antifeminism homophobia I am making a joke MRA reddit transphobia

Make me an LGBT sandwich, hold the L. And the T.

Some clubs are TOO exclusive.

“Kloo2yoo,” the moderator of Reddit’s Men’s Rights Subreddit, is worried that racists in his subreddit will give Men’s Rights a bad name. So he’s put out a call to some of the more artistic readers of the subreddit to come up with a nice new logo for it, to show how broad-minded and all-inclusive Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers really are. Well, not literally all-inclusive. As Kloo put it in his call for artiistic help:

New logo needed, to emphasize racial and lgbt inclusiveness, but not feminism.

Oh, but even that turned out to be a bit too inclusive for some of the commenters there. Specifically, they objected to the “L” portion of LBGT. And some of the Ts. As white_cloud put it:

I don’t think you need to appeal to the L in LGBT. It is well-known that lesbians are the most radical of all feminists. They will never feel welcome here and we should not go out of our way to make them feel welcome. Male to female trans pretty much the same thing. They’ve already renounced their male gender, they don’t care about male rights

Scott2508 concurred:

ok i am in favour of inclusivness and im not sure if i am going to word this right so stick with me , the one thing i am curious about is how we bring ourself in line with the lesbian [angle]  of it all simply due to the hostility that can arise from that community towards men

Kloo replied:

point taken. we can embrace lesbian mras, without embracing lesbian supremacists.

Apparently these are the only types of lesbians in the world.

In any case, despite these design constraints, I have come up with what I think is a very compelling logo that I think will convey just what Kloo would like to convey. What do you think, guys?

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13 years ago

Holly Pervocracy, Ya mean like the extremist hate opinion of feminism. Hmmm, when will you grow out of that hate movement?

13 years ago

You didn’t “speak rashly”. Speaking rashly is when you tell someone they have an ugly baby or that their singing voice is like a chainsaw on a blackboard. You just rambled about doing physical harm to someone. Again. You let your mask slip and then felt the need to put it back in place when people rightfully recoiled in disgust from what’s squirming around underneath it. Of course you don’t care what anyone thinks. You think there’s nothing at all wrong with you or what you say and we’re unjustly judging and persecuting you. Which makes you pretty much exactly like every other turd out there who only has enough self-control to keep from being thrown in jail every time you interact with other people. None of it is YOUR fault, it’s all everybody else disrespecting you and spitting on you and if/when you actually put a hurt on someone one of these days that’s the mantra you’ll keep repeating, that you were driven to it by others.

Me, I hope you end up trying it with someone who isn’t as vulnerable and defenseless and you think they are.

Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek
13 years ago


What’s the NT?

13 years ago

@ Ami

Now I see what you were getting at. Yes, it’s the mark of a movement that values rationality, evidence, and fairness that we do not hold all MRAs responsible for the beliefs of one particular MRA. Clearly young earth creationism is not a hallmark of the MRM. But misogyny is. Them’s just easily demonstrable, empirically verifiable facts.

13 years ago

Tabby: I don’t agree. Paul in context (given the decidely unhealthy ways in which Roman culture dealt with homosexuality) wasn’t saying what we think he was. I commend (heartily) Paul Among the People for a social context on what he was saying, versus how he is interpreted in the modern age: which is strongly colored by both the KJ translation, and the lack of understanding about sexual practice in the time(s)by the puritanical interpretations of the OT condemnations of homosexuality, and the practical aspect of Paul’s writings.

When even more modern (and Victorian) interpretations of the Elizabethan English, almost completely divorced from the koine greek, and lacking in an analytic understanding of non-religious writings of the “classical” age took those teachings (and stripped them of the context of their age) it got even worse.

So, no, I don’t argue there are those (and probably a majority of modern; esp. American, Christians) who see the NT as being very much against homosexuality, I disagree that it’s actually in the original text.

And I most decidedly argue it’s not in the Gospels, except as it comes to them from Jesus comments about the OT.

13 years ago


Pecunium, While you may find some guys ass cobra stuffed up another guys man pussy something of a desirable act. I find it repulsive.


Pecunium, While you may find some guys asscobra stuffed up another guy‘s manpussy something of a desirable act, I find it repulsive.


Nice list ithiliana. You can garnish the privileges of them all while claiming ignorance. Silence is consent.


Nice list, ithiliana. You can garnish the privileges of them all while claiming ignorance. Silence is consent.

First, work on the presentation. After that, we can work on improving the content.

13 years ago

Holly Pervocracy, Ya mean like the extremist hate opinion of feminism. Hmmm, when will you grow out of that hate movement?

Holly Pervocracy, ya mean like the extremist hateopinion of feminism? Hmmm, when will you grow out of that hate movement?

13 years ago


What’s the NT?

New Testament.

13 years ago


Now I see what you were getting at. Yes, it’s the mark of a movement that values rationality, evidence, and fairness that we do not hold all Feminists responsible for the beliefs of one particular feminist. Clearly evolutionist’s are not a hallmark of feminism. But misandry is. Them’s just easily demonstrable, empirically verifiable facts.

13 years ago

MRAL, still demonstrating that old saying that if every relationship you’ve ever tried fails, you might want to look at the only one thing all those relationships had in common: YOU.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Oh NWO, still trying to play the “MRA is the opposite of feminism!” game.

When I start spewing violent threats and hate speech against men, heterosexuals, and white people, I’ll let you know.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

You dun grow out of feminism, feminism grows out of you.


Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Tabby, I think your moderation problem earlier may have stemmed from a mis-spelling of your nym. The second “a” in Lavalamp is missing.

Boy, there sure are a lot of trolls here today, including a brand new one. It’s an embarrassment of riches. Or just an embarrassment.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

oh since everybdoy is finding me on FB, nebody who wants to friend me on FB can :3

I’m Ami Angelwings on FB too xD

13 years ago

“MRAL, still demonstrating that old saying that if every relationship you’ve ever tried fails, you might want to look at the only one thing all those relationships had in common: YOU.”


Also, good seeing you around here, BlackBloc. I think I remember you posting on Shakesville or one of the other blogs I read and I’ve always liked what you have to say. Plus I think I remember you being a gaming nerd like me. 🙂

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Ami, I think that should have been, “In Soviet Russia, feminism grows out of you”.

13 years ago

You do spew hatred everyday on this site Holly Pervocracy.
What? Just because you flap your yap and say you don’t means it’s true?
Oh yea, you are just one giant vessel of outpouring love.
Just remember, what goes around comes around.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I hope btw ppl dun think less of me b/c of what I said in the longer post :] I was trying to use an example of what i meant, and I used me b/c I think that’s fair… :] But I understand if ppl do think I’m too extreme or unfair xD

13 years ago

Now I see what you were getting at. Yes, it’s the mark of a movement that values rationality, evidence, and fairness that we do not hold all Feminists responsible for the beliefs of one particular feminist. Clearly evolutionist’s are not a hallmark of feminism. But misandry is. Them’s just easily demonstrable, empirically verifiable facts.

Now I see what you were getting at. Yes, it’s the mark of a movement that values rationality, evidence, and fairness that we do not hold all Feminists responsible for the beliefs of one particular Feminist.* Clearly, evolutionists are not a hallmark of feminism. But misandry is. Them’s just easily demonstrable, empirically verifiable facts.

*It’s important to stay consistent with capitalisations. If you’re going to capitalise “feminist” once, then make sure you do it again when you repeat the word later.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Johnny I thought of that… but it’s not as amusing to me xD

Besides it’s not true… feminism doesn’t grow out of you only in Soviet Russia, it happens IRL right now cuz we live in a feminist controlled world xD

13 years ago

I think “Ass Cobra” would be an excellent name for a band.

Getting called out by you makes me feel soooooo special, Slavey.

13 years ago

Luke: EXCEPT all the work by womanists and feminists of color who point to the racism of the white women involved in much of the mainstream feminist movement.

It’s not all about teh menz, you know.

But you have to know a lot about a movement to see all the internal conflicts, which in feminist movements (really they are plural), tend to focus on race/ethnicity, disability issues, issues about alternative sexualities and gender identities/gender presentation, class (LOTS of working class criticism of middle-class feminists–check out Judy Grahn for some of that), and national identities (Arab feminists critique white American feminists for our assumptions about other cultures AND for their colonialism in assuming that they are there to “rescue poor oppressed Arab women”, not to mention our ignorance of the history in those cultures).

Again: taking a handful of blogs (many of which are by younger feminists, as well as mostly white and middle-class women) and assuming they represent all feminists is inaccurate. Easy and simple, but in accurate.

13 years ago

Is that it hellkell? Thats all you got? Whoa, really put me in my place.

13 years ago

MRAL: Do I judge people? Yep. Anyone who says they don’t is either lying to themselves, or to you.

The difference between acceptable judgements, and the unacceptable, is the scope. If I judge a person on what they do, and how I perceive the effects of those actions, well and good.

If I look at a group and say,”they are all like this”, then it’s bad.

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