Today, a trip down memory lane to revisit an until-recently lost classic of modern misogyny: Jay Hammers’ “The Age of Consent is Misandry.” The piece, originally published on Jay Hammers’Men’s Rights blog, inspired some heated discussions amongst MRAs online, with some harshly criticizing the piece as an apologia for pedophilia and others hailing it as a “politically incorrect” masterpiece. Stung by the criticism, Hammers ultimately took his blog down. But the piece has since been resurrected on the Human-Stupidity blog – another blog that seems rather unhealthily obsessed with the supposed injustice of men not being allowed to fuck underage girls.
Here are some of its highlights (that is, lowlights); the headlines are mine.
The arbitrary age of consent is not about protecting women/girls. It is about valuing females and their virtue over males and their freedom. The intent of the laws is to stop older men from having sex with younger women and that is how it is enforced. It was never intended to stop younger men from having sex with older women.
Age of consent laws are designed to punish beta males. A beta male in his 20s, unsuccessful with women his own age who are infused with a sense of feminist entitlement and deride all but the top alpha males who take interest in them, who seeks companionship with a younger, sexually mature female who desires him, should not go to prison for acting on that which is normal male sexuality.
If we are to treat women as children then we should be consistent. Young women who have sex with older men are as much victims as women who have sex with a pick-up artist after meeting at a club. In both cases, feminists are angry because the woman has been “fooled” into having sex with a less than ideal mate in terms of value. …
This is what makes feminists angry and this is why age of consent exists still today, because it is assumed women are not mentally mature enough to give consent AND because older women want to limit men’s options to increase their own value in the sexual marketplace.
Older women … are generally not of a much higher intelligence level than teenage girls. The big difference between the two is that older women are less attractive and that is what makes them so damn angry. …
Females generally do not significantly mature mentally past puberty so it should always be illegal for any woman to have sex or it should never be illegal for any woman to have sex. There is no arbitrary age where females suddenly become self-aware, realizing the consequences of their actions, and stop seeking out alpha males. Thus there must not be an arbitrary age of consent for sex.
If anything, it should be illegal for women to have sex with men until men have been educated on the truths of women, Marriage 2.0, Game, feminism, and men’s rights.
I read all four links, was a little disappointed they were all about height. One of my main issues is the knowledge of the “double whammy” I have been hit with. I mean I could deal with being short or even a Forest Whitaker-type tall guy with a weird eye, but I’ve been nailed with BOTH. That’s the real issue- if I find someone who will look past one they will likely be revolted by the other. And vice versa. Who wants a short guy with a FUCKED eye?
However, I will say I did QUITE like the first one, that is essentially how I feel, basically pure frustration. As is common, short men are just as or MORE capable than the TALL FUCKING FUCK FUCK FYUCK FUCK FUCKS, but due to pure subtle bigotry are held back… the most they can aspire to is (as that guy said, he is right on) mediocrity. I cannot settle for mediocrity. And then people make fun of me and say heightism isn’t a FUCKINGREAL ISSUE? FUCK YOU! There hasn’t been a President below 5’11 since Jimmy motherfucking Carter, who was 5’9. CEOs are all 6’0. Women are FUCKING OBSESSED with height, it’s goddamn insane. FUCK them, they are IMO no better than flaming racists, non-violent KKK David Duke types, ffucking c word BITCHES.
And the eye makes it worse. That’s why I was disappointed not to see a vision post, though I will return to the forum and search it on my own time. Not only am I mediocre, I am dragged down to LESS THAN MEDIOCRE because I have this FUCKING SHIT that no one else motherfucking has and I can’t see 3-d and everything is 3-d and in 10 years I will be totally fucked and it’s ugly and disgusting and I can NEVER NEVER NEVER Skype or do video chat because it looks so bad I can’t concentrate and I want to throw up looking at it and my school IDs and photos and drive’s license and random candid pictures make me want to vomit it’s uglier thn anything I’ve ever seen and I want to kill myself when I see that. I can NEVER let people take candid pictures of me because I want to literally barf and then destroy that picture because it looks fucking awful.It’s so fucking weird thought because it doesn’t look quite as bad in the mirror for some reason, so I beat myself up not knowing what it looks like at any given moment, all day, all the time. So what do other people see? I literally will not make it to 30 with this psychological stress. I go outside and I don’t have HORRIBLE social skills but I know I could do a lot better with a NORMAL EYE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE ON THE GOD DAMN PLANET HAS, it has severely crippled my self-confidence and everything else in my life.
Okay, I’m done talking about my eye and height. But that’s my general thought process, as best as I can put it down. I really like that forum, I may use that as an outlet since I’m no longer allowed to discuss my height or eye here. Thanks David.
IIRC, some human ancestors had GIANT brains by comparison. It didn’t mean they were smarter, just that they had bigger brains. Seriously. Bigger isn’t always better. Even when it comes to brains.
Oy vey.
Apologies to David… but he’s responding to the links… :
Women are FUCKING OBSESSED with height, it’s goddamn insane.
no YOU are obsessed with height -_-;; Do you think women are choosing who CEOs are or something?
You’re TALKING to women on this forum… HAY GIRLZ, raise your hand if height is important to you in who you love and who you would hire if you are/were in a hiring position? xD
(also many powerful/famous ppl wear lifts, and heights are exaggerated in all sorts of things)
Who brings up heights of other ppl most in this forum? One MAN. YOU. xD None of us mention it until you mention it first. You notice that none of us have ever brought up “there was this guy who came into the shelter I was volunteering at… he was… 5’7″ maybe 5’7.5″ at best… I told him we were full” xD
MRAL. I’m a 5’1″ woman. I’m not obsessed with height. My boyfriends have ranged from 6’2″ to 5’8″. And it was actually physically more comfortable for me to sleep with the 5’8″ boyfriend. So sorry, but no. Not all women are obsessed with height. I’d wager that most aren’t.
And while I may have switched from my psychology major to an international studies major, I have been a mental health consumer since age 15 and have studied biological psychiatry at the master’s level. And I believe you have severe body dysmorphic disorder and should seek psychological help for your own sake. That is not said to be offensive. There have been times in my life when I have had to seek psychological help, there have been times when it saved my life. And I am telling you that you need it.
It’s Wikipedia, but this is an accurate rundown and description of BDD and its symptoms: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_dysmorphic_disorder. It is a life-threatening condition and you are doing yourself a serious disservice if you will not at least consider that your thought process resembles the one described in this article and the links David provided. You have a chance to be happy. Please try it.
To be fair, all three Doctors on the revived series have been tall.
Well, Matt Smith is apparently only 5’11, but I’ve heard conflicting information on that. I mean, Karen Gillan is also listed as 5’11, and he’s clearly taller than she is.
Also apologies to David… but Ami did it… :/
What do you think is more unappealing to women: being average height and very slightly different-looking, or spewing furious and often violent FUCKITY FUCK FUCK rants without any self-control?
MRAL, well, that wasn’t exactly the result I was hoping for, but I’m glad you went there.
So, everyone, let’s just wind down the height discussion here ….
I also want to say, MRAL, that I dealt with trichotillomania for many years. You’ll notice that it’s mentioned in the Wikipedia article, and is often comorbid with BDD. I was so obsessed with my hair, and its perceived unruliness, that I eventually had large bald patches. In high school. Imagine being a 16 year old girl with self-inflicted bald spots. I had to cover my head, and obtained special permission from my school to do so simply so that I would not ruin what hair I had left. You can tell, in my senior pictures. My parents wouldn’t even buy them because the bald spots were so evident.
And I got help, and it took a while, but I’ve got hair down to my shoulders now and no bald spots. I still play with my hair a little obsessively, but I’m much more comfortable with how it looks, and I’m happier for it. So that is the perspective from which I approach this issue.
You have BDD. I’m not a psychologist, and I may be wrong, but from what you wrote about feeling sickened by your own image, you have BDD. Its good that you are going to be seeing a therapist soon, and in all sincerity I wish you the best of luck in dealing with all this shit.
I also sincerely wish the MRAs hadn’t gotten to you before someone else did. You only mentioned women once in your entire post, which means it isn’t the thing that’s bothering you. Get help, talk honestly with whoever you meet with, and get better.
I’ve told you all, I am getting confidential therapy next week. I think I probably do have BDD, to be honest. But that knowledge doesn’t really help. It’s actually worsened considerably since I started posting on Manboobz, I don’t know why. Coincidence, or maybe having an outlet to rant is a bad thing?
Okay, now I’m done. Two weeks from now, I’ll maybe mention something in the open thread about how therapy’s going. But I need to stop talking about it for my own sake. I feel like I have high blood pressure. Haha. No, probably not, but I get all worked up typing this shit.
And that, MRAL and everybody, seems like a good spot to end it. …
@MRAL: The anxiety is going to be a factor, honestly. It’s actually a good sign. You’re going to have to confront some deeply held fears and concerns about yourself and your mind is going to react defensively at first. You may even get angry. You may feel like the entire exercise is a waste of time and you may want to give it up. But it DOES get easier. It really does. It takes courage, lots of it. It may be the hardest thing you have ever done. But it. will. be. worth it. My dream for so long was to grow my hair out and when I finally accomplished that, it was a major milestone for me and did wonders for my self-confidence. Same for some of my depression symptoms and other obsessive thought patterns. It is so hard. And so many people will not understand. But it is possible to fight it. That obsessive pattern can be a tool, in a way, because you can direct it at fighting the symptoms. If that makes sense.
Sorry for the derail, David, but I felt it was important to say.
Blue Beetle is coming back. That’s pretty cool. Jamie is awesome.
Sorry, can’t think of anything else to talk about.
I half feel bad for Mr. Al. (And I’m sure I’m not the only one who can relate on some level.) I remember being a young, awkward, self-centered person who thought her troubles were the absolute worst things that anyone had ever experienced. Or at least I kind of do. I wasn’t above volunteering. I didn’t honestly (most of the time) expecting people to comfort me by assuring me that I was the poorest widdle baby in the woom.
And I think that’s why I half don’t feel bad for Mr. Al. I’m starting to see what the real problem is. You whine about how you’re so short, and so oppressed because of so height and your eye, and we respond by saying that you’re totally normal, we can’t tell that there’s anything wrong with your eye. You don’t want to hear that. You don’t want to hear that you’re normal. You want to hear that you’re special. You don’t want to know that other people have experienced similar things and come out of it okay. You want to know that you’re the BEST.
I don’t know, dude. That’s some weighty entitlement right there. You may have BDD (from what you say, it certainly sounds like it), but you definitely have RAMPANT entitlement issues, and probably a whole host of cognitive distortions. I hope your therapist helps you work through all that too.
Man. MRAL. That post you put up there actually made me really sad. All of the pain coming off. That’s really sad. I’m glad you’re starting to realize that your problems are psychological, and maybe you can get some help, and not be so miserable and filled with self hate.
I mean. I know what it’s like to just be filled with absolute disgust over your body. It’s not a happy place to be. You, just like everyone else here, is a beautiful person just the way they are. And you deserve to feel good about yourself and your body. Good luck with your therapy, honey! <3
Crap! I swear I refreshed before posting, too. Sorry again, David.
Ok… last thing…
MRAL, I’m recovering from an ED that nearly killed me… AND I’m trans. -_-;; You know how much of my life I have spent obsessing over my body? First I thought my fingers were too small, that I was too short, now I think my fingers are too fat, and I’m too tall… my PTSD morphed into an ED… I rarely have days where I feel like I actually look okay in the mirror,.. or where I don’t “feel” fat… or where I’m not thinking everybody out there is judging me : Or I’m obsessing over the thinness I perceive of every person’s body… or etc etc :
I’m finally getting to a place where I’m starting to like myself. Part of that is trauma therapy for my PTSD, so I dun feel like I need to control my body to get some control over my life and be worthwhile… : The other part is I’m finally getting confidence. I have friends who are wonderful (incl you guys :3 ), I have a job I love, where I’m actually helping ppl out there, and where I’m actually turning out to be pretty good at it. :] It’s summer, it’s happy and warm, and I’m playing sports, and my basketball shot is back to as good as it was when I used to play a lot… and… mostly I’m just in a better place, cuz of therapy, cuz of doing things, meeting ppl, having friends, etc etc….
and I still have one rly hated part on my body >_<;;; But I'm in such a better place than I was. And some days, I actually feel beautiful. And it's not cuz I realized how thin I am, or nething.. but b/c I'm happy w/ myself. :] I used to HATE my voice, cuz it passes 50/50 on the phone and sometimes "gives me away" (I hate that phrase, sounds like I'm a lie) in public… but I surprise myself lately, when ppl suggest voice training and I realize… "no!" I like my voice! It's part of me! And I LIKE ME! I no longer hate my height, even tho I tower over ppl in Pacific Mall… or my shoulders, or my huge feet (tho in practical terms it makes getting shoes hard : ) or all those things that sometime make ppl freak out, or realize I'm trans… b/c even tho they do,… in terms of just me? They're part of me… they're who I am.. and I LIKE me :3 And my ED and body issues will prolly be something I'll deal w/ every day of my life, and some days, I HATE my body, and I feel like my jaw is so masculine, and I just see a male in the mirror and I want to cry and cry… but that's all in my head… and I talk myself thru it… and it gets better… even tho society does have all this s- related to thinness in girls, and passing in trans ppl (and transphobia can have actual violent and lethal dangers : ).. I'm starting to love myself, and it's making me love the rest of me, and the f-ed up stuff about society, doesn't change that on good days, I think I'm fine the way I am 🙂
And one day MRAL, I hope you get to that place.
Also, this is the first (and prolly will be the only) time I will ever say all that. I've never said it b/c like Holly said, it's self awareness :] Even if I am having a terrible body day, I dun tell ppl "WELL YOU THINK YOU HAVE IT TOUGH, I'M SO FAT AND LAZY I ONLY MANAGED TO RUN FOR 3 HOURS TODAY AND I STILL ATE A BOWL OF NOODLES ALL DAY!! I AM SUCH A GLUTTON" or nething :
And now I feel v exposed :
That btw is not saying that ppl who want to get cosmetic surgery, or trans ppl who get FFS or other procedures, or have issues w/ their body, are wrong btw, or need to love themselves, or shouldn’t have gotten those procedures. It’s up to each and every person to decide who they are, what they need and what they need to feel right in their bodies :]
But my point is that sometimes it’s also just about confidence, and liking who you are, and therapy helps a lot w/ that 🙂 Whether it’s just that, or more than that, or etc… is up to each one of us to decide… but I think sometimes if you aren’t happy with yourself, no changing your body will make you happy : That’s not the same as when you feel you need to change certain things to feel RIGHT in your body btw :]
And that clarification is all. :] (sry David, I wrote that other thing before and while you were posting yours : )
Aw. *hugs* for Ami. You, baby, are brave and gorgeous and smart and awesome. Thanks for posting that. It was…beautiful. And it’s helpful to me, at least!
I’m sorry for everything you’re going through, and everything you’ve been through, Ami. If it helps (it probably doesn’t), I think you’re awesome and an inspiration and absolutely gorgeous, and I’m really really happy that therapy is helping you feel as good as you deserve.
About Mr. Al, I was just thinking about this, and it feels kinda out of place, or like I’m hinting for sympathy, but there have been so many threads and comments devoted to telling him that he’s OK, and he’s probably a good guy who just needs to get help, and asking him to get help, and pointing out all the good things about him, and saying sorry for his real problems, like because he’s blind in one eye. But I have talked on here about my rape, and not one person said Hey, sorry about that, that’s really awful. And other people on here have done the same — talked about literally life-changingly awful experiences — with the same response. Mr. Al, if you have this unfulfilled need to feel special, I hope you can see how much attention you’ve gotten from the commenters here. And how little you’ve shown you deserve it. Hopefully that makes you feel at least a little special.
Yeah, agreed with Sarah. Its really awesome that you feel comfortable putting yourself in the open like that here. Its why I love this community so much. Even MRAL can be honest sometimes.
@Bee !!! *big hugs* I’m so sry! D: I try to acknowledge and give hugs and support to every person who shared their stories here.. but I think I missed yours : I’m so so sorry ):
MRAL, as per David’s request, I don’t want to continue derailing this thread, but I would like to be able to respond to what you said. If you’d like to hear it (and since you don’t seem to intend to start up your own blog, which I think you would benefit from) and don’t mind putting this info out there, is there a way I could get in touch with you? E-mail or something?