!! How do we even respond to trolling that obvious?

Guess you can back to period-spreadsheetin’ now.

Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

Here’s a breakdown of my cycle as it relates to men –

week one – Smashes MRAs, goes home to feminist boyfriend.

week two- Smashes MRAs, goes home to feminist boyfriend.

week three- Smashes MRAs, goes home to feminist boyfriend.

week four- Smashes MRAs, goes home to feminist boyfriend.

13 years ago

Actually if we talk about things like the menstrual cycle it helps both men and women because it helps them know about their own bodies (or in the case of men, their female relatives).

Keeping things hidden all too often harms people then it helps.

13 years ago

Yeeeah, uh, he knows that women on the pill don’t ovulate, right? And that a lot of women are on the pill? And that ovulation doesn’t always happen at convenient four-week intervals? And that a lot of women don’t get severe (i.e. noticeable) PMS? And that there’s this nifty invention called a tampon that makes it really easy and comfortable to wear skirts when bleeding?

Also…let’s just say he’s correct. Let’s say that is how almost all women act, broken down by week. Women only act “normal” 1/4 of the time, equal to the amount of time they spend acting in other discrete, specific ways…so wtf is “normal”?

But most importantly, in my mind…that isn’t you be “scientific” !!!


13 years ago

“Once again we see how feminism has made women MORE susceptible to Game”

[citation needed]

13 years ago

“Notice how before feminism, women were ashamed to talk about their periods? That was the way it should have been – a private matter.”

Oh yes. How I long for the simple decorum of days gone bye, when women just kept quiet about their genitals and died of cervical cancer or untreated miscarriages in private.

I’m waiting for you to start preaching about how the husband in “The Yellow Wallpaper” did his best, and it wasn’t his fault his wife went crazy. Seriously, he did his best!

13 years ago

Creepy! Seriously though I’m pretty sure I saw something like this on ‘Law and Order SVU’ or ‘Criminal Minds’. I guess I’m doing it wrong because I’m prone to random bouts of horny-ness throughout my entire cycle. Egads! I be broken!

@Arksibalt: Yeah and there was also tons of shame felt by both men and women towards sex. But I guess we should just go back to the days of shame and no sex-ed. That way we can all stay true to the natural way of things. Namely women should go back to thinking they are dying every time they menstruate. :/

13 years ago

@Big Kitty–thank you, I love pie! Scritches to you!

The is not enough LOL in the world for Arksibalt.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Once again we see how feminism has made women MORE susceptible to Game, and allowed alphas greater sexual freedom than ever before.

I thought that was the whole POINT of feminism xD To give Alphas free reign, and us even greater access to them xD

Why is he acting like this is a sekrit or he’s explaining it to us as if we aren’t.. y’know.. feminists who are part of this xD

13 years ago

I think what he’s talking about is the study that talks about how women who are ovulating are more likely to respond yes to a one night stand, and the study that says that ovulating women are more likely to find men who have a deep voice (presumably more masculine according to the study) attractive whereas non-ovulating women are less likely to go for that type of man for the purposes of sex alone. Given normal PUA science logic that kind of data could spit out his conclusions.

13 years ago

Great Kes, that makes me need to find that short story that has a sheriff or some police officer going to some house (and for some reason brought his wife along) that had a guy die in in recently.

He looked through the house and saw nothing untoward so he had no choice but to let the wife (who was suspected in the death) go.

His wife, on the other hand, saw the little signs of a woman driven to beyond the edge by an abusive husband-the final straw was a little yellow bird in a birdcage with a broken neck.

It was all stuff that was kept hidden-although in plain sight for those who have eyes to see.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Okay, so I’m gonna enlist Arksibalt in my advice asking :3 Since I think he’s a poe, but even if he’s not, I am open to all suggestions πŸ˜€

So I’m gonna be prolly seeing the guy I like at this big thing tmrw… what should I do to let him know I’m interested? (I think he alrdy is, but I have trouble telling, I could elaborate if you want :3 ) Should I actively do things, or would that scare a man off? How should a girl act? :3

13 years ago

Please explain to me how that allows alphas greater sexual freedom? Seriously I’d be fascinated by the answer.

I have a feeling that you see alpha where others see loser.

A hint for you, alpha’s unless they have a sexual addiction do not troll for pussy. Those that have a sexual addiction would simply pay for it and certainly not be caught dead writing a blog about it.

Son. I went to Ridley College. That is where real alphas are made, meaning people who run our country, not boys on the internet bragging about things that don’t make a bit of sense in the real world.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago
13 years ago

Trifles by Susan Gaspell. A short play.

13 years ago

Thank you Kes!

13 years ago


Compliment the guy. My wife landed me with one simple word. She emailed me the day after we met with a very simple hello as the subject line and one word. wow.

As I was feeling wow too I swear I could have asked her to be with me forever that day.

Have I mentioned before about what an awesome wife I have? Just wanted to say that again for our troll of the day. DId I tell you she’s a real estate developer who started her company when she was 19, and that even today she spends one day a week working along side her contractors because she loves it.

DId I also tell you that these game guys wouldn’t be able to look her in the eye if they ever meet her?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hmm I complimented his hair (and his cute rat tail) last time… (the day he went w/ me shopping after work was over for us even tho he was rly tired..)

Your wife sounds super awesome btw! πŸ˜€

13 years ago


I saw.. thank you sweetheart.

How about more direct like ” you know I’m really attracted to you, is that weird?”. It’s an open ended question that let’s you know where you stand.

We have a trans friend who when she was younger got into many a difficult situation not to mention put her life in danger because of her fetish for straight army guys. IF he doesn’t know your full history then please let someone else drop the bomb and see what happens.

If he does know my guess is he likes you, in the most honorable way I think you a very pretty, if he knows he’s feeling it too would be my hunch.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

He does know yeah xD

And ty πŸ™‚

I also like “you know I’m rly attracted to you, is that weird?” the is that weird helps take the awkwardness out, imo :3 That’s awesome, I like it πŸ˜€ TY! :3