Given that the comments section of this blog continues filling up and spilling over I thought I’d revisit the notion of a Man Boobz forum, as a kind of supplement to the comments on posts here. Let me know what you think by voting in the poll over there to your right, and by commenting below. [NOTE: The poll vanished from the sidebar for a bit but is back up now.]
The pros, as I see them: A forum would make it easier for you all to introduce topics or non-topics of your own, to do things like plan Man Boobz get-togethers, to pimp your own blogs and other projects (like Ami’s magnificent cards). The cons: it might draw energy and focus away from comments here.
I really like the dynamic we’ve got going in the comments here – the mixture of serious and not-so-serious, on-topic and off – and don’t want to screw that up. (I also think the Weekend Open Threads are working out pretty well and will keep them going.) But I’m sort of thinking we can pull this off.
I’ve already got a forum set up on proboards; all I need to do is click a button to make it public.
What say you all?
PS: There’s an obscure lesbian folk song reference hidden in this post. (Not so obscure, I guess, if you’re into lesbian folk songs.) Whoever can identify it first wins an Internet.
You know what’s getting to me today? (This would be a forum thread, if we had a forum!)
The life of a troll. A one-time troll, I sort of understand that; you come across something on the Internet that offends you, so you write something vitriolic and get into a fight that drags on longer than you intended. Or you just get in a mood to fuck with people, and find some people to fuck with, and have your fun.
But being a daily troll, like some of the ones we have here… that’s a commitment. Imagine if it was part of your routine: “Come home from work, kick off your boots, stretch, wash your face, make up some dinner, tell women they’re subhuman until bedtime.”
That’s a hell of a thing to have on your schedule.
Amandajane: COOL! have joined! And Ami made a cock carousel card:
Seemed to be some interest in making the LJ one rather locked down–what do you think?
ithiliana – You should have gotten an invite from LJ to co-mod, but I’ll try it again if you didn’t. I have it now so that non-members can post but their comments are moderated, but we can lock it down to members-only or something if we want. It’s a tough call because I want it to be available to people who aren’t on LJ, but it would also be nice to have it be a troll free space. Thoughts?
Hmm, I did not see it (but LJ has been kinda acting up lately).
The moderation policy looks great — we can if we choose have certain entries locked as well to members only — so that gives us flexibility.
I”ll go check my yahoo email again.
@AmandaJane: still no invite showing up!
I think I just figured out how to do it from the admin side – it now lists you as a co-mod, so I think I did it right.
I joined the LJ comm 😀
I’m not up to speed on all the latest cards, Ami, but have you thought of a doing a Sexy Robot Women card? Something that gives MRA creatures a buff when in play, or something (I’ve only played Magic a few times, so I’m rusty on the rules of play).
Also, thanks for making my card one of the most kick ass in the deck! An 8/4! I’m flattered and honored and will do my best to live up to my rating. 🙂
And the hits just keep on coming! Part 3 of my “Magyc: the Gendering” fanfic is now up at the Johnny Pez blog. Today’s episode features special guest star Doctress Julia.
Your story is very good! I can’t wait for the next installment.
I’m probably going to write up some of my own stuff, too…
Claire — drop me an email, please!
Sarah, looking forward to it. Ms. Angelwings will rue the day she unleashed the Second Gender War on an unsuspecting world.
The life of a troll. A one-time troll, I sort of understand that; you come across something on the Internet that offends you, so you write something vitriolic and get into a fight that drags on longer than you intended. Or you just get in a mood to fuck with people, and find some people to fuck with, and have your fun.
But being a daily troll, like some of the ones we have here… that’s a commitment. Imagine if it was part of your routine: “Come home from work, kick off your boots, stretch, wash your face, make up some dinner, tell women they’re subhuman until bedtime.”
Yeah, srsly… I’ve been wondering that too.. wtf o_O They seem to rly have nothing else to do or that… like.. I dunno.. honestly, I think it’s cuz they have one of those personalities where this rly gets to them but they NEED the last word so they have to keep coming back even tho their blood pressure is going thru the roof xD it’s generlaly pretty obv how passive aggressive they are XD or they do the “you’re not bugging me! i’m laughing! no rly I am! ignore the blood coming out of my nose!” xD
I joined the CC comm on LJ! 😀
I think we should try to keep it locked down :3 LJ is generally where I keep my more private stuff neways… so I tend to feel more vulnerable in the comms even if nobody can read me xD
Ami, I agree. LJ for personal stuff, and I’ll keep the MB forum open for all.
Her head ringing with the blow, the Doctress spat blood before answering. “If that was a neg, flight leader, it was poorly done. Your Game is off.”
XDD Not done reading yet, but that made me laugh so much XDDD
The Doctress found herself wondering if the Darknyss could suborn a flight of Angels away from Lord Roissy’s allegiance
is that a request? XD
Awww that was the best chapter yet!
The dialogue was v sharp :3 And I esp like the end exchange… tho.. poor Johnny Pez! (er you xD ) *hug hug hug*
That was awesome tho! I continue to be flattered! 😀
(also reading Magyc fanfic while outside in a hot sunny summer’s day is awesome and very happy inducing 😀 )
No, not a request. If the Doctress wants the ability to fly, there are easier ways of doing it.
Glad you like the dialogue, I’ve been told its one of my strengths as a writer. Glad to know I still have the touch. And for all your hugs, we both know who really made Magyc-Johnny a werewolf.
You know what else is awesome on a hot sunny summer’s day? Walking a pair of sweet basenji dogs through the streets of Newport, Rhode Island. But we’re all back now, resting up and hydrating.
So many talented people here! I’m in awe, I really am!
Johnny, I’ll read your stories when I’m not at work. 🙂