drama idiocy misandry misogyny rape rapey scott adams white knights

Scott Adams: Self-proclaimed Misunderstood Genius, Part XVIII

Scott Adams contemplates his favorite subject (artist's conception)

Oy. Scott Adams won’t shut up about that execrable “Pegs and Hoies” piece of his that I (and quite a few other people on the internets) wrote about the other day. Naturally, he’s being willfully obtuse about the reaction his piece caused, and blames it all on the “low reading comprehension” of everyone in the world who is not him and/or one of his sycophantic fans. So he’s decided to interview a number of those who wrote about it. (Not including me. Aww, Scott, but we had such good times together!)

So far he’s interviewed Mary Elizabeth Williams of Salon (a great writer and lovely person, by the way) and Irin Carmon of Jezebel. Naturally, the interviewees offer cogent explanations of just what was wrong with his idiotic post, and he responds by completely and utterly missing the point. (Or pretending to; it’s always hard to tell with Scott.)

Scott Adams is so relentlessly irritating – he’s a bit like Eoghan in his stubborn refusal to get the point – that I can’t bring myself to write any more about this idiotic manufactured controversy.  So you’ll have to go check out the posts yourself.

EDITED TO ADD: Adams has put up yet another post on the  subject, entitled “Maybe it’s me?” in which he decides ” to take a step back and seriously consider the hypothesis that the reason people disagree with me is that I’m an idiot and I don’t realize it.” Scott, your hypothesis is correct.

EDITED TO ADD AGAIN: And … Mr. Adams has now made a personal appearance in the comments below. Be gentle!

Given Adams’ intense narcissism, I can’t help but get the song “Biggest Fan” by the Martini Brothers stuck in my head every time I read any of this posts. Listen a bit, and you’ll see why.

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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

In case nebody missed it (since…. scrolled off -_-)

In the beginning, the White Shaft created man and then woman to give man company. Men and women were created equal but different, and there was a balance. But because of those differences, equality was not always evident to men who excelled at the arts most needed for human survival and advancement: science, invention, warfare, the hunt. Centuries passed and men began to believe they did not need women and began to enslave then, abuse them and the balance was lost. Many women cried out at this injustice and their pleas eventually manifested itself as an entity: The Darknyss, created from their anger, their suffering and their hatred.

Eventually, the Darknyss gained sentience, and with it a twisted understanding of humanity and the world: men were evil and destructive, and women needed to be saved from them. It was with this hateful and destructive motivation, that it lashed out, possessing and infusing women with great power and enhancing their hate and bitterness.

War ensued with horrible abominations and warriors for both sides being created: Alpha Males… Sexbots… Andrea Dworkin… and in the ensuing struggle men realized that they were incomplete without women and women realized that they were incomplete without men. Together, they realized their proper roles, men as protectors, inventors, warriors, women as caretakers, models for paintings and lovers, and sealed the Darknyss away. The balance was restored.

A period of prosperity and unparalleled technological and scientific growth ensued, with women in their proper role and men in theirs.. but the Darknyss festered. Despite that the conditions of it’s birth were gone, it’s purpose and dark hatred remained and it slowly extended it’s hate-filled tendrils back into the world, corrupting, manipulating, seducing.

A thousand years pass, until it’s influence is everywhere… and nowhere. Despite, or perhaps because of it’s comfortable complacency, society begins to chafe against its foundations, foundations built by the blood, sweat and tears of noble men and gentle women. Wives turn against husbands, mothers against sons. Famine and sickness begin to sweep the land, creating poverty, frustration, and with it hatred, envy and anger.

Men who would have accepted their failures and worked harder to overcome them begin to feel resentment and bitterness. Some sought out the Darknyss for a short and easy route to power and revenge, others merely allowed themselves to be manipulated by it. Women who used to be content raising a new generation of noble artisans, engineers, physicians, scientists and warriors, became deluded into believing that they could fill such roles. Many turned on their husbands and fathers, blaming them for their plight. Others acted on their unnatural desires and pursued those disciplines fervently, and upon failure to reach those goals, betrayed humankind and pledged their souls and allegiances to the Darknyss.

Sister turned on brother. Queens betrayed Kings. Women lay with women. Men with men. Kingdoms split, and kingdoms fell. Only a brave few remembered the old ways and stood for the White Shaft. Betrayal was rampant. Darknyss reigned… the Second Gender War was about to begin.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Fuck MRAs is not worth debating.

13 years ago


I’m sure she’d echo that sentiment right back at you.

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

@ Ami:

I attend small geeky cons a couple times a year, and I so want to bring this deck to the next one 🙂

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

new card!

@Victoria awwww… i’m flattered! :3. well I’d have to play test them a little or I’d be paranoid the rly into-magic types would rip my cards for being too powerful or not powerful enuf xD (the power curve on magic is so wrecked I can’t tell nemore xD I am focusing on my set as a closed set :3 )

13 years ago

I like the: ‘they shrink and go limp’ part 😉 tehe

Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

(sorry, late night dinner break)

The key difference, to me, is that David comes from a place where it’s understood that he is making fun of these people. He certainly makes serious and insightful points in his posts, but I’ve never seem him present their insanity as being on an equal playing field with the rest of the civilized world.

Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

kirby, I made that mistake one time and it is when I learned what MRAs actually are. So no, that’s a pointless road I don’t take.

13 years ago

Oh my god, David Futrelle! How nice to bump into you on the internet after all these year. Thank you sir. — Mary Elizabeth Williams

13 years ago

Re: magyc cards… I’ve never played Magic so I really have no input on this (though I am familiar with the concept) but my fiance has and his first comment was that my war machine seemed too powerful to be a real card. Then again, he hasn’t played in YEARS so I’m sure there’s been stat inflation in the interim.

13 years ago

Pecunium –

I do feel remorse but it took me a long time to get to that point. Like maybe years. And then it was MORE years before I could admit that it was rape. I kept saying (to myself because I never really talked about this to anyone) “it was wrong but it wasn’t really rape”.

It WAS a one time thing and I’m pretty sure I’ve not done anything like that since. And I totally get you on the telling a long term S.O. they can wake you up with sex – I’ve said a similar thing to my fiance and the times he’s tried it where I really wasn’t in the mood and I said so he totally respected that and stopped.

I did in my original post acknowledge that there was an aspect of power. But I think it’s difficult to separate that from the power thread that also runs through consentual sex. Feeling desirable instills a sense of power. Feeling like I _made_someone_want_me_ makes me feel really hot and really awesome. That thrill makes the sex itself intense. This is true when they say “yes” the first time around and never say “no”. I can see how someone could twist that such that overcoming a “no” makes them feel even MORE powerful, but that doesn’t seem to be how it works for me.

13 years ago

David, the reason Scott Adams hasn’t proposed to interview you is that you are a guy. He’s only “interviewing” female bloggers. Because, as we all know, it’s pointless to argue with women. Or something.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago


Thank you for trusting us enough to share your story here.

13 years ago

My thoughts on rape: sex, power, or both?

Rape requires an element of power and dominance. It can be solely about power and dominance, as with the Rwandan woman who was convicted of genocide for organizing both massacres and mass rapes yesterday. Obviously she wasn’t organizing those rapes because she was horny.

But with things like date rape, it becomes less clear, because there is an element of sex and perhaps a pre-existing relationship there. But in order to make the decision to rape, you have to believe, at some level, that your needs and desires are so important that it’s worth overriding another person’s needs and desires. Perhaps the rapist has convinced hirself that the other person’s needs and desires are congruent with hir own. To me, that’s not an indication that power and domination are not part of it. Rather, it’s an indication that the rapist is consciously aware that exercising control and dominance that way is socially unacceptable, and doesn’t want to think of hirself as a Bad Person (since only Bad People are rapists), so ze’s relegated hir knowledge that hir partner/victim isn’t into having sex to hir subconscious. Either that, or ze simply doesn’t care enough about hir partner/victim to even bother paying any attention to her needs and desires – which is also an exercise of dominance and control. To engage in truly consensual sex, a person MUST possess enough awareness of hir potential partner to evaluate that partner’s interest in engaging in sex. A simple lack of awareness is not a mitigating factor. A lack of awareness of the true desires of one’s sexual partner is not an innocent mistake, as the MRAs would like us to believe. Rather, it’s an expression of selfishness and narcissism. The point of sex, or one of them anyway, is to have awareness of your partner. That’s why it’s called sex and not masturbation. And that’s why it’s still rape even if the rapist maintains that ze sincerely believed that hir inert or semi-conscious sex partner was really, really into it.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
13 years ago

Oh, Scott Adams. You might want to consider taking notes from Bill Watterson’s career. Granted, Watterson is a genius and you just make an occasionally funny strip, but while it’s too late to retire at the top of your career to disappear from the public eye at least you might be able to save the few remaining scraps of your reputation.

13 years ago

Oh good. Now Scott Adams is asking judges, scientists, psychologists, etc. to tell him whether they think he’s batshit crazy based on his interviews. Which his mostly male, mostly not-any-engaged-in-any-of-the-above-occupation readers are taking as an invitation to tell him how hard he won his arguments. Oh yes he did! He’s totally brilliant, from his subversive cartoons, to the way he handed that emotional lady’s ass to her in a debate, har har!

Oh, man, poor Scott Adams. I fear his dick will get chapped from all the slobber!

13 years ago

I’m a professional scientist, and a woman (the two not being mutually exclusive). Wonder how he’d like my comments?

But it ain’t worth engaging the crazy/troll.

Dammit, I used to like Dilbert, and Adams’ humor in general — not in a major fangirl way, but I got some laughs out of it. Unfortunately, now all I can think of is him shooting his mouth off like this. 😛

13 years ago

I like the guy who had taken Psych 1. Who-hoo, there’s a skilled diagnostician.

And then the actuary, etc. The one debate judge gave Adams a marginal win, but I’d say that was generous, esp. as the nature of the presentation gives him a marginal advantage (he gets to present the material as he see’s fit).

All in all, as a formal debate (I did the debate circuit in college): where to we start, with the Orginal Piece? Adams loses. He dropped a lot arguments, or failed to support them when challenged.

13 years ago

And rylanter hits it out of the park… He gives his credentials, and then gives a judge’s opinion of the performance:

Jun 24, 2011
I am in my late 20s, a male, and teach English at the high school level. I coach debate. I have a BA in English and a second degree in education. I graduated with distinction because of my GPA. I wrote for the student newspaper and was on the debate team at my college, where I won a local championship twice and tournament once. I have not judged at a competitive level.

It should be noted that this was an interview, but Scott has asked how it would be scored as a debate.

If this were a debate, I would have scored against Scott in both cases. As other commentators have pointed out, Scott’s goal is to entertain in his posts so he does not take the time to clarify his points, nor does he outline effectively. In a debate, he as the host would have been expected to take on the responsibility of outlining the goals or “resolution” of the debate. He would also be required to clearly state his position in response to the resolution. He has failed to do so here (perhaps because this was actually an “interview”). He went on to bristle at his opponents taking the opportunity to frame the discussion, which I felt they did clearly. Scott’s comments were often disrespectful to his opponents, particularly his arbitrary closure of the first interview and his critique that his opponent’s writing was too wordy (“Phew, wordy”) and not organized around bullet points, a glaring complaint considering that he was complaining about his opponents’ reading comprehension. Worse, his opponents’ writing was consistently clear to follow. Please note that the criteria I have relied on include things like: clarity, organization, and conduct in addition to argumentation.

Non Debate Comments:

As a long time reader, I was disappointed throughout these posts. 1) Arguments like “many of my readers understood me” were ineffective and did not help to clarify, to find common ground, or to encourage understanding. 2) Attacking Iris for her “history lesson” was a surprise since Scott has recently posted on the importance of “context.” 3) I felt that this was more likely a prank, particularly after reading Scott’s post about Donald Trump. 4) It should be noted that this was an interview, and Scott’s burden was to interview his subject first. However, I felt his true goal was to defend himself against what he felt were baseless critiques. Ultimately, this was a poorly planned project and its goals were not clarified sufficiently to judge whether it succeeded or failed.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Yeah, Bill Watterson’s definitely a class act.

Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

And yet another reason that Scott Adams is just too intellectually dishonest to debate with….

“I thought the ferocious backlash to my blog was evidence that males don’t have the privilege of expressing their opinions. — Scott”


Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

Good grief, charlie brown. I’ve never spent so much time in the SA comment section before. Some of these twits are almost as insufferable as he is.