It’s always handy when one of the MGTOW brethren sums up one of the tribe’s beliefs in a handy little post. The following is what every single MRTOWer out there (not to mention many MRAs and PUAs and even some non-acronymified misogynists) seems to believe about how women live their lives today. When I say “every single MGTOWer” I’m not really exaggerating for impact – well, maybe a teensy bit. But I don’t think I’ve ever run across an MGTOWer who doesn’t take all of the following on faith.
Like many manosphere beliefs about women – like the whole “women only fuck the top 20% of men” thing – there is of course not a shred of evidence for any of this. It’s an essentially religious belief, accepted on faith. MGTOWers are like monks in the douchiest religion ever.
Anyway, fresh from a post by “Rogue” on NiceGuy’s MGTOW forum, here’s how all you ladies are living your lives:
The modern woman’s life plan goes like this:
Step 1) From first sexual awakening throughout her twenties, fuck as many Alpha Asshole men (hereafter referred to as AA) as she can in a quest of sheer narcissistic hedonism. May give birth to an AA spawn during this time; party lifestyle and general female educative path (elementary teacher, social worker) results in shaky finances.
[citation needed]
Step 2) Oops, getting close to or past age 30? Find a Nice Guy Beta (hereafter referred to as NGB), dupe him into marriage with sex (he’s generally grateful for the attention, having had less than stellar success with women throughout his twenties), use his money to stabilize shaky finances. Strong likelihood of having another child or two; may again be AA spawn due to affairs. Pack on 30 pounds of fat (at least!). Cut off sex with NGB since she now has him over a barrel and was never really attracted to him in the first place. Get steadily angrier and more dissatisfied.
[citation needed]
Step 3) Divorce at or slightly before age 40; attempt to remount AA cock carousel, this time as a cougar. Fail miserably because no AA wants an old, fat female body and a loose pussy that looks like a hunk of roast beef that’s been worked over with a dozen ball-peen hammers for a month. Said failure twists her mind until her only remaining pleasure in life is to fuck with ex-NGB in various ways such as taking him back to court to raise CS payments, or denying him visitation rights to his children.
[citation needed]
Step 4) Accept that she’s past her time for the AA cock carousel; become a companion to many cats.
[citation needed]
And what’s with all the cat-hatred, anyway? Cats are adorable, endlessly fascinating little monsters who do no harm to anyone, unless you count all the times my cat has attacked me without provocation and the fact that she just threw up her dinner and is now insistently demanding a second dinner. To paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson’s character in Jackie Brown, you can trust cats to be cats.
Anyway, back to the sermon:
The marriage strike is just an attempt to short-circuit steps 2 and 3, and force women to ride step 1 as long as they can, then transition directly to step 4. Will women like the result if, instead of rushing to save them at age 30, men just shake their heads and walk away? I think it’s an experiment worth trying.
Once again: please, please, please walk away. Walk far away. Become monks in your douchy religion. Just remember that most monks who take a vow of chastity don’t spend the rest of their lives whining about how women are a bunch of filthy bitches.
Oh, and before anyone pops in with a “why do you pick on the outliers, this guy doesn’t represent bla bla bla,” the post (which naturally got nothing but huzzahs on NiceGuy’s forum) was also highlighted on the MRA blog What Men Are Saying About Women as an example of “superb” discussion of the Woman Question. This bullshit is Manosphere-Approved bullshit.
I will go no, this time it’s definite. And I don’t care about you. I will never ever come here on this blog again, never ever g-u-a-r-a-n-t-e-e-d!
This is what we call ‘moving the goalposts’.
No, I would have thought that was obvious that’s what I meant from the beginning. Of course, you can find plenty of nutso religious “leaders” all over, hell, like that Christian idiot who said the world was going to end about a month ago.
Marc (flounce II) What is is you are trying to cure us of? Why is it worse than mocking misogynists?
Why do you keep dismissing our reasoned arguments in favor of our positions (while not explaining why your more complicated [and filled with unprovable assumptions, e.g. all those men who were virgins and lied about it on anonymous surveys] were more justifiable)?
In short, other than telling us we are wrong.. what did you do to convince us?
You keep saying we didn’t understand what you said… even in the face of quotations and explanations of how what you said led to what we read, and to what you recalled of what you said not being what you actually said (nice thing about the internet, quoting someone is easy).
The fact of the matter is… you never actually made an argument. You never said, “This is what I believe, and why which leads to why you do should think the way I do.
So, what is it…? You want us to be, “more productive with our time”. Sorry, it’s my time. I spend it how I like. I have the money to pay the bills and no one is upset that I’m not getting the housework done. Not a good argument.
MRAs are getting a bad rap because we are “cherry picking”? Ok, show us the representative sample of MRAs who aren’t like that.
We are, “moralising? Damn straight. We think what they are doing is immoral. I’ve quoted Kant here before, to show just why they are immoral (thus have an appeal to authority, but Kant is a pretty well hashed authority, and I can defend my use of the Categorical Imperatives, esp. because I don’t think them as blindly rote and absolute as Immanuel did).
So you’ve actually tried to convince us of what… that somehow you know better than we do. Well I’ve got a lifetime of experience, and I don’t know you from Adam. You have to convince me with argument. Just telling me I don’t understand Occam’s Razor and you studied math ain’t gonna do it.
Esp. when the first is demonstrably wrong, and you’ve done nothing to show the latter demonstrably true (and I gave you pointers on how to do it).
It’s been real chumps, I’m off.
What! I didn’t flounce!
Okay losers, I’m gone.
Wait! Why do you keep saying I flounced! WTF!
That’s it I’m done.
I’ll never come on this blog again, I’ll never write a comment so you don’t need to reply.
(you noticed the first time he flounced he added that we don’t have to respond to him nemore cuz he won’t be reading xD i.e. “I AM STILL READING BUT I JUST WANT TO HAVE THE LAST WORD” xD )
“Get out.”
Wait, I don’t have a basic level of decency?
link plz
I don’t give a pass to Christian terrorists, if pushed, I would say the world would be better off without any religion. But if we’re going to start somewhere, Islam is sure as fuck the most damaging.
Citation needed.
Once we’ve wiped out Islam we can turn our attention to Christianity. Those are the two biggest offenders. Judaism isn’t large or powerful enough to create any problems, and Buddhism and Hinduism are generally very peaceful.
I dun think he’s actually sincere in what he says, he’s just a meta troll xD (i think that last thing shows that XD) But it’s still amusing :3
Marc: flounce/ˈflounsē/
Verb: Trimmed with a flounce or flounces.
Noun: An exaggerated action, typically intended to express one’s annoyance or impatience.
or, from the Urban Dictionary:
When a member of an online community announces they are leaving, usually after a protracted disagreement with other members of the community.
“I’m gone. You all enjoy your little discussions.”
I knew he could not stick the flounce -10 points for lack of flair.
Holly, you’re right. What Marc ignored are the countless rational arguments against the MRA mindset that David and commenters here provide alongside the mockery.
Loved your double flounce comment btw.
(OMG I’m complimenting a woman, could I *be* more of a white knight mangina?!?)
Citation needed.
I’m not an idiot blinded by political correctness.
@MRAL do you rly think you can wipe out philosophies/beliefs/thoughts thru force while still remaining ethical in the way you treat other human beings? o_O
I don’t really believe in any of the Buddhist recincarnation crap but I like their style. I might become a Buddhist someday.
How about Unitarian Universalism?
I think we can let them stick around. Even if they are a (yecchh) religion.
Once we’ve wiped out Islam we can turn our attention to Christianity. Those are the two biggest offenders. Judaism isn’t large or powerful enough to create any problems, and Buddhism and Hinduism are generally very peaceful.
Wouldn’t it be a better idea to focus on the violent extremists of any stripe, rather than trying to eradicate a religion followed by quite a few peaceful, law-abiding people?
And you do realize the inherent hypocrisy in calling for the violent destruction of a religion you accuse of advocating violence?
I’m not an idiot blinded by political correctness.
Or facts, it would seem.
But I suspect most of us knew that about you already.
Here’s a hint: If you make an assertion, and want to be taken seriously, you had better be able to back up your assertion with provable facts. You can totally avoid this, perhaps by calling facts just a symptom of idiotic political correctness – but you then won’t be able to support (with facts) the assertion that you’re just arguing out of your ass.
“Why do you keep dismissing our reasoned arguments in favor of our positions (while not explaining why your more complicated [and filled with unprovable assumptions, e.g. all those men who were virgins and lied about it on anonymous surveys] were more justifiable)?”
Where did I ever say such a thing?
You never say anything. Just that you feel you’re in a position to cure people of what they enjoy. And that you’re going.
Why should I believe in Gd or gods? They’ve done a pretty piss poor job of things so far, which would sort of invalidate their godly status.
MRAL: The standard terrorist in the US is a White, Conservative Male. Usually of a Fundamentalist Christian Church. Aged between 25-35.
The Tamil Tigers. Almost all of their activities in Sri Lanka, all of it about nationalism.
The ETA in Spain/France. Basque Separatists. They have put down their arms (so they say).
The point… apart from the ones in the US, they are all about national issues. Same with the Kurds in Greece/Turkey/Iran/Iraq. Same with the Irgun in Palestine (when it was the Jews being the terrorists).
It’s also pretty much the same with the Islamic terrorists. They have specific greivances, they are attacking the people they think are in control of that (save Al q’aida, which had a different agenda, and one we fell for, but I digress).
And… most of them are Christians… so it’s a pity so many Christians follow such a sick and twisted religion.
I don’t give a pass to Christian terrorists, if pushed, I would say the world would be better off without any religion. But if we’re going to start somewhere, Islam is sure as fuck the most damaging.
This is (as shown above) wrong. The most dangerous groups of terrorists aren’t Islamic. Certainly not in terms of threatening you. That would be white male christians of a conservative political philosophy.
And did you really just call Pope Urban, Pope Clement, St. Bernard of Clairveaux, Nutjob religious leaders?
Really? Two popes and a saint… who set off the Crusades? Which were, when all was said and done, world wars lasting about 300 years (and waged against Christians and Muslims… Bohemond’s Crusade [between the 1st and 2nd… the ordering/timing is a bit confusing, the moreso in the contemprary documents] was against the “Greeks” in the Balkans, and the Albigensian Crusade was against heretic Christians in France. I don’t know quite what to call the wars of the Protestant Reformation).
You do know that, “wiping out Islam” means killing 1 in 5 people on the planet. That it’s not going to be easy, and you will have to do some of it yourself.
You sure won’t get me to help… I’ll be on their side.
“You never say anything. Just that you feel you’re in a position to cure people of what they enjoy.”
Heroin addicts also enjoy what they’re doing.
“And that you’re going.”
I guarantee you that I will stay on this blog forever. And please reply to all my arguments, I will respond to them all, you have my personal guarantee!
I say it once again: I will stay here forever. I will NOT go. That’s as sure as the sun goes up in the east and goes down in the west. It is unshakable, that I will keep posting here.
I just want to make this crystal-clear so that everybody understands it. And please also respond to my older post I’m very interested in your opinion and I care very badly what you think about them.
You all know that Marc is just a JAQ* off, right?
*a person who Just Asks Questions, with the point of somehow proving others wrong.