Quiz: Which of the following is an example of female infidelity? (Check all that apply.)
a) A man and a woman are in a monogamous relationship; neither one sleeps with anyone else.
b) A man and a woman are in a monogamous relationship; the man sleeps with someone else.
c) A man and a woman are in a monogamous relationship; the woman sleeps with someone else.
d) A woman, who may or may not be in a monogamous relationship, works hard at a job she enjoys.
ANSWER: If you answered c, congratulations! You are correct. If you also answered d, you are probably PUA guru and freelance internet asshole “Roissy” or one of his douchey fans. In a recent post Roissy argues, quite sincerely, that women who take their careers seriously are committing a sort of psycho-social-sexual crime against men.
In the post, Roissy quotes a reader of his who’d suggested that “female career obsession [is] a form of infidelity to the family and marrage.” Roissy seconds this opinion and goes on to argue that:
Women who place their careers front and center are committing a kind of betrayal of their sex’s biological and psychological imperatives. It’s like a big middle finger to everything that distinguishes the feminine from the masculine, the yin from the yang.
Is it possible that these women are just, you know, really into their careers? That they’re good at what they do and enjoy doing it? That they want to make a difference in the world? That they might have a family to support? Or that, you know, they simply like making a lot of money?
Of course not. For Roissy, careers are little more than psychological crutches for women who are 1) trying to distract themselves from loneliness and/or sexual boredom:
It’s quite possible that the worst offenders — the 14 hour day lawyercunts and the graduate school hermits — embrace the male-oriented rat race and achievement spectacle because it offers a welcome distraction from either spinsterly loneliness or boring beta male partners who, while intellectually are rationalized as good matches, do not viscerally excite them.
Or, 2) imagining themselves as the heroines in some glamorous romance novel:
Maybe, too, these careerist chicks see their jobs as a way to enter the world of the alpha male, to have a taste of what it would be like to be part of his life. The office cubes and doormen and glassy skyscrapers have given legions of plain janes the daily stimulation to mentally masturbate fantasy romances with the alpha males who run their companies or the alpha salesmen who greet them at the front desk with a twinkle in their eyes.
Or, 3) trying to magically ward off the case of the uglies that apparently infects each and every woman when she hits the age of 40:
When a woman’s SMV [Sexual Market Value] inevitably craters in her 40s, her career might be all she has to lift her spirits, especially if she has no husband she loves, no kids, or even just one kid who spends most of his time playing CoD or robbing convenience stores.
Of course, in Roissy’s mind, these women aren’t quite women to begin with, even before they get hit with the 40th birthday ugly stick:
[T]here is something “off” about women who are excessively devoted to their careers and to obtaining an acronymic parade of pointless credentials. Careerist shrikes are some of the most unpleasant, unfeminine women to be around. They must have more androgen receptors than normal women to be so grating to the male sensibility. Sure, they can fuck like Viagra-laced male pornstars, but as soon as you relieve yourself in them you will feel a second powerful urge to escape their aggro nastiness.
Yeah, somehow I’m guessing that urge to flee is pretty strong in these women as well, as soon as they realize that they guy they’ve just had sex with is a pretentious narcissistic windbag who hates women.
Roissy continues, revealing far more about his own sexual insecurities than about any actual career women:
The women for whom career success is their comfort and their purpose are some sort of weird, monstrous amalgam of man and woman, halfway between both worlds, their sexual polarity askew. These types tend to attract either intense short term flings with alphas or plodding marriages with dweeby, effete kitchen bitches.
Roissy is vaguely aware that feminists – not to mention pretty much anyone who isn’t a complete douchebag misogynist – might have a few issues with his theories here.
The dumbfuck feminists will naturally ask, “Why doesn’t this same theory apply to men? Aren’t they escaping sad love lives by retreating to their careers?”
Don’t you know it’s different for guys? Unlike women, men are evolutionarily programmed to be resource providers for women. It is not a betrayal of a man’s innate purpose in life to ambitiously pursue achievement and accolades. In fact, just the opposite; it’s an affirmation of that ancient purpose.
Remember this, you ungrateful career ladies: WE HUNTED THE MAMMOTH TO FEED YOU!
This guy calls Obama Obongo. He’s a white supremicist. Also a conspiracy theorist of every sort. Also wildly homophobic. And unscientific, to the point where evidence is how many urls you can produce that vaguely hint at your point.
You say you are for clean energy yet you vote for Obongo?
Did I?
Did I vote at all?
Perhaps I voted for the Green Candidate.
The Best place for Geothermal is Westmanajyar, in Iceland.
The rest of your typing… well it pretty much speaks for itself.
The best I can come up with for this glossagliastic orgy of syllabistic onanism is that NWO is engaging in an immense dose of chaotic sprezzatura.
Downward Spiral indeed. Reading these posts like watching a toilet flush.
“What kind of feminist am I? I”
A vulgar one with poor reading and social skills.
Bee, nah, when a toilet flushes the crap is gone.
Gesundheit. Also, this little tussle is reminding me of this song far too much.
“He’s a white supremicist.”
Really? Do provide links. You are a SAD liar.
Hey PFKAE -is that abbreviation okay?- I know, it can’t happen. I don’t really mind and understand the government’s legitimate interest regarding divorce, etc.
But, you know, I’m firmly in the marriage as a civil right camp. If it cannot be extended to all of its citizens, I’d rather see it be purely ceremonial. Baby. Bath water.
Of course, I’d rather just see it extended to the entire citizenry.
lol, said the SAD heterophobe.
So far you have proved all my points.
Is SAD an acronym or something? Explain.
Also, I don’t need to provide links. I just need to show you your own posts, specifically the Obama-Obongo stuff. Or are there websites out there dedicated to how you are a white supremicist?
@kirbywarp 1:32
It’s an awful lot like a game of Illuminati, isn’t it? I’m waiting for AWSome to explain how the Joggers and the Secret Masters of Fandom fit into it all.
Also, I find AWSome’s silence on the moon landing controversy to be, shall we say, suspicious. What are you hiding, AWSome?
I’m a heterophobe right now? But… I’m heterosexual! Mostly… Am I self-phobic? Do I need to provide links to prove that I am heterosexual?
Hey is Darksidecat still around? o_O
“Did I vote at all?”
You tell me?
Best place in USA for geo-thermal?
@Johnny Pez:
Don’t worry, he’s just digging up some links. He’ll be rocking the fake moon landing in no time.
Now the feminists are furiously PMing David. What a joke.
” that I am heterosexual”
Do you engage in anal sex? if so you are not heterosexual. You do have self-loathing so yes you can be a heterophobe and heterosexual.
Hmm, you know, you haven’t yet shown that you are not a feminist. You’ve linked to anti-feminist blogs, but we only have your word that you are actually anti-feminist. So, put up or shut up. Where are your links that show that you are not a feminist?
Well, my social skills haven’t garnered me 1,000 internet friends, but I still manage to have a pretty full life. You know, with flesh and blood friends that I see and talk to on a daily basis. A career (remember the original post and how long ago that seems?) that I find fulfilling, a great relationship with my family and an awesome chef boyfriend who makes crepes.
And my reading skills are top notch. For example, I scanned your “feminists are violent” link and discovered multiple articles about women perpetrating violence but nothing that proved that each of those women, or even a majority of those women identified as feminist. You have to provide evidence beyond the list of articles and your naked (is that word to vulgar) assertion that they feminism = sadism. I believe that Kirbywarp, whose research skills you admire, has already asked you to name the world organization that is explicitly sadistic. I’d like to renew that request.
Obongo is catchy and fitting. Bongos are a Latin reference nitwit.
We need a tally of all the absolutely batshit insane stuff this guy believes… This just keeps getting better…
There is no reason not to Nobinayamu-not a one.
Sure, it doesn’t at all refer to the name “Bongo” that is given to gorillas, thereby making you call Obama, who is black, a gorilla, a classic racial slur.
*Jealous* Crepes are very difficult to make for me… Can never get the thickness right…
See, AWS doesn’t give two craps about your reading skills. He only cares about superficial volume. If you provide more sources (it doesn’t matter if those sources are credible), you win. And are a brilliant debater. Questioning links makes you look like you’re part of the conspiracy. Or something…
I am seriously hurting……from laughing so fuckin’ hard!!! Way to Pwn people of man boobz!