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Will Ferrell, Conscious Man

Do you remember the Conscious Men and “Dear Woman,” their little video manifesto/apology to women? If not, please go read my post on them and/or watch at least a minute or two of their creepy, cringeworthy video – you may not be able to take much more. Then watch this: Will Ferrell’s spot-on parody of their video.

[funnyordie id=55c51f0c23 width=512 height=328]

Here’s the original “Dear Woman” video:

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13 years ago


Welcome back.. I’d say b) is the actual one, it seems kind of odd for an MRA to complain that being sex-negative is vilified, and they don’t normally say that women desire ego. What are you trying to prove exactly, that you are bad at parody?

If its that feminists can be extreme too, then welcome to the world of radfems. Hooray. They exist. But feminists as a group don’t always agree with them, and you have people on this very blog who are willing to demonstrate this. (As opposed to the “extreme MRAs,” whom nobody seems to be willing to contradict even as they distance themselves)

13 years ago

p.s. to Ion–forgot to say, DOH, that I find a whole lotta what gets posted here hilarious–David’s OPs are always good for a snicker, some for full-fledged belly laughs, although a few are downright horrifying (arms and the man), and I enjoy that–and as even additional frosting on the case (mmmm love frosting slurp), many of the commenters (not all of whom identify as feminists, btw, even though they have tattoos, imagine that) are hilarious–witty responses, a lot of geeky and nerds references, a lot of commenting about cultural issues, along with the troll takedowns. I started reading over here occasionally after one of David’s post was linked on a feminist blog, then I added it to my DW feed list, then I started commenting, now I’m hooked like a very hooked thing and commenting more than I ever have on ANY blog (I’m usually a LJ/DW girl to tell you the truth). So right here, lots of wit and humor although some of it falls into the category of laughing to avoid crying.

13 years ago


Yes, B is the right one. Here is the link

Just goes to show that MRA’s and feminists have so much in common. They should be totally in love which each other.

MRA’s are pretty much anti-sex too. For example here

If I understand correctly, sex is only ok in holy matrimony like in the good old days, or when used by PUA’s to get back at women for being sluts.

And the radfems would wholeheartedly agree that men only have sex with women to hurt them. Penis in vagina sex and pregnancy are a male invention specially designed to harm them. But they go ever further than the MRA’s in that they also don’t accept marriage.

13 years ago

I don’t know of any radfems that lit themselves on fire, and if there have been any, I certainly haven’t heard of any feminists calling them martyrs for the cause. So no. As extreme as the speech of radfems can be at times, they do not go further than MRAs.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

If MRAs are to MRActivism like the radfem are to feminism, then where are the MRAs like us? o_O Or are WE the MRAs like us? (like Ozy, Holly, Me, etc)

@Ithiliana what no lurve for teh Ami? D: (i’m kidding :3 )

13 years ago

“Just goes to show that MRA’s and feminists have so much in common.” First of all, radfems are a specific subset, not a representative sample. Secondly, reality matters. Men are and have historically been overrepresented in political and legal systems positions of power. Women are actually overrepresented in sex trafficking victims. Women are actually routinely denied access to and rights over issues of their bodily autonomy. These statements would only be equal if the histories and social situations were equal, which they are not. Sort of like how the Cherokee asserting that the US government forced them on a virtual death march in the past and has continuously made attempts at genocide of the Cherokees is true, but the converse claim, that the Cherokee forced the US government on a virtual death march in the past and has continuously made attempts at genocide of the US government would be a load of horseshit. While I am not a fan of radfem ideas in general, this false equivocation business is nonsense.

13 years ago

*flings self dramatically at Ami’s feet*

You KNOW you are one of my favorite posters! I was at work and didn’t want to try to name names, and backtrack and spend more time readiig here than writing an abstact for an anthology.

But actually, going srs for a moment, I think my admiration for your compassion exceeds my admiration for your wit and humor–because, wow, you have so much and such an ability to express it!

13 years ago

I was a radical feminist back in the early 1980s when I first became a feminist–and while I’ve rejected much of their theories (relating to transphobia, race, and gender essentialism), they are certainly not representative of all feminisms.

Hell, they didn’t even burn bras (that was made up by media).

And despite claims by later feminists that “all 70s/radfems were racist” covers up the very effective collaborative work and the feminists of color (Florynce Kennedy, Toni Cade Bambara, Angela Davis) and white feminists (Kennedy toured with Gloria Steinem, for example:

Racism still exists in white feminist groups today–why wouldn’t it? We’re a racist culture.

Basic rule: what actually happened in the past was much more complex and complicated and nuanced than any historical narrative can convey.

13 years ago

many of the commenters (not all of whom identify as feminists, btw, even though they have tattoos, imagine that)

Hey, I resemble that remark! 😀

Srsly, I don’t have to be a feminist to see that MRAs got a whole lot of loonies. And to enjoy laughing at the loonies 🙂

13 years ago


Do you have knowledge of mra’s or is this blog your main source of information? Im my experience, reasonable feminists are behind the mrm on many of the issues, see the site “feminist critics” for example.. but anyway.

David Futrelle. are the conscious men not a more extreme version of you?

13 years ago

Plymouth: my partner of 17 or so years is not a feminist!

A lot of it has to do with how one defines feminist, and other stuff, but somehow we manage to live together very well.

And yes, mocking misogyny does not require official feminist cred (I tell her some of the stuff I read here for laffs!)

13 years ago

Surfa – This blog is my main source of laffs. I don’t really care beyond that. I’m not here to do research. And outside of fight club I don’t talk about fight club. (ok, occasionally I mention something especially funny to my fiance).

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