This picture depicts the only proper feminist way to celebrate F-Day. One girl covers dad’s eyes while the other steals his present! Ha, ha! More for them! Less for him! Stupid man.
XD. Flavor text: “He burst into the bar, ranting and raving and demanding everyones attention. When he got the attention of a taller, burlier fighter, however, he shut up and slunk away.”
Cap’n: Could he be more like a hemorrhoid? Hoof and mouth disease? Lockjaw nightvision? Gynecomastia?
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago
Whatever you like, Bee. Or, he could be all of those things at once. The only limit is our imagination! (Dons Willy Wonka’s top hat and cane.)
13 years ago
Hmm, is it bad form to flavor text your own card? Eh, screw it.
“It was the nightmare of every fighter. A hulking beast pink beast, drawing strength from its enemies until it surpassed the confines of its mortal shell and became as a God.”
Yup.. No ego here. Nope.
13 years ago
hmm.. typo.. should be “A hulking pink beast”
Milquetoast Gringo
13 years ago
Dumb Dad story:
One of the most important moments I remember from my father was when I was about 13/14 and first started watching dirty movies (before the internet, sneaking late-night cable shows). He was the one to talk to me about it, much to the chagrin of my mom, I learned that later. He didn’t scold me, didn’t tell me it was wrong to masturbate, didn’t tell me I shouldn’t be watching it. Instead, he gave me a long speech emphasizing that sex is not like porno and women are not what is shown in the Cinemax movies (sex kittens and the like). He was very concerned that I realize “women are people, not sex fantasies.” He didn’t care if I watched porn, just was very concerned I’d grow up having a skewed view.
It sounds like pretty basic stuff, but when I look back on it, I think it’s a really great way of handling it. And when I have kids, I’m definitely stealing his speech, not matter the kid’s gender. Thanks Dad.
13 years ago
This will be my first post after lurking for weeks.
My father is a MRA, he even posts on the spearhead. I was estranged from him as a child because of the custody dispute. After the molestation, my mother refused visitation, he refused to pay child support. You see, he would only deign to pay for our food and shelter if he had access to diddle us as his leisure – when we weren’t left with his mother, actual childcare was rather beyond him. After briefly reconnecting with him as an adult, I again cut ties when he was arrested and incarcerated for child porn possession, which he was/is completely unrepentent about.
Fathers day doesn’t hold a lot of meaning for this feminist.
13 years ago
So manboobzer take a big step back from relentless and gleeful dancing around chanting “what about teh menz” and slandering the people that are speaking up and providing space for the damaged goods when one of them actually sets themselves on fire outside a “family” court.
Its quite likely that Bell read the spearhead, he certainly fits the profile.
Here is another profile from the spearhead.
“I spent 30 years or so in “mangina purgatory” before realizing that much of my warped outlook on life came from the twisted way in which my mother raised her children. My three brothers, subjected to the same cruelty, remain in mangina hell today.
I have come to the conclusion that boys who experience gender-specific abuse at the hands of their mothers exhibit some common traits:
1) A definition of “self” that is largely based on extreme Chivalry and woman-worship.
2) When we are alone (in situations that involve ONE person) our behaviour can appear odd (self-talking: having imaginary “liberation” conversations with either our mothers or others who we have invited to dominate us), or our behaviour can be very violent (yelling and destroying inanimate objects that frustrate us with a marked tendency to over-kill, for example smashing an alarm clock to the point that it is reduced to tiny pieces.
3) In situations that involve TWO people (the mangina plus a man or a woman), particularly mangina-man competitive environments at work and mangina-woman arguments at home, “mother abuse manginas” are obsessively subservient. Some “real” men will be perplexed by the self-flagellating mangina, others will take the mangina under their wing and form surprisingly productive partnerships with us. Women who have a relationship with a mangina will progress from insecurity, to resentment, and finally to violent loathing. Typically, the woman will engineering increasingly brutal “fitness tests” of physical or emotional violence in an attempt to force the mangina to stand up for himself.
4) In multi-person situations that involve both men and women, “mother abuse manginas” can appear aggressive and dominant as long as we do so in defence of women. Like Dorothy’s lion, we find our courage only when fighting on behalf of a woman. The only occasions where we “stand up to our boss” at work are in defence of women, and this will typically occur several times per year. On all other occasions we stubbornly stick to our doormat status.
5) Internally, “mother abuse manginas” resemble a dam of fear/insecurity holding back an ocean of resentment/anger towards women. Over time, the dam weakens, and sometimes breaks in a very sudden way. For me this moment occured in November of last year when my six year old son was dehumanized by New York’s anti-boy-self image campaign (disguised as an anti-DV campaign):
My mother is a heavy smoker and an alcoholic, but her strongest addiction is to the hatred of all men. As a professional Feminist academic in women’s studies, she knew exactly how to crush ther personalities of her four boys in order to produce the utopian Feminist servile man-bot. All of us were emotionally abused, and the three youngest (11, 12, and 13 years old at the time) were sexually abused also.
The abuse was as effective as clockwork. All four of my mother’s boys spent our lives as servile manginas who, as a bonus, have an “emergency white knight” button like the lion in the Wizard of Oz.
So here is what I know about Feminism. It is an ideology of hate that is highly effective at preparing young boys for a lifetime of slave labour under the control of their female owners.
The real front line of the Feminist war on men is our school system, particularly elementary school. Our schools are the means by which Feminists are actively doing to all young boys, what my mother did to her children 30 years ago.”
ngz3120 – A common trait amongst MRA types seems to be to take their own issues and apply them to everybody. What that profile describes is very sad, and doubtless the guy could benefit from counselling.
What may be less beneficial would be getting together with a bunch of other guys and repeating “all women are bitches, woe is me” until you set yourself or someone else on fire.
What you call “the people that are speaking up and providing space for the damaged goods” are exactly the same kind of people as racial separatists, jihadists and other fundamentalist religious types. They don’t encourage healing, they encourage a sense of persecution and the idea that one belongs to an elite minority that is alone in seeing “the truth”. It’s not healthy.
13 years ago
CB – lol! I have pictured the creepy Wonka (old school, ala giving the speech in that tunnel) saying “The only limit…to insulting someone by comparing them with genital diseases…is our imagination!” The umpa loompas would totally dance.
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago
“If you want to view E-o-ghan
Simply use a mirror and view him”
“If a woman had burned herself to death because her husband wouldn’t take a second job to buy her another pair of shoes, you know that each and every one of you feminists would be jumping up and down that every MRA site didn’t mention it and pointing to it as proof that the MRM hates women.”
What the hell? With what logic? I’d say I felt sorry for her and her family, as she obviously had bigger issues than shoes. I’d say the same about the child-support guy. What are you proposing about the guy killing himself, that the law should be changed? Should we force men to buy women shoes incase they kill themselves in this scenario?
NGZ, I’m sorry you had a bad childhood, that isn’t ok in any way. Neither is acting as if all women, or feminists, are like your mother.
When I was raped, I watched my rapist’s friends laugh about my ‘false allegation’ (not to the police, but directly to the guy in private). I don’t take this as an excuse to hate men, or call all men rapists or pro-rape.
Oops, I missed that you were quoting someone not talking about yourself. Point stands tho.
13 years ago
Eoghan, I’m sorry to hear that you were raised by an addict, especially since it appears that she may have never sought effective treatment for her addiction. Addiction can destroy families. The children of addicts are almost always caused tremendous harm. Sometimes that harm irreparable. I am sorry that you and your brothers have had to go through that.
My father is an alcoholic, though he became active in his addiction at a much later stage in his life than many people. He was also able to find the treatment that worked for him relatively quickly. And he chose and fought for his sobriety. He’s been sober for a very long time now. A very long time. But those were… diffcult years for my family. There are times when I sit back and marvel at how well we came through them. We were very lucky.
The rest of your post is bullshit.
Moving on. I love my pops; what can say? For most of my life he has been an incredible father. I am who I am because of him. I tell him so regularly. He teases me in return, “Well, when you marry a mouthy woman you stand a pretty good chance of raising a bunch of mouthy daughters.” And then he laughs.
He’s hilarious with a deeply, and seemingly incongruous, philosophical streak that I did not always appreciate as a child. He has a tremendous generosity of spirit. He does not suffer fools. The guy friends I grew up with call him the “Black Yoda.” And even though we are all adults some of them still seek his advice, especially those who have become fathers themselves.
None of us have any control over who are parents are. I know I hit the father lottery. But I am so deeply grateful. Happy belated Father’s Day, y’all.
Laura Bladen: ngz is whining, (when you look at the substance of what he says, not the apparent content) because Man Boobz didn’t call a moratorium on mocking misogyny when this man killed himself.
You see, the tragedy (and it is a tragedy, please don’t mistake the flip tone of the rest of this for not appreciating the tragedy, and the horror of it. I’ve seen/smelled large area burn victims, it’s one of the things I never want to encounter again in my life. The smell of burnt hair is a really powerful one for me, almost indescribable, but not really relevant to what I have to say), the tragedy is that when this man killed himself, we didn’t realise it was the most important thing in the world.
We actually had the gall to be happy about father’s day (which is a cruel holiday, because so many men are not allowed to see their kids because the women who left them; and are taking all their money, refuse to allow them to see their beloved children. The courts, the press, the gov’t, the internet, feminists, the fellow-travellers of feminists, all agree that men have no rights to children, and if any woman decided, for any reason, to just cut the father off from the children it must be for a good reason).
The wonderful thing about this sort of complaint is there are billions of people in the world, somewhere (every day) there will be someone who is unable to cope, or who really was shafted by fate, circumstance, a vindictive ex, a quirk of the systems.
That let’s the ngzs of the the world come in (to any feminist site), pretty much at will/random, and cite some case, somewhere (which, given how much there is to do/keep track of) and accuse them/us of not caring about the plight of men because we aren’t rending our garments about this man
The name for that derailing technique is… (drumroll, please)
But what about teh menz.
Are there women who do bad things to their kids? Yes. Are there women who dissapear their kids from their fathers? Yes.
Should they be allowed to do that… usually not.
Is it the most pressing problem facing the world today in the realm of child-rearing, divorce, gender equality? I don’t think so.
The guy who killed himself outside the family court may have been in a lot of pain-but he also killed himself making it impossible for his children to one day get to know him outside of their mother’s influence (if it was a negative one. If he was mentally ill, she may have been trying to keep them safe even if it may have been the wrong way to do it.)
Kind of hard to get to know a dead guy outside of remembrances from those who knew the dead guy.
My emotions around my dad are… mixed. At best. he was very, very angry and abusive towards my mother, and to my sister and I as well. My parents split when I was 12, I’m 24 now. They were young, too. Part of the divorce ruling (because my father very nearly beat my mother to death the last time he laid a hand on her) was that he attend anger management. For a good long time, our relationship was strained. He was an angry man, with vicious mood swings. He probably would have loved the MRM at this time. For the two year period between 08 and 2010, I didn’t speak to the man, for a number of reasons. But with age (he turned 51 this year), he’s really, really mellowed out. He also moved out of the midwest (SAD, i think, the winters here set it off), to Arizona, where he has a job he loves. Our relationship is better now, but to this day, I approach the man carefully.
In spite of all that from him (and my exes, which is a different post for a different day), I don’t hate men, and I still wish him Happy Father’s Day.
ngz/Eoghan is on moderation until he fesses up about his sockpuppetry and gives a good argument as to why, in the face of his rampant dishonesty, he should be allowed to post here. (Based on past experience, I expect him to ignore this request, leave, and come back again in the near future under a different name.)
Ohiken, welcome to Manbooz, and — wow. What a horrible experience. I’m so sorry that your father did that to you. I hope you’re healing. That should never happen to any child.
@Nobinayamu to clarify, that didn’t happen to Eoghan, he’s quoting from a profile in the Spearhead.
13 years ago
Oh geez, I’m totally fine, albeit cynical and slow to trust. The convergence of MRAs and fathers day just struck a cord, and it occurred to me that this might be the one place in the world where people truly understand the depravity that is the provider of half my genes.
manboobz is fab. Excellent therapy – carry on!
13 years ago
But not once did Flores-Villar v US get mentioned, which just goes to show that MRAs aren’t to focused on actual legal issues in regards to fathers rights, but only about using it as an excuse to bash feminism…
XD. Flavor text: “He burst into the bar, ranting and raving and demanding everyones attention. When he got the attention of a taller, burlier fighter, however, he shut up and slunk away.”
Kirbywarp, Ardent Battler of Trolls 2RR G/W G/W
Legendary Creature – Feminist Warrior
Trample, Rampage: 2
Cap’n: Could he be more like a hemorrhoid? Hoof and mouth disease? Lockjaw nightvision? Gynecomastia?
Whatever you like, Bee. Or, he could be all of those things at once. The only limit is our imagination! (Dons Willy Wonka’s top hat and cane.)
Hmm, is it bad form to flavor text your own card? Eh, screw it.
“It was the nightmare of every fighter. A hulking beast pink beast, drawing strength from its enemies until it surpassed the confines of its mortal shell and became as a God.”
Yup.. No ego here. Nope.
hmm.. typo.. should be “A hulking pink beast”
Dumb Dad story:
One of the most important moments I remember from my father was when I was about 13/14 and first started watching dirty movies (before the internet, sneaking late-night cable shows). He was the one to talk to me about it, much to the chagrin of my mom, I learned that later. He didn’t scold me, didn’t tell me it was wrong to masturbate, didn’t tell me I shouldn’t be watching it. Instead, he gave me a long speech emphasizing that sex is not like porno and women are not what is shown in the Cinemax movies (sex kittens and the like). He was very concerned that I realize “women are people, not sex fantasies.” He didn’t care if I watched porn, just was very concerned I’d grow up having a skewed view.
It sounds like pretty basic stuff, but when I look back on it, I think it’s a really great way of handling it. And when I have kids, I’m definitely stealing his speech, not matter the kid’s gender. Thanks Dad.
This will be my first post after lurking for weeks.
My father is a MRA, he even posts on the spearhead. I was estranged from him as a child because of the custody dispute. After the molestation, my mother refused visitation, he refused to pay child support. You see, he would only deign to pay for our food and shelter if he had access to diddle us as his leisure – when we weren’t left with his mother, actual childcare was rather beyond him. After briefly reconnecting with him as an adult, I again cut ties when he was arrested and incarcerated for child porn possession, which he was/is completely unrepentent about.
Fathers day doesn’t hold a lot of meaning for this feminist.
So manboobzer take a big step back from relentless and gleeful dancing around chanting “what about teh menz” and slandering the people that are speaking up and providing space for the damaged goods when one of them actually sets themselves on fire outside a “family” court.
Its quite likely that Bell read the spearhead, he certainly fits the profile.
Here is another profile from the spearhead.
“I spent 30 years or so in “mangina purgatory” before realizing that much of my warped outlook on life came from the twisted way in which my mother raised her children. My three brothers, subjected to the same cruelty, remain in mangina hell today.
I have come to the conclusion that boys who experience gender-specific abuse at the hands of their mothers exhibit some common traits:
1) A definition of “self” that is largely based on extreme Chivalry and woman-worship.
2) When we are alone (in situations that involve ONE person) our behaviour can appear odd (self-talking: having imaginary “liberation” conversations with either our mothers or others who we have invited to dominate us), or our behaviour can be very violent (yelling and destroying inanimate objects that frustrate us with a marked tendency to over-kill, for example smashing an alarm clock to the point that it is reduced to tiny pieces.
3) In situations that involve TWO people (the mangina plus a man or a woman), particularly mangina-man competitive environments at work and mangina-woman arguments at home, “mother abuse manginas” are obsessively subservient. Some “real” men will be perplexed by the self-flagellating mangina, others will take the mangina under their wing and form surprisingly productive partnerships with us. Women who have a relationship with a mangina will progress from insecurity, to resentment, and finally to violent loathing. Typically, the woman will engineering increasingly brutal “fitness tests” of physical or emotional violence in an attempt to force the mangina to stand up for himself.
4) In multi-person situations that involve both men and women, “mother abuse manginas” can appear aggressive and dominant as long as we do so in defence of women. Like Dorothy’s lion, we find our courage only when fighting on behalf of a woman. The only occasions where we “stand up to our boss” at work are in defence of women, and this will typically occur several times per year. On all other occasions we stubbornly stick to our doormat status.
5) Internally, “mother abuse manginas” resemble a dam of fear/insecurity holding back an ocean of resentment/anger towards women. Over time, the dam weakens, and sometimes breaks in a very sudden way. For me this moment occured in November of last year when my six year old son was dehumanized by New York’s anti-boy-self image campaign (disguised as an anti-DV campaign):
My mother is a heavy smoker and an alcoholic, but her strongest addiction is to the hatred of all men. As a professional Feminist academic in women’s studies, she knew exactly how to crush ther personalities of her four boys in order to produce the utopian Feminist servile man-bot. All of us were emotionally abused, and the three youngest (11, 12, and 13 years old at the time) were sexually abused also.
The abuse was as effective as clockwork. All four of my mother’s boys spent our lives as servile manginas who, as a bonus, have an “emergency white knight” button like the lion in the Wizard of Oz.
So here is what I know about Feminism. It is an ideology of hate that is highly effective at preparing young boys for a lifetime of slave labour under the control of their female owners.
The real front line of the Feminist war on men is our school system, particularly elementary school. Our schools are the means by which Feminists are actively doing to all young boys, what my mother did to her children 30 years ago.”
ngz3120 – A common trait amongst MRA types seems to be to take their own issues and apply them to everybody. What that profile describes is very sad, and doubtless the guy could benefit from counselling.
What may be less beneficial would be getting together with a bunch of other guys and repeating “all women are bitches, woe is me” until you set yourself or someone else on fire.
What you call “the people that are speaking up and providing space for the damaged goods” are exactly the same kind of people as racial separatists, jihadists and other fundamentalist religious types. They don’t encourage healing, they encourage a sense of persecution and the idea that one belongs to an elite minority that is alone in seeing “the truth”. It’s not healthy.
CB – lol! I have pictured the creepy Wonka (old school, ala giving the speech in that tunnel) saying “The only limit…to insulting someone by comparing them with genital diseases…is our imagination!” The umpa loompas would totally dance.
“If you want to view E-o-ghan
Simply use a mirror and view him”
“If a woman had burned herself to death because her husband wouldn’t take a second job to buy her another pair of shoes, you know that each and every one of you feminists would be jumping up and down that every MRA site didn’t mention it and pointing to it as proof that the MRM hates women.”
What the hell? With what logic? I’d say I felt sorry for her and her family, as she obviously had bigger issues than shoes. I’d say the same about the child-support guy. What are you proposing about the guy killing himself, that the law should be changed? Should we force men to buy women shoes incase they kill themselves in this scenario?
NGZ, I’m sorry you had a bad childhood, that isn’t ok in any way. Neither is acting as if all women, or feminists, are like your mother.
When I was raped, I watched my rapist’s friends laugh about my ‘false allegation’ (not to the police, but directly to the guy in private). I don’t take this as an excuse to hate men, or call all men rapists or pro-rape.
Oops, I missed that you were quoting someone not talking about yourself. Point stands tho.
Eoghan, I’m sorry to hear that you were raised by an addict, especially since it appears that she may have never sought effective treatment for her addiction. Addiction can destroy families. The children of addicts are almost always caused tremendous harm. Sometimes that harm irreparable. I am sorry that you and your brothers have had to go through that.
My father is an alcoholic, though he became active in his addiction at a much later stage in his life than many people. He was also able to find the treatment that worked for him relatively quickly. And he chose and fought for his sobriety. He’s been sober for a very long time now. A very long time. But those were… diffcult years for my family. There are times when I sit back and marvel at how well we came through them. We were very lucky.
The rest of your post is bullshit.
Moving on. I love my pops; what can say? For most of my life he has been an incredible father. I am who I am because of him. I tell him so regularly. He teases me in return, “Well, when you marry a mouthy woman you stand a pretty good chance of raising a bunch of mouthy daughters.” And then he laughs.
He’s hilarious with a deeply, and seemingly incongruous, philosophical streak that I did not always appreciate as a child. He has a tremendous generosity of spirit. He does not suffer fools. The guy friends I grew up with call him the “Black Yoda.” And even though we are all adults some of them still seek his advice, especially those who have become fathers themselves.
None of us have any control over who are parents are. I know I hit the father lottery. But I am so deeply grateful. Happy belated Father’s Day, y’all.
“Its quite likely that Bell read the spearhead, he certainly fits the profile.”
Do you mean Ball? You certainly seem very concerned and sympathetic towards this person whose name you can’t be arsed to remember. Good god.
Laura Bladen: ngz is whining, (when you look at the substance of what he says, not the apparent content) because Man Boobz didn’t call a moratorium on mocking misogyny when this man killed himself.
You see, the tragedy (and it is a tragedy, please don’t mistake the flip tone of the rest of this for not appreciating the tragedy, and the horror of it. I’ve seen/smelled large area burn victims, it’s one of the things I never want to encounter again in my life. The smell of burnt hair is a really powerful one for me, almost indescribable, but not really relevant to what I have to say), the tragedy is that when this man killed himself, we didn’t realise it was the most important thing in the world.
We actually had the gall to be happy about father’s day (which is a cruel holiday, because so many men are not allowed to see their kids because the women who left them; and are taking all their money, refuse to allow them to see their beloved children. The courts, the press, the gov’t, the internet, feminists, the fellow-travellers of feminists, all agree that men have no rights to children, and if any woman decided, for any reason, to just cut the father off from the children it must be for a good reason).
The wonderful thing about this sort of complaint is there are billions of people in the world, somewhere (every day) there will be someone who is unable to cope, or who really was shafted by fate, circumstance, a vindictive ex, a quirk of the systems.
That let’s the ngzs of the the world come in (to any feminist site), pretty much at will/random, and cite some case, somewhere (which, given how much there is to do/keep track of) and accuse them/us of not caring about the plight of men because we aren’t rending our garments about this man
The name for that derailing technique is… (drumroll, please)
But what about teh menz.
Are there women who do bad things to their kids? Yes. Are there women who dissapear their kids from their fathers? Yes.
Should they be allowed to do that… usually not.
Is it the most pressing problem facing the world today in the realm of child-rearing, divorce, gender equality? I don’t think so.
The guy who killed himself outside the family court may have been in a lot of pain-but he also killed himself making it impossible for his children to one day get to know him outside of their mother’s influence (if it was a negative one. If he was mentally ill, she may have been trying to keep them safe even if it may have been the wrong way to do it.)
Kind of hard to get to know a dead guy outside of remembrances from those who knew the dead guy.
My emotions around my dad are… mixed. At best. he was very, very angry and abusive towards my mother, and to my sister and I as well. My parents split when I was 12, I’m 24 now. They were young, too. Part of the divorce ruling (because my father very nearly beat my mother to death the last time he laid a hand on her) was that he attend anger management. For a good long time, our relationship was strained. He was an angry man, with vicious mood swings. He probably would have loved the MRM at this time. For the two year period between 08 and 2010, I didn’t speak to the man, for a number of reasons. But with age (he turned 51 this year), he’s really, really mellowed out. He also moved out of the midwest (SAD, i think, the winters here set it off), to Arizona, where he has a job he loves. Our relationship is better now, but to this day, I approach the man carefully.
In spite of all that from him (and my exes, which is a different post for a different day), I don’t hate men, and I still wish him Happy Father’s Day.
ngz/Eoghan is on moderation until he fesses up about his sockpuppetry and gives a good argument as to why, in the face of his rampant dishonesty, he should be allowed to post here. (Based on past experience, I expect him to ignore this request, leave, and come back again in the near future under a different name.)
Ohiken, welcome to Manbooz, and — wow. What a horrible experience. I’m so sorry that your father did that to you. I hope you’re healing. That should never happen to any child.
*offers ohiken safe supportive hugs* I’m so so sorry your father did that to you : Like Bee, I also hope you are doing well in your healing :
@Nobinayamu to clarify, that didn’t happen to Eoghan, he’s quoting from a profile in the Spearhead.
Oh geez, I’m totally fine, albeit cynical and slow to trust. The convergence of MRAs and fathers day just struck a cord, and it occurred to me that this might be the one place in the world where people truly understand the depravity that is the provider of half my genes.
manboobz is fab. Excellent therapy – carry on!
But not once did Flores-Villar v US get mentioned, which just goes to show that MRAs aren’t to focused on actual legal issues in regards to fathers rights, but only about using it as an excuse to bash feminism…