
Here’s an interesting case study in how one’s ideology can color one’s perception of the world:
The blogger behind Gucci Little Piggy – he used to comment here, but alas I can’t remember his name — took notice of my last little post about Scott Adams. Here’s what he wrote about it:
Many are calling Adams a misogynist – none are screeching this pejorative louder than David Futrelle who may finally get that honorary castration that he’s been working so hard for.
Setting aside that somewhat surreal bit about castration, what’s interesting about this comment is that I didn’t actually “screech [that] pejorative” — loudly or otherwise – in my recent posts about Adams. No need to shout, or screech, something that at this point is pretty obvious. In my last post on Adams, I mocked his narcissism, not his misogyny. In my earlier post on the Pegs and Holes nonsense, I wrote this:
It goes without saying that Adams’ notions of human sexuality are profoundly insulting to both men and women . On the one hand, he’s suggesting that men are basically all potential rapists walking around with, er, turgid pegs; and, on the other, he seems to regard women as little more than passive (if stubbornly recalcitrant) receptacles for these male “pegs.”
I think it’s pretty clear to anyone who has been paying attention that Scott Adams is a misogynist. I also think it’s pretty clear that he’s a misandrist as well. (Two great prejudices that taste great together!) I’ve explained why I think this, and cited the specific things he’s said that have led me (and rather a lot of other people) to these conclusions. The only “screeching” going on here is in Gucci Little Piggy’s imagination.
Who is this person? o_O Maybe I should make a card of them… I dunno much about the “big” internet MRAs… and I’m sorely lacking on White legendary creatures for the MRM… xD
Also I’m trying to figure out how to handle Asian women… are we elves? Maybe Asian ppl are elves given how the narrative from so many PUA/MRA types seems to be “Asian women are thin, small and beautiful with delicate features and Asian men are the same, they are slight and smaller, and etc” xD That’s ttlly the elf stereotype in a lot of fantasy thingies…
That’d be awesome… I can be Deedlit! xD
Ami, if you do make a card of him, why not use Screech?
Because as it turns out, Screech is a bit of a misogynist ass himself, as evidenced by his description of Tiffani-Amber Thiessen.
So you corrected my saying that you considered Adams misogynist by writing a post in which you call him a misogynist. Seems I’m psychic. (although you did call him a “Male Chauvinist” which pretty much supports my original observation)
As for my saying that about your eventual castration, please don’t be offended. Your site and my site – to a lesser degree – depends upon this type of back-and-forth.
But to Adams, a lot has been said on the matter. Let me ask you, though: what explains the gap between men and women in terms of criminal behavior or just plain crude antisocial behavior? I don’t think that it is either misogynist or misandrist to point out that our different biological natures are made to be forced into a rigid legal and social system. If you take 150 million males, a lot more of their behavior spills over the boundaries of what we’ve accepted as socially positive behavior and into the illegal or antisocial realms. This has to have a natural element to it. And keep in mind that our moral and legal systems are social constructs. They were developed for society by members of society.
I think that’s all that Adams was trying to say, but he used the word “rape” which set a lot of people off and clouded their reasoning ability.
Ami, I don’t think Gucci Little Piggy is superbig. Then again, his name kind of puts me off to the point where I start failing to care about him. It’s a joke or something, I guess.
But I’d die if you made cards for Paul Elam, WTF Price, Harlan Pierce or Pierce Harlan, Glenn Sacks, and Warren Farrell. Oh, and even though he’s not “big,” we totally need a MarkyMark card too, to commemorate the Hero Who Did Not Understand That the Onion Is Parody. I could help write the flavor things if you wanted. Warren Farrell would be the knight who returned from the Darknyss, etc. Oh, and a card for the Society of the False Rape also.
Adams seems to be deliberately committing modern heresy and provoking the high priestesses of modern dogma for laughs.
It’s really funny how society apparently needs to encourage and reinforce behaviors that are allegedly biological. I mean, if women really don’t like sex that much, why all the social controls discouraging them from having sex? And if men are really “kept in check” by society then why is it that rape, sexual harassment, and other kinds of bad behavior so rarely have negative consequences for the perpetrators? The recent spate of men actually facing consequences for these behaviors is quite a novelty. I’m of the opinion that all this moaning about men being repressed is just a reaction to a changing society that’s finally shifting away from encouraging men to treat women as personality-free receptacles for their sexual desires.
Yes, Adams is a giant internet troll. He has admitted as much. But he’s trolling with attitudes that are quite widespread, and also wrong, and also hurtful to both men and women. So it’s best to confront those attitudes and show that they are wrong.
Translation: “Stupid bishes are too EMOTIONAL to understand our sophistimacated logic ‘n stuff!”
“Ami, I don’t think Gucci Little Piggy is superbig.”
We’re still talking about my blog right?
What’s funny is that Adams was the one advocating castration!
If you’re looking for misandry, I don’t think you have to go any further than:
If you take 150 million males, a lot more of their behavior spills over the boundaries of what we’ve accepted as socially positive behavior and into the illegal or antisocial realms. This has to have a natural element to it.
Great point, Sally. Just like, if gender is inborn and unchangeable, why do we spend so much time and energy reinforcing gender roles in very young children? Why do people get so upset about non-gender-conforming behaviour or dress in adults?
I mean, if it’s all pure instinct for boys to like trucks (because there TOTALLY WERE TRUCKS on the prehistoric savannah) and to rape girls because girls hate sex (because that’s an EXCELLENT REPRODUCTIVE STRATEGY for a pair-bonding species) we wouldn’t have to have this extensive process to make boys and girls follow these roles, complete with social and often legal sanctions.
” But he’s trolling with attitudes that are quite widespread, and also wrong, and also hurtful to both men and women. So it’s best to confront those attitudes and show that they are wrong.”
Sally Strange – I do not think they are wide spread beliefs, if they were they wouldn’t be heretic and pissing people off in the way that they are.
He is annoying both feminists and the men’s movement.
@GL Piggy, find me a nation where women both currently and historically make up a majority or even a proportionate share of the legistlative body. All of this whining about how the laws are not written to take men into account ignores that in many cases (and in most post-colonial cases) those laws are written by men for men. Once you have done that, we can move on to the bullshit idea that we should allow violence if one group is disposed towards it (which, again, I am not convinced men in general are, so prove that premise as well). After all, sociopaths commit crimes at high rates (though, worth noting, sociopaths are highly deterable by a well designed system). Should we then restructure society to benefit the sociopaths? It does not follow that we should. The violent out of control people are the problem. If men were the out of control monsters you suggest they are, the solution seems to be a strictly controlled matriarchy with as few men as possible, not letting men do whatever they want.
Yeah, I’ve only briefly read through the reactions to Adams’ latest bit of attention-whoring, but many of the most pissed-off commenters are guys saying ‘WTF, how dare this guy suggest I’m some sort of ambulatory penis’
“We’re still talking about my blog right?”
That’s actually pretty funny, Gucci Little Piggy (whose other name I have also forgotten at this moment; my apologies). Point to you.
No dude. You are irrelevant, merely another jumping-off point for an ongoing conversation.
Ducks actually do use rape as a reproductive strategy. Male ducks have giant corkscrew penises and female ducks have labyrinthine vaginas with multiple passages and dead-ends, which they can actually control to an extent, so that the unwanted sperm of a duck rapist gets funneled off into a dead end, while the sperm of the preferred rapist actually gets to fertilize the eggs.
Human females, by contrast, have clitorises.
I for one am quite happy that Scott Adams is completely wrong, and female sexual pleasure and desire for sex is actually a viable reproductive strategy for our species.
Really? What country do you live in, I want to go there. Where I live, the people who are pissed off are mostly feminists. And feminists are not very popular.
“Really? What country do you live in, I want to go there. Where I live, the people who are pissed off are mostly feminists. And feminists are not very popular.”
Feminist ideology is the dominant ideology in the culture.
The media publications that have responded to him are part of a large feminist media network.
You can’t see how dominant feminism is because you have been trained to see yourself as a dis-empowered victim.
Wow, look people–MOAR proof of how feminists are dominant and control the US:
The proof of the feminist control is that more people in the US prefer boys to girls and have for the past…..70….years…..hmmm.
Feminist ideology is the dominant ideology in the culture.
Shit, man, I WISH.
Then maybe I wouldn’t get told at Planned Parenthood that they can’t offer sliding scale payments any more because of budget cuts. (I was there to abort a man’s darling baby against his will… or get a GYN exam. One of those.)
Then maybe when my friend got groped on the bus, or my other friend at a nightclub, or my other friend on the subway, passerby wouldn’t have pretended they didn’t see anything and (in the one case they were even called) police wouldn’t have immediately let the guy go.
Then maybe we wouldn’t constantly hear, from the “men’s” and “women’s” media alike, that women are to be judged on their bodies and our most important use is to be men’s partners.
I know, victimhood, victimhood. I’ll stop talking about victimhood WHEN IT STOPS HAPPENING.
Jesus flipping pancake, I’m confused. Is Louie a troll, or just a really sarcastic person? I thought that comment xie posted about being in an open relationship until hir girlfriend found out was almost/kinda funny … I can’t tell if the troll needs makin fun of, or if I just need to get my internet sarcasm meter adjusted.
Ah, nevermind. I went back to the Career Women thread and got the answer to my question. I do still think that this — “I was in an open relationship, she found out about it and that’s when her infidelity started” — is at least a little funny. Perhaps unintentionally so.
AND, if I read hir comments in a sarcastic voice, they suddenly start to not piss me off! So there’s that anyway.
“Jesus flipping pancake, I’m confused. Is Louie a troll, or just a really sarcastic person? I thought that comment xie posted about being in an open relationship until hir girlfriend found out was almost/kinda funny … I can’t tell if the troll needs makin fun of, or if I just need to get my internet sarcasm meter adjusted.”
Whats so funny about my girlfriend cheating on me?
I’ve lived in africa and morocco. believe me the white american middle and upper class women that pretend that they are under constant attack from the patriarchy aren’t the victims.
If feminism isnt dominant why do Larry Sommers have to resign for saying something that was true but offended feminists?