evil women feminism I am making a joke I'm totally being sarcastic

Happy Father's Day!

I got it. Run!

This picture depicts the only proper feminist way to celebrate F-Day. One girl covers dad’s eyes while the other steals his present! Ha, ha! More for them! Less for him! Stupid man.

This post was guest-written by NWOslave.*


*Just kidding.

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Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

(Copy and paste from the open thread)

It’s Father’s Day, and I’m currently enjoying breakfast in bed prepared by my wife and oldest son.

If this is the feminist dystopia, then I’ll take it.

Also, cats.

Tabby Lavalamp
13 years ago

Oh no! NO! NWOslave is like a creepier, sadder, needier Beetlejuice! You only have to say his name once, and poof, there he is!

13 years ago

This picture depicts the only proper feminist way to celebrate F-Day.

A faux-feminist response. A real feminist wouldn’t have a father so as to protect her wymynly genes from corruption.

13 years ago

A real feminist would write an angry article denouncing such an obvious celebration of oppressive patriarchal culture and demand it be changed to include female, trans and queer parents, as well as non-parents, household appliances and marine mollusks (except the Giant Cockle, whose offensive name marks it as a misogynist and ally of the patriarchy).
The article would make the rounds of the feminist blogosphere, where it would receive strong support and be hailed as “brave” and “incisive”.

13 years ago


So… David isn’t extreme enough to be a real feminist?

13 years ago

Obviously not.

13 years ago

“(except the Giant Cockle, whose offensive name marks it as a misogynist and ally of the patriarchy).”

And the geoduck. Have you seen one of those things?!

13 years ago

How could you be so cynical? They’re just giving him a present.(And when he unwraps it and sticks his hand inside, he’s going to find out it’s a bear trap)

13 years ago

Is there a list somewhere of what WordPress allows for formatting comments?

Francois Tremblay
13 years ago

Happy Guys Who Can’t Keep Their Dicks In Their Pants Day, everyone!

13 years ago

what about teh fatherz lol eyeroll

13 years ago

Was this post intended to make a mockery of the anger about the father that self immolated outside the family courts the other day?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

*hugs everybody and wishes Happy Father’s day to all who are fathers :] *

Father’s day is always a rly confusing and kinda upsetting time for me. Esp when I was growing up : So I will just give everybody huge giant happy hugs :3

13 years ago

I gave my dad two shirts, some hugs and love this Father’s Day. The day before we went to Red Robins and ate some real manly, sloopy food like burgers and root beer floats. Now my brother is going to go get some video games, and will likely get a violent one where one can shoot, kill and destroy stuff, letting his inner monster roll out.

Yeah, our lives are soooo hard under the femenist agenda.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Hello? I, a self-proclaimed feminist male, am currently enjoying the perks of Father’s Day, courtesy of my feminist wife and two little boys I am raising as feminists.

Of course, I’ll lose everything once she runs off with an alpha and sues me for child support, but, until then, let the good times roll.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@redlocker you do know that we’re just allowing ppl that so that they don’t catch on that without the feminist agenda, they’d have all that AND we’d be colonizing Mars now with space ships fueled by cold fusion >:|

13 years ago

“Was this post intended to make a mockery of the anger about the father that self immolated outside the family courts the other day?”

See what I said about marginalizing yourself, noogz? Take care not to turn yourself into a parody.

About that guy, though, it’s an awful story. I can’t even imagine what would cause someone to do such a thing. Extreme desperation, I guess, or insanity. From looking at what valid news sources have to say, it sounds more like the latter than the former in the case of Thomas James Ball. It actually disturbs me that the MRM is using the painful death of psychologically troubled man for its own benefit. Very, very sick.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Captain Bathrobe that’s true, since it’s gonna happen ANYWAYS regardless of your ideology, you might as well buy in and reap the benefits of membership xD Besides, after the divorce, we’ll hook you up with a nice 25 y/o who can’t get game cuz she’s all dried up (or w/e they claim is the reason xD ) and the process can start all over!

13 years ago

Right captain bathrobe

That was definitely a dig at fathers that have had their lives destroyed by abusive partners and lost their kids through the family courts.

Typical of the mean spirited bigotry at manboobz.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Bee oh yeah cuz I was so tired and f-ed up from my ED meltdown… I forgot to respond to you… ty for the compliment and I’m glad I helped you sort out some stuff about the issues w/ Chaz Bono :]

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Kirby I wonder how many “real feminists” are actually out there by that definition o_O I know my blog doesn’t have that there xD I’m pretty sure most of the feminist blogs out there (if not all) dun have something like that… XD We’re not real feminists Dx

13 years ago

And the geoduck. Have you seen one of those things?!

Wow, I feel grossed-out and inadequate at the same time.

13 years ago

@Ami Really? Well, drat, we’ve been had. I could’ve gotten a lot of martian poon if it weren’t for femenism!

As soon as I finish this juicy burger of mine, I’m protesting…wait, that video game Catherine is coming out soon…maybe the activism can wait a while.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Bee are you talking about the Pokemon or the Mollusk that’s a Chinese delicacy? :3

Cuz both are pretty cool x3

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

No, it’s a dig at all the MRAs who have predicted exactly that when I’ve mentioned my family life here.

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