open thread

Weekend Open Thread Dada Party!

Schampa wulla wussa olobo!

Welcome to the Weekend Open Thread Dada Party. Talk about whatever you want. And don’t worry if some of the words you use aren’t actual words. The Dadaists didn’t care about that sort of thing. Blago bung, blago bung. Bosso Fataka!

Click here or here to hear Kurt Schwitters read some of  his Dadaist poetry. For more on this poem, see here.

Enjoy! Or, as Hugo Ball might have put it, ba – umf.

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13 years ago

Apropos of nothing:

13 years ago

Re: Wicked–got about 50 pages in and just couldn’t do it, which is unusual because I can power through just about anything. It just didn’t engage me at all.

I’m not a feminist either. Just had my second sitting for the piece on my left bicep, which based off of one of Ando Hiroshige’s woodcuts. It’ll be finished in August, and I highly recommend Southside Tattoo in Austin. This is piece #6, and it may extend across my collarbone to the right bicep, I haven’t decided.

PFAE, was it you who wanted the raven in PNW style? Bart, the owner of Southside, specializes in that style.

13 years ago

Since you are all sadists and sexual deviants, here’s a few treats for you

13 years ago

MRAL: good luck. It’s hard. The hardest part (at first) is talking about stuff.

13 years ago

hellkell it was me, and I’m not travelling 2,500 miles to get a tattoo, not least because it would require several trips because of just what it is I want to have done.

Raven is an odd-duck in the display arts, and what I want is a somewhat synergistic/synthetic/syncretic piece, so the design is going to take some time/doing as well as the inking session.

13 years ago

My boyfriend of six years (a quarter of my life) just broke up with me last night, and I’m alone for the rest of the weekend with few, if any, people to talk to.

Much less depressing is that I’m raising black swallowtail caterpillars, and one of them has pupated. 😀

13 years ago

Alex! I’m so so so sorry. That sucks.

I’m happy about the caterpillar though! Will it be a pretty butterfly? I don’t know what a black swallowtail looks like. Or how one raises caterpillars. That sounds pretty interesting.

Breakups blow.

13 years ago

Oh no, Alex! That sucks. But great news about the caterpillars what will you do with them when they turn into butterflies? Can you keep them in the house? I’ve never had a pet caterpillar before.

13 years ago

The butterflies are big and mostly black. The females have more black and small yellow spots as well as blue around the edge of the wings and red eye-spots. The males have more yellow, almost stripes, and also have the blue and red parts; I think they’re slightly smaller too, but I haven’t seen them side by side. I always release them when they become butterflies, and I make sure to get photos before they take off. Actually, the butterfly shown on my blog is one of the females. Black swallowtail caterpillars eat the leaves and flowers of all members of the carrot family: dill, fennel, parsley, Queen Anne’s lace, coriander, etc.

Yeah, he wants to fix his self esteem issues, which I’ve been helping him with for the duration of our relationship. Oh well. I’m twenty-three, so I still have a chance to ride the legendary alpha cock carousel. I just hope he fixes his shit soon really.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Very sorry to hear that, Alex. I think the best way to deal with it is to find a feminist blog and post a series of long, angry rants about how women control the world and men are suffering terrible oppression at their hands. I’ve noticed that some people use this method to dull the pain of their existence.

Of course, you have resources they lack, such as a functioning brain, so you’ll have other options open to you.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago
13 years ago

Woah, pretty.

13 years ago

Oh! I’ve seen your blog before, Alex. That’s a gorgeous iridescent butterfly.

You’re young, and you deserve to be with someone who has his shit together, so I hope he figures things out quickly. Lord knows that one can spend one’s life working on one’s self esteem. I’ve spent the past million and a half years doing it, anyway, and I’m still not there. ANYWAY, good luck to the both of you, and may it work out for the best in every way. It hurts to have that unexpected emptiness thrust onto you.

13 years ago

Thanks, Bee. I mean it.

Johnny Pezz, lol Shouldn’t I actually go to an MRA blog and instead post a series of long angry rants about alpha men abusing their alpha powers and forcing women to invest in long term relationships where they help them with their shit and then those EVIL EVIL ALPHA ASSHOLE COCKS run off? lol (Note: that would be a very unfair characterization of what happened, but I suspect a lot of MRAs unfairly characterize a lot of their relationships.)

13 years ago

hey MRAL,
I’ve been in therapy since january. It’s a hellacious process and it often makes you feel worse before you start feeling better, but you’ll start noticing the changes fairly quickly. If you feel like you need some support and someone to unpack your therapy sessions to, my email is [email protected]. I’ve found that for me talking about what happened in therapy is helpful and gets me over the slump that it often leaves me in. Anyway good luck, I hope they go well


Since it is all about me this weekend…I got to my hotel here in Anaheim and the room number is 627…the same number of my birthday Monday. Plus 13 had flowers waiting for me. Yay!

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Alex, that would make too much sense — way more than the MRAs make here. I think the proper way to troll an MRA blog would be to tell them that all their worst fears are absolutely 100% true. Women do control the world, 20% of the men do get all the action, yadda yadda yadda. That sounds like a lot more fun.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

*hug hug hug hug hug Alex* I’m so so so sry 🙁 I’m here if you need to talk… and if you need to find me on IM or something (leave me a msg on my blog w/ your IM and I’ll contact you :3 )

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I just got back from a friend’s birthday bash and it was a ton of fun xD We went to 2 clubs, saw a drag show at one, and danced a ton xD I got up on the stage at one point! XD They were queer clubs… so it occurred to me during it, this is like NWO hell xD Gay ppl, gay ppl making out… lesbians.. trans ppl… drag shows! sacre bleu! xD

Some of them were prolly Jewish too >_>;; And feminists!

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Some of them were prolly Jewish too

It has to be a certified Rothchilds or it doesn’t count.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Well he’d have to ask them their direct lineage xD

Some might have been bankers also! Gay feminist drag bankers! xD

(sry I’m still on a massive high from tonight xD (figuratively, not actually xD )

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Really, just being Canadian ought to be enough to blow Slavey’s fuses. After all, you guys are practically Commies. Gay feminist commie hosehead bankers in drag.

13 years ago

Alex, I’m really sorry to read about you break up. Break ups have a unique way of getting every part of your being and basically being soul crushing. Be really kind to yourself over the next few weeks and don’t worry or be hard on yourself if you find that you’re not really coping. I broke up with my partner of 5.5 years about 18 months ago (at the age of 22) and it was hard, but it got easier with time. What really helped was that I had some fantastic future plans and was forced to get out and do things because I was in a new town far from my family and friends. At the time I hated it, but looking back I think it was really good.

In other weekend news, I forgot to mention that I experienced probably the worst negging (if it even counts as that) in my life so far. A guy I’ve seen around a bit and I thought I might be interested in chatted to me and told me that I’m very pretty and lovely, but I should be careful because I’m too fat for my ankles and because I’m too heavy for them to support I’ll probably break an ankle one day. He also told me that I probably eat too much and sleep to much (he doesn’t even know my eating and sleeping habits) and that it’s a shame because I’m so pretty and nice. Then he asked me if I wanted to kiss him. I laughed and laughed at how stupid it was and left. He was confused about why I didn’t want to kiss him. Jerk.

13 years ago

That’s not negging, he was just an idiot.

A neghit is not supposed to be insulting. It’s a small tease of the kind you’d say to your kid sister or a good friend. It works on typically beautiful, popular girls who are used to men complimenting and fawning over them daily – with an all-too-obvious purpose. Personally I think being confident of yourself and not pedestalizing anyone is better, but it’s a useful stepping stone for socially awkward guys on the way there.

13 years ago


“It’s a small tease of the kind you’d say to your kid sister or a good friend.”

This small tease is supposed to make a woman interested in you sexually, yes? Why exactly would you use it on your kid sister?