
Forum or Againstum?

Man Boobz Forum (Artist's Conception)

Given that the comments section of this blog continues filling up and spilling over I thought I’d revisit the notion of a Man Boobz forum, as a kind of supplement to the comments on posts here.  Let me know what you think by voting in the poll over there to your right, and by commenting below. [NOTE: The poll vanished from the sidebar for a bit but is back up now.]

The pros, as I see them: A forum would make it easier for you all to introduce topics or non-topics of your own, to do things like plan Man Boobz get-togethers, to pimp your own blogs and other projects (like Ami’s magnificent cards). The cons: it might draw energy and focus away from comments here.

I really like the dynamic we’ve got going in the comments here – the mixture of serious and not-so-serious, on-topic and off – and don’t want to screw that up. (I also think the Weekend Open Threads are working out pretty well and will keep them going.) But I’m sort of thinking we can pull this off.

I’ve already got a forum set up on proboards; all I need to do is click a button to make it public.

What say you all?

PS: There’s an obscure lesbian folk song reference hidden in this post. (Not so obscure, I guess, if you’re into lesbian folk songs.) Whoever can identify it first wins an Internet.

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13 years ago

Blimey, Ion, you should be careful…..Borges devoted a whole book to Ami.

Magical Laura
13 years ago

I don’t post too much here but read everyday. I would love a forum! I like the comment threads, but they move so fast I always miss things and have to interrupt the train of conversation to reply to someone hours later.


Remember how men hunted the mammoth for us? Today, in a burst of patriotic feelings and to say thank you for all the hard work the clerks do for the judges, the judges decided to hold a barbeque.

The female judges were assigned to bring or obtain chips, sodas, condiments, toppings, desert, the buns, plates and plastic ware.

The male judges were assigned potato salad, coleslaw, ice, hamburgers and hotdogs as well as finding a grill to cook the meat on.

The female judges brought enough chips, sodas, condiments, toppings, deserts, buns and plastic wear to feed 100 people (about sixty people were expected to be there.)

The male judges brought potato salad, cottage cheese, just barely enough hamburgers, not enough bratwurst and no grill or hotdogs.

The male judges had to do a lot of driving this morning.

13 years ago

I definitely agree with Magical Laura. The comments sections here are always awesome, but I sometimes have a hard time keeping up whilst trying to go about my day. A forum would be great =D


I guess the reason I found it so funny was not only did they have less stuff to obtain, they were solely responsible for the meat and yet they could not even manage that much. Or the means to make it fit for human consumption.

Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

Don’t feel bad Tabby Lavalamp. She got me too. I laughed my ass off. xD

13 years ago

The best bit was the actual MRA who was all “finally, a voice of reason!” Freaking hilarious.

13 years ago

I vote yes on a forum sort of a thing, or an IRC or something. I have a hard time following these threads sometimes, unless I sit online ALL DAY. And I can’t do that, usually.

13 years ago

“The best bit was the actual MRA who was all “finally, a voice of reason!” Freaking hilarious.”

He actually invited her to come and hang out with him and his “intelligent” friends, all the while calling Ami nasty names and saying she was delusional. I almost wish he’d come back so we could laugh at him some more.

Ami, are you still doing cards?

13 years ago

I’m also pro-forum and I’d be happy to help mod.

13 years ago

I’m pro-forum and I’d be happy to help mod.

13 years ago

He can spot a cult a mile away, but can’t identify a sockpuppet when it bites him on the ass.

13 years ago

I’d like comments to be numbered, and easier to get to, instead of reloading and reloading to work my way back through 600 posts* on the latest threads (even more fun on an iPhone!). If a forum format would help with that, then maybe give it a try. I just wonder if energy will be pulled away from staying on topic under a given posting.

*Yes, I read them all. Let’s not get into why, or how long that takes.

13 years ago

Um, Tabby, someone did tell you, last thread. But then, easily missed, if still breathless with anger from aMiRAL’s dead on Poe. Scary good, she is.

13 years ago

I’m with Felix. A longer list of, “recent comments” and the ability to click/shade them would be really nice. More useful to me than a forum. As is is fine, I keep windows open, but I can lose track of older comment threads.

13 years ago

I voted forum, still. And I don’t think that it will kill the threads here.

The Comics Curmudgeon has both as well, and those comment threads still get about 200-400 comments. You may run into people who only read one or the other, but I’m sure that some people will read both.

13 years ago

I don’t think it will kill threads. I just think it will be a very different sort of place. I also know that I’m not likely to use one.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Hippodameia Yus I am :3 Any requests? :]

Did everybody see my latest cycle of lands btw? :3

13 years ago

So, i was totally not sure about aMiRA. I feel kind of stupid. Oh, well, Ami is just way too good at parody.

Anywhoo, as to the Forums/comments, I feel like forums would work a little better for me. I had to shut myself off from the site while at work (else it sucks my time like crazy) and so catching up can be really hard some days. Forums would make this a little easier.

Also, just saw you get your first wish, Pecunium. Kind of a shock when i reloaded the page, though.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I was about to say! I was going to suggest earlier today if we could have longer list of comments, but I didn’t know if it was possible! this is much better :3

13 years ago

I’m an old fart. Can we replace the blog and comment threads with some kind of phone tree? Thanks, David.

13 years ago

@Ami I don’t have one yet >.>

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Tabby @Fuck MRAs you should ask ppl here how this first started xD I didn’t even use another name the first time and a few ppl were convinced I’d been hacked xD