open thread

Weekend Open Thread Dada Party!

Schampa wulla wussa olobo!

Welcome to the Weekend Open Thread Dada Party. Talk about whatever you want. And don’t worry if some of the words you use aren’t actual words. The Dadaists didn’t care about that sort of thing. Blago bung, blago bung. Bosso Fataka!

Click here or here to hear Kurt Schwitters read some of  his Dadaist poetry. For more on this poem, see here.

Enjoy! Or, as Hugo Ball might have put it, ba – umf.

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13 years ago

Peter Falk, September 16, 1927 – June 23, 2011

Height: 5’6″

Had a glass eye since the age of 3.

Hugely successful actor. Twice married.

That is all.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
13 years ago

And don’t worry if some of the words you use aren’t actual words.

What about if people want to use actual words but not in any recognizable order? There are a couple of regular MRA commenters who may then finally start feeling at home.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
13 years ago

And RIP Peter Falk. I may have to watch The Princess Bride this weekend…

13 years ago

I am stuck at a fancy schmancy dinner this evening…thank god for kindle apps for droid.

13 years ago


My boyfriend got in an argument on Facebook (the ultimate source of facepalm) about that kid whose parents aren’t telling people zir gender. He sent me some of the words that were used by people intending to argue with him, and they were words which were arranged in valid English sentences, but aside from that….

… well, some nonsense words would be fun about now.

13 years ago

Universe, I am horny and my boyfriend is FAR AWAY and this is terrible. I just felt you guys should know that.

13 years ago

Also, Ami is awesome and made me a card XDXDXDXDXD!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I hope you like it :3 It took a while for me to figure out the dynamic that didn’t make it unplayable xD

13 years ago

*gives Ozy a perfect replica of her boyfriend’s important bits* wow! Chicken…I know I am at a fundraiser now!

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I was very sad to hear about Peter Falk also. One of the Greats.

13 years ago

Ami, the cards are awesome!

13 years ago

I just won a basket of beers (local brewery named Four Peaks)! And I do not drink 😀

13 years ago

Hey, blast from the past! Because I’ve totally not been around for a while, and because I’m going to bring up a probably long-dead topic: Literature!

So, anyone else read Wicked? I just finished the novel and it kinda blew my mind, not really sure what to think. Anyone else’s thoughts? I’m especially interested if ithiliana is still around, considering our talk of Baum’s work on that thread.

Also, in case people don’t know, the musical is vastly different from the book, so if you’ve only seen that don’t try to follow any potential novel conversation, as it’ll get confusing right quick.

Though the musical is also quite awesome, just to say 🙂

13 years ago

Also, Tactical Giraffe FTW!

13 years ago


Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Ami, I love, love, love my card! Thanks!

13 years ago

I actually liked the musical of Wicked a lot better than the novel. The novel seemed… scattered to me, and dark more for the sake of GRIMDARKNESS than for the story. I quite liked his inclusion of Boq, though.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I’m playing Borderlands. It’s good, but not great.

13 years ago

I don’t want to read Wicked or any other Oz book not written by Baum. I’m just a purist, I guess.

13 years ago


i am so very jealous of your talent – and the backstory is very awesome 🙂

are you going to make a full expansion? lol

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

It’s going to take a while, but I’m working on it xD

13 years ago

Speedlines: A fair opinion. 🙂 I personally refuse to listen to any songs by the horror-punk band the Misfits after Glenn Danzig left, for similar reasons.

13 years ago

@Ozy I actually wasn’t too perturbed by the darkness. I mean, it was about the wicked witch, i kind of expected it. And I liked it as a counterpoint to Baum’s “Everything will be okay always” style, which becomes more apparent if you read more (not sure how much of his stuff you’ve read). But I’m still kind of undecided with it, in general.

I do have to say I much preferred Fiyero’s role in the book, though. He’s good in the musical, if i recall (i admit it has been a while), but for some reason I really connected with him more in the book, though I can’t rightly explain why. Though the stalking bit was a little off, admittedly. But a little necessary in terms of plot, and it did fit the character.

@Speedlines: understandable, though I’m a little sad at such a stance, but *shrug*.

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