“Kloo2yoo,” the moderator of Reddit’s Men’s Rights Subreddit, is worried that racists in his subreddit will give Men’s Rights a bad name. So he’s put out a call to some of the more artistic readers of the subreddit to come up with a nice new logo for it, to show how broad-minded and all-inclusive Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers really are. Well, not literally all-inclusive. As Kloo put it in his call for artiistic help:
New logo needed, to emphasize racial and lgbt inclusiveness, but not feminism.
Oh, but even that turned out to be a bit too inclusive for some of the commenters there. Specifically, they objected to the “L” portion of LBGT. And some of the Ts. As white_cloud put it:
I don’t think you need to appeal to the L in LGBT. It is well-known that lesbians are the most radical of all feminists. They will never feel welcome here and we should not go out of our way to make them feel welcome. Male to female trans pretty much the same thing. They’ve already renounced their male gender, they don’t care about male rights
Scott2508 concurred:
ok i am in favour of inclusivness and im not sure if i am going to word this right so stick with me , the one thing i am curious about is how we bring ourself in line with the lesbian [angle] of it all simply due to the hostility that can arise from that community towards men
Kloo replied:
point taken. we can embrace lesbian mras, without embracing lesbian supremacists.
Apparently these are the only types of lesbians in the world.
In any case, despite these design constraints, I have come up with what I think is a very compelling logo that I think will convey just what Kloo would like to convey. What do you think, guys?
“Feminism is here to appeal to whoever likes it, regardless of the state of their genitalia/gender identity/presentation/whatever.”
That would be communists, people who want to destroy the family, (or rewrite some raunch fantasy of a family). And people who want to transfer all social, political and economic power from men to women with the State as the ultimate authority.
Where do I sign up!!!
To put it in simple terms (involving food metaphors, since I know lesbians/femynists love stuffing their faces). Straight sex and gay male sex is like going to a restaurant and ordering garlic bread as a starter, then steak and then a dessert. A satisfying full meal. While lesbian sex is like going to a restaurant and ordering just the garlic bread. Could you live healthily on just garlic bread? I don’t fucking think you could.
Some feminists do, some feminists don’t. Just because one feminist doesn’t want to include men doesn’t mean we all feel the same way, or that the No Men version of feminism is somehow the canon one.
Why do you want to be associated with a rabid hate movement ? Why are those hateful bitches not ostracized ?
Because you must secretly agree with it, but are as as overt with it as them!
People have noticed Arksibalt’s phallicentric definition of sex, but what’s with the scare quotes around “gay” in “‘gay’ females”?
Even if you only define sex to include a penis, lesbians being sexually attracted to other women (despite their inability to act on that per your definition) makes it a sexuality.
At least you included man on man sex. That makes your definition one step better than high school virgins who do every combination except penis in vagina in order to save themselves for marriage because anal and oral aren’t really “sex”.
“It’s restrained, inconclusive half-sex and they simply cannot progress to the next level without the presence of cock.”
You know, normally I don’t talk about my personal life much, but in this case I feel the situation demands it.
My wife and I have a partner, a woman we’ve been with for three years now. Partner can touch the tip of her own nose with her tongue. Restrained, inconclusive and artificial? You wish.
Arksibalt – Yes, we understand your opinion. But that analogy does not explain what defining features PiV sex has that makes it at a higher “level” than other forms of sex. What if someone prefers oral sex to penetration? What about people who can’t orgasm from penetration?
luke123 – No, Luke, my point is that it is NOT a hate movement – it unfortunately has some hateful people associated with it, but they are not the majority.
Everyone: a couple of comments from Tabby got caught in moderation; they’re up now.
Tabby, not sure why they got caught; if you were posting from a different IP address that could be it.
MRAL- There are feminists who go to Africa to help those people. There are feminists there, too, who are completely capable of being activists on their own, without Western interference, though we obviously have the advantage in capital. Assuming Westerners need to swoop in and solve their every problem is sort of like another form of colonialism. That’s why the best efforts are cooperation between local, on the ground people, AND the UN and Western governments. As to getting “off my fat ass”? I plan to do some sort of political aid work in a Third World country, once I finally get my degree, and no longer work for minimum wage. Until then, I have neither the skill set or capital to do much more than watch, helplessly and sadly. Except maybe to write and speak out.
And yeah, the other groups are women, but they’re also gay groups (which includes men), people of color(including men), among others. Men are included, but like I said, you’re just pissy I’m not centered wholly on *your* definitions, and what *you* define as problems. Also, if you’re an MRA, you’re really not helping the inclusiveness with the language you use about women. Saying fat asses, and “fuck her” is really going make lots of women think twice, and you’re not the only MRA who talks that way.
Gee, MRAL. You’re not exactly refuting Julie Bindel’s point there. If you disagree with her, then don’t write a violent, expletive-filled comment that makes her point for her.
Actually, can the second one be deleted too? I just don’t want to talk about her.
When the kids at work have meltdowns, I offer them juice, a handful of raisins, and some ‘Nilla wafers. Somehow I don’t think that will work as well here as it does on 4 year olds.
Also, I see you’re making progress on the inclusivity and language there, MRAL.
It’s just that not all of us want to ego stroke every dude who comes along who wants us to drop all of our (actually, very important) issues to talk about child support, the idea of false rape accusations(bullharkey), or paper abortions, for example.
Men who’ve had their children taken away by biased family courts, or had their lives, careers and reputation destroyed by a false rape accusation might disagree with you. I’m not sure what a ‘paper abortion’ is, but it sounds pretty unpleasant as well. This is what I mean by dismissing men’s issues and essentially saying “we’ll tell you what’s important”. Unfortunately, the same type of thinking permeates sites like The Good Men Project, which is essentially run by feminists with a feminist agenda. Though I’m not as extreme as NWO, I do detect quite a bit of “men are bad, they should be more like women” type of thinking even on those supposedly male-friendly sites. I’ll leave it at this, because we’re going off-topic already.
David, I’m at work, but I’ve posted from work before. The IP address may have changed here though. If I create a WP account should that keep that from happening again regardless of where I’m posting from?
@theLaplaceDemon….Of course it’s a hate movement. Thats how it started out and the hatred grows everyday. UNless of course your going to tell me that since women have more rights in all social, political and economic spheres of society women are oppressed. What is the less time if any for the same crime a tad tough on you? Poor baby.
Women were never oppressed. Say and free yourself from the bonds of eternal victimhood.
“Yes, we understand your opinion. But that analogy does not explain what defining features PiV sex has that makes it at a higher “level” than other forms of sex. What if someone prefers oral sex to penetration? What about people who can’t orgasm from penetration?”
Laplace, I’m betting Arksibalt is one of those dumbshits who thinks it’s not a REAL orgasm if the Almighty Cock isn’t involved.
Well, Luke, why do you want to be associated with a rabid hate movement? Show me some moderate MRAs, please.
I know it’s hard for you to understand, but feminists are not a monolithic bloc, no matter how much you seem to think we are.
if you are decent you will stop colluding in the actions of those feminists you consider the palatable ones, and will heed the words of those of us who still have your number.
Translation: Unless you suck my politically and metaphorical dick you are a horrible person.
Nice try Julie, but since you yourself have proven to be a horrible, fucking repulsive, fucking disgusting person, that blackmail holds no weight. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. FUCK you.
MRAL, get help. Seriously. This is not the first time you’ve “just lost control.”
Well, it’s pretty much true. There has long been a distinction between clitoral and vaginal orgasms with the former being inferior to the results of a good, deep dicking from an alpha male.
Just like a man can’t orgasm as hard as he will when something is jammed up his butthole. Penetration from a cock simply leads to an ascended level of sex.
I think hatred like Julie Bindel is pretty rare, you don’t see that shit every day. That’s all it was. I left a comment at her site which won’t go through (like all worthless bottom feeder slimy cowards, she moderates messages) but it made me feel better.
Oh, stop trying to justify your little shitfit. This is not the first time you’ve posted something extremely violent towards women.
Okay, so here are two things that you said, Arksibalt:
“Just like a man can’t orgasm as hard as he will when something is jammed up his butthole.”
And: “Penetration from a cock simply leads to an ascended level of sex.” (Emphasis mine.)
Something could be a cock. Could be anything, really. Lesbians may not have a cock, but they prolly have … something.