Just wanted to highlight some internetty goodness from two Friendz of Man Boobz:
Ozymandias, whose blog post “Who Cares About Men’s Rights?” went all viral recently, has started up a new blog called No, Seriously, What About Teh Menz?, devoted to promoting men’s rights. Not “Men’s Rights” as most MRAs define it, but, you know, the actual rights of actual men. And she’s got a great post about Fathers’ Day, and her particular father, up today.
Meanwhile, Holly Pervocracy, fresh from the Man Boobz/Pervocracy (or is that the Pervocracy/Man Boobz) meetup on Friday, slices and dices a very dumb piece in the Washington Times on all women being whores the “economy of sex.”
“I live in the UK, I’m referring specifically to Western culture. Over 90% of my country is white, nearly all of my political representatives are white, etc. etc.”
Race is a very bad way to group people.
White immigrants may not have it that much easier in the UK than non-whites.
“Where are you living? The draft was discontinued in the US in 1973. I’m strongly against forced military service for anyone. I’m sorry this happened to you in the past, but as far as I’m aware it’s not an issue anymore in the West (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong).”
Germany, where compulsory military service was abolished this year.
In Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Finland for example you still have it.
Interesting to note, it was never an argument that conscription was unjust to men.
Conscription was just to expensive and nobody needed conscripts / non-professional reservists that (of course) can only be sent in combat if a state of defense is determined.
“Not really sure what you’re getting at here. I imagine there are (currently) more disadvantages to being a trans person in Western culture than ‘stupid jokes’?”
Of course.
It just crossed my mind, that the name of this website (I know, it’s also a word game) is as backward as the people David tries to mock.
Women should be conscripted as well as men if one feels the need to have such a thing as a nation.
I want to blow things up for my country as much as the next guy when we are attacked.
“And if you were trans, the government won’t even recognize you as a man until you get those surgically removed, at your own expense. xD”
I thought of a MTF. Someone that knows her from the time pre-op they might say something insulting post-op like: “Now look there, that are real man boobs!”
“Interesting to note, it was never an argument that conscription was unjust to men.”
Well, and you’re certainly not expected to know this, being from Germany and all, but in the U.S. in 1980 NOW certainly did make the argument that Selective Service, at least, is unjust to men, as did ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project, in Rostker v. Goldberg. It’s just that the Supreme Court and Congress failed to act in accordance with their arguments. Pity.
“Actually, I’d just look for work someplace else.” And that is as huge of a statement of privilege as I have ever heard. You see, fool, the thing about widespread social discrimination is that it is widespread. These do not represent one random individual deciding, for example, to not hire redheads, these are problems that make it significantly less likely to get hired period. Just don’t work, or work for less money, should not a burden placed on oppressed people. There is no freedom in being jobless or hungry. ” He didn’t go out of his way to hurt this woman.” Yes he did. Refusing to hire someone because of their sex is going out of your way to be a bigot and an asshole. If not, you hire the most qualified person for the position.
What I don’t get is why people who say “women should pull themselves up by their bootstraps” don’t understand that lawsuits and political activism are just that. You want her to go get herself a job? Well, by going to court, she’s doing just that.
Quietly working hard but never making waves and taking what other people choose to give you isn’t “bootstraps”; it’s submission.
*stretches* I wake up and bizarre things happened o_o;; (also strange comparisons of cis men w/ trans women, and one giant straw false choice xD)
@Holly Pervocracy no no no that’s CHEATING!!!! You can’t cheat! That’s not fair to the ppl afraid to rock the boat! They’ve been good little kids! Where’s my reward for being quiet and good!? (that is to say what you said is something that always bugs me whenever stuff like this happens xD )
Speaking of discrimination, that stupid SCOTUS just made me feel I have no choice in who I vote for next year.
@Kave *hug* Thank you for the kind words :] I’d be blessed if you had been my father :] You sound like a wonderful person and a great and caring father. 🙂 *big hugs to you and your family, and wishing you a late Happy Father’s Day) :]
“Speaking of discrimination, that stupid SCOTUS just made me feel I have no choice in who I vote for next year.”
Yeah, they’ve been out of control crapstars lately. *longs for the days of the Warren Court.*
Well Scalia is like a million years old so will have to step down eventually. If Obama was smart (and he is but not this smart) he would nominate the biggest hippie liberal fruitcake out there to be the initial person that drives the right wing so nuts that whoever he nominates after that spectacular failure will seem totally reasonable compared to the first one.
But that will never happen.
NWO is, as per usual, full of shit. I did look at the comments on the article at the Times and read through several pages of comments. There were definitely comments I disagreed with but it hardly approached the level of vitriol he describes here and there are a lot of comments that are, of course, quite political.
Tell me something NWO: did you read the article at all? I know you hate reading but you’re offering it tacit support. Did you read it?
Ami, you are remarkable.
There have been some incredibly bad decisions coming out of SCOTUS of late. And some that are just… I don’t know. I wasn’t sure how they’d rule on the California Prison System and was pleasantly surprised. The word “pleasantly,” feels like a very poor choice in this context. Still, I’d have bet cash that it would go the other way.
Scalia, naturally, dissented.
Even Scalia doesn’t agree with Scalia half of the time.
ngz3120, you are aware that we know that you are Eoghan, right?
And that if you want to keep posting here, you’re going to need to fess up and give a good argument as to why I should let you keep on posting, especially given your constant dishonesty (the sockpuppetry, your tendency to blatantly misrepresent what other people say and believe, like you did with Ozy’s blog here).
Until then, you’re on moderation and I won’t let any posts through until you offer an explanation.
Also, Eoghan, you’ll need to explain your response to the Dwight Schrute comment, just because it makes no fucking sense.
Ok, you don’t have to do that. Just the other stuff.
Which means he’ll vanish, and come back w/ a new nick later… at least that’s what I’ve gathered of him from watching the old Manboobz episodes in the DVD set I got for my birthday! 😀
Oh, good lord. The right of workers to be treated fairly and equally trumps the right of employers to discriminate. We tried it the other way around in this country and it didn’t work out.
Up through the 1970s, newspapers had separate job listings for “men’s” and “women’s” jobs, with the women’s jobs being mostly low-level clerical work. That’s where segregated hiring policies lead.
You see, fool, the thing about widespread social discrimination is that it is widespread.
Heh heh. Sounds like you’ve got me trapped in your lair and are delivering the final speech before you’ll finish me off.
“Actually, I’d just look for work someplace else.” And that is as huge of a statement of privilege as I have ever heard. You see, fool, the thing about widespread social discrimination is that it is widespread. These do not represent one random individual deciding, for example, to not hire redheads, these are problems that make it significantly less likely to get hired period. Just don’t work, or work for less money, should not a burden placed on oppressed people.
Ami, I sort of like the whole Eoghan game where he goes away, gets a new nick and IP address, and returns. I get to play detective!
I love how my supervillain-ness is just a tautology with the word “fool” thrown in. Widespread things are widespread, fool! Big things are big, you fool! Is it just the word fool that makes things supervillain-ish?
I must confess though that I find it amusing that NWOs mental image of me appears to be something like this:
or maybe it is this:
But not Megatron! David K. Meller is Megatron! xD
Oh look, a fellow after Slavey’s own heart. At least this guy has the courage to not only ask his 16-year-old paramour out on a date, he’s actually marrying her!