kitties open thread

All-weekend Open Thread Dance and/or Tea Party!

Would you like a crumpet with your tea?

Post away! About whatever you like!

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13 years ago

I can’t have plants, I freeze them to death in the winter. Maybe I should try growing tundra grasses or something.

I don’t have any pets right now (I’m not allowed any in my apartment). However, my mother used to have a lactose intolerant cat. He would ruin my cup of milk by slurping it and then go puke. A big twenty pound beast of a tom cat puking on your carpet isn’t the most pleasant thing. This cat also bullied the dogs, and caused us to put a lock on the door of the room where the bird cage was. Though he lived on tuna, he would go outside and murder small animals for sport. He wouldn’t eat them, but damned if he would let anyone else (i.e. the two small barncats or the dogs) have them either. Though his homicidal tendancies got him in the end, when he picked a fight with a raccoon that was bigger than him by killing its babies and lost. Raccoons are tough things.

My poor little birdie that had to be protected with locks has outlived that cat by a good four years, and he is a very old little bird (he’s a ten year old Society Finch). Though he is almost totally blind from his cataracts and has been for some time, he sings beautifully. I pay my mother and little sister to look after him and his cage mate (a younger female society finch). So I guess I do have pets now, they just don’t live with me?

13 years ago

I went shopping for new work jeans since my old ones have holes in my upper thighs, knees, and just below my ass. I wonder how long these new ones will last…

13 years ago

NWOSlave is my first post.

Unfortunately, he’s not gratuitiously hateful or offensive yet, so I can’t fairly ban him. šŸ™

13 years ago

Ozy! I’m excited about the new blog! I’d love to contribute in some way, because I think it’s a totally nifty idea, and I’m a feminist who is loves many men! (Is that a weird phrasing? It feels like a weird phrasing.)

Re: Potted plants. We have a few flowering pots, and a few non-flowering cats. The trick is to keep them in separate rooms, and get hardy, nontoxic plants.

I actually read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, which actually wasn’t as bad as I thought. But the main character still drove me nuts. He was clearly an author avatar. *grump*

And bee, I’m sure you have lovely feet. I bet Slavie is totes jealous.

And now it’s time for some lovely beer! I got some of Flying Dog’s seasonal beer, Woody Creek White. It’e delicious. =3

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Ithiliana, if you don’t already know about it, I recommend Nicholas Meyer’s The West End Horror. Holmes & Watson meet Oscar Wilde, plus GB Shaw, Gilbert & Sullivan, and Bram Stoker.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Sent you an email Ozymandias! (i hope thats the right email, I got it from your blog :3 )

13 years ago

Sarah: Same thing with Ami: send me an email and I’ll set you up. (Is it a bad sign that my male-centered feminist blog has more female contributors than male…?)

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

You could always invite MRAL and NWO

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Yeah, regarding the article from the Sentinal: the guy slapped his 4 year-old daughter–drew blood–because she licked him? Seriously, WTF? He acts as though it’s no big deal, but child abuse is generally defined as a “non-accidental injury.” A split lip counts as child abuse.

13 years ago

I just got in from an after-ceremony celebration for my sister’s residency graduation. She and her class graduated tonight and she won an award for being her class’ most Outstanding Resident. She was nominated and selected by her peers. I’m so proud. My folks are so proud.

And now I get to spend the rest of the weekend cutting flower beds in the heat because she’s trying to sell her house.

Still proud, though.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Yay!!!! :DDDD *hugs Nobinayamu* congratulations to your sister! šŸ˜€

I’d help you w/ the cutting of flower beds if I could :

13 years ago

No worries, Ami. Gardening is kind of my thing, even in the heat. I just don’t like to be rushed; I’ve got to be finished in two days. And the soil in NC is basically clay and the space she’s marked off is huge. I need a ridiculous amount of top soil to make this happen.

But I’m genetically incapable of telling my little sisters “no”. They know this and behave accordingly.

I think my dad might have teared up a bit when she accepted her award.

13 years ago

Hey, I’m at the 2nd intermission of the opera. There were actual trolls! They died šŸ™‚

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hay guyz šŸ™ The guy I like txted me back saying that he’s been working a lot of one off jobs which is why he’s been too busy to contact me back and I… on the encouragement of my friend (cuz it was what I WANTED to say but was scared to) txted back

“Awww šŸ™ *hugs* wish I could give you a RL hug or a neck rub :”

is that too forward? : i worry cuz we still have to work together šŸ˜ but it’s what I would say, even to a friend šŸ˜

13 years ago

I’m sure it’ll be find Ami. You say you work together so he must know you at least a little by now. Enough to know that you are in fact Abby from NCIS. Don’t try to deny it I know this is you –>

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

@ Ami

I wouldn’t consider it too forward, but that’s me. And I am all about the neck rubs.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Snowy oh btw, I forgot to respond to you on the blog… I’m not sure.. I think I’m going w/ the Navy.. but I’m gonna try on both just to make sure… (maybe the ppl from the meet up will help me decide! xD ) I rly want to like the grey… it’s just I never wear grey šŸ™

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Awww but I never dress that dark! xD And my hair is no bangy or dark xDDD



(unfortunately I cannot always wear my giant angelwings w/ me w/e I go : nor the cuter fluffier angelwings I sometimes pin to my back either xD )

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Hey, Iā€™m at the 2nd intermission of the opera. There were actual trolls! They died :)”

You do my almost-Asatru-turned-Internet-geek heart good.

13 years ago

Well poot…I was hoping for some plant suggestions rather then just the stuff I randomly pick up.

13 years ago

Ami, you could always just get both colors if you like the style of shirt a lot, then you’d never have to decide.

Elizabeth I also have the problem that my cat eats any plant I buy so lately I’ve been just buying little things of what I think is wheat grass (it just looks like grass from a lawn) and putting them around the house for the cat to eat if she wants. It’s very cheap and easy to take care of. I’m not sure if it’s particularly going to clean the air, for that you want a Peace Lily. I know this from watching Hot Fuzz.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hrm.. my cat doesn’t eat house plants šŸ˜ (as far as I know…) but she does LOOOOVE spinach. xD I dunno why šŸ˜

13 years ago

Plants: Apart from Orchids I don’t tend to indoor plants. This may be because I have lived in paradise (i.e. Coastal Calif.) for most of my life. I am going to have to keep some of my plants (the bonsai olive, and my potted oregano, as well as the barreled grape) alive over the winters, in New Jersey, which will mean moving them indoors.

Books: I’m presently enjoying, “The Crusades” by Thomas Asbridge. I recently finished (and very much liked, though it was tragic, and enraging) The 11th Hour, of the 11th Day, of the 11th Month, which is about the last day of WW1, and how so much life was wasted in the lead up to a known armistice.

13 years ago

So far my cat has not started eating or knocking over plants, I am growing a herbal garden so we will see if she tries to eat them. Off to Lowe’s in the morning….after committing a gazillion crimes like um…*tries to think of one that being a girl would be a get out of jail free pass*

13 years ago

Nobinayamu, if your sister wants anything you plant in those beds to grow and live, even just for house-selling purposes, I strongly suggest investing in some weeping hoses.