It’s always handy when one of the MGTOW brethren sums up one of the tribe’s beliefs in a handy little post. The following is what every single MRTOWer out there (not to mention many MRAs and PUAs and even some non-acronymified misogynists) seems to believe about how women live their lives today. When I say “every single MGTOWer” I’m not really exaggerating for impact – well, maybe a teensy bit. But I don’t think I’ve ever run across an MGTOWer who doesn’t take all of the following on faith.
Like many manosphere beliefs about women – like the whole “women only fuck the top 20% of men” thing – there is of course not a shred of evidence for any of this. It’s an essentially religious belief, accepted on faith. MGTOWers are like monks in the douchiest religion ever.
Anyway, fresh from a post by “Rogue” on NiceGuy’s MGTOW forum, here’s how all you ladies are living your lives:
The modern woman’s life plan goes like this:
Step 1) From first sexual awakening throughout her twenties, fuck as many Alpha Asshole men (hereafter referred to as AA) as she can in a quest of sheer narcissistic hedonism. May give birth to an AA spawn during this time; party lifestyle and general female educative path (elementary teacher, social worker) results in shaky finances.
[citation needed]
Step 2) Oops, getting close to or past age 30? Find a Nice Guy Beta (hereafter referred to as NGB), dupe him into marriage with sex (he’s generally grateful for the attention, having had less than stellar success with women throughout his twenties), use his money to stabilize shaky finances. Strong likelihood of having another child or two; may again be AA spawn due to affairs. Pack on 30 pounds of fat (at least!). Cut off sex with NGB since she now has him over a barrel and was never really attracted to him in the first place. Get steadily angrier and more dissatisfied.
[citation needed]
Step 3) Divorce at or slightly before age 40; attempt to remount AA cock carousel, this time as a cougar. Fail miserably because no AA wants an old, fat female body and a loose pussy that looks like a hunk of roast beef that’s been worked over with a dozen ball-peen hammers for a month. Said failure twists her mind until her only remaining pleasure in life is to fuck with ex-NGB in various ways such as taking him back to court to raise CS payments, or denying him visitation rights to his children.
[citation needed]
Step 4) Accept that she’s past her time for the AA cock carousel; become a companion to many cats.
[citation needed]
And what’s with all the cat-hatred, anyway? Cats are adorable, endlessly fascinating little monsters who do no harm to anyone, unless you count all the times my cat has attacked me without provocation and the fact that she just threw up her dinner and is now insistently demanding a second dinner. To paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson’s character in Jackie Brown, you can trust cats to be cats.
Anyway, back to the sermon:
The marriage strike is just an attempt to short-circuit steps 2 and 3, and force women to ride step 1 as long as they can, then transition directly to step 4. Will women like the result if, instead of rushing to save them at age 30, men just shake their heads and walk away? I think it’s an experiment worth trying.
Once again: please, please, please walk away. Walk far away. Become monks in your douchy religion. Just remember that most monks who take a vow of chastity don’t spend the rest of their lives whining about how women are a bunch of filthy bitches.
Oh, and before anyone pops in with a “why do you pick on the outliers, this guy doesn’t represent bla bla bla,” the post (which naturally got nothing but huzzahs on NiceGuy’s forum) was also highlighted on the MRA blog What Men Are Saying About Women as an example of “superb” discussion of the Woman Question. This bullshit is Manosphere-Approved bullshit.
MRAL: How, in your ideal world, will Islam be eradicated?
Really. How?
Man, no response to my mature women porn? Here, have some more! Nina Hartley has one of the most used pussies out there – she’s a 49 year old porn star who has been making movies since her 20s. She’s also FRIKKING AWESOME and I would totally do her.
Plymouth, thank you for getting us back on topic!!!
Also, did you read the comment someone left on that link?
So he wasn’t there for the sex…?
I just wish the phrase MILF didn’t seem to mean, “woman with fake breasts”.
That’s gross.
That comment is hilarious
STDs galore!
I think that Nina Hartley comment made my night. Maybe even my week.
Gee MRAL, if you don’t like it when people tell you said a stupid-ass thing, then don’t say stupid-ass things. You specifically did advocate flying over Mecca and bombing it. Unless you were really calling for an infiltration of Mecca by trained commandos who would rig the whole city with explosives, then retreat and set the bombs off remotely. Either way, you clearly said that you thought that bombing Mecca was a good idea. That was fucking stupid. Now you want us to believe you didn’t really mean it, you were just joking around? Well fuck you, it wasn’t funny. And now we see why you never believe what other people say on this forum: you lie a lot your own self. Hint: not everybody is as dishonest as you.
Also, you need to provide some sort of rational explanation as to why Islam specifically is worse than Christianity or Judaism, so you can exculpate yourself from the charge of bigotry.
MRAL; Even your denial is problematic. You aren’t advocating doing it, “right no[w]”.
You don’t even seem to be able to flat out say you wouldn’t, just that at the moment it’s not practical.
@MRAL: Except you were advocating it and you still are. By saying “I’m not actually advocating flying over Mecca and nuking it right no[w]” you are suggesting that this would be a good idea at some point in the future.
FYI, the extremist Muslim groups labeled as terrorists in this country make up less than 1% of all Muslims in the world. Despite what you may think there are many other non-Islamic terrorist groups that are just as dangerous . Try googling the ETA, the IRA, or the Tamil Tigers. When America began it’s “War on Terror” our government began to demonize one specific racial and religious group. I figured this out when I was 12. Seems likely that you should be able to do some thinking about this too.
i think i’m Doing It Wrong…
i got married at 17, divorced at 19, didn’t do ANYTHING for a few years, THEN had a hedonistc 4 – and by the time i was 27, was in a long-term monogomous relationship with the coolest, nicest guy ever [sorry David!] he’s not an “alpha” – “alphas” tend to piss me off.
re: terrorists and “the war on terror [of some people]” – why are USian terrorists ignored? there are more USian terrorists than there are Muslim terrorists – at least, it seems that way. anyone remember OKC bombing? i cried for -days-
but lets all be afraid of Muslims, because they dress differently and talk different and worship in a “weird” way… [hey, at least they don’t practice ritual cannibalism!]
The correct term is “American”, not “USian”. Thanks.
Actually, many people object to using the term “American” to describe a citizen of the United States. They point out that “American” could refer to an inhabitant of either North or South America. Using it to refer exclusively to citizens of the US sort of erases the rest of the hemisphere. Hence “USian.”
No comment about your idiotic and violent bigotry, MRAL?
Actually (from what I can tell, and why MRAL’s responses to you guys seem to be “what are you talking about? I’m not advocating genocide!” xD ) I think what he’s saying is we should evacuate Mecca, blow it up, then ban Islam in ALL countries all over the world, and thus with no holy place, and not allowed to believe their religion, every Muslim in the world will just stop. xD (he doesn’t go into how to enforce this law, and apparently ppl won’t be angry you just blew up a holy place and created a thought police law -_-;;) But I dun think he actually thinks that nebody will rly suffer for it, and there won’t have to be ppl rounding up other ppl who are “caught” reading a Qu’ran or publishing one (presumably he’d ban the publication of any Islamic books, holy or otherwise, too) and etc etc >_<;; If nething this will make the problem he so fears, WORSE.
At least that's as far as I can figure, as usual whenever he says something rly controversial, he never elaborates/articulates on what he means xD
Actually, many people object to using the term “American” to describe a citizen of the United States. They point out that “American” could refer to an inhabitant of either North or South America. Using it to refer exclusively to citizens of the US sort of erases the rest of the hemisphere. Hence “USian.”
That’s stupid. North and South America are continents, not countries. We refer to people based on their country of origin. Hence, “Brazilian”, “Canadian”, “Mexican”, etc. None of those places have “America” in their name, so citizens are not referred to as “Americans”. The United States OF AMERICA, on the other had, has the word “America” in it, so we are referring to “Americans” in that sense, not in the sense of claiming the entire continent. Plus, USian sounds fucking stupid. United Statesian? Fuck that.
Americans refer to themselves as “American”, thus it is polite to respect their wishes and not turn everything into a politically correct pissing contest.
Actually it’s the UNITED STATES of America xD
I live in America, and I don’t mind being a USian. I think it has that little bit of internet-lulz to sound nerd-funny.
We refer to people based on their country of origin. Hence, “Brazilian”, “Canadian”, “Mexican”, etc. None of those places have “America”
No one says, “European, nor Asian, nor Polynesian, nor….
No, you’re right, I’ve never seen that, except for wierdos.
Now, care to explain what you meant by, “Not blowing up Mecca now”, and outlawing Islam?
No one says, “European, nor Asian, nor Polynesian, nor….
Not when referring to a specific country. We don’t say “India of Asia” or “Britain of Europe”. That’s not part of the name. Since the US has “America” IN ITS NAME, that’s quite different. Dumbass.
No. Because the issue is actually exactly the opposite of the one you are raising. The name of our country is, The United States of America.
Not “America”. Is a Brazilian an American? Is a Frenchman not a European? It’s a problem of overlapping membership.
All citizens of the US are americans, not all americans are citizens of the US.
Put it this way if the American continents were named Asia, it’d be the United States of Asia. xD
(not now obv, I meant before -_-)
For all the grief it gets, Wikipedia has a very good breakdown of the issue; especially the linguistic confusions caused by the attitude that, “America” = USA. The problem is extant in the English Speaking World, and even worse when one enters into non-English languages.
It’s further complicated by both regional usages and historical ones (e.g. “British North America” which was one thing in 1750, and quite a different one in 1850, and still different again in 1950 [by which point all of what is now Canada had become part of the Commonwealth, and Sovereignty had been granted).
So no, “America” isn’t clear, and appealing to “that’s what “we” want to be called isn’t a valid argument.
I was going to bring up British North America just now Pecunium! xD You saved me from having to do it :3