When the dudes at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog aren’t wistfully looking forward to the days in which sexbots and artificial wombs make mere flesh-and-blood ladies obsolete, they’re pondering the crucial spiritual questions of our age, like how to pick up hot sluts at church. Any church, really, so long as it’s full of hot sluts. The blogger there – who doesn’t give his name, so let’s just call him Anti – recently highlighted this observation, from commenter The Fifth Horseman:
[C]hurch would be a great place for a PUA to run Game …
1) There is a built-in structure to meet women that takes out the difficulty of doing a cold approach.
2) All other men there are so pedestalizing, that the competition to a man who actually runs moderate Game is nil.
3) Sunday morning = where else would you Game at that time?
4) Once you have slept with a couple women in that church, simply move on to another church. Who cares if one is Baptist and the other is Episcopalian and the third is Lutheran? Just use up the desirable women and move on.
Jesus wept.
But Anti didn’t, and added his two cents to the discussion:
All you need to do to use the “Sunday Morning Nightclub” is find a church with single women. Some churches are pretty much all families so avoid them. Other churches are supertraditional where everyone gets married before 20. … I would also avoid Eastern Orthodox churches. …
When it comes to meeting the women there, you already have built in openers to use such as how “you have been looking for a church”. These women will put out for you. You aren’t going to find any virgins waiting for marriage (with the exception of a few outliers with very unusual issues). The women there are better described as “sluts for Jesus”.
Absolutely. All you need to do, fellas, is to approach them calmly and confidently, look quickly down at your crotch, then directly into their eyes, and ask them: “Would you like to meet … Little Jesus”
Verily, I say unto you, it works every time.
Holly Pervocracy
I’ll address your question.
“And I am curious what your religious beliefs are, actually. Do you believe in salvation through Jesus? This suggests that you believe that women can, under certain circumstances, go to Heaven! (And people who hate their neighbor and never repent… they’re a little iffier.)”
The answer of course is yes.
The problem is the cancerous rot within the church.
The modern day catholic church is nothing but the cult of mary. Thats who they worship, they pray to mary.
The protestant church is equally corrupted. Their motto is, you must accept Jesus as your personal savior in order to be saved. This is false. Jesus died for our sins. That event has already taken place, your “acceptance” isn’t required. Everyone has already been accepted thru Jesus.
The rot goes deep and gets worse with every generation.
Pah, Victoria, if your “gravity” was true, why am I not stuck to an elephant right now? I mean, what has more mass than an elephant?
@Holly But the theories aren’t based on other theories… they’re based on facts, or at least observed fact… xD
Theories based on theories are what MRAs do all the time. xD They theorize how women are, rather than going outside and knowing women, they theorize on the shelter system, rather than going out and seeing if there are men’s shelters, and etc etc, and then they construct their ideological theories, around those theories xD
Or as I like to say, it’s like arguing if it’s raining outside by citing meteorological trends, theories, stats, etc xD when you can just walk outside and see if it’s raining xD
That wasn’t rly an answer xD As usual it’s “what do you believe about this?” “i won’t tell you what I believe, but I’ll tell you what I believe it isn’t!”
@ Seraph:
Quite true! My point was mostly just that humans are not the ‘most evolved’ species, because there are a ton of things that critters can do that we can’t. If we were the most evolved species, we’d have gills and fur and claws and poison-creating glands and the ability to regenerate lost limbs and teeth and senses that were better than any other animal – including the ability to see UV or infrared. We’d also be bioluminescent and have tails and antlers.
But we don’t, because evolution just doesn’t work that way.
@PosterformerlyknownasElizabeth I’ll have to look when I get home… the resolution on my ‘droid sucks… err… uhm… yeah.
Hopefully he doesn’t have a ginormous malformed eye… That’s only suitable for anime.
Oh and someone futher back said Jesus hung out with sinners and whores.
This is true, but you always forget the, “and sin no more” part.
Jesus died for our sins. That event has already taken place, your “acceptance” isn’t required. Everyone has already been accepted thru Jesus.
Wow. I would not have taken NWO for a Universalist. That’s a… weirdly positive belief, for him.
I don’t know why “everyone goes to heaven” requires you to be a trollish, hateful ignoramus in this world–it seems like it would, if anything, encourage a life of simply enjoying the splendors of this world–but I guess at least it doesn’t hurt.
Never tell a judge you refuse to show up for court because you have class.
@Victoria von Syrus
Gravity isn’t a theory. Something falls a so many feet per second, per second, at 1 G. This is a fact, not a theory.
@Holly Pervocracy
You could’ve stopped typing after,
” Wow. I would not have taken NWO for a Universalist. That’s a… weirdly positive belief, for him.”
But you chose to finish with,
“I don’t know why “everyone goes to heaven” requires you to be a trollish, hateful ignoramus in this world–it seems like it would, if anything, encourage a life of simply enjoying the splendors of this world–but I guess at least it doesn’t hurt.”
Trolling and hating.
Gravity isn’t a theory.
Stop it, I’m dying here.
Well, you know what I mean.
That still does not explain why you think you are better then Jesus NWOaf-he hung out with hookers and elephants. Why do you refuse to?
Interestingly titled link for Slaver.
Of course, elephants are just a theory.
The problem with Jesus’ redemption is thus:
The reason that humans need to be redeemed from sin is because Adam and Eve ate the apple of the knowledge of good and evil. Somehow, understanding the difference between good and evil is what caused humankind to become irredeemably fallen. It doesn’t matter who we are or what we do with our lives, we’re locked in sin because someone, somewhere, ate a fruit that they weren’t supposed to. And the fruit wasn’t even that bad – it was the fruit of knowledge. So seeking after knowledge is bad and sinful?
Even accepting that the inherent nature of humans is to be sinful, and even accepting that some sort of repentance and reparations are needed for sin… the appropriate reparation is the crucifixion? The only solution to humanity’s sinful nature is for Divinity to be tortured to death? Doesn’t that fly in the face of free will? What if Pontius Pilate had chosen to pardon Jesus? Would Jesus have had to nail himself to the cross? Or was Pontius Pilate foreordained to do what he did? If he was foreordained, then why isn’t everyone just foreordained to not be a sinner?
There’s also a problem with the issue of sin itself. What is a sin? Why, for instance, is sex in certain instances sinful? It doesn’t hurt anyone, and in fact brings some joy and happiness into the world, even if the participants aren’t married to each other. Why is working on a Sabbath such a terrible thing? Theft and murder, I can see as sins, because they cause harm to other people, who are also God’s children and therefore hurting them is bad. But there are so many sins which aren’t harmful to anyone, and yet doing them is still bad and wrong.
Theologically, Christianity is incredibly inconsistent with itself and the world in which we live. It is a negative, pessimistic view of life, in which one must accept one’s own internal nature as a filthy sinner at the very beginning. I prefer to accept my own internal nature as a divine being, with the power to impose my own will upon the world around me.
(forgive me Lord, but I had to look before I put the knives in the bag, and got on the bike… I will try to be complete. May the meditations of my heart, and the words of my mouth be fitting and proper, and pleasing to Your ears).
NWO: You ignorant fool The theories aren’t unsupported (I’ve alluded to four or five different examples of support, for another there is an anole lizard which was transplanted to an island off the coast of Dalmatia, which has, in 30 years, gone from an insectivorous diet to a vegetarian diet. As evolutionary theory predicts, they got larger).
But… (and remember, I’ve answered every specific question you’ve asked me in this thread, and responded to some general ones:
1: How do you support your theories? On what are they based? What objective, studies to support them (with evidence, and data) have been done.
2: Were those studies (and your theory) falsifiable (that is, can it be proven that that the theory is wrong?… So far evolution has not failed one of the challenges to it. Some aspects of the the theory have been shown to be wrong, but so too with Newton, and [briefly] Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity. That’s what science does, proposes a thesis, and tests it.
3: You are a Christian. Fine. Prove the Bible. Remember this… if you use the Bible to prove itself, you are basing your Theory, on a Theory, and it’s turtles all the way down.
I’ll deal with the rest of your nonsense (the extant and the yet to come), when I get back; and after I’ve eaten, and poured myself at least one drink.
Keep in mind folks, that atheists are just as capable as Slavey of holding obviously idiotic beliefs. For example, there are plenty of atheists who believe in psychics, astrology, and various kinds of woo.
I didn’t want people to think that Christianity has a monopoly on the brain-damaged foolishness that Footslave exhibits. But, I will point out again that Christianity, like pretty much every other religion in the world, sets up obstacles to people realizing that they are holding false beliefs, by teaching them that it’s a positive virtue to resist examining your beliefs and asking whether there’s any physical evidence to back them up.
All protestations to the contrary notwithstanding, all scientific evidence so far points to a universe which is not dualist, that is, there is no “non-physical” aspect to reality. This is really all there is.
And no, Slavey, that doesn’t mean there’s no meaning to anything. You’re mistaking atheism for nihilism. Frankly I find that Christians more often espouse nihilism, since for them the most meaningful part of life comes after death. For atheists, we realize that this is all we have, so we try to make the best of it. Life has the meaning we assign to it. I look at life as if it’s a giant art project. I try to create beauty.
Blood sacrifices are a key part of a lot of religions though so having one to expunge sin fits.
The Old Testament has a lot of rules that are “sins” that turn out to be ways of keeping the tribe from killing itself off. The disobedience sin is a big no no because it can cause the tribe to be in danger…however that still does not explain how knowledge is bad.
@ Elizabeth:
A tribal belief set with prescriptions and postscriptions, given the authority of religious doctrine and designed to ensure the survival of the tribe is one thing.
But Christianity sells itself as applicable to all peoples, races and cultures, for time eternal.
Oh, how adorable.
It’s an observation that things fall at a certain rate. But they fall at a different rate on the moon. Why is that? The set of beliefs about how the universe works, that explains both phenomena (things fall more slowly on the moon because the moon has less mass and therefore less gravitational attraction to other masses), is called a theory. The theory of gravity.
The funny part is, scientists understand evolution much better than they do gravity.
Did he actually say that to anyone but that one specific adulteress?
Yes, because the heat death of the Universe is scheduled for October 21, 2011
They do have an insane PR department-’tis true, ’tis true, ’tis very true.
I would have to do a lot more research into the early Church to determine why it has been so insistent that it is the be all end all of everything…I mean I do not remember the Russian Orthodox Church being like the Catholic Church in terms of trying to stitch everything into it.