“Kloo2yoo,” the moderator of Reddit’s Men’s Rights Subreddit, is worried that racists in his subreddit will give Men’s Rights a bad name. So he’s put out a call to some of the more artistic readers of the subreddit to come up with a nice new logo for it, to show how broad-minded and all-inclusive Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers really are. Well, not literally all-inclusive. As Kloo put it in his call for artiistic help:
New logo needed, to emphasize racial and lgbt inclusiveness, but not feminism.
Oh, but even that turned out to be a bit too inclusive for some of the commenters there. Specifically, they objected to the “L” portion of LBGT. And some of the Ts. As white_cloud put it:
I don’t think you need to appeal to the L in LGBT. It is well-known that lesbians are the most radical of all feminists. They will never feel welcome here and we should not go out of our way to make them feel welcome. Male to female trans pretty much the same thing. They’ve already renounced their male gender, they don’t care about male rights
Scott2508 concurred:
ok i am in favour of inclusivness and im not sure if i am going to word this right so stick with me , the one thing i am curious about is how we bring ourself in line with the lesbian [angle] of it all simply due to the hostility that can arise from that community towards men
Kloo replied:
point taken. we can embrace lesbian mras, without embracing lesbian supremacists.
Apparently these are the only types of lesbians in the world.
In any case, despite these design constraints, I have come up with what I think is a very compelling logo that I think will convey just what Kloo would like to convey. What do you think, guys?
I don’t know, y’all, I used to think similarly to Arksibalt, even after I considered myself a feminist. The only difference is that I would not have defended my belief so trollishly.
Then I realized that although I believed that it didn’t match up at all with how I interacted with sex, it was just a lovely piece of cognitive dissonance.
Arksibalt, I have a thought experiment for you:
Say you’re having a bit of the “foreplay” with a lovely lady and something you’re doing is working very, very well for her. Once she is able to speak again, she says, “Oh my god, that was incredibly. I can’t feel my legs! Would you mind getting me a drink of water?”
Being a gentleman you do, and while you are up the phone rings. It is your best friend and he asks what you are up to.
Do you think:
1) Ha, sucker! I am having some amazing foreplay. I am King among foreplayers!
2) Ha, sucker! I am having some amazing sex. I am King among lovers!
By “one” I mean an MRAer.
A troll with no reading comprehension, ain’t that some shit?
“Wow…one example. In forty years of the movement’s existence. And we have one right here in this very thread demanding the death of a woman (a feminist no less)-well two if one wants to consider your belief on Ms Valenti to be a desire for her death during her complication pregnancy.”
The criticism of Ms. Valenti and her man pleasing ways came from a radfem blog. From februari, 6th 2011, so hardly 40 years ago.
@ Hide and Seek
Allow me to anticipate Ark’s response:
If there was no penis involved, she was faking it. Duh.
So a movement is only represented by the worst? o_O (isn’t this justifying the usual criticism David faces about picking outliers? o_O if MRAs are Radfems and Roissy is like M Andrea, that’s fine :] but ppl keep asking about where the MRA version of us (or Shakesville) is : (the MRA version of me is me xD So at least that’s one! 😀 ) Where’s the MRA site that says “this is about men’s rights and check your female privilege at the door, but keep in mind intersectionality and how other oppressions work together, and this is a anti-racist, anti-ablist, queer positive, trans positive space, and etc”? is I think what ppl are generally asking : I mean everybody understands that maybe DKM or some of the other ones David posts maybe are fringe elements like Heart or Dirtywhiteboi or etc, but I think ppl are just wondering where the others are and why they seem so welcome? (keyword being seem, maybe they aren’t! :3 i hope they’re not, since even many of the trolls seem to agree they are extreme hate elements that they dun agree w/ :3 )
talking of transphobia, M Andrea and feminism…
I’m reminded of this…where M Andrea’s hateful transphobic screed was posted in the Carnival of Feminists and a big row ensued, and while the initial thing of including her was f-ed up the voices of trans feminists and trans allies were heard, and the link to her post was ultimately removed, and the conversation kept, as to why and what was problematic about it :3 (also in her post is a hall of fame comment by “K A” who talks about trans women as men who pretend to be women in order to help cis men practice raping us before moving on to cis women (presumably) which so f-ed up in so many ways >:| also I can’t get over how ridic it is… like a lot of the extreme MRA theories we see… very conspiratorial -_- )
But yeah… I think ppl are basically asking “if this isn’t representative of the MRA, what is?” not “feminism is perfect and we love Heart!” -_-;;
That is not the way you stated it Luke-you dismissed the fact that pregnancy can kill a woman and definitely seem to be okay with the idea of Ms Valenti dying because of it.
I have no idea why I am even doing this. Today is my birthday so I am going to go off and have birthday cake at Disneyland. Later all.
NWO…. Why should we listen to you? Not only are you wrong about feminism, you don’t even understand your own religion.
Sunday, March 13, 2011 09:45 PM ET
Original article: Bill Maher: The Quran is a “hate-filled holy book”
@—Morning’s Minion
Thats the Old Testament, which has nothing to do with Christianity. Try harder.
The end result of feminism…….Da Ghetto. The nanny state. In the black community, women get welfare men get prison. I guess you could call it inclusive, after all Big Daddy does take care of both men and women.
Woman = All reproductive rights. Man = None.
Woman = Very little if any prison time for even murder. Man = Xtra prison time.
Woman = All rights in marriage/divorce. Man = none.
Woman = VAWA/victim. Man = Predominant agressor/oppressor.
Woman = AA/jobs quota’s ect. Man = On his own.
Woman = 10 federally funded medical administrations. Man = None.
Woman = Title IX, now it’s also judge, jury and executioner. Man = Sexual harrassment.
Woman = praise for not being able to keep it in her pants. Man = Pervert/jail for not being able to keep it in his pants.
The list of Woman = Perfection, Man = oppressor
You can gussy it up any way ya like, but feminism is a communist hate movement designed to destroy the family and transfer all social, political and economic wealth from men to women with the State being the ultimate authority.
Misandry is everywhere and it’s promoted in the Guv Media and Corporations. Women voted for and obtained all these laws and now all of them garnish the perks. They love having the option of doing anything to a man at their whim while feigning deniability. Silence is also consent.
Luke- she said on this blog. If I recall, Ms Solanas is dead.
MRAL- Because, while I am a feminist who wants men involved in the movement, I think the push some make towards being super inclusive to men sort of deviates from the idea that these guys should be fixing themselves before we “let them in”, so to speak. It allows for guys who sort of get it to gain a voice, but then mansplain, or to make a “what about the menz” statement, which can be incredibly disappointing. Like Elizabeth said up there, this can cause anyone to lose steam. A lot of people in the media, and your vaunted MRM, are just waiting for a misstep. So, if anyone were to happen to make something I would consider a misrepresentation of feminism? Then the next time I tell a stranger or something that I’m a feminist? It’s another thing I have to explain, or defend myself about, or basically, another roadblock I have to get over.
That said, Ami mentioned that some of Bindel’s writing is problematic. And I hadn’t heard much about her before this particular article. So, I can’t say I like her as a person, or find her representative of feminism, and I don’t often read The Guardian. but I trust Ami’s judgement, as she’s basically a kick ass person.
Don’t forget that NWO’s a young earth creationist. As such, he is a shameless liar and will lie whenever and wherever he deems it necessary, which is most of the time, since he is so drastically fucking wrong about every last thing.
Given how fast the thread is moving I hope ppl didn’t miss my comment on the last page :] esp you MRAL (my invitation stands :3 if you want to IM or email w/ me about your issues w/ Julie Bindel we can do it :3 I dislike her greatly too and it might make you feel better :] )
“The criticism of Ms. Valenti and her man pleasing ways came from a radfem blog. From februari, 6th 2011, so hardly 40 years ago.”
Which doesn’t change the fact that the question asked was about THIS blog.
“A troll with no reading comprehension, ain’t that some shit?”
It’s well known in MRA circles that reading is an evil feminist (or “femynyst”) plot. And “reading comprehension” is communism.
Have fun at Disneyland, PosterformerlyknownasElizabeth!
“But yeah… I think ppl are basically asking “if this isn’t representative of the MRA, what is?””
Civil liberties organizations.
Feminism and MRA are hate groups set on creating gender antagonism, not on creating a better society.
@SallyStrange but we dun accuse MRAL of being a young earth creationist… or of being an anti-semite…
nor do we accuse Ion of being height obsessed… or assume that XYZ troll wants to do 11 y/o girls just cuz Meller does :] but we seem to be held to not just what other ppl here say but words that rad fems say are put in our mouths too -_-;;; I dun think we need to chase that tail xD (and I doubt we’re ever going to convince some of these trolls that feminism is NOT a hate movement : )
XKCD has Luke’s number.
Woman = All reproductive rights. Man = None.
Citation needed.
Woman = Very little if any prison time for even murder. Man = Xtra prison time.
Citation needed.
Woman = All rights in marriage/divorce. Man = none.
Citation needed.
Woman = VAWA/victim. Man = Predominant agressor/oppressor.
Citation needed.
Woman = AA/jobs quota’s ect. Man = On his own.
Citation needed.
Woman = 10 federally funded medical administrations. Man = None.
Citation needed.
Woman = Title IX, now it’s also judge, jury and executioner. Man = Sexual harrassment.
Citation needed.
Woman = praise for not being able to keep it in her pants. Man = Pervert/jail for not being able to keep it in his pants.
Citation needed.
The list of Woman = Perfection, Man = oppressor
Citation needed.
Personally, I’m actually pretty glad that some of the trolls here have serious issues w/ like some of the things Bindel has said… or the rad fems.. Heart… M Andrea… and I def suggest joining the discussion about the in other places where it’s applicable 😀 (we could always use more allies against the elements of feminism that are hateful or problematic :] ) but I dunno what shouting at US will do? o_O Perhaps you should go shout at Heart, or write posts about them. David writes posts about Roissy, he doesn’t go over to David K Meller’s blog (if he has a blog) and yell at him for things Roissy said xD (as far as I know! Maybe he does!)
Not sure I follow, Ami. I only say NWO’s a YEC because he has specifically indicated that those are his beliefs. And because I have plenty of experience watching YECs in action, I know that they lie more than normal people do.
@Pecunium…WOW, talking about taking a comment out of context. That comment you quoted was in reply to someone quoting something from the old testament about Christianity. YOU, have got to do much, much better.
Luke123: Please tell me you are just warming up, and will soon be presenting us with your A game.
Because the question was about comments posted to this blog.
But you managed to fail with your first defense of the SCUM manifesto. If you were trying to show it as an example of an idea modern feminism embraces, the thing to do would be to show the link right away, then you might not have to scramble to try and make it relevant.
But, since you are playing Single A ball… care to show that the SCUM manifesto’s arguments are widely accepted by feminism. For bonus points either show how the commenters at this blog share the precepts, or explain how they managed to avoid adopting those ideas, and why they still manage to maintain feminist credentials (as proven by the anti-feminists who regularly come in and tell us what man-hating feminards we are).
Holy shit Victoria von Syrus, you need citations for common knowlege.
Whoaaaaaa. All this time you was pretendin to be smarty, smart, smart.
“XKCD has Luke’s number.”
It’s better than feminists and MRA’s “waa waa I’m soo oppressed” inferiority complex.
Healty self-esteem. Try it.
I’m a commie feminist!!!! Hell yeah!
NWO, please change it up. The song remains forever the same with you, and it’s got a shitty beat I can’t dance to.