When the dudes at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog aren’t wistfully looking forward to the days in which sexbots and artificial wombs make mere flesh-and-blood ladies obsolete, they’re pondering the crucial spiritual questions of our age, like how to pick up hot sluts at church. Any church, really, so long as it’s full of hot sluts. The blogger there – who doesn’t give his name, so let’s just call him Anti – recently highlighted this observation, from commenter The Fifth Horseman:
[C]hurch would be a great place for a PUA to run Game …
1) There is a built-in structure to meet women that takes out the difficulty of doing a cold approach.
2) All other men there are so pedestalizing, that the competition to a man who actually runs moderate Game is nil.
3) Sunday morning = where else would you Game at that time?
4) Once you have slept with a couple women in that church, simply move on to another church. Who cares if one is Baptist and the other is Episcopalian and the third is Lutheran? Just use up the desirable women and move on.
Jesus wept.
But Anti didn’t, and added his two cents to the discussion:
All you need to do to use the “Sunday Morning Nightclub” is find a church with single women. Some churches are pretty much all families so avoid them. Other churches are supertraditional where everyone gets married before 20. … I would also avoid Eastern Orthodox churches. …
When it comes to meeting the women there, you already have built in openers to use such as how “you have been looking for a church”. These women will put out for you. You aren’t going to find any virgins waiting for marriage (with the exception of a few outliers with very unusual issues). The women there are better described as “sluts for Jesus”.
Absolutely. All you need to do, fellas, is to approach them calmly and confidently, look quickly down at your crotch, then directly into their eyes, and ask them: “Would you like to meet … Little Jesus”
Verily, I say unto you, it works every time.
@David has NGZ admitted that he’s Eoghan yet? Cuz he trolled up a storm on the post about Ozy and Holly’s posts xD
SallyStrange – I’m not Christian. I’m a culturally Jewish pantheist.
I think that any claim of a God who affects the physical world is subject to testing. If you say “God made the world 6000 years ago,” you’re going to have to explain a lot of old rocks. But if you say “God loves you,” what am I going to do–say it’s not true because he didn’t send a Valentine’s Day card?
I also think it’s important to remember that reality itself is subjective. All scientific, physical hard data still has to come to you through the filters of your senses and your mind. I don’t think this means it isn’t internally consistent–when I want to decide whether to cross the street, I trust my senses about the oncoming cars to tell me whether I’m about to sense a big whump–but internal consistency is not the same thing as absolute truth.
If I perceive the results of a rigorous scientific study with my subjective consciousness, and I perceive an awareness of the Divine with my subjective consciousness, deciding that only one of those is “real” is… more arbitrary than you’d like to admit, I think.
Again–not trying to prove any one religion is true, or even that any of them are. Only that it’s not obvious.
Dave, all I’m asking is that everyone admit that it’s “in” for a lack of better term to mock elephants. No one every feels bad about putting down elephants. Even the MSM. It’s accepted to be and OK thing to do.
Radical Feminist Elder 4GG
Creature – Radical Feminist
G: Regenerate Radical Feminist Elder
I second Sally’s suggestion that NWO try Pharyngula out. The troll policy there is similarto the one here: it isn’t “don’t feed the trolls,” it’s “feed them UNTIL THEY EXPLODE!”
Anyway, not wading into the atheism/believer war here…
…Ami, next Toronto meetup we should play your game. MagicBoobz: The Gathering?
SallyStrange: Not to be (overly) contentious but To me, it is painfully obvious that there is no such thing as the deities that are described in the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, the Bhagavad-Gita, or any other religious text.
I don’t say, and haven’t said, that anyone who believes in them must be stupid or lying. I do believe that “stupid or lying” covers a lot of ground there, but that’s not all there is to it. Other alternatives include: “intelligent and lying,” and “intelligent and mistaken.” can, and has been said with the roles reversed (just insert the religion of choice for, “It’s painfully obvious that, (insert Diety here) is true” and carry on with the second graf, as is.
I’ve actually done a lot of arguing against the idea that one can “prove” anything as being “true” with a reference to a sacred text (this is, btw, perfectly consistent with being a jesuit). Brother Guy Conselmo (The Vatican Astronomer, or perhaps just one, I’ve never asked if he has coworkers) has argued the same things (and much more clearly than I, when it come to Cosmology).
Is there Privilege? Yes. Do I advocate against it? Yep. Do I understand why Atheists are as militant as many seem to be? Yep. They get treated terribly. They are giggled at, marginalised, lied about, said to be immoral; because without the fear of Hell(s) why wouldn’t they go out and kill people for fun, etc. It’s, in many ways (and more so about 10 years ago) to be a Muslim than an Atheist.
But you know what… I don’t go around mocking them because I think they are clueless either. Hillel would have said that was Morally wrong.
@Holly I know you’re going to dismiss this as “what about the giraffz?!?” but you do know that hatred of giraffes is what’s “in”. If an elephant escaped from a zoo, and rampage through a city, it would be seen as acting on its own, but if it were a giraffe, it’d be the fault of all giraffes!
Giraffes = bad. Elephants = good.
@Kristin Magyc: The Gendering
NWO – I agree that it is considered more okay, in general, to mock Christianity than other religions. I strongly suspect that this is because Christianity is the dominant religion in the US (and I imagine Canada and some of Europe, though I haven’t seen stats). With most Americans identifying as some type of Christian, it doesn’t have the same connotations as mocking a minority religion. Dare I say it…because of the power dynamic.
Re: Religion debate
I’m an atheist but not a passionate one. I don’t have a place for a god in my own belief structure, and I find myself very skeptical about a human-esque or personal god (it sounds too good to be true, and a bit anthropocentric).
But when you get into debates about the creation of the universe/why is there something and not nothing…it all gets very fuzzy. It seems like we basically have three options about the whole creation of the universe thing.
1) The casual universe was started by a agent outside of the causal universe (a god, for all intents and purposes)
2) Causation is infinite and had no start
3) Causation is an illusion.
I find all of those to be intuitively really wacky. And to set up a testable hypothesis a causal agent outside of the causal universe…how would you ever do that? If something is outside of the causal universe, it’s outside of the testable universe. So really, I don’t feel like I’m in a position to act like any kind of authority on the big questions like that.
Oh as far as the “theory” of evolution. That each generation “evolves.”
Well if thats the case the most evolved would be those creatures that reproduced the fastest. Kinda puts peeps at the bottom of the evolutionary ladder. Try a just a smidge of independent thought here folks.
A virus mutates, (evolves) so fast no one could ever have an immune system fast enough to resist any disease. If after millions of years of human “evolution” humans finally evolved an immune system to resist any particular virus, that virus would mutate in about a week to overcome our immune system. We wouldn’t stand a chance.
If the evolution of survival of the fittest were true, a living planet would never consist of more than a few viruses/plants, each competeing for “food” canabalizing each other and themselves until the planet was dead and devoid of all nourishment.
Nice theory, but it’s self defeating.
NWO: Asking us to admit it’s “in” to mock Christianity, when it’s not possible for people seeking public office to not be Christian without facing abuse (or if they are the wrong kind of Christian, look at Hunstman and Pawlenty), is sort of asking us to admit that 2+2 =22, or Vanilla is made from Mustard Seeds, and Gravity only works because the Earth gets in the way of the pressure of sunlight (at night it blocks the sunlight from getting to us, and pushing us into space, and in the day it’s underneath us and the sunlight shoves us into the ground. That’s why you feel so heavy on a hot day… all the extra pushing. In the winter you have to wear more clothes, because the sunlight is weaker, and you need the extra surface area to get enough pushing).
In short… you are, as usual, wrong.
David, think outside the box.
Uh oh NWO showed us xD You know what, you’re absolutely correct.
I think you should go http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/ there and thwomp them w/ your amazing science knowledge xD
Ami, I’m completely with you, although the echo chamber here would tear us to shreds. They just don’t understand that the very nature of the elephant dictates discrimination, while the majestic giraffe – well, there’s a reason there’s something called a phallic symbol.
Men Going Their Own Way 0
Creature – Men’s Rights Activist
When Men Going Their Own Way comes into play, remove it from the game.
Okay, NWO: Re: Evolution.
You do not understand how evolution works at all. I do not have the energy to school you on it. Go to http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/ or some other site addressing creationist criticisms.
But a couple things, first (because I can’t help it):
1. “most evolved” is a meaningless term you will never see primary literature on evolution
2. Evolution is not goal-directed. Think of it simply as cause and effect.
3. The Immune System: Like the nervous system, the immune system is highly plastic. It “learns” from the pathogens it is exposed to. This is how vaccinations work. Virus mutates, immune systems produces new antibodies to match it.
Than ask youself Pecunium.
Would you “check” your language before mocking the Jewish or Islamic faith as oppossed to the Christian faith?
If so, you’ve been indoctrinated.
XD, Symbol of Ami RUWBG
Legendary Artifact
Each ability of XD, Symbol of Ami can only be used once per turn
RRR: Symbol of Ami deals 3 damage to target creature or player
UUU: Counter target spell
WWW: Prevent all damage from a single source
BBB: Destroy target creature
GGG: Target creature gains +3/+3 until end of turn
“If the evolution of survival of the fittest were true, a living planet would never consist of more than a few viruses/plants, each competeing for “food” canabalizing each other and themselves until the planet was dead and devoid of all nourishment.”
No…survival of one organism (or species) does not necessarily come at expense of another. Many species are actually mutalistic, or at the very least not greatly effected by the presence of another. Learn ecology and then we’ll talk.
NWO – A virus mutates, (evolves) so fast no one could ever have an immune system fast enough to resist any disease. If after millions of years of human “evolution” humans finally evolved an immune system to resist any particular virus, that virus would mutate in about a week to overcome our immune system. We wouldn’t stand a chance.
But viruses don’t “want” to kill people. (Viruses don’t want anything, of course, but take “want” to mean “are successful if they.”) Viruses only “want” to reproduce. And you can’t do that if you kill all your hosts. The most successful viruses are the ones that hardly make you sick at all–they get to breed and spread instead of killing off their food.
Not that this matters if you believe in creationism, anyway. God could create virulent viruses or not, just as he pleased. Trying to prove something non-physical with physical evidence is a wild goose chase.
I always liked what Terry Pratchett said about miracles: “Just because you know how it is done does not mean it is any less miraculous.” I guess today is my day to remember Pratchett quotes.
NWOslave – as opposed to the belief that man (and if we are to go by Genesis, then yes, man) was created in God’s image? It was a pretty sloppy job that God character did, giving people spines that aren’t perfectly set up for a bipedal lifestyle, and oh the appendix…
But I’m sorry, I just can’t take you seriously, even if you weren’t a young earth creationist.
NWO: Ah… the misunderstanding of evolution.
I see the “directional fallacy”
I see some confusion about how competition for resources works.
I see a failure to comprehend how systems deal with individuals.
Take the “viruses” mutate issue. Most viruses are lethal. That would be counter-survival. They manage to cause the host to reproduce them (they having no means of reproducing themselves).
That means they need the host to live long enough to pass them on. They also need a means to move from one host to the next. If they have a 100 percent lethality… they lose the ability to move from host to host.
We are all of us host to unknown viruses and bacteria, some of which can, when our immune system fails, make us sick. Some of those diseases are even capable of being lethal.
But, for the reason above, the lethality falls off rapidly. Or it runs in a cyclical pattern, lying dormant in a population until the number people who weren’t exposed is large enough to make it possible for rapid transmission. Then there is another die-off, and the disease goes dormant.
The portion of the population more resistant is also less likely to die, and therefore more likely to reproduce. They are likely to have more resistant offspring.
When a disease vulnerable population (esp. a “virgin” one) is exposed to new diseases, they tend to die off at rate much higer than the group which has had previous exposure. Europeans in the tropics suffer more from Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, and I know not what all. Native Americans (and Autralians, and Polynesians) all suffered from European diseases. With exposure the remaining populations are closer to the populations for which those diseases were endemic.
It’s all a lot simpler than you make it out to be.
Sometimes I think NWO is actually Michael Coren, they share a lot of the same views (as you know Pecunium, from Coren’s whole thing about female soldiers and war) xDDD
NWO: Than ask youself Pecunium.
Would you “check” your language before mocking the Jewish or Islamic faith as oppossed to the Christian faith?
No. Next.