When the dudes at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog aren’t wistfully looking forward to the days in which sexbots and artificial wombs make mere flesh-and-blood ladies obsolete, they’re pondering the crucial spiritual questions of our age, like how to pick up hot sluts at church. Any church, really, so long as it’s full of hot sluts. The blogger there – who doesn’t give his name, so let’s just call him Anti – recently highlighted this observation, from commenter The Fifth Horseman:
[C]hurch would be a great place for a PUA to run Game …
1) There is a built-in structure to meet women that takes out the difficulty of doing a cold approach.
2) All other men there are so pedestalizing, that the competition to a man who actually runs moderate Game is nil.
3) Sunday morning = where else would you Game at that time?
4) Once you have slept with a couple women in that church, simply move on to another church. Who cares if one is Baptist and the other is Episcopalian and the third is Lutheran? Just use up the desirable women and move on.
Jesus wept.
But Anti didn’t, and added his two cents to the discussion:
All you need to do to use the “Sunday Morning Nightclub” is find a church with single women. Some churches are pretty much all families so avoid them. Other churches are supertraditional where everyone gets married before 20. … I would also avoid Eastern Orthodox churches. …
When it comes to meeting the women there, you already have built in openers to use such as how “you have been looking for a church”. These women will put out for you. You aren’t going to find any virgins waiting for marriage (with the exception of a few outliers with very unusual issues). The women there are better described as “sluts for Jesus”.
Absolutely. All you need to do, fellas, is to approach them calmly and confidently, look quickly down at your crotch, then directly into their eyes, and ask them: “Would you like to meet … Little Jesus”
Verily, I say unto you, it works every time.
Oh, geeze. I need to learn how to post faster. >_<
And now he’s back to being wrong again.
I’m someone who doesn’t want to be raped and murdered. If you’d be fine with having either done to you, that’s your call, but don’t expect others to want it too.
But if you want the Bible to be your source of morality, then answer me this (and I’ll be nice and stick to the Old Testament here so we don’t have to get into interpretations and contradictions over whether or not the OT is still valid)…
According the the Bible, which crime is always worthy of death – rape or working on the Sabbath?
Oh come on. How else can you characterize a clarion call to lend your belief to a thing that’s demonstrably unproven and unprovable? I’m not talking about exercises like meditation, which teach people to observe their own minds. I’m talking about the concrete claims about the nature of reality which are the distinguishing hallmarks of religion. Claims that we reincarnate into different bodies after we are born, for example, or claims that Jesus ascended to heaven and lives there today and really cares a whole lot about what you do with your naughty bits. Without those supernatural claims, you wouldn’t have religion, you’d have philosophy.
“For example, there are plenty of atheists who believe in psychics, astrology, and various kinds of woo.”
You shut your dang mouth about astrology, SallyStrange! Hail Rob Brezny, full of grace, our superstitions are with thee….
As long as Sally Strange isn’t badmouthing the undead, Imma goood….
Last post you people are intentionally ignorant as far as I can tell.
Most of your mass murderers, violent rapists, child molesters, the list goes on and on. They’re, well, athiests.
I guess you could provide the religous affiliation/atheism of all criminals and find out.
citation needed please.
Random shit means, well shit.
All you athiest here are a classic example. Intolerant, Hateful, Bigoted, Hypocrites.
The extra O stands for extra….ummm, OINNNGGG! (specially for us old farts that remember the Dysfunctional Family Circus).
Well, for starters, you need a coherent starting point. I.e., someone needs to make an observation about the nature of this non-physical reality and how it affects physical reality. Because the claim certainly seems to be that it affects physical reality, otherwise why bother praying or being psychic or whatever? Then they need to make a prediction about how this effect will play out. For instance, experiments have been set up to test psychic ability. Psychics, it turns out, are about as good as random chance at knowing what another person is looking at or thinking, without being told.
If non-physical reality doesn’t affect physical reality then why are we bothering about it? That means religion’s claims are false, period, unless they’re claiming that their god is a physical entity (which certainly seems to be what the ancients thought).
So far coherent, testable claims about the nature of this interaction between physical and non-physical reality have been sorely lacking, and any testable claims have been tested and shown to be bogus. That’s what I mean when I say that “all scientific evidence thus far points to reality being non-dual.”
All you athiest here are a classic example. Intolerant, Hateful, Bigoted, Hypocrites.
well, they seem to be pretty tolerant of zombies.
However, zombies aren’t narrow minded, barely-literate, intolerant, argumentative, ignorant, ill-educated, elephant-hating misanthropes.
we only eat branes.
I am actually not an atheist.
And I believe there was a study which found that many men currently serving prison terms were some form of Christian, and that the percentage of atheists in jail was much lower than the general population.
I’ll dig up the link, but only if Slavey promises to believe it.
Citation seriously needed. Surveys have shown that atheists are underrepresented in prison. Is it because they had a post-crime conversion? Not sure, but one thing I AM sure about is that Slavey is too fucking lazy and cowardly and contemptuous towards the truth to bother even finding out.
It’d be a shame if it was inaccurate. That’s my favorite story about Jesus, right there – standing up to a lynch mob to defend the town slut. If more Christians behaved like that Christ, I never would have left.
As for “go and sin no more”…well, you have to admit that in that situation, it was pretty good advice. He probably wouldn’t be there to protect her if it happened again.
Dammit Ami, making so many cards.. Now I gotta flavor text them all. >:(
Feminist War Elephant: “Stomping out the blight on our society, one man at a time”
MRA Tactical Giraffe: “It is said that the point goes right over our heads. Well NOT ANY MORE!”
MGTOW Crocodile Scouts: “They sit in the murky waters, waiting for their foe to come to them.”
Radical Feminist Beavers of War: “They work swiftly to ensure that no wall of the Patriarchy will remain standing.”
Men Going Their Own Way: (I might have done this one) “He strode into the midst of the fray, making a beeline for the enemy general. All quailed in fear as he drew his sword… then became puzzled when he continued walking into the distance.”
Symbol of Ami: “The symbol’s many runes pulsed with a mystic energy, seeming to permeate the battlefield with its presence. Who could withstand such terrible power? Even the mightiest foes must fall in the face of perfect strategy.”
I’m down with the undead. No discrimination here!
Someone once did a study on prayer and there were some interesting results…but alas, the problems are that well how do you prove that this particular action actually had the results you claim it did.
That is why I like what Pratchett had to say about miracles because why does knowing how something happens or works mean it is no longer miraculous?
@NWO and others:
Woo hoo! NWO coming clean about his religon! I’m rather disappointed I missed all of that. A couple points:
1. Its likely that the high numbers of Christians in prison are a result of religion being a “way out” of sorts, if you say you found Jesus, you’re more likely to be let out on parole.
2. I’ve heard this over and over, that you big meanie atheists are only focusing on Christians! But you wouldn’t dare to target those Muslims, cause they’d blow you up! See, the thing is, we live in a country (the US) that’s mostly Christian, so its not surprising we focus on it, and its not surprising David’s default picture was of a nun. Its just the lay of the land.
3. Slave, you are really.. really ignorant of what evolution actually means, and I’d love to try to explain it, but many posters have tried and it seems that ship has sailed. *sigh* ah well.
Actually, here’s the thing. Studies on prayer are done constantly, much more than you’d imagine. Nearly all have shown no effect, and at least one has shown a negative effect. There are so many studies that it becomes a matter of chance that one study seems to show a link.
Slavie: “I go by science, you don’t.”
I… come on, man. Just the other day you were talking about how you hate science and medicine! I’m too lazy to go look for the quote, but COME ON. Stop it already, and admit your problem with elephants.
Also, I still hate you.
All you giraffe-lovers here are a classic example. Intolerant, Hateful, Bigoted, Hypocrites.
@Sally: Please don’t compare all thesists to Slavie. He is definitely an outlier.
And I think that you are confusing established religions with individual belief. Everyone has their own set of personal beliefs, and their own reasons for believing them. And most people I know who have strongly held spiritual and religious beliefs have spent a lot of time thinking about them.
Like Holly was saying earlier, if someone had a personal epiphany about, say, Unicorns, that looks like empirical fact to them, why would they disbelieve it? As long as they are not forcing their views on others, there is no harm in it, and it can be personally enriching.
Can you prove that reincarnation is false? Can you prove that Jesus didn’t die for my sins? That god doesn’t love me? And if someone has personal proof, and personal reason to believe, there is no way to contradict that. And it doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t think about things, and don’t apply logic and scientific thought.
Everyone looks at the world differently, and has different experiences and comes to different conclusions with the different evidence collected. It’s important to respect that.
And I am still behind on my reading of the posts! Have patience!
I’d appreciate a citation on the .4% figure, but it’s largely beside the point. If you simply take the current rate of human population growth and extrapolate it back a couple thousand years, you’re doing it wrong. Humanity has experienced a population explosion over the past 150 years or so, starting when they developed medical techniques that made it so women were more likely to survive childbirth and children were more likely to survive infancy, vastly changing the conditions under which humanity operated throughout most of its history.
Also, there’s a problem where you have the right number of people at one end (approx. 7 billion) and the right number of people at the other (8), but you end up with a couple hundred people building the pyramids.
I don’t mean to pick a fight, but there are some reasons why even a personal belief can be damaging if it isn’t true. If you’ve ever heard the metaphor of someone being convinced that they were destined to marry Angelina Jolie, or that there was a giant diamond buried in their back yard that they needed to go and find.
The first, although it makes the person very hopeful and happy for the future, also subverts any relatioships he/she could have had, while the second may result in years of fruitless searching that could be spent doing other things.
I’m not saying that all religious beliefs are harmful, but even if someone isn’t directly forcing their beliefs on others, it can still be damaging.
Sarah: Slavie: “I go by science, you don’t.”
Maybe he means “go by” in the sense that I go by this one really weird store on the way home, but I’ve never been inside, nor do I have a really clear idea of what they sell, or when they’re open. The fact that I go by said store means absolutely nothing as regards my (non)expertise of its day-to-day affairs.
He has a vague idea of where science lives.
I’m down with the undead. No discrimination here!
Get down with the undead! I made a “Songs Of The Zombie” playlist. It is awesome.
That is why I like what Pratchett had to say about miracles because why does knowing how something happens or works mean it is no longer miraculous?
You are perilously close to arguing the Insane Clown Posse POV here….
but you end up with a couple hundred people building the pyramids.
no more implausible than one guy and a couple of his kids building a boat that houses a pair of every animal species in the world.
I have no idea who the Insane Clown Posse be-are they the ones from outer space that eat cheerleaders?