When the dudes at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog aren’t wistfully looking forward to the days in which sexbots and artificial wombs make mere flesh-and-blood ladies obsolete, they’re pondering the crucial spiritual questions of our age, like how to pick up hot sluts at church. Any church, really, so long as it’s full of hot sluts. The blogger there – who doesn’t give his name, so let’s just call him Anti – recently highlighted this observation, from commenter The Fifth Horseman:
[C]hurch would be a great place for a PUA to run Game …
1) There is a built-in structure to meet women that takes out the difficulty of doing a cold approach.
2) All other men there are so pedestalizing, that the competition to a man who actually runs moderate Game is nil.
3) Sunday morning = where else would you Game at that time?
4) Once you have slept with a couple women in that church, simply move on to another church. Who cares if one is Baptist and the other is Episcopalian and the third is Lutheran? Just use up the desirable women and move on.
Jesus wept.
But Anti didn’t, and added his two cents to the discussion:
All you need to do to use the “Sunday Morning Nightclub” is find a church with single women. Some churches are pretty much all families so avoid them. Other churches are supertraditional where everyone gets married before 20. … I would also avoid Eastern Orthodox churches. …
When it comes to meeting the women there, you already have built in openers to use such as how “you have been looking for a church”. These women will put out for you. You aren’t going to find any virgins waiting for marriage (with the exception of a few outliers with very unusual issues). The women there are better described as “sluts for Jesus”.
Absolutely. All you need to do, fellas, is to approach them calmly and confidently, look quickly down at your crotch, then directly into their eyes, and ask them: “Would you like to meet … Little Jesus”
Verily, I say unto you, it works every time.
At work a few weeks ago one of the ladies commented that she can’t believe I don’t believe in anything (my family has been for the last few generations completely agnostic or atheist).
I told her I did, I believe in the big bang theory. She replied that it was impossible that it only happened once hence it’s not believable.
I replied: Actually it happened every time my kids were conceived, and a great deal of times when kids weren’t. In fact I expect it will happen tonight
Hey, NWO… did you read what I posted (you know, the answer to your question about viruses… I keep answering questions, but I never get the papers I was promised in mtDNA, and how the White House determined that women work less… seems NWO is stealing the produce of my labors).
A virus that kills it’s host, is not evolutionarily fit.
We are seeing speciation in the NE even now, as apple flies start take advantage of hawthornes (which have similar fruits, but different blooming times).
Adaptational modification and phenotypic radiation was predicted, and observed on Daphne Minor (in the Galapagos). The prediction was, moderately, incorrect in that the finch populations responded to local conditional changes in much shorter time frames than expected (primarily from heightened mortality among the “unfit”, and greater survival to breeding on the more fit. As decades go by (the observations were started in the late ’70s) variations in weather have caused some recurrent drift (back toward the ratios of previous populations) as well as some total drift away from the recorded data. Bills are getting heavier, as a rule.
Experiments with guppies, in controlled ponds; with uncontrolled breeding (the ponds/streams were made to match native streams) showed that a mixed batch of guppies (equal numbers of “brilliant” and dull, upstream to downstream), would, in a non-predatory environment all become brightly colored.
When the predatory environment matched that in the wild streams where one finds guppies, they quickly came to match the color profiles in wild streams (less colored upstream, where the water is clearer, and predators have an easier time seeing them, more gaudy downstream, where the predators have a harder time seeing them).
Evolution has been tested, repeatedly, (I could go on about pigeons, sticklebacks, anti-biotic resistant bacteria, insecticide resistant bugs, plasmodia which are able to survive the modern anti-malarials, etc.,but you won’t pay attention. You will make an inane statement about how “lesser forms” are still around, and pretend that actually means something).
I think at THIS point, he needs to tell US how these processes are working right now and why xD
If it’s not what everybody else is saying (and not the hilarious strawman), then what is it? xD
Where did God come from?
@Pecunium what’s more curious to me is that if he doesn’t believe in all of that, how does HE explain it? xD
@Kave where did I come from? o_O Canada.
Victoria von Syrus
Wait, wait, are you telling me viruses “don’t want to kill their host?” So when someone dies from Aids or some other virus, did those viruses miss the memo?
Ya gotta do a lot better than that. What theory is this were reaching for. I’m assuming it’s a theory and not a fact. Otherwise I simply must write Obama on viruses not following the plan.
Tell the ignorant slave how it’s possible that the longer the reproductive cycle, the more evolved something seems to be, when this runs 180 degrees counter to the “theory” itself.
“More evolved” isn’t a thing. A person isn’t “better” than a bacteria in evolutionary terms; a bacteria is much better (but not perfect, because the aggregation of positive mutations can still only work with the mutations that happen, which is why we don’t have superdogs) at being a bacteria.
Everything’s been evolving for the same amount of time; the divergent paths we’ve taken say more about the different ecological niches we’ve filled than about which species is “more evolved.”
Also where’d that matter come from?
Fuck if I know. Do you?
I think it’s pretty obv that NWO thinks that viruses are
that guy xD
NWOWait, wait, are you telling me viruses “don’t want to kill their host?” So when someone dies from Aids or some other virus, did those viruses miss the memo?
Mind you, that’s the fourth or fifth time someone has answered your question.. we keep answering your questions, why won’t you answer ours (and I want those papers…. You know the ones that “disprove” evolution, and show that women work less than men).
Thats right, theLaplaceDemon…mutation. In a day a week a virus will mutate as much as your theory of evolution takes us back to 2 foot tall lucy walking out of Africa. We wouldn’t stand a chance.
Wait, wait, are you telling me viruses “don’t want to kill their host?” So when someone dies from Aids or some other virus, did those viruses miss the memo?
Actually, YES. HIV is pretty effective at spreading itself because it takes many years to become lethal, but a form of HIV that didn’t kill its host would spread even more effectively.
Evolution doesn’t mean that organisms make themselves “perfect” (as if that has any meaning; what exactly would a “superdog” look like, anyway?); it means that they make themselves better suited for their environment over time.
Kave-according to Scott Adams, the internet.
And *laughs at your comment on the obvious implication of the term the Big Bang.* You are just awful!
Wait, wait, are you telling me viruses “don’t want to kill their host?” So when someone dies from Aids or some other virus, did those viruses miss the memo?
It’s hilarious that I posted that vid before I even read that XD But now it fits even better XDD
Well than write your congressman because every time a virus kills it’s breaking the law. And theres a lotta law breakers out there, by the millions in fact.
Also, I think explaining evolution to a tree stump (or someone who’s doing about as much listening and processing information as one) is just a distraction from the fact that NWO still hasn’t justified his hatred of elephants.
Afraid to address the issue, NWO? Come on, you love to hate elephants, why don’t you just admit it! Giraffes can do no wrong! Perfect giraffes should rule over the elephant scum!
Giraffe = good, elephant = bad
elephant hatred in, elephant hatred out
yeah, why DO you hate the adorably sweet giant beasts?
Is it because they are matriarchal?
NWO: Objection, non-responsive.
Mind you, you are wrong. They aren’t breaking the law, they are proving themselves unfit in the evolutionary struggle. That’s how evolution works. Individuals live, or die; reproduce, or don’t.
Based on that, populations evolve.
Individuals don’t evolve, groups do.
also i cannot believe i am talking to a person who believes that the theory of evolution amounts to “Organisms become more perfect with each generation, eventually reaching ultimate perfection. Anything else is not evolution and must be God or something.”
cheese and rice!
also, he’s like the worst christian ever, loving-thy-enemy-wise.
@Holly technically HIV isn’t the thing killing it’s host, it’s just weakening the host which increases the chances of it dying by something else (eventually)
and now the stone it wet, so the knives can be whet, and I then deliver them.
Because you have the completely erroneous, sci-fi based belief that evolution is moving in a direction – that a creature that is more intelligent is “more evolved”.
This is simply not true. Evolution is about adaptation to the environment. Intelligence – and the tool-use it allows us – is simply one strategy for adaptation. Amoebas are exactly as “evolved” as humans, they’ve simply adapted to their environment in different ways.
IS wet, dammit.
Tell the ignorant slave how it’s possible that the longer the reproductive cycle, the more evolved something seems to be, when this runs 180 degrees counter to the “theory” itself
Specialization. Cockroaches don’t want to be geniuses with opposable thumbs, they want to be unkillable little bastards that can get into almost anywhere. Wolves don’t want to drive cars and design houses, they want to kill deer and run from bears. It’s about finding a niche and exploiting the hell out of that niche – even if that niche is only being able to poke holes in trees to get at the tasty bugs inside. Yeast is totally happy being yeast. If all the yeast disappeared tomorrow, the results would be: untold grief amongst bakers and brewers; and something would evolve to take the place of yeast in the ecosystem.
The point of evolution is selecting for survival and reproductive success. If you can survive and mate by being a cold-blooded reptile that lives off insects, then that’s what you’re going to be. There’s also a theory that evolution somehow seems to speed up during times of crisis – like, if there’s a famine of insects in a particular area of the world, the lizards that live off insects seem to manifest mutations at an accelerated rate. But if there’s enough to eat and a stable population of predators, mutations tend not to manifest as much.
Also, as far as humans go, we have a whole bunch of evolutionary disadvantages. Dogs have a better sense of smell than we do, and eagles have a better sense of sight. Lots of animals have a wider range of vision that we do. Lizards can lose parts of their bodies and regenerate them. Sharks grow back any teeth they lose. Kangaroo rats don’t even need to drink water to survive. We can’t produce poisons, or even grow fur to keep warm. If we’re submerged in water, the lack of gills (or even the ability to hold our breath as long as a dolphin or whale can) means we’re pretty much fucked. If we go toe to toe with any sort of mammalian predator – like a wolf, bear, puma or coyote – armed with only our natural weapons, we’re pretty well fucked, too. Not to mention trying to fight off a shark or gator. We have very broad dietary requirements – it’d be awesome if we could just live off grass or flower nectar or insects, but we can’t. The only thing we really have going for us is a highly evolved brain. Other than that, the life support system designed for said brain has a lot to be desired.
@Holly the thing is he keeps mocking this straw-evolution as not explaining everything or that if it were true (which is why it’s not xD ) we’d have super dogs or everything would be dead… but he doesn’t say what HIS theory is xD