“Kloo2yoo,” the moderator of Reddit’s Men’s Rights Subreddit, is worried that racists in his subreddit will give Men’s Rights a bad name. So he’s put out a call to some of the more artistic readers of the subreddit to come up with a nice new logo for it, to show how broad-minded and all-inclusive Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers really are. Well, not literally all-inclusive. As Kloo put it in his call for artiistic help:
New logo needed, to emphasize racial and lgbt inclusiveness, but not feminism.
Oh, but even that turned out to be a bit too inclusive for some of the commenters there. Specifically, they objected to the “L” portion of LBGT. And some of the Ts. As white_cloud put it:
I don’t think you need to appeal to the L in LGBT. It is well-known that lesbians are the most radical of all feminists. They will never feel welcome here and we should not go out of our way to make them feel welcome. Male to female trans pretty much the same thing. They’ve already renounced their male gender, they don’t care about male rights
Scott2508 concurred:
ok i am in favour of inclusivness and im not sure if i am going to word this right so stick with me , the one thing i am curious about is how we bring ourself in line with the lesbian [angle] of it all simply due to the hostility that can arise from that community towards men
Kloo replied:
point taken. we can embrace lesbian mras, without embracing lesbian supremacists.
Apparently these are the only types of lesbians in the world.
In any case, despite these design constraints, I have come up with what I think is a very compelling logo that I think will convey just what Kloo would like to convey. What do you think, guys?
Its sammich, not sandwich.
“Paul Among The People” looks fascinating, going to get that.
Here you go Bostonian:
Depending on your browser settings, you may need to right click and “view image” OR hover over it and use the magnifying glass in order to be able to enlarge it enough to read it.
@Johnny Pez
full set there
It’s a were-Basenji! awwwww
More threats; classy. And NWO and MRAL say they aren’t abusive.
Ami, your cards are WONDERFUL!!
I wish I lived closer to Toronto.
David, can we have a Manboobz convention in Toronto?
Aww ty :3 Where do you live? 😮
Also if there ever was one it should prolly be in Chicago where David lives xD But I am flattered that you suggested my city (claimed in the name of Feminism! >:D ) xD
VoiP – NWO always reminds me of my mother, who was abusive in the “hitting” way as well as emotionally.
Because when she got mad, she’d get sarcastic. She wouldn’t say “you don’t appreciate me;” she’d say “I’m just a piece of shit to you, right? I should know my place as a piece of shit and not bother with a big important princess like you because Your Highness doesn’t have time for a lowly piece of shit!”
She’d get herself very worked up this way, screaming insults at herself and insisting that was what I believed.
As an abuse tactic it worked great, because it got me reassuring her and complimenting her even as I was trying to defend myself from her. It gave her a way to get really, really angry even when there was no external offense. It gave her an excuse if she happened to “lose control”–who wouldn’t, when they were facing that kind of hatred from their own daughter? And often it gave her a way to remember the fight as “the one where my daughter called me a piece of shit.”
I don’t know if NWO uses this tactic in real life or not, but if he does… I am so on to that game.
@Holly among other things he did, my dad did that to my mom too : The sarcastic self flagellation while implying this is what the other person believes of them etc thing >_<;;;
I’m in Tacoma, which is about 40 miles south of Seattle. 🙂
Well, now I’m going to have to turn “Magyc: The Gendering” into a story. Stay tuned.
i’m alrdy turning it into a story o_o I have the backstory of stuff written up xD (tho I’m crafting the story as I go w/ the card flavor texts also)
I dunno if you saw my backstory alrdy (I posted it on MBz 3 times xD )
Hmmmmm. Round robin?
In the beginning, the White Shaft created man and then woman to give man company. Men and women were created equal but different, and there was a balance. But because of those differences, equality was not always evident to men who excelled at the arts most needed for human survival and advancement: science, invention, warfare, the hunt. Centuries passed and men began to believe they did not need women and began to enslave then, abuse them and the balance was lost. Many women cried out at this injustice and their pleas eventually manifested itself as an entity: The Darknyss, created from their anger, their suffering and their hatred.
Eventually, the Darknyss gained sentience, and with it a twisted understanding of humanity and the world: men were evil and destructive, and women needed to be saved from them. It was with this hateful and destructive motivation, that it lashed out, possessing and infusing women with great power and enhancing their hate and bitterness.
War ensued with horrible abominations and warriors for both sides being created: Alpha Males… Sexbots… Andrea Dworkin… and in the ensuing struggle men realized that they were incomplete without women and women realized that they were incomplete without men. Together, they realized their proper roles, men as protectors, inventors, warriors, women as caretakers, models for paintings and lovers, and sealed the Darknyss away. The balance was restored.
A period of prosperity and unparalleled technological and scientific growth ensued, with women in their proper role and men in theirs.. but the Darknyss festered. Despite that the conditions of it’s birth were gone, it’s purpose and dark hatred remained and it slowly extended it’s hate-filled tendrils back into the world, corrupting, manipulating, seducing.
A thousand years pass, until it’s influence is everywhere… and nowhere. Despite, or perhaps because of it’s comfortable complacency, society begins to chafe against its foundations, foundations built by the blood, sweat and tears of noble men and gentle women. Wives divorced husbands, mothers abandoned sons. Famine and sickness begin to sweep the land, creating poverty, frustration, and with it hatred, envy and anger.
Men who would have accepted their failures and worked harder to overcome them begin to feel resentment and bitterness. Some sought out the Darknyss for a short and easy route to power and revenge, others merely allowed themselves to be manipulated by it. Women who used to be content raising a new generation of noble artisans, engineers, physicians, scientists and warriors, became deluded into believing that they could fill such roles. Many became bitter and angry, blaming their husbands, refusing to tend their home and became lazy, mouthy and fat. Others acted on their unnatural desires and pursued those disciplines fervently, and upon their natural, logical failure to reach those goals, betrayed humankind and pledged their souls and allegiances to the Darknyss.
Daughters turned on fathers. Queens betrayed Kings. Women lay with women. Men with men. Kingdoms split, and kingdoms fell. Only a brave few remembered the old ways and stood for the White Shaft. Betrayal was rampant. Darknyss reigned… the Second Gender War was about to begin.
Man, I missed another party! I totally skimmed to catch up but I just wanted to respond to this one luke bit:
When the only framework you have is feminist theory, everything looks like patriarchical oppression.
While you may be on a feminist blog that uses feminist theory it is far from the only framework considered. See 157 comments about intersectionality, etc… Personally, as an engineer, I tend to look at things from the framework of being engineering problems first. Obviously this is fraught with pitfalls and I have to constantly remind myself things like “must not try to engineer relationships!”
That’s just my one personal framework. Each commenter here brings their own, often multiple, frameworks for discussion.
I’d be sorta morbidly curious to see this feminist vacuum where that really WAS the only framework in play. Don’t think it would be pretty.
Ok off to go fabric shopping… have fun y’all!
@Pecunium, I would not exactly say that the Greeks hated “passive” gay partners. The Athenian norm was that sex happened between an adult male citizen and those who were not. The most common form of this was adult male citizen and youth (youth goes from approx 13 to approx 18-20). However, Athenian writings on sexuality do suggest that two adult male citizen relationships did occur, were legal, and were not seen as too upsetting (Achilles and his lover are given as a supporting example of this notion in the Symposium). Also, the Athenians acted as if this model were the norm for Spartans. We have less records of Spartan cultures than Athenian ones, but what we do have suggests that Spartans preferred lovers to be of similar social rank. During the Republic and the early Roman Empire, the focus was less on sex acts and more on proper performance of other masculinized duties (Sparta has a similar emphasis). The Roman empire even allowed male-male marriages (this fell out of favor later, but remained legal until after Christianity became the official religion of Rome). The later Roman attitudes about receptive partners being feminine and therefore inferior seem to be a sort of bastardization of the old Roman and the Athenian ideas mixed with some Persian notions. But, even in the very late Roman empire, the Roman laws did not approach the sort of violence advocated in the Bible. Court records from a treason case a few years before the end of the western empire explicitly point out that bringing a foreigner to Rome to keep him as your gay lover is absolutely legal. The Hebrews were abnormally homophobic for their time (though it might have been in part anti-Hellenic backlash) and it was a Christian Emperor (Justinian) who started the tide of sodomy bans with harsh punishments. Gayness was seen as non-Christian in Justinian’s day, and he used it as one way to scapegoat and punish his non-Christian political opponents. The re-writing of Sodom and Gamorrah to be about gay sex rather than hospitality appears to originate in Justinian. I have heard the pedophilia religious apologism bit before, but it makes little sense as the age of marriage for girls and the age of adulthood for boys in Hebrew culture was every bit as young as the age where Greeks considered youths appropriate sexual partners.
Changing topics to a possibly tmi discussion of orgasms and queer sex. I happen to be one of those folks who does have both clitoral and g-spot orgasms. And, for me, the former are far more intense, and the latter only generally occurs after I have had at least one of the former. Sure, penetration can be fun sometimes, but it isn’t necessary and dick ain’t magic. The best sex I have ever had was with a woman. And, I have had good sex with men. Get over yourselves, penis-havers, sex just isn’t all about you.
I know this is way, way behind the times and has already been addressed and discussed, but it really offended me so deeply, I had to say something.
@Arksibalt: “Lesbianism also technically isn’t a sexuality since there’s no real sex involved, given that the act is biologically impossible between two females. The extended foreplay between two ‘gay’ females is a far cry from the real sex experienced by a man or a woman or a man and a man, and therefore calling it a legitimate sexuality is a stretch.”
Fuck you and your restrictive, normative definitions of sex. Have you ever had lesbian SEX? The shut the fuck up about it. A phallus is not the end all and be all of sexuality! Women are not the god-damned passive receivers or whatever shit.
I have had sex with men and women. SEX with women is just as sexy and just as legitimate. So keep your mouth shut. Ok?
Going back to Pride:
I was alrdy so proud of him when he came out in public support of his late-son being gay (as GM of the Toronto Maple Leafs, and being so involved in macho hockey and sports culture, it’s still so amazing and heart warming :3 ) and then his son died 🙁 and it was so awful : and he marched in his son’s memory in Pride which was so moving and bittersweet 🙁 (and later that year, the Stanley Cup was in the Chicago Pride Parade thx to a Chicago Blackhawks player! )
and now he’s convinced our conservative (and incredibly close minded, possibly homophobic, def racist) mayor to change his mind in participating in Pride! 😀
I may not agree w/ all his hockey decisions (or his stance on hockey violence), but when it comes to being a person, Brian Burke is an amazing awesome person and a wonderful and loving father. :]
It’s amazing to me that as backwards as hockey can be about head injuries, and European players, of all the major pro team sports in North America, it’s had the most ppl stepping up for the queer community 😮 They had the Cup in Pride, they have Brian Burke and they have Sean Avery who came out publicly in support for equal marriage in New York, and that’s more active players who have come out to support queer ppl (rather than merely say “I would be ok w/ it I guess”) than other sports :] I wonder if it has something to do w/ the “tough guy” nature of hockey, that ppl know they aren’t gonna be called names or made fun of, and they’re taken more srsly also? 😮 If so, then it’s great hockey players and executives are using that reputation to stand up for marginalized ppl (who are esp marginalized in the realm of team sports)! 😀
darksidecat: I am not home right now, and so the supporting texts aren’t handy, but much of the popular understanding of Greek/Roman feelings on homosexuality is based on Plato’s writings, which are atypical. The Greeks were more tolerant of it, but still saw “andros” as an active role, and penetrated partner wasn’t acting according to andros, hence wasn’t as manly.
The Spartans (from the various writings about the Peloponnesian War) didn’t have much problem with male lovers in the field (which probably is an outgrowth of the agoge culture in which they spent their youth and adolescence) so long as, once they reached marriageable age and condition, they produced children.
The Romans… very different take on it. To penetrate was fine. What a Man did to amuse himself was his business, but to allow oneself to be penetrated was to be a non-man. The various writings make this pretty plain, and they precede Paul; it was in that framework that Paul’s condemnations were made. He was against perpetuating the system that made people less than what they were by categorising them.
It’s not that they outlawed it,but to be a “catamite’ was to lose a huge amount of status, and “even once” was enough to do the damage, hence the large amount of “I will rape your ass” in the insult writings of rivals.
As to the writings of Sodom and Gomorrah, the textual evidence I have, based on Hebrew writings (and from my fiancée and her father [he being a pretty conservative, Conservative rabbi, and she with a degree from Jewish Theological Seminary]) is that the hospitality opinion (among Jews) is at least as old as the Babylonian Talmud.
@Fuck MRAs,
Yipes! Here I was glad he was going to therapy because I actually felt compassion (even a little empathy) for him. I’m still glad for that reason, but now I also seriously hope therapy will help him curb those urges…
Sarah, I think Arksibalt has got to be fucking with us. Either he’s joking or he’s some kind of bizarre penis-supremacist.
Ami, I fail to see what Christina Hendricks has to do with anything in the thread.