Today, a trip down memory lane to revisit an until-recently lost classic of modern misogyny: Jay Hammers’ “The Age of Consent is Misandry.” The piece, originally published on Jay Hammers’Men’s Rights blog, inspired some heated discussions amongst MRAs online, with some harshly criticizing the piece as an apologia for pedophilia and others hailing it as a “politically incorrect” masterpiece. Stung by the criticism, Hammers ultimately took his blog down. But the piece has since been resurrected on the Human-Stupidity blog – another blog that seems rather unhealthily obsessed with the supposed injustice of men not being allowed to fuck underage girls.
Here are some of its highlights (that is, lowlights); the headlines are mine.
The arbitrary age of consent is not about protecting women/girls. It is about valuing females and their virtue over males and their freedom. The intent of the laws is to stop older men from having sex with younger women and that is how it is enforced. It was never intended to stop younger men from having sex with older women.
Age of consent laws are designed to punish beta males. A beta male in his 20s, unsuccessful with women his own age who are infused with a sense of feminist entitlement and deride all but the top alpha males who take interest in them, who seeks companionship with a younger, sexually mature female who desires him, should not go to prison for acting on that which is normal male sexuality.
If we are to treat women as children then we should be consistent. Young women who have sex with older men are as much victims as women who have sex with a pick-up artist after meeting at a club. In both cases, feminists are angry because the woman has been “fooled” into having sex with a less than ideal mate in terms of value. …
This is what makes feminists angry and this is why age of consent exists still today, because it is assumed women are not mentally mature enough to give consent AND because older women want to limit men’s options to increase their own value in the sexual marketplace.
Older women … are generally not of a much higher intelligence level than teenage girls. The big difference between the two is that older women are less attractive and that is what makes them so damn angry. …
Females generally do not significantly mature mentally past puberty so it should always be illegal for any woman to have sex or it should never be illegal for any woman to have sex. There is no arbitrary age where females suddenly become self-aware, realizing the consequences of their actions, and stop seeking out alpha males. Thus there must not be an arbitrary age of consent for sex.
If anything, it should be illegal for women to have sex with men until men have been educated on the truths of women, Marriage 2.0, Game, feminism, and men’s rights.
@Nobinayamu… “If a thirty year old man’s love for a 14 or 15 or 16 year old girl (differing by state, of course) is so “pure” then he should have no problem waiting for her to reach the age of consent before beginning a sexual relationship with her.”
The real question is WHY should he wait? Because……….?
No. I’m not answering your question until you answer one of mine.
You’ve skipped right over trying to defend your erroneous claims about human longevity, which I appreciate. And I’m happy to engage you and any other posters in the practical reasons for age of consent laws.
But since you’re conveniently ignoring the fact that age of consent laws apply specifically to sex and not love, I’ll ask again: if the love that a man who is over 30 feels for a 14 or 15 year old is so “pure,” why can’t he wait until she has reached the age of consent to begin a sexual relationship with her?
Few women–of whatever chronological age–have the mentality, good judgement, or capacity for self-responsibility over that of a ten or eleven year old anyway–(see sundry “slut walks” that they,along with their feminist spokesmen, promote in otherwise more or less decent cities) and their posts here in manboobz.com for example, and you will find that the entire notion of “age-of-consent” for the females of any age is rather problematic. Access to, and responsibility for, female sexual activity should be on the man who has responsibility for her well being, who will be responsible for her support, and the support of any children from the union, and who undertakes to protect her, shelter her, and guide her.
It is quite possible that such patriarchy (if undertaken by fathers) ,or marriage (if undertaken by husbands) keeping their nearest and dearest under careful supervision, and away from unwanted or dangerous males, would solve the many embarassing problems associated with child-abuse, rape, or sex harassment resulting from too much freedom for too many women!
Just a thought, but I haven’t read anyting better.
David K. Meller
Because having sex before you’re emotionally ready for sex can cause emotional damage to both men and women.
So, David K. Meller, just to be clear, you’re advocating that there is no appreciable difference between an 11 year old girl and 18 year old woman. Because you deem both to be irresponsible, it’s fine for an adult man to have sex with either?
If this isn’t your position, please clarify.
Sandy, don’t make the mistake of engaging with NWOSub as if he’s arguing in good faith. He’s not. He’ll take anything you say and twist it around so it means the opposite of what you said. He’ll make counterfactual claims and ignore requests for evidence. He’ll contradict himself within the space of 20 minutes. And he will lie through his teeth as long as it’s convenient for him. He’s one of the most dishonest trolls around.
Oh. My. God.
NWOSlave is Sarah Palin!
@Nobinayamu…Ok the answer is simply there is no reason to wait. If they love each other and want to have sex they should. Now your answer?
David: I have had sex with six men. About six hundred people have seen me naked (two hundred of them in person).
I have never been raped.
No, NWO. You did not answer my question; you answered your question.
My question is this: if a man who is 30+ years old falls in love with a 14 or 15 year old girl and in the state they live in the age of consent is 16, why can’t he wait until she is 16 to begin a sexual relationship with her?
His love is pure, right? Why can’t he wait?
That’s a pretty accurate description of how things work in Saudi Arabia, where all women are under the guardianship of a male relative, or spouse. Perhaps you should consider moving there….
“Few women–of whatever chronological age–have the mentality, good judgement, or capacity for self-responsibility over that of a ten or eleven year old anyway”
Wow, really? Could I see some empirical data reflecting that, something in the way of unbiased conclusions drawn from definitive research in the field of neuroscience to back that up? That would be great! Thanks.
Also, are you suggesting that the age of consent for sexual intercourse might as well be around eleven years of age? I just find that strange, since many ten and eleven year olds are not even physically mature enough at that age for sex, regardless of your belief that they are as psychologically mature as they are going to get.
Again you’ve been lied to about longevity. Go back in time to any culture. Minamoto no Yorimasa, 1106-1180. 74 years old. Your life expectancy is shorter. But your indoctrination won’t allow independent thought. The average age of a persons life 500 years ago, barring an unnatural death was longer. You can’t accept this because you’ve been told over and over again you’re better off today. Tell a lie and tell it often and the masses will believe.
@Nobinayamu…I really can’t answer it any clearer.
No, NWO. I am a realist who believes in science and medicine. You’re an idiot and I’m not going to take your word for it because your read all about on some site that probably denies the holocaust.
The average life expectancy, disease and unnatural death not withstanding, has risen. Period. I’m not going to argue this point with your dumb ass. Unless, you will concede that men live longer than women because I know a man who is 100 years old and one of my grandmothers died at 63.
Do you concede?
You mean you won’t answer it.
Oh, look, you really can’t stop yourself from lying, can you? Because I emphatically did not say that. I simply noted that you made an un-evidenced generalization, that NO older men have power control and domination on their minds when they pursue teenaged girls. If I were going to make a statement about it, I’d say that some do and some don’t, because I’m not an idiot who likes to make things up, like you.
Fucking typos,”…to take your word for because you read all about it on some site that probably denies the holocaust.”
“The average age of a persons life 500 years ago, barring an unnatural death was longer.”
Would you care to provide any census data to support your claim, or would you prefer to reference a handful of people from different time periods to prove that since they were able to live for so long, nearly everyone else was too?
Hmm. My male pet tarantula lived to be eleven years old, even though I had read that they normally only live to be about seven. By that logic, apparently I and all other tarantula owners have been lied to and most (if not all) male tarantulas really have a longer life span!
See, I can make an exception-proves-the-rule logical fallacy, too =D
@Nobinayamu…Science and medicine is a farce. Look at the ancient ruins dug up. For starters, for the most part they all had all there teeth unless knocked out due to an unfortunate accident, cavities where unheard of. Today your fed the very things that produce cavities, then science and medicine offer the cure.
My job takes me all over, and I fly very often. I walk thru the radiation machines for MY security against the never anding war against terrorism. I’m being irradiated, for MY security. They’re killing me for MY safety.
If science and medicine are a farce, can I convince you never to get vaccinated and never to go to the doctor or emergency room?
Science and medicine are a farce because more human diets contain processed sugar and, as a result, more people experience tooth decay?
Are you really this stupid? Don’t answer. You are really this stupid and you prove it on this and other sites on a nearly daily basis.
NWO, opt for the pat down. Many people who are concerned about the back-scatter radiation from the machines opt for the pat down. I am against the security theater of modern flying, but no one is trying to kill you and you can opt for the pat down.
I never do tawaen, and at my age I’m far healthier than most people half my age.
When yousay that longevity was longer 500 years ago barring unnatural death, could you please explain what you mean by unnatural death in this context, as it seems to me that you simply want to ignore the fact that throughout history VERY large numbers of people, you know, died, at a young age from entirely natural causes, as opposed to today, when VERY large numbers of people die from natural causes at a much, much older age.
I do opt for the pat down Nobinayamu, I’m a fucking regular and they hate it when they see me coming. But when I’m running late I have no choice but to be irradiated. Which I’m sure makes you very happy.
Dan unnatural would be disease/accident. Obviosly if a plague sweeps thru an area for those years the “average” life span would plummet. Does this mean the “average” life span was lower? If war comes and a certain country is devastated, again those years will show a huge drop in life expectancy. Of course it gives a false reading. I mean are we going to say 1940-45 europe were bad years for life expectancy? Boy people really didn’t live long back in those days. But that IS the stats they give you as proof.