When the dudes at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog aren’t wistfully looking forward to the days in which sexbots and artificial wombs make mere flesh-and-blood ladies obsolete, they’re pondering the crucial spiritual questions of our age, like how to pick up hot sluts at church. Any church, really, so long as it’s full of hot sluts. The blogger there – who doesn’t give his name, so let’s just call him Anti – recently highlighted this observation, from commenter The Fifth Horseman:
[C]hurch would be a great place for a PUA to run Game …
1) There is a built-in structure to meet women that takes out the difficulty of doing a cold approach.
2) All other men there are so pedestalizing, that the competition to a man who actually runs moderate Game is nil.
3) Sunday morning = where else would you Game at that time?
4) Once you have slept with a couple women in that church, simply move on to another church. Who cares if one is Baptist and the other is Episcopalian and the third is Lutheran? Just use up the desirable women and move on.
Jesus wept.
But Anti didn’t, and added his two cents to the discussion:
All you need to do to use the “Sunday Morning Nightclub” is find a church with single women. Some churches are pretty much all families so avoid them. Other churches are supertraditional where everyone gets married before 20. … I would also avoid Eastern Orthodox churches. …
When it comes to meeting the women there, you already have built in openers to use such as how “you have been looking for a church”. These women will put out for you. You aren’t going to find any virgins waiting for marriage (with the exception of a few outliers with very unusual issues). The women there are better described as “sluts for Jesus”.
Absolutely. All you need to do, fellas, is to approach them calmly and confidently, look quickly down at your crotch, then directly into their eyes, and ask them: “Would you like to meet … Little Jesus”
Verily, I say unto you, it works every time.
Building Dams To Stem The Tide of Misogyny!
Misquoting Jesus is very good, esp. in light of the discussion here; it’s about how texts change over time.
God’s Problem is on Theodicy (the “problem of evil”) and it applies to the questions here, but some of it does presuppose a basic understanding of the underlying theological questions; because elstwise one won’t really care.
Both are quite decent reads.
I have Misquoting Jesus but not enough on the early church…can you make some recs on Librarything?
I’ll try.
@Ithiliana http://i749.photobucket.com/albums/xx134/ami_angelwings/Magyc%20Cards/RadicalFeministBeaversofWar.jpg
BTW, if nebody can draw and want to help me and Kirby make these cards for fun, that would be awesome :3
I probably should not be reading this while watching Deadwood.
Ami: RFBoW: EEEEEEEEE! So fantastic!!!!
Alas I cannot draw. My graphic and visual skills suck. But I can appreciate them!
Probably late to the party here but this is my take on science and gender:
I’m kinda getting lost in the comments, but if people are making recommendations on books on religion/early Christianity, my contribution is Divine Drudgery by J.Z. Smith. Love him! So brilliant! Map Is Not Territory is also good.
@PosterformerlyknownasElizabeth: Cocksucker! 😀
I am not horrible at drawing, but I am horrible with computers, in general (I have gotten better, but am still not wonderful). I draw with pencils and markers, not with computer wizardry. 😉
Finally de-lurking because Ami’s radical beaver card amused me so much. Nice work Ami XD
You’ve got great insights about Bishop Williamson, keep up the good work!