feminism funny MRA reddit

Kate Beaton confuses the Reddit Men's Rightsers


From Hark, a vagrant. I photoshopped a little.

Hark, a vagrant, as I may have noted many times already, is pretty much the most hilarious comic in the world at the moment.  So recently the comic’s creator Kate Beaton got together with some of her cartoonist pals and did a bunch of cartoons featuring a gang of superheroines called the “STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS.”

Someone linked to them in Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit. Take a look at the comments.  The cartoons seem to have, well, confused the Men’s Rightsers just a little bit.


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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

To be fair, most of the MensRighters so far seem to have gotten the joke, even if they haven’t gotten gotten it.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Nope, wait, take that back. I read the comments more carefully and they seem to split into:

“Yeah! Tough chicks suck the same way feminism sucks!”
“Ha ha, you guys, the author’s a feminist, and you totally got suckered into listening to something a feminist said!”

I guess the confusing thing is that it’s a feminist making fun of putatively feminist characters, and intra-feminist criticism is a tricky thing to get a handle on when you see “feminist” as some sort of species rather than a large grouping of ideologies.

13 years ago

Cut them some slack! Satire is hard.

On a slightly related note, I had a few friends in high school who insisted that Stephen Colbert was just playing a straight conservative, and really believed what he said. I was all “Buh-?”

13 years ago

I think that was (is still??) a common misconception. Conservatives would watch Colbert because they thought he was serious. No, it doesn’t really make any sense. I hope no one actually thinks that anymore, but I don’t doubt there are some people who are a little … slow.

Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek
13 years ago


I’ve found Colbert is a Rorschach Test for people’s own deepest concerns. For example, I have gay friends who insist that while they know Colbert is joking about *everything else,* but serious about being against gay rights. Etc.

Tabby Lavalamp
13 years ago

I love the studies that show conservatives think Colbert is actually conservative!

I also really enjoyed this comic. Too often attempts to create strong female characters go horribly awry. A couple of good rules of thumb… If the character is wearing something too skimpy to even be considered underwear or fighting crime in heels, something’s gone wrong.

13 years ago

Sarah: It still happens (re Colbert). I’ve seen long discussions about how clever he is, that he has convinced liberals he’s making fun of conservatives, as a way to slip conservative argument into Liberal Minds. A sort of fifth column of indoctrination.

What amazes me isn’t that Conservatives go on his show, but that some do it more than once.

13 years ago

Kate Beaton is a shrill feminist harpy. I remember a few months back she had the gall to complain on her site about receiving sexual compliments from male fans, and it was some of the most priveleged misandrist garbage I’ve ever read. Most of us MRAs have gone years with no attention, compliments or sexual propositions whatsoever and yet this spoiled bitch receives them constantly and still isn’t grateful for them. Kate Beaton is like a kid who gets an Xbox for Christmas and still complains.

Dire Sloth
Dire Sloth
13 years ago

That’s it, I’m now completely convinced Arks is aMiRAL 2.0

13 years ago

Arksibalt, I take it you would welcome sexual compliments and propositions from random men with open arms? Because I certainly wouldn’t, and I’m bi. Because that’s gross. I guess that makes me a misandrist.

13 years ago

Yeah, Arksibalt, you’re right. Instead of clarifying what she’s comfortable with and what makes her uncomfortable, Kate should have just been grateful for the scraps of attention people were giving her. I mean, speaking up and telling people what you want is completely UNACCEPTABLE. Drawing lines and establishing boundaries? Whaaaaa? Clearly the acts of a shrill feminist harpy. No normal lady would dare spit in the face of an unknown emailer telling her xie wants to marry her and have her babies.

13 years ago

Oooh, I think I remember that horrible incident. The evil bitch had the gall to want to be complimented for her work rather than her looks. How dare she! /sarcasm

Dire Sloth
Dire Sloth
13 years ago

No really, who uses “shrill feminist harpy” unironically? And the phrasing of sexual harassment as “compliments” not even “well meaning faux pas” but actual compliments shows a lack of self-awareness that is too much even for MRAs. Gotta be a poe.

Also, am I the only one who thinks the Strong Female Character with the glasses is strangely endearing? O3O

13 years ago

Kate Beaton is the best. Her send-up is spot on. Particularly as we’re at the height of summer movie madness.

Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek
13 years ago


“If you would be loved, love, and be loveable.

13 years ago

I loved this comic soooo much! The whole time I was reading it, I kept having clips of the dreadful recent Wonder Woman pilot flashing through my mind. Or Charlie’s Angels. Or la Femme Nikita. Or Barbarella. Or ….

Also, no discussion of Kate Beaton and internet sexism will ever be complete with Gabby’s wonderful comic on the subject, with the 666 comments re-enforcing the point.

Posted it here before, I think, but for me it never gets old.

13 years ago

I remember a few months back she had the gall to complain on her site about receiving sexual compliments from male fans, and it was some of the most priveleged misandrist garbage I’ve ever read.

My hypothesis that all it takes to be called a “misandrist” is to make it clear that you will not have sex with EVERY man who indicates even a slight interest in having sex with you: CONFIRMED!

Thanks, Arky.

13 years ago

Kes, Yes the Wonder Woman pilot was terrible, As were Charlie’s Angles and La Femme Nikita, but Barbarella, the Dino De Laurentiis masterpiece. If the concept of “so bad it is good” applies anywhere, it applies to Barbarella. I urge you, and everyone else here to give it another chance. I have found that slugging back a gulp of sangria every time Jane Fonda changes outfits, and another gulp anytime anyone says Pygar really enhances the viewing experience.

13 years ago

I never said those shows weren’t entertaining, they are just so… pretty much Kate nailed it with the comic. The hot-n-sexy lead who just prances around in lingerie making bland pronouncements about how “strong” she is, with seemingly no inner life, doubts, or character flaws beyond a weakness for chocolate or something equally dumb. And she always ends up with a man, cause you just can’t have a happy ending as a woman without a man in your life.

My favorite movie send up of the strong lady-type is Tank Girl, but I understand Lori Petty isn’t to everyone’s taste. In the end, she gets with a kangaroo! Maybe.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Wait until they see my cards xD

13 years ago

Am watching ‘Salt’ right now. So far am not sure how bad it will be. She has taken off her pencil skirt and heels for evading the CIA, which I think is a good sign.

13 years ago

*Spoiler* It’s really bad.

13 years ago

The face of modern feminism, you girls must be so proud.

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