“Kloo2yoo,” the moderator of Reddit’s Men’s Rights Subreddit, is worried that racists in his subreddit will give Men’s Rights a bad name. So he’s put out a call to some of the more artistic readers of the subreddit to come up with a nice new logo for it, to show how broad-minded and all-inclusive Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers really are. Well, not literally all-inclusive. As Kloo put it in his call for artiistic help:
New logo needed, to emphasize racial and lgbt inclusiveness, but not feminism.
Oh, but even that turned out to be a bit too inclusive for some of the commenters there. Specifically, they objected to the “L” portion of LBGT. And some of the Ts. As white_cloud put it:
I don’t think you need to appeal to the L in LGBT. It is well-known that lesbians are the most radical of all feminists. They will never feel welcome here and we should not go out of our way to make them feel welcome. Male to female trans pretty much the same thing. They’ve already renounced their male gender, they don’t care about male rights
Scott2508 concurred:
ok i am in favour of inclusivness and im not sure if i am going to word this right so stick with me , the one thing i am curious about is how we bring ourself in line with the lesbian [angle] of it all simply due to the hostility that can arise from that community towards men
Kloo replied:
point taken. we can embrace lesbian mras, without embracing lesbian supremacists.
Apparently these are the only types of lesbians in the world.
In any case, despite these design constraints, I have come up with what I think is a very compelling logo that I think will convey just what Kloo would like to convey. What do you think, guys?
What of substance is he hoping for? When all HE’S doing is mockery and angry rants about nothing in particular? XD He’s not even talking about real life… what are we supposed to say? XDD
So, I’m super afraid to ask this (if only because I know he’ll suddenly fall silent and retreat into MAN BAD WOMAN GOOD bleating), but:
NWO, what would you do with gay people?
Would you have the State interfere with people’s rights to live their lives and pursue their politics? Is this a special exception to your feelings on State actions?
He just wants us to tell him he’s right and that we repent our evil, wicked, feminist, LBGTQ supporting ways.
Or something.
Honestly Holly I have a feeling MARL is already mostly there, save for the conspiracy theories about Jews….
Oops again, didn’t notice the “feminisim” typo.
NWOslave, stop making so many mistakes. I can’t possibly correct them all.
CYA losers. Go sodomize something. NAMBLA and Butterfly Kisses for all. Hey, they’re all gays and lesbians. Hardcore. Qweet. One of your own.
“Feminisim” is a recently released expansion pack to the “Sims 3” life-simulation computer game that allows players to take part in slut walks and gay pride parades.
@Holly he’s actually replied to this xD He believes that w/o the state gay ppl wouldn’t exist b/c it’s only ppl being coerced/brainwashed into it by the state and state schooling.
He believes the State’s laws currently are CREATING queer ppl, and therefore it’s not about getting the state to pass laws AGAINST queer ppl, but to get rid of any laws relating to queer ppl, and we’ll vanish. (he might be right but not for the reasons he thinks) xD
Not much is needed to put you in your place, NWOaf. You’re already there: everyone knows you’re a shameless liar who lies whenever it’s convenient to him. Since this is already well-established, there’s not much need to belabor the point. You’re the resident liar. That’s your place. If you ever attempt to step out of that place and assume a different role — say, of a person who DOESN’T lie, but tries to honestly represent both his own point of view and the viewpoint of those with whom he disagrees — I’ll be both happy and shocked.
“The problem is the sinner’s want to be praised and glorified for their sins.
It would appear everything that was wrong is now right and everything that was evil is now good.”
Yeah yeah, keep fantasizing that your invisible friend is going to make us pay for our crimes and that we’ll all be sorry and wishing that we listened to you while we’re being eternally tortured.
And people mock you because there simply is no other possible rational response.
I think he believes that homosexuality wouldn’t exist without schools run by The State indoctrinating children into it.
Go sodomize something.
I’m actually going to. It feels great, and he loves it, and it harms no one.
My evening’s gonna be a hell of a lot more fun than yours. 🙂
Holly, I think Slavey’s going to be wanking to that image for quite a while.
NWO: Which of these is worse.
1: Forcing someone to do something against their will.
2: Doing something consensually?
3: You’ve still not answered my question about Iceland (I keep answering your questions, and you keep ignoring mine): Would you like to live in Iceland, where the divorce rate is 1.7 per thousand, and the age of consent is 15.
Tabby: English translations interpret the texts to be anti-homosexual, then that’s what they now are.
Not quite. The question of meaning is critical, and their are; at any given time, at least three meanings.
What the ur-text says, what the transmitted text says, and what the reader gets from it.
To go (again) to a document easier to parse in this context, what does The US Constitution, “mean”? It’s written in English, and English hasn’t changed all that dramatically from when it was written.
The Constitution (for good, or ill) is defined by trained scholars (i.e. lawyers who argue about it, and judges who make decisions; which they then explain). It’s also interpreted, day to day, but the body politic, in what they do/don’t do based on what they think is legal.
Any sacred text has the greater problem of it’s perceived extrinisic values. The Tao-te-ching has layers on layers of meaning, which are different to each person who reads it; and colored by the context in which that person reads it.
So…. to go back to the English meanings of the Bible… “Thou Shalt not Kill” means one thing, if you read it in Elizabethan English, and quite a different one if you read it in modern English. One of those meanings (murder) is completely consonant with the Hebrew.
If one is, however, looking to interpret that OT commandment via the lens of the NT, what Jesus, and Paul, and the other epistle writers (as well as the authors/compilers of the Gospels) had to say about it matters. If one belongs to a church with an historic practice of analysing the text, that comes into it too.
And how those understandings are understood in the present is part of the dialogue of meaning.
So to say, “it means what it means now” isn’t fair to the practitioners/believers, because they are all engaged in trying to reconcile all those strands of meaning, and reconcile them to how they understand the books (be they the vedic writings, or Kabbala, or Gnostic Gospels, or the writings of Thomas Aquinas).
Nothing is cast in stone, and getting the context of the ur-text in front of the faithful matters.
i actually meant to post this here xD
…IF the faithful are at all interested in remaining true to the original meaning. Which, mostly, they aren’t. There are, what, over 30,000 variations of Christianity extant in the world today? If there was any possible agreement about the meaning of that allegedly holy text, you’d think people would have arrived at it by now.
I saved the entire page that had that nasty threat. I fully understand why David deleted it, but I do think people should know who they are dealing with. With that in mind, I will provide a copy of the original message, hosted outside of David’s website, to anyone who wants to see it.
Pecunium – My understanding was that the “man shall not lie with another man” commandment was in the same category as the laws of kosher eating–possibly a Jewish law (although all but orthodox Jews are usually pretty tolerant of LGBTQ folk, culturally) but not applicable to Christians.
I want to see it!
@ Ami
I’d recommend also posting a link to the whole set. And do the same with your Scott Adams card blog post.
Holly: A lot of that has to do with the way the world (esp. the Greek and Roman world; don’t forget the canon of the Torah was codified in the world of hellenized, and anti-hellenic Judea) looked on homosexuality.
Which is another place the ur-texts are important. The Greeks, and even moreso the Romans, despised “passive” homosexuals. One of the things which got Plato in hot water was is ideal of ephebic clients in homoerotic mentor relations.
It just wasn’t done, esp in Athens (Sparta wasn’t as rabidly anti-homoerotic relations [for much of the same reasons it was seen differently in Elizabethan England; though the public expressions, and reactions to known homosexuals were different], though a preferential homosexual who wouldn’t take a wife would lose his place among the Spartiate [which has a name we tend {as a culture} to misunderstand, the homoimoi… i.e. The Equals.
Reading the ideas about passive homosexuals (and that included the victims of pedophilic, and adult, rape) would make modern homophobes embarrassed, because they are so bad at it.
Anyone else as sick as I am of hateful people like Slavey using religion to shame and control?
Seems like the trolls are pulling out the stops today. Good to know who is racist and who is pro-violence I guess…
Holly: I got lost in the digression: All of that is why modern Jews (apart from those who are more… There isn’t a good word, because those which seem to apply are tainted by those words associations with nutjob christians… can we agree to use hyper-rigid?) tend to not care; the social ills that came with being homosexual no longer apply.