internal debate MRA

MRA: Thomas Ball is no martyr

Not everyone in the MRM is hailing Thomas Ball as a martyr. Here’s what the blogger at Rise of the Zeta Male has to say on the subject:

What happened was a tragedy, and he absolutely should be honored for his fight. But at the end of the day, I still think his methods, and advocacy for violence (see the Molotov cocktail section) are wrong. The only thing violence breeds is more violence, and I am not going to excuse that, just because he proves a point I stand by. This was not an act of self defense, it was not an act of selfishness, it was an act of self destructive protest and it is a great tragedy.

I don’t often agree with what’s posted at Zeta Male – I’m not sure I’ve ever agreed with anything he’s said previously – and there are things in this comment and the rest of the post that I think are problematic. But I have to give the blogger credit for taking a principled stance on this issue, and one that is distinctly unpopular amongst MRAs online.


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13 years ago

Once again, every comment here is proof positive that feminism is a hate movement.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

C’mon, @NWOSlave, you didn’t answer my question. If you were a stay at home dad and your working wife came home and said, “I don’t need to help with any housework or change the baby, I bring in a paycheck every day”, how would you feel? Would this be fair?

13 years ago

@Molly Ren… Any job you can do in your pajama’s, ain’t that hard.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Molly Ren he’ll say either it’d never happen, or the usual “it’s a hypothetical so I can say whatever I want, so I’ll say I would do exactly what I want other ppl to do without rly thinking about the situation” xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I definitely need to use that as a quote in a card xD

Molly Ren
13 years ago

@NWOSlave What if your kids did this?

Or cried constantly?

Or vomited on you?

What if you had more than one?

13 years ago

NWO: The vast majority of men are in low paying jobs, or not making very much more than needed to simply survive.

Then they shouldn’t be having kids. If they want to have them, then they accept the obligations that go with it. Condoms, or a vasectomy, are all they need to do. Personal respnsibilty.

Coddled life… sigh. East LA, Self-paid college, a brief stint homeless, catering, pizza, secutity guard, ditch-digger, studio projectionist, soldier, machinist, self-employed, disabled combat-vet.

Yeah, I see it now, all the coddling I’ve been able to enjoy.

(p.s…. you don’t seem to want to answer my single question about Iceland, when I keep answering your questions… The Age of Consent is 15, and the rate of divorce is 1.7 per thousand…. would you like to live there?)

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

Once again, every comment here is proof positive that feminism is a hate movement

You going to answer my question? I don’t think it’s that hard. He works, she stays at home, they divorce – with whom do the child(ren) live? If they live with their mother, is the father freed from all financial obligation to his children?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

@Ami Angelwings I know, but I gotta stretch my little debate wings somehow… >>

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I always love when the trolls run out of arguments and go right back to “I’VE READ EVERYTHING HERE AND CONCLUDED YOU GUYS ARE HATEFUL!” xD

13 years ago

The MRA would be much more reasonable, if we did not feel like society was hunting us like animals.

I hear this excuse from MRAs all the time. “I’m allowed to be a rude/threatening/irrational/bigoted asshole because The Woman is keeping me down, but I promise to act like a decent person the moment all my demands are met and everything in the world goes exactly my way.” No. Act like a decent person now. If you want to be treated reasonably, you have to be reasonable yourself.

Speaking of which, you are not being “hunted like an animal” because you’re not legally allowed to abandon your children. Sheesh.

The vast majority of men are in low paying jobs, or not making very much more than needed to simply survive.

Are the vast majority of women in high-paying jobs? If most people only make enough money to “simply survive,” how does anyone manage to raise a child?

13 years ago

Once again, every comment here is proof positive that feminism is a hate movement.

You’re going too soft. Feminism is the Anti-Life equation.

Feminism Justifies My Hate! Feminism Justifies My Hate!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

xD that has a double meaning w/ NWO too xD

I’m trying to replace that equation w/ the Ami-Life equation 😀

Given that I use a lot of numbers and multiplication signs and brackets, the way i talk is a giant equation neways 😀

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Slavey, you want to know why I became a feminist? Because God told me to.

I’m on a mission from God.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Or Kristin xD

you should repost your story here btw… I wanted to last night but I wanted your permission :3

I think it’s AWESOME

(also nebody else who wants to add details to their cards or etc, is free to do so cuz that’d be awesome and fun :3 )

13 years ago

I can’t remember if you’ve done me yet (That’s what she…ah, forget it), but I wouldn’t mind something to do with vampires.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

@ Ami

I posted a link in another thread, but I can post it again here.

Folks, because Ami is awesomeness personified, I’ve chosen to honor her with a “Magyc: the Gendering” fanfic. Here it is.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Johnny, that’s awesome. All hail Ami Angelwings! XD

Also, y’all need to take a gander at the latest Kate Beaton: Strong Female Characters.

13 years ago

“Doesn’t feministe foot the bill for this site?”

Silly Slavey, David works for the Rothschilds! Keep up, can’t you?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hay Molly, did you request a card.. I keep forgetting who did :

And that’s an awesome comic xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

sadly it illustrates what some anti-feminists think feminists want and believe xD (kinda like how MRAL thinks WoT is some feminist misandric fantasy) xD

13 years ago

NWOslave, in a breadwinner/homemaker household, of course the breadwinner’s role is important. That’s why the courts want to make sure s/he continues in that role after the divorce. I’m sure they’d also have something to say if the homemaker decided to abandon his or her role, and just leave the kids to fend for themselves.

As Pecunium pointed out, if the childminder/breadwinner model that worked before the divorce, why shouldn’t it work afterward?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

@Ami I did want one, but I think it got lost in the general comment flood. 😛 I always get real indignant when the MRAs write about fat chicks, so maybe I could be the War Hippo?

13 years ago

Feminists are so predictable. Man does something, let’s interpret through a female viewpoint. Your egocentricism truly knows no bounds. Men and women see things differently, but you women think every single thing is only “correct” if it’s by how you see it and then you want things banned and people to be jailed.

This is a perfect example of what I mean. These ads perfectly illustrate the different viewpoints between how men and women see things, and of course the feminists (and feminist newspapers) are attacking them and calling them “creepy” just because they have a component of straight male fantasy in them. George Orwell couldn’t imagine a scarier thought police than feminism has managed to produce.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

@Lady V:

There are quite a few primary caretaker fathers.

(Raises hand)