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Happy Pride Day, non-existent gay men!

Well, you're no lady. But I guess you'll do.

Today, as many of you no doubt know, is Gay Pride Day. Here in Chicago, that means the annual Pride Parade, a celebration of all things LGBTQetc — and a nice aerobic workout for parade participants. (Gyrating on a float for three hours dressed in a leather harness and thong will burn roughly 1000 calories. But beware of chafing!)

Rookh Kshatriya, proprieter of the Anglobitch blog (devoted to the notion that women in the Anglosphere are, well, bitches), has evidently decided to celebrate Pride Weekend by offering us all his theories on gay male sexuality. Which is to say, his theory that there is no such thing as gay male sexuality, and that all those gay men out marching today would much rather be spending their Sunday eating bagels and doing the New York Times crossword puzzle with some comely (non-lesbian) lasses.

Yep, in Rookh’s World, gay men – or, as he puts it, “gay” men — are actually nothing more than exceptionally horny straight men who have been unfairly denied sex-on-demand with women of their choosing.

Let’s let him explain this:

Despite their rhetoric about lifestyles and the contemplation of flowers, gay men are clearly entranced by orgasm to an extent far surpassing that of heterosexual men.

Alas, in our Feminazified world, women sometimes refuse to have sex with men. Deprived a natural outlet for their sexy urges, horny dudes have to, well, improvise a bit. Why try to finagle your way into a vagina assiduously guarded by some dumb lady, when other dudes just as horny as you have holes of their own available for the asking?

As Rookh  sees it, these uber-horny dudes really have no other choice.

[A]re most gay men just hyper-sexualized males – a self-selecting group whose priapic urges can only be satisfied by rejecting the relative sexual deprivation inescapably attendant on heterosexuality? The more one considers this possibility, the more plausible it seems. Even some badass with the looks of Apollo, the Game of Roissy and the confidence of a warlord would struggle to enter a nightclub and say: “I want sex NOW!” and expect to get it.

A terrible, terrible injustice. But there is a way out:

Yet homosexual men can enter any gay bath house in any Anglosphere city, say the very same words and expected to be sexually serviced by several men in a matter of minutes! In short, the sexual mismatch between the sexes makes the heterosexual lifestyle a poor option for any hyper-sexualized male – a non-option, in fact, if he wants to fully slake his sexual thirsts. By contrast, adopting homosexuality allows him to instantly indulge his every sexual whim in every manner conceivable.

Unless, of course, these whims involve sex with, you know, women. But lust is apparently stronger than mere sexual orientation. As Rookh sees it, homosexuality is the only rational choice for uber-horny men – even if they’d rather be boning women.

Since sex is so scarce and difficult to acquire in a heterosexual context, it simply makes no sense for an Anglo-American male with priapic urges to remain heterosexual – hence the self-selection of hyper-sexualized males towards homosexual lifestyles, not to mention the hyper-sexualized nature of homosexuality itself.

Is this all a prelude to a touching coming-out announcement by our man Rookh?

No such luck. It’s actually an excuse for, yes, more feminism-bashing. For it is the evil feminists who, in Rookh’s world, have been  encouraging the “female sexual ostracism” of poor suffering straight men:

As we all know, women seek to control men by limiting sexual supply, be it representational (pornography) or actual (prostitution) – and that feminism is, essentially, an institution created for that purpose.

And so, in Rookh’s world,

homosexuality has advanced in lock-step with feminism. … [F]eminism – by assailing marital monogamy and allowing women to indulge their primordial attraction to dangerous thugs, moronic bullies and swaggering plutocrats – produced an unwanted ‘rump’ of educated, economically stable but sexually disenfranchised males. Given that gay males are disproportionately intelligent, solvent and educated, it is fairly obvious that members of this group have opted for homosexuality as a means of escaping the living death of involuntary celibacy, that the two phenomena are in fact closely related and that feminism is directly responsible for the advancement of homosexuality across the Anglosphere.

Feminism, by encouraging women to say “no” when they don’t actually want to have sex, may have created modern homosexuality, in Rookh’s view. But that doesn’t mean that feminists actually like gay dudes. No. Ick!

[T]he vast majority of Anglo females detest gay men as vehemently as they hate men in general.  … the real link between pan-Anglosphere feminism and homosexuality [is that] the latter is a reaction to the former, which hates it with boundless counter-reactionary zeal.

Yeah, seems to me that the only one here who really “detest[s] gay men” is, well, Rookh, so much so that he’s decided to completely erase gay male sexuality – to put “gay” in scare quotes – in order to give himself another opportunity to run down feminists and women in general.

Now, human sexuality is a weird, messy, complicated, wonderful thing. It may well be that some bisexual men end up having sex with men more often than with women because they find it easier to find male sex partners for casual sex. But guys who are thoroughly gay – who would score a 6 on the famous Kinsey scale – don’t actually want to have sex with women. They really don’t. Drop a beautiful, eligible, horny (straight or mostly straight) woman in the midst of a bunch of Kinsey 6 guys, and this is what you get:

Court’s free!

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13 years ago


Now now, lets not go onto banned topics. And, at the risk of being very rude to the person in this photo, I wonder, MRAL, whether you would date someone who looked like this?

13 years ago

One of my gay guy friends had a relationship with someone who knew he had HIV but did not tell my friend about it…until they broke up. The break up involved telling my friend ‘fuck you – I was messing with you the whole time and now you have HIV’. My poor friend was an absolute mess.
My ex, no-where near as monstrous as that previous guy, cheated on me twice – told me I was ugly and a loser (making out like him cheating was my fault).

People – gay, straight, queer, men, women, trans – can all be assholes MRAL.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I flatly do not believe men are as mean as women. I don’t believe it. I simply don’t believe it. I see truckloads of evidence every fucking day.

What evidence do you see? In the last week, what are all these instances? How about today? What did you see? Truckloads means a lot right? :3 Like is this CLEAR evidence or do we have to do a bit of mind reading to figure out obv somebody is acting with evil cruelty or something? xD

(sry I was shopping… so I am catching up)

Most women look at non-alphas of their age like shit on their shoe, like second-class human beings

Most? How many is most? o_O How many women on THIS forum do you think act like this? Or are we all exceptions? (if we’re all exceptions, perhaps you SHOULD be hanging out w/ feminists :3 )

I don’t think so. Sure rejection would exist, I am sure, but men don’t have a hugely inflated view of themselves, in which they reject all but 10/10 suitors and metaphorically spit on the rest. Furthermore, when men turn people down (men or women) they aren’t cruel; they don’t treat the rejected person like shit, a non-human entity worthy of nothing but scorn.

Finally, Simone, the problem is that 9/10 women treat omega and beta men like SHIT, and so I have to get treated that way many times over if I am to be successful with a nice woman.

Again, I think you need to tell us how you know this? How sure are you this is true and what makes you so sure? :3 Do you think that we all must observe this in our day to day lives (or practice this ourselves?) and why don’t we see the things you do?

Also, I so would take you out if I was nearby :3 I think you might enjoy it, I’d def try to get some girls to talk to you… I mean if it goes badly, we can move on :3 but it’d be fun :3 And you wouldn’t need to be worried cuz you have your tall (occasional) model girl pass into awesomeness in me! 😀 And I’d introduce you to my gay friends and you can talk to them and it’d give you more exps to add to your knowledge base and maybe change your conclusions a bit 😀

And then we’d go clubbing! 😀

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Kirby that link doesn’t work. Buy those with extreme facial deformities- worse than mine- I would likely turn down, obviously on a case-by-case basis. But as I said, I would be nice about it (unlike bitch women) and continue to have much sympathy. Those with deformities similar to mine, I’d look past. I’d have to be a hypocrite not to (much like you fymynysts).

13 years ago

Lesbian sex doesn’t work because there are no penises. Penises are the center of the universe, this is why straight couples and gay men have lots of sex and lesbians pretty much stop talking to each other after 6 months out of sheer dissatisfaction. The superiority of the phallus is that undeniable. I’ve watched golf games more exciting than lesbian porn and I’m sure most guys would agree.

13 years ago


Apologies, something must have messed up.

How extreme of a facial deformity do you think this is?

13 years ago

MRAL, stop looking at everything in life through the lens of getting laid.

Get more than two friends. Specifically seek out female friends, not with the desire to fuck them; just because having friends is nice.

I just had two friends (one male and one female, neither of whom I want to fuck) over today to help me with a school project. I had to analyse them watching TV, as sort of a mini anthropological study.

We watched a Doctor Who episode, a few segments of a really bad Batman film serial from the 50’s and the first half of the Twilight: Eclipse Rifftrax. It was fun. Really fun.

If you just learn to simply have fun and enjoy yourself, maybe the “horrors” of not getting laid won’t seem so bad. Believe me, I know those “horrors” all too well. They’re really not that bad when you put them in perspective.

13 years ago


Stop stealing your worldview from dimwitted supporting characters in Kevin Smith movies.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

But golf isn’t v exc-

oh iiiiiii get it xD

actually Ive watched golf that’s more exciting than hetero sex xD like when Tom Watson almost won the Open Championship xD I actually skipped my run that morning (did it later >_> ) and watched the whole last round… (I was sad he lost : tho apparently he’s a jerkface) and I would MUCH rather watch Tom Watson play golf than have sex XD

I’d be surprised if most guys out there would rather watch the LPGA than watch lesbian smex tho xD But maybe they do! Given how much lesbian porn sells, I think that the LPGA is missing out on advertisements! “BORED WITH LESBIAN SEX? COME WATCH LADIES GOLF!” xD That’d be AWESOME 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Spearhafoc oh is that a quote from a movie? 😮 (I dun watch KS movies xD not out of preference, just never did xD ) awww 🙁 then it means that ppl aren’t going to go watch the LPGA is giant droves 🙁

13 years ago

OMG, I was going through old music today and gave an old Jewel album a listen… and MRAL, you should really listen to Pieces of You by Jewel.

It’s striking to me that there’s a song with MRAL’s exact attitude towards women spelt out in it…. from 16 years ago. It makes me sad that the world isn’t all that much further along since the time that was written.

But mostly it’s weird to me that it outlines so exactly everything we’ve heard from MRAL in the first two verses.

13 years ago

oh is that a quote from a movie?

Not an exact quote, no. But his point seems to match one of Jason Lee’s scenes in Chasing Amy, which was actually pretty good. It was before Smith’s movies really started to suck.

Basically, Lee plays a complete asshole moron. He and his “everyone likes cock, so lesbians can’t really exist”-opinion are’t supposed to be taken seriously.

13 years ago


Wow… I’m seriously bummed out right now… why does that song have to be relevant? -__- But yeah, the first two verses seem to sum up a ton of the misogyny we see around…

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Spearhafoc oh I HAVE seen a bit of that movie xD Doesn’t he turn out to be gay at the end?

13 years ago

Doesn’t he turn out to be gay at the end?

I think it’s implied. He does seem pretty eager to participate in the hypothetical threesome that Affleck’s character proposes.

Tabby Lavalamp
13 years ago

MRAL, have you ever walked down a street? Have you ever been in a mall? How about a sporting event? Have you ever been anywhere that people congregate?

I have. I have seen overweight men, homely men, poorly dressed men, raggedy men, men who likely don’t have the greatest of jobs, and guess what? So very, very often I see these men with women.
They may not always be the most conventionally “attractive” women. They are often overweight, homely, poorly dressed, raggedy, and may not have the greatest of jobs.

If so many people who aren’t “alphas” or even “betas” can find love, then the problem isn’t with how you look. It’s with you. I see men you would likely class as “omegas” in relationships all the time. How happy are they? I don’t know. But what I do know is if they spent their lives wallowing in self-pity, they’d be alone.

13 years ago

Well ya’ll already know my feeings about your beloved LGBTQWXZY social/physical contructs. Feminism will support anything that isn’t straight men, (especially straight white men), the more degrading the better. Legislating morality with your votes, lol. Hatred must be maintained.

But to bring a little joy to your icy hearts my day was absolute shit. What was supposed to be an easy 7 hour day turned into 14 hours of not one damn thing working. Plus I got a 7 AM flight which means I gotta leave at 4 AM. The worst part is I can’t even blame you hypocritical, bigots for it. Or can I?

13 years ago


So… anything except being a straight white man is degrading? I see… Could you, once and for all, explain how LGBTQ is a physical construct?

The 7 hour thing? Yeah… that was Ami…

13 years ago

The worst part is I can’t even blame you hypocritical, bigots for it. Or can I?

It was the Reptilians. They feed off human misery, and nobody is as miserable as MRAs make themselves. They love you guys.

Also, that comma is completely superfluous. Lose it.

13 years ago

Oh ya, NWOslave is the last two verses of that song… it’s spooky how a song that’s 16 years old is still so relevant.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I love how the trolls are all coming out to celebrate the kicking off of Pride! xD

@Kirby And yeah that was ttlly me xD When Ami goes out to queer clubs and watches a drag show, God makes a queerphobic troll suffer >_>;;

In all seriousness tho, I’m sry for your sudden tough day D: And for what’s coming up :

(why do I suspect I’m going to get a you pampered princess screed back? xD )

13 years ago

Only response of the night, (far too tired). Kirbywarp wins the prize.

T=physical construct.

13 years ago

Could you, once and for all, explain how LGBTQ is a physical construct?

It’s a “construct” like the ones produced by Green Lantern rings.

Why else do you think the various corps form a rainbow?

13 years ago

“The worst part is I can’t even blame you hypocritical, bigots for it. Or can I?”

I believe in your mis-attribution of blame powers, NWO!