antifeminism crackpottery evil women MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men the spearhead threats victimhood violence against men/women

Arms and the Men's Rights Movement

Democracy is not a First-Person Shooter

Good news, ladies and manginas: Apparently some MRAs don’t think it’s time to go out and start shooting people. At least not quite yet.

Some background: In recent days numerous MRAs have taken up the cause of a man named Thomas Ball – who burned himself to death outside a courthouse in Keane, New Hampshire in a protest against what he saw as unfair treatment in family court. Ferdinand Bardamu of In Male Fide has declared him “a martyr for the cause of men’s rights, a casualty of feminism’s stripping one half of the population of their humanity.”

Before killing himself, Ball wrote a long manifesto outlining his grievances and suggesting that the time had come for men “to start burning down police stations and courthouses,” describing  the inhabitants of such buildings as “[c]ollaborators who are no different than the Vichy of France or the Quislings of Norway during the Second World War … So burn them out. “ (He offered specific advice on how best to do this, including tips on how to select the proper bottles to use for Molotov cocktails.)

All this has inspired some in the MRA to start talking ominously about violence. On The Spearhead, W.F. Price has responded to this talk with a piece suggesting that the time isn’t quite right for the MRAs of the world to take up armed struggle. Not just yet, anyway. As he puts it:

It is never a good idea to pick up a gun and start shooting to address some vaguely defined injustice — that is savagery. Before the American Revolution, for example, patriots took pains to spell out a long list of grievances that justified rebellion. …

We have to make our own lists, air our grievances, and give the state the opportunity to redress them. … Before anyone resorts to the same methods the state uses against us, we must put every reasonable effort into working with the law and the political system we have. Because this effort is still in its infancy, any calls for armed resistance are entirely premature and counterproductive, and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Obviously, the flip side of this argument for delay is a justification for killing people if these “grievances” aren’t dealt with in the way that those in the MRA would like. Price’s reference to the American Revolution is an interesting one, because of course the central issue of that struggle was, you know, taxation without representation. The colonists couldn’t vote out the king if they didn’t like his policies. In case anyone has forgotten: we actually do have the vote now, which was kind of the whole point in the first place.

Of course, many of Price’s readers are a bit more impatient than he is. In a comment that drew (last I checked) more than 40 upvotes and only two dissenting downvote, Taqman took issue with Price’s call to delay the armed struggle:

Tell that to men who are facing imminent imprisonment for failure to pay child support.

They don’t have the luxury of time and can’t wait a couple of decades for the manginas of the world to wake up and decide that a gentlemanly form of armed resistance is now acceptable.

The ironically named Firepower, meanwhile, took a little swipe at Ball’s own actions, but didn’t challenge his advice for the rest of the men of the world:  

What IS crazy is having to point out that setting YOURSELF on fire is a ridiculous way to “win” anything.

 Set your enemies on fire. To even have to remind this questions the long term chances of victory for such a pathetic lot.

Jean Valjean suggested that political action was pointless — due to all those damned women who vote:

No amount of “stoic logic” will make politicians see our point of view.

Politicians are in the business of getting re-elected rather than the business of good governance. So long as women are the majority there will only be tyranny of the majority.

Peter-Andrew:Nolan(c) — you knew we were getting to him, right? — expressed his profound disappointment that more Spearheaders weren’t willing to embrace a violent solution:

Gee you guys are whimps and tiptoe around the ‘use of force’ like freaking ballet dancers. Are you so scared to speak about this when it is CLEAR the guvment LOVES using force against you and lots of other people too?

And he made the argument personal, explicitly denouncing, by name, the judge he claimed had “criminally abused” him with his rulings:

Judge [name redacted’s] life is now in my hands. He lives by my consent and my consent alone. …

And, like Ball, he declared judges to be essentially treasonous:

These judges pretended to be your servants. They are evil, evil people who deserve the kind of treatment reserved for those who commit treason.

There is more to Nolan’s comment(s) than that, but to get into it would require going down the rabbit-hole into his particular brand of crackpottery, which seems to involve him setting up his own courts to try judges he doesn’t like. (I frankly don’t understand his belief system and don’t care to.)

Now, it should be noted that a few Spearheaders actually objected to Nolan’s violent talk. But the last I checked, the comment I just quoted had more upvotes than downvotes. W.F. Price took more flak for suggesting men wait a little longer before taking up arms than Nolan did for, well, you saw what he wrote. That tells you a lot about The Spearhead, I think.

EDIT: Added quote from Ferdinand Bardamu; removed similar quote from The Spearhead.

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13 years ago

@Xtra Yup! I’ll def make a cock carousel one!

The Hamster Wheel is how they think women’s brains work right? o_O (I can’t keep track of these things)

Awesome! Woot woot!!!

And you’re right about the hamster wheel.

Demosthenes XXI
13 years ago

I have a question for both Ms. Marcotte and Holly P.; how is Ball’s suicide an “attempt to get back at his wife?” That makes no sense. The reasoning that he did it to get out of paying support is ludicrous to say the least. The man was a day from being sent to jail for not being able to pay. He was $3K in arrears and unemployed. They would not have gotten the money anyway.

What would have happened if Ball had lived is that he would have went to court, and jailed for contempt of court when it was discovered that he would not be able to produce the required monies. So, how would Ball’s ex-wife and children have profited from him being in jail? Any money he may have made while incarcerated would go to relieve his costs while incarcerated (Ball’s home state adheres to that reprehensible practice) rather than his child support debt.

And once he got out, with a jail sentence on his record, he would be stuck in a revolving door state of imprisonment because a) the child support debt is not relieved by the custodial sentence, b) being an ex-convict means that he would not find reasonable work that would satisfy both his CS debt and sustenance costs for his life on the outside. Which means that Ball’s children would still not receive any money. The truth of the thing is that in more cases than not, once a man falls into arrears with CS payments, it becomes a downward spiral that ends in destitution.

Note that I am not condoning Ball’s suicide; the fact that his emotional/mental state had degraded so badly via despair that he saw suicide as a viable option is very tragic. The fact that there are people applauding his death on this webpage is also tragic. But the fact is that in most cases, “death is an end to pain.” This was a man who was very obviously in pain over what had become of his life and saw death as the only way out. So he chose to make a statement while doing so. It remains to be seen what effect his dying message will have on the world, but there is one thing for certain; whatever kind of man he was, his children will be all the poorer without their father in their lives.

13 years ago

Oooh, I wanna answer, Demosthenes XXI. Now, I don’t mean to speak for Holly or Amanda — they no doubt have their own responses — but I agree with the idea that Tom Ball’s suicide may have been an attempt to get back at his ex-wife, and the reason I agree with that is that it is a common idea or fantasy that suicide can act as a kind of revenge for the people who have crossed the person contemplating suicide in hir life, and who that person rightly or wrongly blames for blames for the misery at the root of the suicidal thoughts.

I don’t know if anyone can know for sure what was going through Ball’s mind right before he committed suicide, but from looking at clues — the letter, especially — I can’t help but come to the conclusion that if he was thinking clearly in any way he would have expected that his ex-wife and children would be the most hurt by his death. Especially the way he framed his suicide through the letter. He wasn’t at fault at all for anything; it was his daughter’s fault for licking him, and his wife’s fault for calling Family Services and being manipulated into calling the cops, and then by not trying to reconcile with him, and then it was this big tangled web of indistinguishable government officials who conspired against him. Clearly his ex-wife and kids (especially his 14-year-old daughter) would read that and feel blamed.

But we don’t even know if he was thinking clearly at all. He must have been in a great deal of pain to commit suicide in the way he did. And even if he was thinking clearly enough to know that his death and his words would hurt his family, possibly he wasn’t functioning at a level that allowed him to process that recognition in any meaningful way; in other words, maybe it wasn’t about revenge. Maybe it was only about untreated pain, and he didn’t know how to express that pain without blaming.

But the end result is the same, I think. God, the more I think about it, the worse I feel for his daughter. How horrific to know that your father set himself on fire and burned to death, and set the blame for the events that led him to that end squarely on you.

13 years ago

@Demonsthenes, one cannot be punished for civil contempt if one demonstrates an inability to meet the conditions. If Ball had petitioned the court, he could have had his support lowered or payment delayed until his finances changed. In fact, if you read more about the case, you will find that there was actually a court date set within a week of the suicide to deal with the issues and his claims in regards to child support. All he would have had to do is show that he was unable to pay and he could not have been jailed for contempt. Besides, if you read the suicide note, the child support was only mentioned in an incredibly brief manner, the vast bulk of it is about domestic violence-the fact that he was upset that the state took issue with him slapping a four year old and giving her a bloody lip (something he admits to having done)

“whatever kind of man he was, his children will be all the poorer without their father in their lives.” Frankly, that is a load of bullshit. There are some parents (men and women) whose children are better off without them in their lives. One of my cousin’s father is doing 25 to life for rape and attempted murder of a twelve year old, and I do say that my cousin is better off by far with him as far away from her as possible. Anyone who would spout that sort of nonsense about it always being better for children to have contact regardless of the parent clearly has not dealt with abusive situations too closely.

13 years ago

also… i haven’t see ANYONE here that’s HAPPY with this guy having killed himself. no one cheering. where do these things COME from?

The Crack Emcee
13 years ago

Well now, this has been,…interesting. A man hits his daughter once, even splitting her lip, and it’s “abuse,” is it? That’s fascinating because my mother hit me with anything she could get her hands on (including hard dirt clots and wooden boards with nails in them) when the mood suited her, and not only didn’t anyone put her into the system but – hold on to your hats, girls – I loved her until the day she died! So, pardon me, but I think your formulation there is a bit extreme.

Second, I love talk of mental health’s importance from any group that’s invested in NewAge culture – and this thread has included lots of it, from yoga to those hateful “angel cards.” (Hey, Ladies, did you know the Tarot began in France as a simple card game, like “Crazy 8s,” that evolved into the fraud of mysticism we know today? Ooooh. And don’t get me started on yoga, which most Indians don’t even do, because it’s a 5,000 year old spiritual practice that leads the “God Men” to smearing themselves with feces and ash from the dead. And didn’t anybody ever tell you stretching isn’t exercise – but what you do BEFORE exercise – and you’re not supposed to hold the pose?) For people into good mental health, there sure is a lot of stinkin’ thinkin’ in womyn’s culture.

And finally, my wife killed three people, the first being her own mother. I won’t bother you with the details but let’s just say that, before the truth came out – 3 years after the fact – she had the full support of her girlfriends, the courts, law enforcement, you name it. There was a false allegation of abuse, which she eventually got reamed for in court, but not before the destruction of my family, finances, and career. And after the truth came out, I faced a new barrage of bad mouthing and name-calling, for being correct while still having to face those who abandoned me for the sisterhood.

I’m telling you all this – after reading over 400+ of your (to me) near-hysterical posts – to say you live in an evil dream world AKA a nightmare, that you’re more-than-happy to inflict on others for what you perceive as the smallest transgression. You won’t admit it – you can’t admit it – because then you’d have to cop to your role in it, and looking yourselves in that all-important mirror would become difficult, and we can’t have that, can we?

In her book, “Self-Made Man,” lesbian author Norah Vincent went undercover only to discover that men are kinder, more fair, and more generous than women give us credit for (she described women as “opposing magnets”) and found herself in the hospital, partially, because of the self-hatred the experience engendered. Fortunately, she ended up being glad she’s a woman, because she now knows she doesn’t have to deal with the enormous pressures men – just everyday Joes – have to put up with just to exist. I would suggest that having to endure the judgement of a bunch of “empowerment” harpies, without honor or empathy, who are enamored with “spiritual” beliefs shared with the Nazis – and who can’t even tolerate one of their own kind wearing the same dress at a party – all backed by the power of the state, is not only one of those pressures, but one that’s getting to be a bit much. Whether you accept it as such or not.

The ironically named Mr. Ball is, indeed, a martyr to a cause, and it’s a cause that is decent and just. Your mockery of that which you don’t understand – which is, ultimately, yourselves – is evident in your every word and will, eventually, be stopped. Feminism exists because generous men allowed it to be so, but how it gets stripped away will be determined by how selfish you are. We will not continue to suffer policies and actions that are designed to hurt and punish us. You can live in your evil dream world all you want, for the time being, but – with the suicide of Thomas Ball – you ARE being put on notice:

Reality is on it’s way.

13 years ago

Some of you here got it, but I would say most of you did not.

All I can suggest is that if you really want to understand why Tom Ball commited self immolation then read his letter.

The man was brutally honest. He clearly stated his own fault in the matter. Most of you guys appear to stop right there, refuse to even consider what he stated was his reason for his political protest, and dismiss his it out of hand.

He clearly indicated that he was not going to be bullied for being a man.

I am shaking my head, because I predict that you are going to see some really, truly, outrageous acts of violence in the future, committed by men, unhinged by the DV industry.

Follow the money. There are financial incentives built into the VAWA. This is not going to end well.

The Act reads: VAWA 1994: (1) To implement mandatory arrest or pro-arrest programs and policies in police departments, including mandatory arrest programs and policies for protection order violations (Part U, SEC. 2101). This act has had a profound effect on state laws governing domestic abuse.

Sec. 102. Grants to encourage arrest and enforce protection orders improvements.

Reauthorized at $75 million annually 2007 – 2011. States and localities use this funding to develop and strengthen programs and policies that encourage police officers to arrest abusers who commit acts of violence or violate protection orders.

Purpose Area changes—

(1) Adds the four crimes of violence against women: domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking;

(2) Changes “mandatory arrest” to “pro-arrest”;

(3) Adds language encouraging protocols and training to avoid dual arrest;

(4) Permit the use of GTEAEP funding to support Family Justice Centers;

(5) Adds new sexual assault provisions allowing training of criminal justice system

(6) Permits the use of GTEAEP funding to maintain local protection order registries
GTEAEP has a new HIV testing provision. GTEAEP grantees will lose 5 percent of their funding if they do NOT certify that their laws and policies allow HIV testing of indicted defendants. However, such testing must only occur at the request of the victim.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@TheCrackEmcee Hi :3 I’m glad that my cards intrigued you and provoked thoughts :3 To clarify, they aren’t based on Tarot cards, they’re based on Magic: The Gathering, geeky, but not new age xD (also invented by a man! 😀 )

I am rly rly sorry for all the horribleness you have experienced, both w/ the pain your mother inflicted on you and your homicidal wife and the horrible way ppl treated you 🙁 I am glad you found peace w/ your mom, but I am sry for the trauma you’ve described in both relationships, and not being believed : I rly understand 🙁 *offers hugs* :]

13 years ago

The Crack Emcee:

1. I’m sorry that your mother abused you. What you described sounds horrible, and no child should have to go through that.

2. Hitting a four-year-old child in the face and breaking her lip is abuse. Hitting a child with a board over a several-year period is also abuse. Both are abuse.

3. What your wife did is likewise horrific. It’s kind of hard to follow your narrative, but it sounds like you’re better off without her and her friends.

4. As for the rest of it, it’s difficult to know where to begin. You seem to have had painful experiences with a lot of women, which totally sucks, don’t get me wrong. But even these painful experiences, plus your hatred of new age culture (I hate aspects of it too, although I have issues with your characterization of yoga), plus a completely inaccurate book review, and some weird, not-so-veiled threats, do not add up to the larger point you appear to be trying to make.

Ami: Have you seen “Hell House”? It’s this documentary about a church that’s putting on a haunted house for Halloween, but instead of ghosts and vampires, it’s all scenes about people who are going to hell, like people getting abortions and having extramarital affairs and whatnot. But one really amazing scene in the movie is where two of the Xers are trying to write a script for a scene where a demon introduces a girl to Magic: The Gathering. So, they’re not tarot cards … but they’re still totally devilish, to some people!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh I know that xD And I’ve heard of the Hell House & it’s hatred of Magic XD I just find it amusing xD

13 years ago

Any excuse to bring Hell House into the conversation! So funny.

13 years ago

Also, that dude has totally never done yoga. Not just about stretching, also about strength. Also, women tend to be more flexible than men, so he cunningly just relegated the thing that women tend to be best at to ‘what happens before exercise’.

13 years ago

Hi Ami,

Awesome cards. Guess what my new Avatar is going to be 🙂

13 years ago

Oh no! What’s Slavey gonna do now?

Sad trombone. I guess he’ll just have to stick with the BDSM pleading handcuff photo.

The Crack Emcee
13 years ago

Let’s get this straight, because this is rich:

I specifically said your “abuse” formulation “is a bit extreme” and you – all – come back saying my mother abused me? You’ve just proven part of Ball’s point – you’re – all – incapable of hearing, or understanding, and you’re – all- willing to attempt spin a story to your advantage – essentially to lie – even when A) it’s not your story B) you are insulting the my mother, and C) you’re doing it, basically, right to my face.

Do you – all – care to comment on how in favor of good mental health you are after that one? Because I sincerely don’t think any of you understand the concept.

Ami – I didn’t say, or suggest, your cards were the Tarot or Tarot-based – I asked a question. All assumptions from there are yours, and wrong, and make your wrong-headed condescending tone (“I am glad you found peace w/ your mom”) all the more hilarious. Finally, I don’t care if Magic: The Gathering was invented by elephants, the way you’re using them on this thread is not with any element of reason which (from what little I’ve seen) all of you could use more of.

Bee – my mother did not abuse me. It was not “horrible,” it was discipline. Hitting a four-year-old child in the face and breaking her lip could be anything. A younger child once dropped a typewriter on my head when I was a teen. Was that “abuse”? Or is it just abuse when a man does it? When an adult does it? What? Why don’t you – all – just admit you have no idea what you’re talking about, so you fall back on rigid guidelines that can make anyone into, at best, a bad person and, at worst, a criminal – for no good reason?

Also, I like how my mother NOT ABUSING ME and the shit with my wife and her friends becomes “painful experiences with a lot of women.” You fools don’t know how to stop, do you? What part of YOU’RE WRONG won’t you try to spin into someone else’s problem?

Here I’ll add in Lyn who said “that dude has totally never done yoga.” No, I have not. Do you know why? Because in 2011, a 5,000 year old “spiritual practice” holds absolutely no interest for this atheist. The words “ancient teachings” don’t give me a tingle like a lot of women I’ve seen. And, as far as strength through yoga, I’ve never met one woman who does it that can do even 50 push-ups, so, please, spare me more of the lies you tell yourselves to feel good about how you choose to waste your time being cultish “followers” of whatever yogi has seized what limited imaginations you – all – are exhibiting here.

And did I question, or ridicule women’s flexibility? Then why did you bring it up as an attack by me? It is a fact that yoga is essentially stretching, and stretching is something you do before exercise – it is not exercise itself. Also, the latest research shows that holding any pose for longer than 30 seconds is bad for your tendons, etc., but – like all practices that fall under the NewAge umbrella – they don’t let a little thing like “knowledge” change them much. Homeopathy’s been around for 200 years, but it’s still just water, being sold to women at Whole Foods for $20-30 a bottle.

Gawd, I want to hear you women talk all about your thoughts on good mental health some more!

And finally, back to Bee: I did not give you an inaccurate book review of Norah Vincent’s book, and if I did, then I say prove it with more than just your word – which has already made my mother into an abuser, though you did not know her, were not there when she was parenting me, and have no idea what you’re talking about.

Ladies, if you ask me, you are troubled and a perfect example of what’s wrong with society today. In this one thread – and answering my one post – you have lied on me, you have lied on my mother, and you have lied, both, to and about yourselves. In a different day and age, a man would not have been setting himself on fire over the likes of you, but showing exactly what superior upper body mass can do in the face of such deception. To clearly see that even now, when such behavior isn’t even a consideration, you are still – as a group – more than willing to deploy this deceitful strategy in order to make the world more palatable for your own outlook is enough for me to say, yes, feminism must die. You here, at least, aren’t deserving of equal rights with the likes of men, who have to contend with the violent reality, that there’s always someone bigger and stronger than we are, every day – and still try to get along. One more story from Nora Vincent:

She joins a bowling league as a man. At one point the room grows quiet as she’s jabbering away and then she notices why – someone is about to bowl a perfect game. All the men, almost instinctively, become like one to witness and share in an accomplishment. And Nora Vincent muses that, if it had been women, they probably would have tried to screw up the moment out of jealousy, insecurity, whatever.

If you ask me, that’s mostly what women today do and are, and not having rights might be the only thing that ever made you civilized to begin with.

Men and women are profoundly different, but, more than anything at this time in my life, it’s your lack of integrity that truly drives me over the edge.

13 years ago

@The Crack Emcee:

This is all I’m gonna say.

“That’s fascinating because my mother hit me with anything she could get her hands on (including hard dirt clots and wooden boards with nails in them) when the mood suited her”

This is abuse. Loving your mother does not change this fact. One of the most common misunderstandings about child abuse is that victims of child abuse would never love their abuser.

As for the rest, its obvious you’re very angry with us, and it comes across rather plainly when you try to misconstrue honest sympathy as condescension. You obviously don’t want a rational discussion, as evidenced by god-awful assertions such as “Feminism exists because generous men allowed it to be so,” and your sensitivity about your personal situation will only get in the way of debunking such claims. Cool off, come back if you actually want to debate these topics, but don’t take kindness and turn it into scorn.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

o_O He’s very combative… o_o;

Esp since I just assumed being hit by a wooden board w/ nails must have been v painful : And I am glad that you love your mom and were not abused 🙂 I’m sry if you were offended tho 🙁

I wasn’t trying to be condescending, but I’m sry if it came off that way : I was trying to be supportive b/c your tone was one of relating trauma important to you. :] Hopefully, the misunderstandings and assumptions are just that :]

@AndrewV Yay! I’m rly glad that you like my cards and are using one for your avatar! 😀 My plan is to get my Magyc cards everywhere, and they will unite the population, MRAs, Feminists, Rad Fems, MGTOW, etc etc.. all together! 😀 Or at the v least everybody uses them for avatars xD

Soon operate Ami Is Awesome will be complete! 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

*operation xD

13 years ago

Crack Emcee: If you don’t think, “my mother hit me with anything she could get her hands on (including hard dirt clots and wooden boards with nails in them) when the mood suited her, and not only didn’t anyone put her into the system but – hold on to your hats, girls – I loved her until the day she died! is abuse, you might want to look at the definition of the word.

I’d also recommend that you look up “Stockholm Syndrome”.

Also… the bragaddacio of your threats… so much yawn. First, it’s the internet, anyone can brag.

Second, not all of the people here are A: women, and B incapable of dealing with “superior body mass” (that’s what chemical energy is all about).

Third: People who talk, are generally more bluff and bluster than actual bully-boys (sort of like the people who tell you, right up front how great they are in the sack).

Some integrity you are showing there too. You say someone hits you, beats you, using clods, boards with nails and whatever comes to hand, anytime she feels like it and then you say it’s not abuse, and call people names for so describing it.

All this while you make an apologia for a guy who blames “the System” for the foreseeable effects of his own selfish actions. He hit his daughter, enough to draw blood. She was four years old. Even if one accepts that physical punishment can be reasonable; it’s not good practice to engage in that level of violent response [and if you try to say that striking someone hard enough to draw blood isn’t violent, you are either delsional; or dishonest, take your pick].

The courts mandated counselling. He refused to attend.

He had no contact with his wife. She, after being abandoned, filed for divorce. He was able to see his other children, but had to have supervision when with the one he hit (which you don’t think was abuse… In another age a man might have called someone out who defended a helpless child being struck for no good reason, just to point out the problems in the honor culture you appealed to before).

Because of this, he chose to kill himself. Because we don’t think he was a martyr to the cause of Men’s Rights you think us some sort of society destroying cult.

Right… The fact of the matter is he wasn’t, when all is said and done, man enough to face up to what he had done and deal with it. So weak was he that he not only couldn’t do counselling, but he couldn’t even admit that he was taking the coward’s way out, and blamed his suicide on the courts.

And this is your hero.

For him you make yourself look like an ass on the internet. I see why you use a pseudonym. If I were you, I wouldn’t want my friends to see how moronic I was being either.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Pecunium *nods in complete agreement* I dun want to question his own feelings on the matter, but in an objective sense, I would def consider being hit with things constantly, esp a board w/ wooden nails to be abuse : I presume that if his wife did that to their children, he would see that as abusive 🙁

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

if you try to say that striking someone hard enough to draw blood isn’t violent, you are either delusional; or dishonest, take your pick

I tend to go with dishonest, but I’ve got a nasty suspicious mind.

The Crack Emcee
13 years ago

You still don’t get it:

Insisting something is abuse, in the face of someone who is clearly capable of understanding the term – while you are incapable of understanding lifestyles beyond your own – will not make you correct. I grew up in a rough neighborhood where people lived rough, big deal. Just because you may have been sheltered from violence doesn’t mean everyone who wasn’t either desires it or finds it beneficial to themselves or (and I mean this) to you. You would be losers where I come from, which is probably why you’re insisting others should be sheltered as you have been.

My mother hit me and I’ve never hurt anyone. My wife had never been hit and she killed three people. Hmmm. One could gather that a childhood without clear limits leads to a sense of entitlement that can be harmful to others.

There’s also this “honest sympathy as condescension” trope. Offering sympathy for something that never happened – when you’re told it didn’t happen – is bullshit and (again) an insult. Maybe, if as a child, you had been busted in the mouth for trying that shit, you would be less likely to try that it as adults, don’t you think? The part I love is, if you actually got what such behavior deserved – which is a punch in the mouth – you’d call the cops to maintain the right to be such an asshole. It’s a sweet little racket. The funny part is you thinking nobody notices. I mean listen to this nonsense:

“o_O He’s very combative… o_o;

Esp since I just assumed being hit by a wooden board w/ nails must have been v painful”

Yes, it was painful, but guess what? It was SUPPOSED to be painful, you silly nit. And yes, I’m combative, what am I supposed to be – a fucking girl? Lay down and let you sooth my brow with your lying? Go play with your fucking “magic cards” and leave adult concerns to adults.

I have noticed that none of your replies deal with your many lies I’ve outlined. You will deal with everything else, laying out multiple distractions, but criticism of yourselves is not addressed even once. It’s just more insanity that abuse is how you define it and you alone. Here’s another one: Thomas Ball is now my “hero”. That’s your estimation, not mine. To me he is merely a man, like millions of others, who have to put up with the same bullshit – including what’s on this thread, large and small. Nothing more. I have friends just like him, who want to see their kids, but the apparatus in front of them is unwieldy. Listen to yourselves:

“He hit his daughter, enough to draw blood. She was four years old. Even if one accepts that physical punishment can be reasonable; it’s not good practice to engage in that level of violent response [and if you try to say that striking someone hard enough to draw blood isn’t violent, you are either delsional; or dishonest, take your pick].”

1) He split his daughter’s lip with a slap – not a “hit”. You also made up drawing blood out of whole cloth. There was no mention of blood. That is a lie. You made matters worse, purely from your twisted imagination, to advance your non-existent argument. You are delusional. Multiply such delusion by the numbers merely on this thread and you’re an army of idiots. Why must anyone else pay for that?

The bottom line is you are liars. You lie to others. You lie to yourselves. And you are trying to get the world to conform to your lies.

Sorry, Ladies (and Manginas) but that ain’t gonna happen. Here’s a list of my pertinent points for you to address, if you’re women enough:

1) You lie constantly.

2) You only care about insults when directed at yourselves, when you have demonstrated you’re more than capable of delivering them – which makes me wonder why you’d bring it up at all. Just talk, Dummies.

3) You are beyond condescending. Why, you are so condescending I don’t even know what the word would be, and I’m pretty good with words. Fine – you’re just a bunch of narcissistic bitches. Sorry, but that’s the best that I can do.

4) You worship at the alter of the irrational, with NewAge at the center of your twisted beliefs. Everybody who bought “The Secret” raise your hands! Great what wishful thinking did to the ecomony, isn’t it? “Hope and Change”.

5) You are devoid of (or simply incapable of) self-criticism, and apparently incapable of true self-examination, which is surely a sign of deficient mental health. It’s no wonder you engage in cheap histronics without a basis in fact. Again – you:

“People who talk, are generally more bluff and bluster than actual bully-boys (sort of like the people who tell you, right up front how great they are in the sack).”

If this is so, then why are there so many feminist laws to restrain us?

You couldn’t make sense if you tried.

13 years ago

Ah, yes, I guess she had one of those new-fangled lips that don’t bleed when you split them open. Also slaps aren’t hits. Got it.

I’m at a loss as to why anyone should bother responding to your criticism when your posts are this disconnected from reality. You just redefine words in order to make people look wrong in your estimation so what’s the point?

The Crack Emcee
13 years ago

Oh – and one more thing – I was thinking about this line again, and I think it explains you perfectly:

““People who talk, are generally more bluff and bluster than actual bully-boys”

In your world, people don’t hit, so of course you can lie, be condescending, irrational, etc. – you have no restraints on your behavior – which is the way you want it. You scream “abuse” at anything that could get in your way.

Well, where I come from, men and women are more than capable of defending themselves – with their fists if necessary – so they are a bit more circumspect when it comes to “talk” than any of you are being here. If you lie, become condescending, irrational, etc., you will pay a price for it – and no one is going to call the cops to twist reality to your twisted ends. There is right and wrong. There is also integrity. Which is something this conversation reveals you are sorely lacking.

In a just world, you would be profoundly ashamed.

The Crack Emcee
13 years ago


“Ah, yes, I guess she had one of those new-fangled lips that don’t bleed when you split them open. Also slaps aren’t hits. Got it.”

No, what you’ve “got” is an assumption, with no facts to back it up – there was no mention of blood. (You are an American, aren’t you? Then didn’t you learn that, when you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME?) I have been in fights, both as an adult and a child, and a hit in the lip – even an intentionally violent attack – doesn’t always lead to blood.

I repeat: you lie as though it’s a compulsion.

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