alpha males bad boys beta males evil women kitties marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men vaginas

How the Other Half Lives, according to dudes who have no idea how the other half lives

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It’s always handy when one of the MGTOW brethren sums up one of the tribe’s beliefs in a handy little post. The following is what every single MRTOWer out there (not to mention many MRAs and PUAs and even some non-acronymified misogynists) seems to believe about how women live their lives today. When I say “every single MGTOWer” I’m not really exaggerating for impact – well, maybe a teensy bit. But I don’t think I’ve ever run across an MGTOWer who doesn’t take all of the following on faith.

Like many manosphere beliefs about women – like the whole “women only fuck the top 20% of men” thing – there is of course not a shred of evidence for any of this. It’s an essentially religious belief, accepted on faith. MGTOWers are like monks in the douchiest religion ever.

Anyway, fresh from a post by “Rogue” on NiceGuy’s MGTOW forum, here’s how all you ladies are living your lives:

The modern woman’s life plan goes like this:

Step 1) From first sexual awakening throughout her twenties, fuck as many Alpha Asshole men (hereafter referred to as AA) as she can in a quest of sheer narcissistic hedonism. May give birth to an AA spawn during this time; party lifestyle and general female educative path (elementary teacher, social worker) results in shaky finances.

[citation needed]

Step 2) Oops, getting close to or past age 30? Find a Nice Guy Beta (hereafter referred to as NGB), dupe him into marriage with sex (he’s generally grateful for the attention, having had less than stellar success with women throughout his twenties), use his money to stabilize shaky finances. Strong likelihood of having another child or two; may again be AA spawn due to affairs. Pack on 30 pounds of fat (at least!). Cut off sex with NGB since she now has him over a barrel and was never really attracted to him in the first place. Get steadily angrier and more dissatisfied.

[citation needed]

Step 3) Divorce at or slightly before age 40; attempt to remount AA cock carousel, this time as a cougar. Fail miserably because no AA wants an old, fat female body and a loose pussy that looks like a hunk of roast beef that’s been worked over with a dozen ball-peen hammers for a month. Said failure twists her mind until her only remaining pleasure in life is to fuck with ex-NGB in various ways such as taking him back to court to raise CS payments, or denying him visitation rights to his children.

[citation needed]

 Step 4) Accept that she’s past her time for the AA cock carousel; become a companion to many cats.

[citation needed]

And what’s with all the cat-hatred, anyway? Cats are adorable, endlessly fascinating little monsters who do no harm to anyone, unless you count all the times my cat has attacked me without provocation and the fact that she just threw up her dinner and is now insistently demanding a second dinner. To paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson’s character in Jackie Brown, you can trust cats to be cats.

Anyway, back to the sermon:

The marriage strike is just an attempt to short-circuit steps 2 and 3, and force women to ride step 1 as long as they can, then transition directly to step 4. Will women like the result if, instead of rushing to save them at age 30, men just shake their heads and walk away? I think it’s an experiment worth trying.

Once again: please, please, please walk away. Walk far away. Become monks in your douchy religion. Just remember that most monks who take a vow of chastity don’t spend the rest of their lives whining about how women are a bunch of filthy bitches.

Oh, and before anyone pops in with a “why do you pick on the outliers, this guy doesn’t represent bla bla bla,” the post (which naturally got nothing but huzzahs on NiceGuy’s forum) was also highlighted on the MRA blog What Men Are Saying About Women as an example of “superb” discussion of the Woman Question. This bullshit is Manosphere-Approved bullshit.

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Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

1. Feminists don’t rule the Western world per se. They’ve just been remarkably successful at infesting our culture with some of their pulsing tumors that pass as values, among whih is gneral misandry.

2. I sould have been clearer. A handful of feminists on Manboobz, tonight, obviously can’t enforce it.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Also, Pecunium, if you’re going to go hardcore on me I’d prefer you did the NWO thing. I want to know what you said.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

A period of prosperity and unparalleled technological and scientific growth ensued, with women in their proper role and men in theirs.. but the Darknyss festered. Despite that the conditions of it’s birth were gone, it’s purpose and dark hatred remained and it slowly extended it’s hate-filled tendrils back into the world, corrupting, manipulating, seducing.

A thousand years pass, until it’s influence is everywhere… and nowhere. Despite, or perhaps because of it’s comfortable complacency, society begins to chafe against its foundations, foundations built by the blood, sweat and tears of noble men and gentle women. Wives turn against husbands, mothers against sons. Famine and sickness begin to sweep the land, creating poverty, frustration, and with it hatred, envy and anger.


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I’ll sum it up for you:

NWO: *victim blaming*

Pecunium: Hey NWO… >:O >:| >: >8O >__________________<

13 years ago

MRAL: 1: People get what they deserve.

2: I told Dave I’d not flirt with that line again.

3: You haven’t earned what I said to NWO.

4: Well four is a secret.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Four is always a secret. Otherwise it wouldn’t be four.


Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

The point of talking about “victimhood” in feminism isn’t an end in itself. No one is saying “I’m treated unfairly… yay!” or “I’m treated unfairly… I want STUFF!”

Instead, it’s “I’m treated unfairly… I want to be treated fairly.” We talk about victimhood in the context of understanding why it happens and working to get rid of it, not just because we like talking about bad stuff.

To get rid of all “victimhood” in feminism would be to pretend that the world is la la awesome for women right now, and it’s not. We have to face that if we’re going to change it.

13 years ago

Ami… Anyone who saw it would understand the secret, if I were share it.

13 years ago

If I were to share it.

13 years ago


MRAL: “Ooooooh, you did sumthin naughtyyyy. Tell meeee!”

Pecunium: “4: well four is a secret.”
MRAL: “Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell meeeee!”

honestly.. its like talking to a small child…

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

I’m just saying that you people are attempting to redefine “American” as “USian”.

Not really. A bunch of people use the word ‘American’, a bunch more people use ‘USian’. I think the people who used ‘USian’ were happy to explain why they chose to use it (and like I said, I always thought it was Internet shorthand before), but if there was some jihad to get everyone to forego ‘American’ in favor of ‘USian’, I totally missed it. You’re the only person who threw a fit about it. Get a sense of perspective, dude. Is using ‘USian’ really threatening your identity? Your sense of self is really, really fragile if that’s the case.

See, one thing that feminists are all for is one set of rules for everyone. So everyone, no matter who they are, can expect a baseline treatment – by other individuals, by companies, by government, by society at large. What this means is that you are totally within your rights to ask people to type out ‘American’ when they want to talk about you and your identity. But, on the flip side, you can’t really insist that YOU get to decide how ‘feminism’ is spelled. Especially when you don’t even identify as a feminist.

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

Also, Pecunium, if you’re going to go hardcore on me I’d prefer you did the NWO thing.

I think he’s flirting with you, Pecunium.

13 years ago

And MRAL – you know why we didn’t insist when you first started writing fymynyst to call us feminists (because really, just spelling a position funny is not a great way to challenge it)? Cos it’s not a big deal. If you started using the wrong pronoun when addressing Ami I would certainly jump on you. Cos that is a big deal. You yourself have argued that your only problem with USain is that it sounds silly – it doesn’t oppress you or try to force you to be something you are not and it is not used to invalidate your position or opinions on things – it’s just not your personal preference.

13 years ago


yep, that’s why i use “USian” – thanks! [200 comments later – i was SLEEPING, sorry.]

13 years ago

also, MRAL, *I* am USian – i was born here, most of my family on both sides are military. i’ve used “USian” for over a decade. mostly because it’s a shorter way of writing “American” and it hurts me to type, so shorter words that are still understandable are awesome. it’s why i use gov’t, and other shorter things.

but if I, as a US citizen, want to use USian to describe that citizenship, *i have that right*

13 years ago

Kirby – i say it as “you-ess-ian”

man – i didn’t realize i was opening a box of snakes when i used that. and then i went to sleep for 12 hours…

sorry all! also, i’m gonna now wait and not try to answer individual comments, since they’re all like 150+ comments ago…

13 years ago


The sympathy card works both ways. The problem is that yes, there are female victims of bullying as well. However, there is not one single feminist movement hell bent on using Orwellian language to redefine every single shred of these girls life experiences into a discussion on how they can be interpreted as an indicator of privilege.

So you are not afraid, yes somehow you took the effort to write an entire post about how you are not afraid. Sound a lot like two children in a sand box spending extraordinary amount of times declaring how they don’t care what the other person thinks.

And regarding the comment about men only seeing the top 20%. I can tell very similar stories, about women complaining about always being rejected, and then when suggested trying to look in venues where lots of single men hang out, getting comments about them not wanting losers and guys who are perpetually single usually are perpetually single for a reason.

13 years ago

My “victim fetish” is different, because it’s just about me.

Once again, he said without a trace of irony.

13 years ago
13 years ago

David: Yeah, I was going to post about gringo which is what I am going to call Mr. USIAN Al in future, but then realized it was nearly 1 am!

Gringo AL: *shrugs* Of course you see your victimization as only about you because that’s what you’ve made it. I did some research on heightism because some of the stuff you said before David shut you down made me curious, and I posted about it on my Dreamwidth/LiveJournal, with an invite to anybody here to come talk about it in the GENERAL sense, i.e. I’m not interested any more than anybody else about hearing about your individual problems for the umpteenth time.

Short fact I learned in my googling: you’re too tall to join the National Organization of Short Statured People, a social justice/civil rights group formed by people who do experience a range of oppressions based on their height. I find that entirely hilarious–plus the fact that you probably exist. These are the people who face more serious problems than the white men who are shorter than the average CEO or President.

Pecunium: He’s more pissed off at me than you, *neener neener neener! :> XD!

13 years ago

*short fact* OK, good grief, my freudian slip is showing!

That was unintentional! Sorry.

13 years ago

Four is always a secret. Otherwise it wouldn’t be four.

I thought four was PROFIT!!!

I stand corrected.

Can you guys find a compromise—USierigringo, AmeriUSingo, GrinmerUS?

13 years ago


what the fuck are you going on about?!

NO ONE HERE – especially not *ME*, the one who actually used “USian” as short-hand, is fucking trying to make people re-define themselves as “USians”. i’m an American citizen, or a US citizen, and just because i call *ME* a USian doesn’t mean i expect anyone ELSE to do so. and again, as i said above – i MOSTLY use it because it’s shorter, pithier, and less confusing [to ME] it’s SURE as fuck not some sort of “everyone must from now say that they are “USian”!

you know, i try to ignore the most grievious of the crap you spew, but this… i swear, i sometimes wonder if MRAs shouldn’t change their focus, and instead of blaming “fymynysts” for things – for example, the current child support laws, for which you should thank REGAN, the Republican President who started the “Welfare Queen” hysteria and who pushed for new laws that REQUIRED men [when it was known who they were] who were the fathers of children who recieved welfare to pay child support; feminists thought it was BAD LAW and a HORRIBLE LEGAL PRECEDENT, and tried to stop it, but nooooooo, MRAs blame feminists for the actions of a Republican President and Republican Congresspeople – and instead look for the people [NOT feminists – too much work for us to do this] who keep putting CRACK in your watersupply!

seriously, step back, take a DEEP breath, and figure out what the FUCK you’re going on about. because, honestly, what you’re saying is complete and utter bullshit and MAKES NO SENSE.

i don’t hate men. i hate the Patriarchy; i hate that the Patriarchy Hurts Men, Too. my biggest problem with MRAs [after the fact that they don’t DO anything other than bitch and blame women for everything bad, EVAR] is that they’re shooting for the WRONG PEOPLE.

i tell you true – the ONLY people i know trying to help men? are FEMINISTS. the groups i know who are actually trying to help male victims of sex crimes are FEMINISTS; the groups i know who are trying to change Family Law so that it’s better for EVERYONE, including getting rid of “presumptive custody”, are FEMINISTS; the groups i know who are advocating prison reform, especially anti-prison-rape reform, are FEMINISTS.

seriously – find the persons who are feeding you crack, and stop drinking the crack-flavored Kool-Aid.

13 years ago

Cannot resist impulse to make comment 900!


Thank you, that is all.