disgusting women evil women feminism I am making a joke oppressed men precious bodily fluids vaginas

Aunt Flo: The Great Deceiver

"That time of the month" is actually a time of great joy for the ladies!



Guys, I think I may have been wrong about this whole “feminism” thing. It turns out that the ladies use what’s called their “periods” to manipulate men and act like perfect entitled princesses — at least, as perfect as you can be when you’re bleeding from your crotch!

Anyway, one of the ladies just spilled the beans in an interview with Jezebel. Rachel Kauder Nalebuff – that is so obviously a fake name – told Jezebel’s Anna North:

[F]rankly I … see [menstruation] as a free pass when it comes to getting out of a bind. Guys often know so little about menstruation that they assume the absolute worst. Maybe out of a fear of menstruation or, even more likely, a fear of seeming insensitive, guys tend to be incredibly generous when it comes to giving you freedom to tend to your “feminine needs.”

Menstruation? More like Men Ruination!!

I hereby renounce feminism.

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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

o_O he can’t help himself to check before leaving xD (i like how he’s starting to talk like us too :D)

13 years ago

Oh, that’s right – lefties don’t count as men so data about them is irrelevant. What was I thinking!?!!

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Slavey, anyone who fails to observe Talk Like a Pirate Day is deliberately insulting the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Don’t try to deny it.

13 years ago


Err… You do realize us “lefties” don’t fight for the right of ideologies to be free of mocking, right? That’s like… anti-lefty… Righty, if you will. Anybody should be able to mock, and nobody must be forced to respect them afterwards. It’s all part of that little niggling thing called free speech (barring inciting violence and so forth). Guess what? The people you don’t like get the same rights that you do. (I just find it funny that a Christian can say peoples faith shouldn’t be mocked, while simultaneously saying that science is faith as well, then mocking it… xD )

13 years ago

NWO, you are so ungrateful. I suggested the alternative – exiting the scene in a manly fashion – but, no! You were all about the flounce. Good night, sweetie, sleep tight.

13 years ago

He is going to sleep now. I suggest we return to our regular programming, already in progress.

13 years ago


Soo… Menstrual art, shit patterns, and penis paintbrushes? You heard her folks, carry on! 😛

13 years ago


Or charming coming-of-age stories, or “odd and fabulous things I used to believe” stories, or “the day I discovered girls/boys weren’t so weird after all” stories. You know, fun stuff.

13 years ago

I have to wonder…maybe it is the tendency of many males to be grossed out by any female bodily function, whether it be menstruating or defecating, or even just farting, that might hint at something deeper at work?

Some would object “It’s just gross to associate those bodily functions with someone we are sexually attracted to, there’s nothing sexist about that!”

To which I would reply, “So, given that you don’t want to think of any given women as capable of these things, that proves you do objectify all attractive women?”

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Wait a minute! Women bleed out of their…you know whats?!?

Why wasn’t I informed of this?

13 years ago

Hey, I went and found my blood shirt and took a picture. Prepare to vomit. Or, uh, something, since I rather doubt anyone else has as weak a stomach as NWOslave. How manly of him, all that vomiting at the sight of blood 😛

It’s faded a LOT over the years. Maybe I should re-dye it 🙂

Though given that I got a Mirena IUD installed a couple of months ago, I expect my supply of, er, materials to be diminishing rapidly.

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

I’m not a lady, I’m a class of disillusioned sociology students.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

That’s pretty awesome Plymouth! 😀

13 years ago

You can’t even tell that’s blood. Don’t know why anyone would be grossed out.

13 years ago

But are they LADY sociology students?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hey guyz, Spearhafoc on the last thread (sunny side up) asked a dating question, I think we should help him out :]

13 years ago

I have never got the dudebros’ issues with all things menstrual. Although, like a commenter earlier said, when I’m sent off to buy tampons I need to be clearly walked through it. Mainly because I tend to get all ADD in supermarkets and would forget to buy them whilst buying the ingredients to recreate some dish I saw on Top Chef minutes before I left for the store, despite the fact that it was already past dinner time, and we had already eaten…not that is has happened or anything.

Also, off topic. But I always thought The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living (Shark in Formaldehyde) > piss Christ, for whatever that’s worth.

Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

“I’m not a lady, I’m a class of disillusioned sociology students.”

bwa hahahahaaaaa

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

Hmmm… you got me there, Ozzy!

13 years ago

Not to add another off-topic thread (actually to totally do that), here is this:

So what do you guys think, should I introduce NWO to this dude? They might understand each other quite well. ^__^

13 years ago

Christians who complain about Piss Christ are the worst form of idolators, ever. It’s a reverential piece, not demeaning. You have to be a complete art illiterate to not understand that. If you looked at the picture (it’s a photograph, not a sculpture or a jar of piss with a crucifix in it… the art is the picture, that is what is being exposed) and nobody told you the title of it you would find it beautiful. The artist is an experimental artist and he tried some different mediums to obtain certain effects, and part of it was using his own bodily fluids. I personally find that the effect was very nice and beautiful.

But some Christians have an instant hatred for the human body and the material world so any hint of Jesus being linked to base humanity and not being a pure spiritual being is an instant alarm bell to them.

Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

“The church cannot error in it’s official teachings.”


13 years ago

Yeah, him or Jude Apatow, either way.

13 years ago

That was to kirby.

13 years ago

@Fuck MRAs:

rly and srsly. And better yet (from another video), the reason that Britain was calling for the Pope’s arrest? Because 400 years ago, protestantism took over, and now there is dire hatred towards the Catholic faith. That whole pedophile cover-up thing? Meh, that was probably satan… Or the gays.. or something…