Today, a trip down memory lane to revisit an until-recently lost classic of modern misogyny: Jay Hammers’ “The Age of Consent is Misandry.” The piece, originally published on Jay Hammers’Men’s Rights blog, inspired some heated discussions amongst MRAs online, with some harshly criticizing the piece as an apologia for pedophilia and others hailing it as a “politically incorrect” masterpiece. Stung by the criticism, Hammers ultimately took his blog down. But the piece has since been resurrected on the Human-Stupidity blog – another blog that seems rather unhealthily obsessed with the supposed injustice of men not being allowed to fuck underage girls.
Here are some of its highlights (that is, lowlights); the headlines are mine.
The arbitrary age of consent is not about protecting women/girls. It is about valuing females and their virtue over males and their freedom. The intent of the laws is to stop older men from having sex with younger women and that is how it is enforced. It was never intended to stop younger men from having sex with older women.
Age of consent laws are designed to punish beta males. A beta male in his 20s, unsuccessful with women his own age who are infused with a sense of feminist entitlement and deride all but the top alpha males who take interest in them, who seeks companionship with a younger, sexually mature female who desires him, should not go to prison for acting on that which is normal male sexuality.
If we are to treat women as children then we should be consistent. Young women who have sex with older men are as much victims as women who have sex with a pick-up artist after meeting at a club. In both cases, feminists are angry because the woman has been “fooled” into having sex with a less than ideal mate in terms of value. …
This is what makes feminists angry and this is why age of consent exists still today, because it is assumed women are not mentally mature enough to give consent AND because older women want to limit men’s options to increase their own value in the sexual marketplace.
Older women … are generally not of a much higher intelligence level than teenage girls. The big difference between the two is that older women are less attractive and that is what makes them so damn angry. …
Females generally do not significantly mature mentally past puberty so it should always be illegal for any woman to have sex or it should never be illegal for any woman to have sex. There is no arbitrary age where females suddenly become self-aware, realizing the consequences of their actions, and stop seeking out alpha males. Thus there must not be an arbitrary age of consent for sex.
If anything, it should be illegal for women to have sex with men until men have been educated on the truths of women, Marriage 2.0, Game, feminism, and men’s rights.
@David and others:
See, this is a trick question, because misandry is anything that places limits on anything a man does, (like fucking 14 year olds) or empowers women in any way. So every single feminist website is a large cesspool of misandry.
I never use caps lock but…
Are you not familiar with the concept of an unreliable narrator? Is your reading comprehension that bad?
If you seriously think that Dolores was the predator in that “relationship”, you are a seriously messed up individual.
@Holly Pervocracy…. “NWO – A 16-year-old boy is just as naive as a 16-year-old girl. They may be neither of them entirely right about how love works, but there’s no element of exploitation; they make their mistakes together and with (hopefully) honest intentions.
They may both be dumb, but at least neither one of them knows something the other doesn’t.
Also, no, I don’t think a 16-year-old girl is a full adult woman, and never said so.”
Again with the exploitation. And Kirbywarp and it seems all the rest of you as well. Is that how women think of intimacy? A power dynamic? (feminist jargon). Pretty sad if thats what women think. Men must truely be morally superior, cause we don’t think like that.
Also if they’re both dumb, wouldn’t it better to at least have one party who isn’t “dumb?”
I ask again to all of you. The UN/US is trying to raise the age of consent to 21. Will you advocate for this?
For example, I was dating a 26 year old at 16 years of age and I walked away intact and my older friend was the one with the broken heart.
Age differentials do not equal exploitation, except when the male is older and we are in feminist land.
So, in other words, “manipulating and damaging” someone is equal to breaking their heart by breaking up with them? Fucking hell, apparently I’ve been “manipulated and damaged” by my former girlfriend of 2 years younger. That’s it, from now on nobody should date anyone thats younger or older than them by 1 year!
I must repeat my question: is that your actual interpretation of Lolita?
If so, you’re wrong.
You’ve never asked that question, so you can’t ask it again. Just another ploy to make it seem like your desperately seeking answers, but us big meanies won’t allow it.
The power dynamic comes from the large age difference, and the fact that one of the participants is immature, not the relationship itself. I honestly don’t know how to say it any clearer.
To clarify, when feminists talk about young women being damaged and/or manipulated by older men, they are most emphatically not talking about suffering heart-break. They are talking about taking advantage of a child who doesn’t know any better about the world, and having no understanding what the relationship actually is.
So, I think that according to Subby, the “non-false” life expectancy in Botswana currently is around 70; it’s only when you consider all those inconvenient AIDS deaths that it drops to the “false” figure of 30 years. Also, those people with AIDS who have no access to the AIDS drugs that are keeping patients in the U.S. alive for decades are healthier, because medical treatment is just a way for Them to kill you.
Thanks again for the unique viewpoint, Subby!
“See, this is a trick question, because misandry is anything that places limits on anything a man does, (like fucking 14 year olds) or empowers women in any way. So every single feminist website is a large cesspool of misandry.”
See, this is just a flat out lie.
David, at a glance
Ozymandias site is in your antidotes side bar and it repeatedly cites fraudulent feminism claims about CTS, which are rooted in patriarchal theory, misandry and contempt for abuse victims of the incorrect gender, protection of abusers of the correct one and the justification for an apartheid in victim services.
Jizabelle, is fine with celebrating violence against men.
Feministing’s owner is calling for the presumption of innocence to be removed for men.
So your claims are erroneous to the extreme.
Ok you guys, have a nice evening.
@NWO: We’re discussing a particular relationship dynamic, not all relationships. Again, reading comprehension is fun.
Personally, if anything, I think women are more pedophilic than men. There are fucking 50 year old women ogling Taylor Lautner and he filmed the second Twilight when he was like 16 or 17.
““See, this is a trick question, because misandry is anything that places limits on anything a man does, (like fucking 14 year olds) or empowers women in any way. So every single feminist website is a large cesspool of misandry.” – me
“Ozymandias site is in your antidotes side bar and it repeatedly cites fraudulent feminism claims about CTS…”
“Jizabelle, is fine with celebrating violence against men.”
“Feministing’s owner is calling for the presumption of innocence to be removed for men.” -ngz3120
Alright, so I was a little off on the details.. But c’mon. You gotta give me credit for being close.
We’re dealing with the kind of folk who think Dolores Haze is a sexual predator. Reading comprehension is always going to take a backseat to their (sick, twisted) preconceived notions about how the world works.
Here’s a fantastic article from sex-positive feminist and youth educator Heather Corinna about experiences she has had working with younger girls ‘dating’ older men. She also provides statistics showing that teenage girls who are dating men multiple years their senior are at greater risk for pregnancy scares, sti infections, and abuse. Thought it was very relevant to the discussion.
This is my official Notice Of Flounce for the the night, due to being out with a friend who is… a man! Who I do not hate!
I guess this makes him a “mangina”?
Also, he is an adult, but somehow we’re able to have a relationship anyway. It’s amazing the magic that can develop, against all odds, between a 23-year-old and a 25-year-old.
@Speahafoc: sadly very true.
sarahejones… There is no dynamic to a relationship. If women and feminists have been indoctrinated to believe a relationship between a man and a woman is a “power dynamic” that you are viewing sex as a means to an end. And that end is obviously about power and control.
Men don’t think like that. Sex is a pleasurable act that is an end unto itself.
What’s your opinion on Lolita, NWOslave?
If you’re not old enough to drink*, smoke*, fight in a war, participate in pornography, enter a sex shop, have graduated high school, and live on your own, then you’re not old enough to consent to sex with anyone more than four years older than you. Period. A sixteen-year-old cannot consent to sex with a thirty-year-old. If a thirty-year-old can’t wait for a sixteen-year-old to turn twenty, ze does not love hir.
*I am aware that in the US the legal drinking age is 21, and in Canada the legal drinking and smoking age is 19. I’m more concerned with the being allowed to fight for your country bit, the legal age of which is 18. I personally feel that tobacco should be banned and the legal drinking age should be lowered to 18.
@NWO: No one is saying that relationships between men and women are always “power dynamics.” I never said that. Neither has anyone on this board. I did say that there is a power dynamic at play in a relationship between partners when one is an adult and others are not. Please, for fuck’s sake, take a basic literacy class.
That would be 21 Alex. You’ve just condemned many more millions of men to prison on charges of statutory rape!
Exactly, I’ve even said the direct opposite!
“If women and feminists have been indoctrinated to believe a relationship between a man and a woman is a “power dynamic””
“Men don’t think like that.” – NWO
Erm.. Wait, so do I count because I could consider myself a feminist, or do I not count because I am a man? I honestly can’t tell…
@sarahejones…Virtually everyone of you has used the words “power dynamic” or something similar. There is NO power dynamic. This is merely the years of feminist indoctrination you’ve been exposed to.
“I personally feel that tobacco should be banned and the legal drinking age should be lowered to 18.” – Alex
“… then you’re not old enough to consent to sex with anyone more than four years older than you.” – Also Alex
So, many millions of men are having sex with women under 18, who are themselves at least 5 years older than said women?
@Mr. Slave,
“That would be 21 Alex. You’ve just condemned many more millions of men to prison on charges of statutory rape!”
Apparently, you failed to read what I wrote in the asterisks: “*I am aware that in the US the legal drinking age is 21, and in Canada the legal drinking and smoking age is 19. I’m more concerned with the being allowed to fight for your country bit, the legal age of which is 18. I personally feel that tobacco should be banned and the legal drinking age should be lowered to 18.”
Next time, read the whole thing.