Today, as many of you no doubt know, is Gay Pride Day. Here in Chicago, that means the annual Pride Parade, a celebration of all things LGBTQetc — and a nice aerobic workout for parade participants. (Gyrating on a float for three hours dressed in a leather harness and thong will burn roughly 1000 calories. But beware of chafing!)
Rookh Kshatriya, proprieter of the Anglobitch blog (devoted to the notion that women in the Anglosphere are, well, bitches), has evidently decided to celebrate Pride Weekend by offering us all his theories on gay male sexuality. Which is to say, his theory that there is no such thing as gay male sexuality, and that all those gay men out marching today would much rather be spending their Sunday eating bagels and doing the New York Times crossword puzzle with some comely (non-lesbian) lasses.
Yep, in Rookh’s World, gay men – or, as he puts it, “gay” men — are actually nothing more than exceptionally horny straight men who have been unfairly denied sex-on-demand with women of their choosing.
Let’s let him explain this:
Despite their rhetoric about lifestyles and the contemplation of flowers, gay men are clearly entranced by orgasm to an extent far surpassing that of heterosexual men.
Alas, in our Feminazified world, women sometimes refuse to have sex with men. Deprived a natural outlet for their sexy urges, horny dudes have to, well, improvise a bit. Why try to finagle your way into a vagina assiduously guarded by some dumb lady, when other dudes just as horny as you have holes of their own available for the asking?
As Rookh sees it, these uber-horny dudes really have no other choice.
[A]re most gay men just hyper-sexualized males – a self-selecting group whose priapic urges can only be satisfied by rejecting the relative sexual deprivation inescapably attendant on heterosexuality? The more one considers this possibility, the more plausible it seems. Even some badass with the looks of Apollo, the Game of Roissy and the confidence of a warlord would struggle to enter a nightclub and say: “I want sex NOW!” and expect to get it.
A terrible, terrible injustice. But there is a way out:
Yet homosexual men can enter any gay bath house in any Anglosphere city, say the very same words and expected to be sexually serviced by several men in a matter of minutes! In short, the sexual mismatch between the sexes makes the heterosexual lifestyle a poor option for any hyper-sexualized male – a non-option, in fact, if he wants to fully slake his sexual thirsts. By contrast, adopting homosexuality allows him to instantly indulge his every sexual whim in every manner conceivable.
Unless, of course, these whims involve sex with, you know, women. But lust is apparently stronger than mere sexual orientation. As Rookh sees it, homosexuality is the only rational choice for uber-horny men – even if they’d rather be boning women.
Since sex is so scarce and difficult to acquire in a heterosexual context, it simply makes no sense for an Anglo-American male with priapic urges to remain heterosexual – hence the self-selection of hyper-sexualized males towards homosexual lifestyles, not to mention the hyper-sexualized nature of homosexuality itself.
Is this all a prelude to a touching coming-out announcement by our man Rookh?
No such luck. It’s actually an excuse for, yes, more feminism-bashing. For it is the evil feminists who, in Rookh’s world, have been encouraging the “female sexual ostracism” of poor suffering straight men:
As we all know, women seek to control men by limiting sexual supply, be it representational (pornography) or actual (prostitution) – and that feminism is, essentially, an institution created for that purpose.
And so, in Rookh’s world,
homosexuality has advanced in lock-step with feminism. … [F]eminism – by assailing marital monogamy and allowing women to indulge their primordial attraction to dangerous thugs, moronic bullies and swaggering plutocrats – produced an unwanted ‘rump’ of educated, economically stable but sexually disenfranchised males. Given that gay males are disproportionately intelligent, solvent and educated, it is fairly obvious that members of this group have opted for homosexuality as a means of escaping the living death of involuntary celibacy, that the two phenomena are in fact closely related and that feminism is directly responsible for the advancement of homosexuality across the Anglosphere.
Feminism, by encouraging women to say “no” when they don’t actually want to have sex, may have created modern homosexuality, in Rookh’s view. But that doesn’t mean that feminists actually like gay dudes. No. Ick!
[T]he vast majority of Anglo females detest gay men as vehemently as they hate men in general. … the real link between pan-Anglosphere feminism and homosexuality [is that] the latter is a reaction to the former, which hates it with boundless counter-reactionary zeal.
Yeah, seems to me that the only one here who really “detest[s] gay men” is, well, Rookh, so much so that he’s decided to completely erase gay male sexuality – to put “gay” in scare quotes – in order to give himself another opportunity to run down feminists and women in general.
Now, human sexuality is a weird, messy, complicated, wonderful thing. It may well be that some bisexual men end up having sex with men more often than with women because they find it easier to find male sex partners for casual sex. But guys who are thoroughly gay – who would score a 6 on the famous Kinsey scale – don’t actually want to have sex with women. They really don’t. Drop a beautiful, eligible, horny (straight or mostly straight) woman in the midst of a bunch of Kinsey 6 guys, and this is what you get:
Court’s free!
Now we know what to get you for your birthday Pecunium, a LOOM!
The injured sportsman thing is cruel. Having knee reconstruction and then being expected to go out and play rugby and so on. You wouldn’t do it to a dog!
Coming very very late to the party:
@MRAL – My husband is 5’8″ (actually, a little under probably) and not cut. I of course find him to be the sexiest man alive, which is why I married him, but I would say that he falls under greek system as probably a low beta (short, podgy but built like a barrel, balding). Granted, I’m a fatty fatty mc fat fat Omega woman, but before me he dated (and bedded) quite a few ladies, some I have met and many more I have seen pictures of, who were all quite attractive. I know lots and lots of guys who are not paragons of either height or fitness who date and socialize and are in relationships.. heck, some of them with multiple partners!
@Ilithiana GET AN IPAD. Seriously. I know it’s more expensive, but not only can it use all the various different ereader abilities (including access to both the nook and kindle stores) but it is much, much easier to download and use library ebooks on an iPad than on other readers (you can download directly from the library on your ipad, whereas with a Nook, Sony, Kooba, and eventually Kindle, you have to download it to your computer and then upload it to your reader). PLUS you can do all the other things on it that ereaders can’t do or can’t do as well (calendar, email, IM, organization, etc. etc). Get a wifi one, not a 3G, and it will be cheaper /and/ no data plan.
@Magpie *nods* that’s happened w/ me too, I got a lot of compliments in that vein too when I started to lose tons of weight : and I never want to tell nebody about my ED, cuz I’m afraid it’ll encourage THEM, or guilt them into starving themselves (“look I can do it, what’s your excuse? :” ) and like… they tell me how good I look and how healthy… even tho I can barely walk up stairs, and if the temperature isn’t in the mid 20s I’m FREEZING.. and I felt half alive most days 🙁
I think also w/ telling ppl… I dun tell ppl about my ED : oddly I feel more ashamed of it and scared to talk about it than I am w/ other things (except maybe 2 other things : and that’s about the details) jsut cuz I feel like… saying I have an ED feels like whining.. that it’s like “oh so you CAN eat, you just dun want to” or like I made up my own problem or etc : it feels like I’m just making a big deal out of nothing or that if I tried hard enuf I could just stop it 🙁 and it’s something I did to myself (which is true) and so how can i talk about it like it’s a problem? 🙁
Ow – poor Ami! Do the complimenters even LOOK at the person they’re talking to? Or is it a habit, it’s ‘the right thing to say’?
@ Ami- I’ve totally noticed that “no pain no gain” thing too. It ties back into treating women as if they shouldn’t take up space. Anyone who focuses on their needs, wants, etc. is somehow a bad person. Personally, I blame a culture of Protestant (esp. Purtianical) denialism from back in the 19th century where self-sacrifice was considered a virtue. Which is why I’m glad I’m a Jew 😀
and if you tell a bloke you have an ED, all he says is ‘i’d fuck you!’, as if it’s all about HIS penis.
@Magpie I dunno what ppl see when they look at me : and I’m sry I wasn’t meaning to make it about me or fish for sympathy but ty *and big hugs to you :3 *
i’m worried i’m talking way too much about me : i think i’ve held this in a lot 🙁
@M Dubz yeah… i think that does have a lot to do w/ it :
Magpie – it was mainly my family that was going on about how great I looked…when I lost about 10 kilos cos I was suffering from depression. Yeah. Way to reaffirm the self-harm as a healthy outlet!
@Ami- Oh sweetie, the Jewish mother in me just wants to give you all the hugs. And I know you know this in your logical brain, but YOU ARE NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT A TRIVIAL THING. Your ED is totally something that is worth talking about, and you deserve all the sympathy in the world, because IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. YOU DID NOT CHOOSE THIS.
Ami – you’re not making it all about you. You’re giving us all a chance to talk and think about it.
M Dubz – ‘self-sacrifice is a virtue’ … do you reckon people care about what the sacrifice is for, or is it just an end in itself?
Ah – yes. It IS all about penises, magpie. It’s like the argument that you should accept your body (particularly if you are overweight) cos men would like to fuck you! They like ‘cushin for the pushin!’ Bah.
Lyn – your own family? who know you better than anyone? They see you crook and say ‘oh, you’re looking good”?
Lyn – “give her a slap and catch the first wave in” – bah!
@Lyn I’ve seen that in lots of youtube stuff where a girl talks about being concerned that she’s overweight or something and guys comment saying “I’d fuck you!” or “you’re sexy, not like those anorexic bitches” (is it possible to compliment a woman without insulting another woman?) or etc : as if that’s what it’s all about (NWO def thinks we think this way) 😐
i also see on stuff where girls just vlog (and dun mention nething about body image) it’s all about guys in the comments debating whether she’s somebody they want to do or not :
That was actually your argument – I mean when Cosmo does those stupid polls on what men want to promote more body acceptance. Uh – not the point. Penises are not the centre of the universe.
@ Magpie- There’s a lot of lip service being paid to it being in pursuit of career, family, relationship, etc. but sometimes I just think American culture doesn’t want to have too much genuine fun (but still! you should totally buy lots of shit! gaaah)
It’s like the ‘dressing slutty’ thing. There’s six billion people in this world, mate, but only one of them takes your penis into account when they get dressed!
Oh ew. That joke is not ok!
And, to be fair to my family, they didn’t know I was crook. I didn’t even tell them I’d broken up with my partner (which, combined with a series of other things, set off my depression)…one of those ‘being self-sufficient’ things. Also, my family hadn’t liked my partner so I expected lots of ‘well, he was an asshole anyway’ responses which would have been difficult to deal with if we’d gotten back together. And my mum didn’t say anything like that – she was anorexic when she was younger and always worries when my sister or I lose weight!
yeah, being ‘self sufficient’, not wanting to let them or yourself down, not being able to judge whether you need assistance, or what assistance you need, so it gets away from you (this is me i’m talking about). Not realising that the family want to help, even, but are not sure what to say because you’re so prickly … ain’t depression fun?
Yup. And the ‘I’m a terrible person, so how could I even countenance burdening them with my irritating self…’ Depression ftl 🙁
Oh yeah. On a brighter note, I just bought a train ticket to Melbourne! For the middle of October. What’s good in Melbourne? besides the shopping and the zoo and the markets and the museum and the shopping and ACMI and the coffee and the shopping?
footnotegirl, how do you feel an ipad stacks up for reading outside and for battery use? (real question, not a “my techy’s better than yours” I promise!)
Hi guys! I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve posted! I’m so sorry. D=
I really want to keep up with you guys but I’ve been really busy with my new job and stuff. I have worked so many hours this weekend. -.-
Um. I’m, not really sure I have anything on topic to post. Except I’m really pretty pretty drunk. Haha. Yeah. I’m totally drunk-posting here! =D
*hugs* to everyone with an ED. I used to purge in high school. I never really lost any significant weight because of it. I think it really was an issue of punishing myself for being bad, rather then weight loss. But I still hated how I looked. *sigh*
I am sure you are beautiful, wonderful people! <3