“Kloo2yoo,” the moderator of Reddit’s Men’s Rights Subreddit, is worried that racists in his subreddit will give Men’s Rights a bad name. So he’s put out a call to some of the more artistic readers of the subreddit to come up with a nice new logo for it, to show how broad-minded and all-inclusive Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers really are. Well, not literally all-inclusive. As Kloo put it in his call for artiistic help:
New logo needed, to emphasize racial and lgbt inclusiveness, but not feminism.
Oh, but even that turned out to be a bit too inclusive for some of the commenters there. Specifically, they objected to the “L” portion of LBGT. And some of the Ts. As white_cloud put it:
I don’t think you need to appeal to the L in LGBT. It is well-known that lesbians are the most radical of all feminists. They will never feel welcome here and we should not go out of our way to make them feel welcome. Male to female trans pretty much the same thing. They’ve already renounced their male gender, they don’t care about male rights
Scott2508 concurred:
ok i am in favour of inclusivness and im not sure if i am going to word this right so stick with me , the one thing i am curious about is how we bring ourself in line with the lesbian [angle] of it all simply due to the hostility that can arise from that community towards men
Kloo replied:
point taken. we can embrace lesbian mras, without embracing lesbian supremacists.
Apparently these are the only types of lesbians in the world.
In any case, despite these design constraints, I have come up with what I think is a very compelling logo that I think will convey just what Kloo would like to convey. What do you think, guys?
NWO: Worse than that Pecunium, The NT promotes women actually liking men and even being loyal. Ohhhhh the inhumaity.
You are laboring under the idea that I am against the NT, and Christianity. I know what that is; you don’t read what people write. I happen to be religious. The nature of my religious belief is Christian.
You, of course, would probably disagree, but (as per norm) you are incorrect. Just as the basis of your belief is Christianity, so too mine. I just happen to have come to very different conclusions about what Jesus message is.
In a nutshell, Love one another and be kind. Or, to quote Hillel, “Do not do unto others what you would not have done to yourself. That is the whole of The Law; all else is commentary.”
Or, to quote Micah (OT, which as you will recall I think applies, but how/why I think it applies isn’t really worth speaking with you about… you will refuse to listen, and then lie about what I said).
Back to Micah 6:8 what does the Lord require, but to do justice and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
Or, as God said to Peter in his vision on the roof, “Nothing I have made is unclean”.
God made us, as we are; in deference to Him we need to accept each other, as we are, free and equal.
Do I really need to put you in your place? Crawl for it.
Pecunium, that’s honestly interesting.
I know “honestly” is an odd word to put there, and it makes it sound horribly sarcastic but it’s truly not meant that way, but I need it as a disclaimer. I really do find that interesting, how the bible was written and re-written provides windows to the past.
As an atheist, I just don’t think it matters. If English translations interpret the texts to be anti-homosexual, then that’s what they now are. The bible in its original languages matters no more or less than the translations do. It all just needs to be put away into the annals of history where it won’t do any more harm.
Not quite sure what you’re trying to say here. If you could clarify it for me, I’d be able to give you some advice on how to present it.
Unless you’re trying to talk like God in the KJV Bible. Are you?
@ David:
He won’t be missed. And you’re a far more patient person than I am to put up with his shit for this long and only receive more nastiness from him by way of thanks.
MRAL : judgements.
When the feminists groups have legislature in every one of the fifty state legislatures in the US seeking to try to restrict men’s access to a legal medical procedure, we can talk about the way the groups are alike in “judging.”
Until then, ferget it.
MRAL is a drama queen (or king?) -_-;; whenever the topic isn’t what he wants it to be, he goes on some giant hateful screed about somebody.. then apologizes for it and then goes on another screed : like last night when ppl stopped talking about him he starts swearing about Robert Jordan…. or before, w/ Hugo whenever the thread kinda goes away from talking about what he wants to rant about -_-;; I’m sure the anger is real, but I think him putting it here is to get attn (or get the topic about what he wants to scream about) e_e
Admit it, Futrelle, the real reason you’re moderating MRAL is because he’s short. This is blatant heightism! This just goes to prove that tou feminists are the real haters!
Oops, sorry, zonked–when the feminist groups have LEGISLATION or I guess technically BILLS submitted in every one of the fifty state legislatures…
*darn you wordpress for not having an edit function or a preview function (that I can find).*
True enough that you should love one another, Pecunium.
The problem is the sinner’s want to be praised and glorified for their sins.
It would appear everything that was wrong is now right and everything that was evil is now good. All promoted by………………..feminism.
True enough that you should love one another, Pecunium.
The problem is the sinner’s want to be praised and glorified for their sins.
And you should love them anyway. Jesus didn’t say “turn the other cheek… unless the person who struck you is all annoying and smug and stuff, then it’s totally cool to hate thy neighbor.”
NWO, for the love of the god you bang on about, stop with the apostrophe abuse.
Why aren’t you at work, NWO? What happened to your super dangerous and demanding low paid job?
We do? o_O
I didn’t know that I could ask for this? 😀 Where’s my praise and glorification!? >:O
Wait… NWO, didn’t you say on an earlier thread that you’re basically a Universalist? You believe all souls are saved?
Then why would a victimless sin matter? If you don’t think people are going to Hell for a sin, and it’s not hurting anyone, why is it even a problem? …is it even a sin at all?
But as always Holly Pervocracy, you forget the go and sin no more part. Thus they don’t want, “redemption.” They want praise for what ever vile acts they commit.
If I do something wrong I don’t demand to be glorified for it. I don’t demand a parade.
No I’m not whatever universalist you calim I am, Holly Pervocracy.
If you’re so into this shit of total forgiveness for any act. Start praising the rapisit’s.
Ami, you’re receive your “praise and glorification” when you die and God sends your damned soul to Hell for an eternity of excrutiating pain. Because (and I’m sure NWOslave will back me up on this) the whole point of Christianity is to punish sinners.
You demand a parade glorifying your wrongness every single day on this very blog, NWO.
NWO – So fuckin’ what. You don’t think something is praiseworthy, don’t praise it.
That doesn’t mean you have to go off about “ass cobras” either. If you don’t approve of consenting adults doing something that doesn’t hurt anyone and doesn’t hurt you… just shut your piehole for once in your life.
No, but you keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again.
I got up at 3AM Graham. Took a flight home, I got tommorow off, yippie!
Sry, I just can’t help it xD Spear is infectious XD