Just wanted to highlight some internetty goodness from two Friendz of Man Boobz:
Ozymandias, whose blog post “Who Cares About Men’s Rights?” went all viral recently, has started up a new blog called No, Seriously, What About Teh Menz?, devoted to promoting men’s rights. Not “Men’s Rights” as most MRAs define it, but, you know, the actual rights of actual men. And she’s got a great post about Fathers’ Day, and her particular father, up today.
Meanwhile, Holly Pervocracy, fresh from the Man Boobz/Pervocracy (or is that the Pervocracy/Man Boobz) meetup on Friday, slices and dices a very dumb piece in the Washington Times on all women being whores the “economy of sex.”
Imagine always being the victim of stupid jokes with man boobs and things like that.
And if you were trans, the government won’t even recognize you as a man until you get those surgically removed, at your own expense. xD
(i know i know troll in a troll in a troll xD but XDDDD )
Also, isn’t calling MRA’s whiny misogynists the whole time, just a variation of “what about teh menz lol” and a way of policing men for expressing their emotions and pain? The writer has a lot to learn about misandry.
Here is another book for the op of the article that talks about misandry..
The War Against Boys: Cristina Hoff Sommers
The author of the provocative bestseller Who Stole Feminism? returns with an equally eye-opening follow-up. “It’s a bad time to be a boy in America,” writes Christina Hoff Sommers. Boys are less likely than girls to go to college or do their homework. They’re more likely to cheat on tests, wind up in detention, or drop out of school. Yet it’s “the myth of the fragile girl,” according to Sommers, that has received the lion’s share of attention recently, in hot-selling books like Mary Pipher’s Reviving Ophelia. When boys are discussed at all, it’s in the context of how to modify their antisocial behavior–i.e., how to make them more like girls.
This book tells the story of how it has become fashionable to attribute pathology to millions of healthy male children. It is a story of how we are turning against boys and forgetting a simple truth: that the energy, competitiveness, and corporal daring of normal, decent males is responsible for much of what is right in the world. No one denies that boys’ aggressive tendencies must be checked and channeled in constructive ways. Boys need discipline, respect, and moral guidance. Boys need love and tolerant understanding. They do not need to be pathologized.
Sommers eviscerates feminist scholarship by Harvard’s Carol Gilligan, the American Association of University Women, and others. Hers is feisty, muscular prose and fans of Who Stole Feminism? will delight in it. “There have always been societies that favored boys over girls,” she writes. “Ours may be the first to deliberately throw the gender switch. If we continue on our present course, boys will, indeed, be tomorrow’s second sex.” That rhetoric may err on the side of alarmism, but Sommers’ ideas are full of common sense. She essentially urges parents and educators to let boys be boys, even though their “very masculinity turns out to be politically incorrect.” The War on Boys is sure to set off a fiery controversy, just as Sommers’ previous book did–but it should also find a big audience of readers who become fans. –John J. Miller.
Last one for the “what about teh mens” OP.
SOCIAL LIAISON: Is There Anything Good About Men?
5 Jan 2011 … F. Baumeister tackles in his recently released book: Is There Anything Good About Men: How Cultures Flourish by Exploiting Men. …
But my bet is, he won’t be allowed really talk about misandry and real discussion of it will be censored on the “what about teh mens site”.
The affiliation with manboobz, the site dedicated to invalidating mens legitimate issues and pain with the various strawman tactics and mocking casts and the replication of that on this new site casts some doubt over the whole “what about ten menz” operation for me, to be honest.
“Imagine always being the victim of stupid jokes with man boobs and things like that.
And if you were trans, the government won’t even recognize you as a man until you get those surgically removed, at your own expense. xD
(i know i know troll in a troll in a troll xD but XDDDD )”
But you support the mocking of people with Gynecomastia?
Ion – The patriarchy isn’t invisible at all! Here, I have a picture:
That’s the new members of the 112th US Congress.
(…)What makes you a bad person is willfully ignoring this, and thinking “there must be more men in Congress because men are better at governing.”
I’m a personal freedom kind of person myself. Read an article a while ago about a male company owner who was sued and fined for refusing to hire a woman. Needless to say, feminist blogs had a field day celebrating this. Frankly, it disgusted me. If I run a business, am I not allowed to have a say in who gets to work for me? Sorry, not ok.
It’s not exactly a secret that rich white middle-aged men make up the majority of positions of power in the USA. But although I’m not exactly sure how American politics work (because frankly I don’t care), as far as I know there are no laws or rules preventing women from running for congress or whatever political positions. Whether they get elected and how many followers they have is up to the voters though, and you can’t force people’s opinions upon them – well you can, if your name is North Korea or Iran, I guess.
I am…. honestly not sure where you got the impression, ngz3210, that NSWATM is an anti-father’s-rights blog. To my recollection father’s rights issues have been mentioned exactly once, by me, and quite favorably (saying that one of the examples of sexism against involved fathers is the low rate of fathers being the primary custodial parent). Most of the contributors, as far as I’m aware, are in support of an increased number of men as custodial parents and increased shared parenting.
” You get to tell men “there’s something wrong with you but it’s invisible and you can’t see it. But it’s there, trust me because I say so”. ”
Your privilege is invisible TO YOU. It’s obvious to me, and everyone else.
“say that to the people in Belarus.”
I live in the UK, I’m referring specifically to Western culture. Over 90% of my country is white, nearly all of my political representatives are white, etc. etc.
“yes, one is really privileged to be cis. Imagine always being the victim of stupid jokes with man boobs and things like that.”
Not really sure what you’re getting at here. I imagine there are (currently) more disadvantages to being a trans person in Western culture than ‘stupid jokes’?
“the thing that was very visible to me was that I as a male had to serve military service.”
Where are you living? The draft was discontinued in the US in 1973. I’m strongly against forced military service for anyone. I’m sorry this happened to you in the past, but as far as I’m aware it’s not an issue anymore in the West (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong).
“Read an article a while ago about a male company owner who was sued and fined for refusing to hire a woman.”
Link to the article, then. If someone really was sued for simply refusing to hire an individual woman then I for one will get on your side right away. The big question is why did he refuse to hire her, and what evidence of wrongdoing was produced in order for the court case to go forward?
“That rhetoric may err on the side of alarmism”
Now there’s a big understatement… I’m not surprised you’re a fan of Sommers, she certainly smacks of misogyny:
“There are a lot of homely women in women’s studies. Preaching these anti-male, anti-sex sermons is a way for them to compensate for various heartaches– they’re just mad at the beautiful girls”
As a super feminist from hell, let me repeat yet again that I love guys and fucking guys, and I love beautiful girls too! Unless they’re assholes, attractiveness doesn’t come into it.
I’m picturing all of ngz/Eoghan’s comments being uttered by Dwight Shrute from The Office.
Link to the article, then. If someone really was sued for simply refusing to hire an individual woman then I for one will get on your side right away. The big question is why did he refuse to hire her, and what evidence of wrongdoing was produced in order for the court case to go forward?
[url=”http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/4289243/4-Guys-but-not-too-many-women”]There you go.[/url] The gist of it is that this man was punished for deciding who gets and doesn’t get to work at his company. I honestly don’t care if the man in question was a complete bastard and this woman was the nicest person in the world, it still doesn’t sit right with me.
hmm, I guess linking doesn’t work?
I was gone all weekend , and there’s an almost-900-comment thread, not to mention a ton of new posts? Hot damn, am I out of the loop. I suspect once FoSB leaves for training, I’ll be around more, not having friends up here.
All of this economy of sex stuff? I tend to blame on “Freakonomics”. Damn you, Steven Levitt. Econ CANNOT be applied to everything. Not everything is a zero sum game. But then again, we do live in a disgustingly capitalist society, so maybe that lends a little bit to some people ideas that every interaction is like a market interaction. Gross
Also, a very large, bold groundhog has been hanging out in my yard for weeks, and my dog just took out the sliding screen door to get at the thing, which was on my patio eating my tomato plant.
“I am…. honestly not sure where you got the impression, ngz3210, that NSWATM is an anti-father’s-rights blog. To my recollection father’s rights issues have been mentioned exactly once, by me, and quite favorably (saying that one of the examples of sexism against involved fathers is the low rate of fathers being the primary custodial parent). Most of the contributors, as far as I’m aware, are in support of an increased number of men as custodial parents and increased shared parenting.
Ozy, so far the recurring theme is has been strawman attacking the men’s movement, so in the same way manboobz isn’t really about misogyny its about feminism and strawman attacking the men’s movement, I wager that your new blog is not really about men, but about feminism and strawman attacking the men’s movement.
So the guy admits he broke the law and didn’t hire her because he believed she would do an inferior job BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN (“car selling is a male-dominated thing”), and you translate that as simply ‘refusing to hire a [individual] woman? Or maybe I was giving you the benefit of the doubt misguidedly and you think it’s cool that people hire according to their own prejudices?
“If I run a business, am I not allowed to have a say in who gets to work for me?”
You can certainly have a say, but it’s illegal to refuse to hire someone based on their gender (or race, or so on). Firstly because those things are irrelevant, but mostly because that way certain groups of people will have an unfair advantage in getting a job. I’m sure you’d be angry if a woman was hired simply for being a woman, what is so different about that and NOT hiring her for being a woman. What is ok about discriminating against someone?
“I’m picturing all of ngz/Eoghan’s comments being uttered by Dwight Shrute from The Office.”
Of course you are, this is manboobz, its either a strawman or a false accusation of abusing women somehow.
NGZ, are you gonna point out any of these ‘straw men’?
My brother just became a father a few months ago. I’m proud of him, and my father too, because my father taught my brother that it’s not un-manly to come right out and say that he loves his daughter and his lady a whole lot. Which he does, repeatedly, and in public. It’s very sweet and it makes me happy for them.
Hey Commie’s. Any of you actually go over to that Washington Times article and read the comments? It seems the average Joe’s comments kinda read like; Modern day women are shit, a bunch of sluts wanting to be treated like precious, delicate flowers. Totally bereft of compassion and tenderness, ect. ect. Damn misogynists are everywhere. I only read the first 3 pages of comments but there was no white knighting going on at all. It’s almost like hatred was being poured onto them in all spheres of life and they were returning that favor.
@Holly Pervocracy
Nice picture of the 112th congress. Mens “invisible privilege” means more men die of litarally ever major killer disease, combat, homeless, work related, prison, suicide, ect, ect. Quite literally all that privilege means theres way more women voting than men, cause teh menz are either dead or in prison. That’s “your” men batting for womens rights.
Don’t fret, I’m sure this little social experiment will have a real happy ending! And if it doesn’t, it’ll be quite acceptable and even endorsed to place the blame squarely on the shoulders of………drum roll please…….teh menz. Strike up the band! Women once again will be blameless victims. Guess who their evil oppressors are? Yippie!
So the guy admits he broke the law and didn’t hire her because he believed she would do an inferior job BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN (“car selling is a male-dominated thing”), and you translate that as simply ‘refusing to hire a [individual] woman?
Bottom line is he didn’t want to hire her. Why should he be required to give reasons? Why should there be a law forcing him to hire someone he didn’t want? And by the way, what does it say about society when laws are required to make people hire women? Is it all just unfounded prejudice?
Or maybe I was giving you the benefit of the doubt misguidedly and you think it’s cool that people hire according to their own prejudices?
I think it’s “cool” when people are allowed to do what they want (and that includes running a business), too bad you disagree. He didn’t go out of his way to hurt this woman. She came to him for employment, he refused, and for that he was penalized.
I’m sure you’d be angry if a woman was hired simply for being a woman, what is so different about that and NOT hiring her for being a woman.
Actually, I’d just look for work someplace else. Better than forcing someone to hire me who didn’t want me in the first place. I dunno, the whole thing just smacks of “I didn’t get invited to your birthday party, so my mom will call your mom and she’ll force you to invite me or else you’ll be punished!”
“It seems the average Joe’s comments kinda read like; Modern day women are shit, a bunch of sluts wanting to be treated like precious, delicate flowers. Totally bereft of compassion and tenderness, ect. ect.”
Then the ‘average Joe’ is a bell-end. Luckily, although he pops up a lot on the internet, he fails to squirm out of the ground to show himself and answer for his bullshit in real life. 99% of the guys I meet IRL are pretty cool with women, and I’ve NEVER met a guy who was anything near as extreme as, say, any comment on the Spearhead. Maybe I’m living in some crazy feminist haven, who knows.
@Laura Bladen
If you live anywhere in the Western World you DO live in a crazy feminist haven. Those comments aren’t in the bad ole misogynist spearhead, that’s the MSM.
Luckily, although he pops up a lot on the internet, he fails to squirm out of the ground to show himself and answer for his bullshit in real life.
Funny, I noticed the exact same thing about radical feminists. My theory is that people tend be a lot more honest about their opinions when there’s anonymity involved.
“Why should he be required to give reasons? ”
But the woman “received a letter from Mr Wells telling her she was unsuccessful because they were looking for a male to achieve the right balance in their sales team. ” There’s not really enough info on the page, but I’m getting the impression this guy was consistently upfront about his reasons, to the point of spelling them out in the job rejection letter. He gave the reason preemptively.
“And by the way, what does it say about society when laws are required to make people hire women? Is it all just unfounded prejudice?”
That’s a big question. We can say that people are more likely to hire certain groups than others in general (for instance, in one study* identical CVs were sent out, with ‘black’ or ‘white’ sounding names. The pretend white people were 50% more likely to recieve a job offer. Whatever this says about society, it is important that it is not allowed to continue.
“I dunno, the whole thing just smacks of “I didn’t get invited to your birthday party, so my mom will call your mom and she’ll force you to invite me or else you’ll be punished!””
You could make this analogy with a lot of laws. Laws aren’t abritrary, like who you would like to invite to a party.
“If you live anywhere in the Western World you DO live in a crazy feminist haven. Those comments aren’t in the bad ole misogynist spearhead, that’s the MSM.”
So? The mainstream media represents all kindof disgusting bullshit, because it makes the world seem more interesting for people. That’s why people buy the Daily Mail. To read about and become scared of things that don’t exist.
This guy is just as bad as a hospital refusing to hire a male nurse because “nursing is a female dominated thing.”
Kind of hard to change things if you refuse to even let someone put their foot through the door.