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Will Ferrell, Conscious Man

Do you remember the Conscious Men and “Dear Woman,” their little video manifesto/apology to women? If not, please go read my post on them and/or watch at least a minute or two of their creepy, cringeworthy video – you may not be able to take much more. Then watch this: Will Ferrell’s spot-on parody of their video.

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Here’s the original “Dear Woman” video:

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Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
13 years ago

I’ve never seen the original video, and am now curious where their cult compound is.

The parody would have been funnier if I had watched the original first (though moments with Farrell and Forte appearing did make me laugh). There was one part about women and history that struck me as anti-feminist, but not being able to make it through the cult video I don’t know how much of the parody was taken directly from it.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

That was the funniest thing ever. Ferrell is the man. Fucking handed it to those misandrist FUCKS.

13 years ago

I don’t know. There are one or two points where they seemed to recognize what was creepy and weird about the original video, like the “sorry for all those unconscious wrongs I made unconsciously”, or “You’re totally connected to the dirt and stuff,” or the creepy wide-eyed kid in the hoodie. But I kind of feel like this parody wasn’t making fun of the original video so much as it was making fun of some sort of crass, stereotypical fantasy perception of what silly ladies complain about, with a secondary dig at the kind of men who listen to what the silly ladies complain about.

Like, that whole bit about shaving? “Sorry we don’t love your bush. I mean, it’s like a big fetid swamp, and we love huge stinky swamps, so why wouldn’t we love your bush?” I don’t remember anything like that in the original video, so that’s just some original “your parts are nasty and any guy who likes them is so fucking weird we have to mock him” they put in there for lols. Or, “Sorry all the guys who actually did bad things to you are long dead and haven’t apologized to you for being mean, I know that really bothers you” because, what, all the bad is in the past now and ladies are just forcing dudes to be accountable for things that don’t happen any more? Or, “Sorry I jerk off while thinking of you naked, I know that hurts you a lot.” That shit really came off to me more like “Sorry you’re so anti-sex that you need to castrate men because all their urges are hostile and offensive to your sensitive lady brain, or something.”

I was really hopeful that this would be a fun parody of the original, which has so much good material for satire in it, but this comes off way more as a satire of women’s ridiculous “equality” issues instead of the backhanded compliments and creepy paternalism of the original.

13 years ago

I don’t see much difference between the two clips.
What is the point exactly ?

Both clips are obvious parodies of what so called ‘feminist man’ are like.

13 years ago

That was pretty funny, though I think I laughed more at the one where they were sincere…. 🙂

13 years ago

Hilarious, now if only he would make and peg and holes video parody of Scott Adams. I visualize it similar to this

Pegs and holes, pegs and holes, gotta get my round peg in your square hole!!! lulz

13 years ago

I love how the entire first minute is played completely straight.

13 years ago

I only managed to watch the first after the second.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

As usual, here’s MRAL:


And here's the point:


Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

Tabby, I kind of had some second thoughts about some of this as well. I mean, it did have it’s moments of laughter, but…

I cringed at “pelty bush,” “musty thicket of wonders,” and the comparison to a swamp at the equator. I dunno. I just kind of feel like that’s poking fun at women’s bodies more than it’s poking fun at the “Dear Women” guys.

I really don’t “know” Will Ferrell enough to know how he truly intended this. I do remember seeing a movie with him and another guy who were cops or something, it was horribly sexist and I feel like I heard Will Ferrell was involved in the making beyond just being an actor. Half of the humor revolved around treating his wife like shit and insulting her. It was not funny in the least. We ended up turning it off because it was just that bad.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

MRAL is being facetious… right? xD

13 years ago

This is ridiculous. Proof that without men, women are utterly useless. Sure, you bimbos post all these inane “cutesy” cat videos and pictures here, but look what happens when one of your precious fur sacks needs help? It’s the fireMEN who need to save it and probably give it back to some pampered rich bitch who will get her husband to foot the bill.

Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

Yeah! Letting cats die in pipes is MANLY!


13 years ago

aMiRA hates cats? Okay, officially NOT COOL.

13 years ago

@Fuck MRAs: the problem with parody is that in order to work it reinscribes the original text, with all its problems — the question with how effective parody (and satire) can be is often related to how successfully the parody can subvert the original text, instead of reinscribe it.

I didn’t watch the original, or the parody (the original one, because blood pressure), the parody because I’m not fond of Will Ferrell (he was excellent in STRANGER THAN FICTION but that’s about it–all his comedy bromance asshole guy movies turn me off). Plus ‘m no a slow internet connection today with a netbook, so downloading it would be a pain.

Now Ami’s Magic (Magyk?) the gendering is inho a brilliant parody not only of the card game but most importantly MRA rhetoric.

That’s probably not only because of her talent and wit but (my theory) that successful parodies are more often done from the bottom up. To avoid blathering on, I don’t trust Will Ferrell who has made his living from portraying sexist and misogynistic twits to parody sexism.

Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

ithiliana, it sounds like you are more familiar with Will Ferrell than I am, and thanks for confirming my suspicions about his usual brand of humor.

You said what I was getting at much better. I’m not sure that this really subverts the original in any meaningful way.

13 years ago

And letting men die in order for you to have an oh-so “sparkly” diamond on your finger, or buy another pair of ridiculous high heeled shoes is… what?

13 years ago

A quick Wikipedia search shows me that Magic: The Gathering was invented by a man. Typical of women to pervert a man’s blood, sweat and tears and then get praised for it.

13 years ago

Actually the diamond thing is more about men making decisions that make diamonds attractive (read expensive) and high heels are generally a bad idea.

Still does not excuse your utterly lame hatred of cats.

how can you hate this?!

Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

(marks amira down in the “too dumb/evil to respond to” category)

13 years ago


13 years ago

aMiRA is Ami, parodying MRA trolls.

13 years ago

Typical feminist response. Somebody cares about men, therefore they hate something or somebody. If I expressed concern for the safety of police officers, you would then respond with “why do you hate victims of crimes?”, I would wager.

And of course, when women are the victims of poor judgement, then it’s “victim blaming” to suggest the plain truth, but when men are the victims of women’s petty wants and desires, it is because men chose to and let’s all shrug and wash our hands of our complicity in their deaths.

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