When the dudes at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog aren’t wistfully looking forward to the days in which sexbots and artificial wombs make mere flesh-and-blood ladies obsolete, they’re pondering the crucial spiritual questions of our age, like how to pick up hot sluts at church. Any church, really, so long as it’s full of hot sluts. The blogger there – who doesn’t give his name, so let’s just call him Anti – recently highlighted this observation, from commenter The Fifth Horseman:
[C]hurch would be a great place for a PUA to run Game …
1) There is a built-in structure to meet women that takes out the difficulty of doing a cold approach.
2) All other men there are so pedestalizing, that the competition to a man who actually runs moderate Game is nil.
3) Sunday morning = where else would you Game at that time?
4) Once you have slept with a couple women in that church, simply move on to another church. Who cares if one is Baptist and the other is Episcopalian and the third is Lutheran? Just use up the desirable women and move on.
Jesus wept.
But Anti didn’t, and added his two cents to the discussion:
All you need to do to use the “Sunday Morning Nightclub” is find a church with single women. Some churches are pretty much all families so avoid them. Other churches are supertraditional where everyone gets married before 20. … I would also avoid Eastern Orthodox churches. …
When it comes to meeting the women there, you already have built in openers to use such as how “you have been looking for a church”. These women will put out for you. You aren’t going to find any virgins waiting for marriage (with the exception of a few outliers with very unusual issues). The women there are better described as “sluts for Jesus”.
Absolutely. All you need to do, fellas, is to approach them calmly and confidently, look quickly down at your crotch, then directly into their eyes, and ask them: “Would you like to meet … Little Jesus”
Verily, I say unto you, it works every time.
LOL What got me laughing the most was the part where hair gel supposedly proves intelligent design.
You just love the Irish accent…I could be convinced of almost anything by a guy with an accent like that.
Thanks for the link. Also, I almost think this guy HAS to be a POE. I mean, he uses the banana argument, and then proves that humans didn’t shape bananas because he can’t take a pear and squish it into banana shape by hand. Seriously. He does this on camera.
I really, desperately hope this is a POE. Nobody deserves to be stupider than Ray Comfort… 😐
Oh, I hope for the sake of humanity and the Emerald Isle that he’s a poe. I mean seriously, God created homosexuals for straight people to take out their frustration on? Black people so whites can get insurance? Just…but then again, if he’s like Mr. Slave…
I do like the Irish accent…he’s an insult to it. >:(
Y’all! Lately I cannot keep up with you! And this thread is like “Science! Philosophy! Theology! What’s-his-name being wrong!” And then this happened
and I died of irony. At least now maybe zombie will invite me to his parties. Meanwhile, as much as I respect you all for taking in the fractal wrongness that is NWO, I can’t get over being a little grossed out by the unshakable belief that he does this because he’s getting off on it, and I want no part of that. Surely a person can’t honestly be wrong about every single thing, right? Right?
*Considers supper, wonders how many hundreds of comments will be up upon return, fears for general productivity.*
But, Mr. Brown! That little turd is so aggressively wrong, and we are so mean to him, why on earth does he stay around? At least with Mr. Al we have have some actual conversations, but with Slavie, it’s just all abuse, all the time. And now he’s revealed that he’s gotten banned from a number of other places too, which suggests he does this a lot.
So, why? Why does he stick around for all the abuse? He must be getting something out of it!
Yeah, on the one occasion that I actually expressed some empathy for Slavey, he actually got more obnoxious in responses. He prefers flaggellation.
I’m joining this post NWO thread :3 Is fun! And I dun have a dog in this fight, so it is relaxing :]
I have no idea why I wrote joining xD
@Captain Bathrobe I bet he didn’t even notice when I told ppl to not make jokes/threats that he should be raped >_> hatred in/out indeed xD
I mean, what has more mass than an elephant?
very small rocks!
and I bet you think those rocks are just small due to your “power dynamics!” bah! giraffist propaganda!
You just love the Irish accent…I could be convinced of almost anything by a guy with an accent like that.
[working on an irish accent….damn]
seriously, y’all are awesome. Much too smart for a run-of-the-mill zombizzle.
If he noticed, Ami, it probably just pissed him off.
“I mean, what has more mass than an elephant?
very small rocks!”
Lots and lots of very small rocks?
And don’t undermine yourself, zombie. You are a very smart and important zombie.
Someone’s surely mentioned the obvious superiority of lap giraffes, right?
Very small rocks made of the matter at the center of a black hole! 😀
OMFG lap giraffes are sooooo cute!
No, nobody mentioned anything about lap giraffes. And stop calling me Shirley.
And stop spitting on me.
I’m buying a lap giraffe, I don’t care the cost. They will live with my house hippos.
Kave: are they pygmy hippos?
Still making my way through the comments. I had a class this morning, and I saw Green Lantern with a friend afterwards (It was thoroughly mediocre) . However, I just couldn’t let this one pass.
You’re the only one here, NWOslave, who’s expressed interest in having sex with children. Just saying.
Since we’re bored now:
Apparently our friend David Meller is back xD
You’re the only one here, NWOslave, who’s expressed interest in having sex with children. Just saying.
Can I have sex with a lap giraffe?
It depends on how long your neck is.