Good news, ladies and manginas: Apparently some MRAs don’t think it’s time to go out and start shooting people. At least not quite yet.
Some background: In recent days numerous MRAs have taken up the cause of a man named Thomas Ball – who burned himself to death outside a courthouse in Keane, New Hampshire in a protest against what he saw as unfair treatment in family court. Ferdinand Bardamu of In Male Fide has declared him “a martyr for the cause of men’s rights, a casualty of feminism’s stripping one half of the population of their humanity.”
Before killing himself, Ball wrote a long manifesto outlining his grievances and suggesting that the time had come for men “to start burning down police stations and courthouses,” describing the inhabitants of such buildings as “[c]ollaborators who are no different than the Vichy of France or the Quislings of Norway during the Second World War … So burn them out. “ (He offered specific advice on how best to do this, including tips on how to select the proper bottles to use for Molotov cocktails.)
All this has inspired some in the MRA to start talking ominously about violence. On The Spearhead, W.F. Price has responded to this talk with a piece suggesting that the time isn’t quite right for the MRAs of the world to take up armed struggle. Not just yet, anyway. As he puts it:
It is never a good idea to pick up a gun and start shooting to address some vaguely defined injustice — that is savagery. Before the American Revolution, for example, patriots took pains to spell out a long list of grievances that justified rebellion. …
We have to make our own lists, air our grievances, and give the state the opportunity to redress them. … Before anyone resorts to the same methods the state uses against us, we must put every reasonable effort into working with the law and the political system we have. Because this effort is still in its infancy, any calls for armed resistance are entirely premature and counterproductive, and shouldn’t be taken seriously.
Obviously, the flip side of this argument for delay is a justification for killing people if these “grievances” aren’t dealt with in the way that those in the MRA would like. Price’s reference to the American Revolution is an interesting one, because of course the central issue of that struggle was, you know, taxation without representation. The colonists couldn’t vote out the king if they didn’t like his policies. In case anyone has forgotten: we actually do have the vote now, which was kind of the whole point in the first place.
Of course, many of Price’s readers are a bit more impatient than he is. In a comment that drew (last I checked) more than 40 upvotes and only two dissenting downvote, Taqman took issue with Price’s call to delay the armed struggle:
Tell that to men who are facing imminent imprisonment for failure to pay child support.
They don’t have the luxury of time and can’t wait a couple of decades for the manginas of the world to wake up and decide that a gentlemanly form of armed resistance is now acceptable.
The ironically named Firepower, meanwhile, took a little swipe at Ball’s own actions, but didn’t challenge his advice for the rest of the men of the world:
What IS crazy is having to point out that setting YOURSELF on fire is a ridiculous way to “win” anything.
Set your enemies on fire. To even have to remind this questions the long term chances of victory for such a pathetic lot.
Jean Valjean suggested that political action was pointless — due to all those damned women who vote:
No amount of “stoic logic” will make politicians see our point of view.
Politicians are in the business of getting re-elected rather than the business of good governance. So long as women are the majority there will only be tyranny of the majority.
Peter-Andrew:Nolan(c) — you knew we were getting to him, right? — expressed his profound disappointment that more Spearheaders weren’t willing to embrace a violent solution:
Gee you guys are whimps and tiptoe around the ‘use of force’ like freaking ballet dancers. Are you so scared to speak about this when it is CLEAR the guvment LOVES using force against you and lots of other people too?
And he made the argument personal, explicitly denouncing, by name, the judge he claimed had “criminally abused” him with his rulings:
Judge [name redacted’s] life is now in my hands. He lives by my consent and my consent alone. …
And, like Ball, he declared judges to be essentially treasonous:
These judges pretended to be your servants. They are evil, evil people who deserve the kind of treatment reserved for those who commit treason.
There is more to Nolan’s comment(s) than that, but to get into it would require going down the rabbit-hole into his particular brand of crackpottery, which seems to involve him setting up his own courts to try judges he doesn’t like. (I frankly don’t understand his belief system and don’t care to.)
Now, it should be noted that a few Spearheaders actually objected to Nolan’s violent talk. But the last I checked, the comment I just quoted had more upvotes than downvotes. W.F. Price took more flak for suggesting men wait a little longer before taking up arms than Nolan did for, well, you saw what he wrote. That tells you a lot about The Spearhead, I think.
EDIT: Added quote from Ferdinand Bardamu; removed similar quote from The Spearhead.
New Note 43
@denelian | June 27, 2011 at 12:15 am
“– then called me a racist because i wouldn’t sleep with him. then ran away when my boyfriend came up and offered to hold my coat for me while i kicked his ass”
BTW I thought that was funny. Just letting you know.
I am too old for the club thing myself, and I am really glad that part of my life is over.
Anyway I am off to bed. I certainly spent way more time here than I intended to.
“Everything else is secondary, and most of what a man does, he does to eventually get sex. Do not make the assumption that men are wired like women. We are not.”
Oh for fuck’s sake, speak for yourself and don’t make the assumption (or the excuse) that “most” men are two-dimensional caricatures constantly thinking with their dicks. If your primary motivation in life is getting your cock wet, fine, good for you. But at least show some courage and own it, don’t make excuses or blame it on your “wiring” or try and claim the rest of us are just like you.
@MertvayaRuka | June 27, 2011 at 2:42 am
“Oh for fuck’s sake, speak for yourself and don’t make the assumption (or the excuse) that “most” men are two-dimensional caricatures constantly thinking with their dicks. If your primary motivation in life is getting your cock wet, fine, good for you. But at least show some courage and own it, don’t make excuses or blame it on your “wiring” or try and claim the rest of us are just like you.”
LMAO. Go re-read what I wrote. I am not responsible for your issues. You are.
in what i think is the right order:
Pec – usually it involved either rubber bands or some sort of blunt force. or an iron [like you iron your clothing with] and i’m not gonna say more, because i’m a woman and some of that shit made *ME* cross my legs in horror/fear
Andrew – i’ve got Walsh’s site open, and will look it over. i’m not Christian.
also – the entire CLUB [or, at least, those observing] thought it was funny, too. actually, that’s the night that everyone found out that my boyfriend and i were actually together – we’re both fairly private people, we weren’t actively trying to keep it “secret”… we just weren’t advertising. i have to say – it’s pretty awesome to have a b/f who *knows* i can [or, at least *could*, pre-wheelchair-hell] take care of myself. the bouncer knew – i was their unofficial “girl bouncer” for taking care of women who did stupid shit. it should be noted, that i did work at the bar, which is why everyone found it so funny; everyone KNEW me and knew i liked brawls as good, wholesome fun. i’ve never started a fight, but never had problems jumping in 🙂
Plymouth – it’s a certain type of self-esteem issues that are just plain common – worried about our looks. we’ve been drilled since before birth that NO woman is *ever* really “pretty enough”. there’s more money tied up in selling crap to women to make us look “pretty” than anything else but OIL.
i think that’s why i’m mostly immune – my biggest fear, looks-wise, is that guys see i have… erm, “large tracts of land”, and assume i’m a bimbo. or worse. and that they only want for that, ah, “largesse”, it doesn’t matter WHO i am, how intelligent, what i like/don’t like/want out of life – i want a guy who wants me for ME, not my tits. so the specific tactics used by PUAs don’t really hit home with me, because i’ve always resented being forced into the box of “sexually attractive” and etc.
i envy you your good self esteem and the liking of yourself. you should try and teach it 🙂
and… it’s 5:30 and i have doc appt at 8, so i’m off… and THEN after the appt, and then PT, and then OT, i can sleep!!! so, so you guy later
Andrew, you perplex me. You’re recommending ROISSY? I hate to tell you this, but readers of this blog are aware of Roissy and, well, let’s just say he’s not well-liked by most readers here. You might want to read this post:
and its 900+ comments to see why.
Also, Dalrock is a bit if a douche as well.
Are you trolling or just a bit, er, confused about the purpose of this blog?
erm – blame me. i did ask him for PUA sites to look at. i never have.
denelian: With no offense taken, I prefer Pecunium. Rubber bands are the common method in small flocks, and what gets used on steers. I understand not wanting to talk about it. There aer severan subjects (e.g. torture) where I know things I would be just as happy if i’d never learned of them.
As to Roissy: He pathetic. At his best he’s just a scumbag. At his normal sort of thing he’s an asshole. At his worst… he’s an offense against morality.
So, IOW, MRAs are violent psychopaths, or wanna-be violent psychopaths.
I am jack’s complete lack of surprise. The Abuser’s Lobby shows its true colors. Again.
“Everything else is secondary, and most of what a man does, he does to eventually get sex. Do not make the assumption that men are wired like women. We are not.”
Speak for yourself. Some of us are actually adults who grew out of the Freudian genitalia obessions stage about age 5.
appologies! i’ll try to remember [i have a bad habit of shortening people’s handles, because i have a tendency to mispell – sorry about that!]
yeah… i can image what you know that you wish you didn’t 🙁 a graphic imaginations isn’t always a good thing.
as for Roissy – i’ve heard enough here and there [esp Pervocracy and Feministe] that i have ZERO interest in his website. i was hoping for some *neutral* sites – that explain what everything is [or is supposed to be] without either condeming or condoning it. ah, well – i can wade if i have to.
actually – if anyone DOES know of just such a “neutral” site, i’d be grateful 🙂
Denelian: I don’t know if you can find this kind of thing at the library or whatever, but The Game by Neil Strauss is kind of the classic. It’s still pretty offensive, but somehow being in print form I found it less annoying to read than Roissy and those guys.
Or you could just read a couple reviews of it online, on Amazon or whatever. (I’m trying to get you not to spend money on the damn thing, of course. Strauss doesn’t need it.) That ought to give you a basic idea of what it covers.
“LMAO. Go re-read what I wrote. I am not responsible for your issues. You are.”
I did read what you wrote. Where precisely did I misquote you when you made a broad, sweeping claim that most men are motivated to do what they do in life only out of the desire for sex? Or was that not you at June 26, 2011, 11:20 pm saying “As a man, I am sorry to tell you that most men want sex. Lots of sex. All the time. Everything else is secondary, and most of what a man does, he does to eventually get sex.”? If you’re not saying that men are primarily motivated by the pursuit of getting laid to the expense of all else, what exactly are you saying?
If you don’t like getting caught out making unsupportable blanket statements or being hypocritical (like, say, telling people not to make assumptions about other people right before you make assumptions about other people), maybe you shouldn’t do either. Also doesn’t help you much when someone makes a criticism of what you say and your only rebuttal is “ROFL you iz too dumb to understand me, read moar”. You weren’t unveiling some complicated philosophical concept, you were just reiterating the same “men are just walking hardons” shite a few hundred thousand people before you all ready covered. There’s no deeper meaning to what you said, no subtle message. And all you can come up with to defend it is “Dude, you’re obviously fucked up if you don’t understand”. Honestly, unless you can start talking about your severe physical deformities every other post or start trying to convince us that the Illuminati and their reptiloid servants are behind feminism, you’re just going to fade into the background here.
i know the book you mean, i’ve heard of it, i’ve never seen.
Columbus metro library is the best [public] library in the country – if they don’t have it, no library will. and i PROMISE, i will NOT pay money for any book on “Game”. [unless it’s a D&D book. or other RPG. lol]
i go to sleep now…
@Bruce McGlory | June 27, 2011 at 10:18 am
“Speak for yourself. Some of us are actually adults who grew out of the Freudian genitalia obessions stage about age 5.”
I will concede that I did know a couple of guys who did not appear to be as obsessed about sex like the rest of us.
But they were notable as a distinct minority.
YMMV of course.
@Pecunium | June 27, 2011 at 9:53 am
“As to Roissy: He pathetic. At his best he’s just a scumbag. At his normal sort of thing he’s an asshole. At his worst… he’s an offense against morality.”
I see you know about him. Let me assure you he is a model of decorum, and civility compared to some of the others.
Andrew –
that’s… honestly, that’s a bit frightening.
@denelian | June 27, 2011 at 11:47 am
“actually – if anyone DOES know of just such a “neutral” site, i’d be grateful :)”
Susan is about as “neutral” as I am aware of. I like her a lot and recommend her frequently.
If it is a teenage girl I recommend two entries first:
How to Repel Asshole Game
Wear This Not That
I am afraid that, as broad minded as I like to think of myself, I definitely feel uncomfortable, if not downright queasy about discussing sex with a very young woman, never mind a teenager, unless it is in very general terms.
Sending them to Susan is my equivalent to saying “This is something you should discuss with your Mother”.
@David Futrelle | June 27, 2011 at 4:29 am
“Are you trolling or just a bit, er, confused about the purpose of this blog?”
I only recommended Roissy because he was the least objectionable PUA that I know of.
I was aware that this blog was a “Feminist friendly” place and I have been by a few times.
I still can not say confidently, that I know what the “purpose” of the Blog is other than what you stated starting with “Misogyny. I mock it.”
Yesterday was notable for me. First, this is the first time I can recall reading the comments on this blog about a subject I am interested in.
Second, In between doing household chores, I pretty much spent the entire day here.
Third, I got the general impression, with a few notable exceptions, that you have a pretty reasonable happy community here, who know each other well and get on pretty well with each other.
That set the overall “tone”, and it was a relatively pleasant experience for me especially compared to some of the places I regularly go to.
I had a good day yesterday. Thanks to your crew.
And that is all I can really claim to know about this blog.
i’m NOT a teenager. i’m 34. i’m twice as old as i was when i got married.
just sayin’ XD
also – dude, you realize you just essentially described an online “Cheers”?! that’s sort of awesome…
i’m glad yesterday was a good day for you! and i hope you have many more 🙂
@denelian | June 27, 2011 at 2:48 pm
O_0 I did not get the impression you were a teen. I was just rambling a bit
Anyway, nice talking to you guys. I g2g now.
Do you have a source for that claim?
Do I have a source for the claim “Yoga is involved in almost every major cult I’ve ever investigated, and almost every cult-related death”?
How do I source that? You can look it up yourself, though:
Find a bunch of cults, or cult-related deaths, and see if they engaged in/endorsed yoga.
It’s pretty easy – and obvious.
It’s a technique prone to confirmation bias.
Jonestown — no yoga that I know of.
Heaven’s Gate — no yoga that I know of.
Scientologists dying under suspicious circumstances — no yoga that I know of.
or magic cards! xD