If you thought the “meat market” guy from a couple of days ago – you know, the one prattling on about the “market makers of pussy” — was risibly wrongheaded, here’s an even more insidious attempt to reduce the complexities of human sexuality to a question of “supply and demand.” Over on The False Rape Society blog, Pierce Harlan has a new post with the title:
False rape claims: increasingly a tool to skew the current economies of sex, where sex is cheaper than most women prefer
As you might imagine, the post itself is based on some fairly twisty blame-the-victim logic – with some feminist-bashing thrown in for good measure. Let’s wade through the muck here.
According to Harlan, the “cultural tenets governing sexual encounters” have gone all loosey-goosey in recent years, due to birth control, a general loosening of sexual mores and “the feminist-inspired norms that pressure young women to ‘party like the guys.’”
I assume you have all read Mary Wollstonecraft’s classic A Vindication of the Rights of Women to Get Totally Wasted and Fuck Some Dudes.
But, alas, feminists totally don’t understand the law of supply and demand –and that in the market of sex, they are the supply and not the demand (because it’s not like women ever really want to have sex themselves). As a result, the feminist-inspired young women of today are totally flooding the market with cut-rate pussy.
As Harlan explains:
The experts tell us that men have a much easier time obtaining sex than they did in days long gone. … Women who’d prefer to put a higher price tag on their sexuality are finding themselves locked out of the market.
The results are all too predictable. Women are having sex more often when they secretly are conflicted about it. We’ve frequently reported here about the proven gender “regret asymmetry” where young women have much higher levels of after-the-fact regret than men following sexual hook-ups. Regret too often is transmogrified into feelings of being used, and feeling used too often metamorphoses into a false rape claim.
Does Harlan have any evidence to back up this hypothesis? Yes. And it comes straight from his ass.
Having studied the false rape phenomenon closely for a number of years, it is my conclusion that young women are increasingly resorting to false rape claims as an inappropriate method of skewing the current economies of sex, which favors men and which makes sex cheaper than most women consciously or subconsciously prefer.
In other words: he has spent the last several years searching out news stories on false rape accusations to post on his blog. Because there are almost 7 billion people on planet earth, he has been able to find a fair number of such stories. So he’s concluded that there is some sort of “false rape epidemic” going on. In other words, his conclusion seems to be based almost entirely on what’s known as the “availability heuristic,” which, as Wikipedia puts it, “is a phenomenon (which can result in a cognitive bias) in which people predict the frequency of an event, or a proportion within a population, based on how easily an example can be brought to mind.”
Were I to start a blog entitled “The Dudes Peeing on Things You Shouldn’t Pee On Society,” guess what? I too could cite many examples, drawn from the newspapers of the world. Were I to do this for several years, my brain would be stuffed full of stories of men urinating on just about anything that can be urinated on, from prayer rugs to cough drops. This, through the power of the “availability heuristic,” might convince me that we faced an epidemic of inappropriately urinating men, and that this epidemic was getting worse by the hour. (I mean, before I started specifically looking for such stories I almost never heard about this terrible social ill.)
But back to Harlan and his argument, such as it is:
Women are pressured by feminist-inspired norms to make themselves more available to men than ever, but they have also learned that crying rape after-the-fact is a culturally accepted, indeed, feminist approved, antidote to sex they feel was too cheaply obtained. Instead of saying “no” up front, they are retroactively saying “no” — with false rape claims — after-the-fact. And society has given this backward state of affairs its imprimatur.
One solution? Women need to stop having so much sex — for the sake of teh menz. Or as Harlan, still working the creaky economic metaphor, puts it:
One cure is to enhance the value of female sexuality by decreasing the supply and thereby reduce both regret and false rape claims.
But, darn it, this won’t work, because women are out there marching in the street for the right to, you know, have sex when they want to with consenting partners without being shamed for it.
That, of course, can never happen in a society where “slut walks” are celebrated as liberating events, where colleges excuse women from underage drinking charges so long as they report they were raped, and where false rape claims are routinely excused and implicitly encouraged. In short, it can never happen in a society that encourages young women to be promiscuous and to then tell rape lies when that promiscuity results in an unfavorable sexual experience.
Harlan ends his piece with a call to lock up false accusers for a long time.
Certainly malicious false accusers should be charged. Women who identify the wrong guy in a lineup? No.
And it would be nice if Harlan extended the sympathy he shows for falsely accused men to real victims of real rape, a much larger group of people than the falsely accused. But instead he writes pieces like this one, and links in his sidebar to a host of misogynist blogs that, among other things, routinely joke about female victims of rape and murder, that urge men on juries in rape trials to vote to acquit the accused even when he’s clearly guilty, that claim that age of consent laws are inherently man-hating, and that think it would be great if sex robots and artificial wombs rendered women obsolete.
Those actually interested in helping those falsely accused – rather than supporting Harlan’s retrograde agenda — would do better to support The Innocence Project, and to stop reading Harlan’s drivel.
NWO: How could I be sooooo wrong.
Answer: Willfully.
Nobinayamu | June 16, 2011 at 8:43 pm
Hey aMiRA – I’m citing two circumstances under which I’ve seen men who promote the idea that most women are lying about rape, admit that rape happens. I’m citing these circumstances upfront, because I don’t want you raising the rhetoric of “violent rape,” or “stranger rape” when you answer my question.
While you get points for style, your little litany suggests that you don’t believe that any situation in which a woman says she was raped, and is the only witness, is really actually, factually raped. So I’m asking, again, outside of what MRAs believe are acceptable examples of rape – Are women ever raped?
Are women ever raped by their boyfriends?
Are women ever raped by men with whom they’ve been out on a date?
Are women ever raped by men who they thought were their friends?
Are women ever raped by men who are their co-workers?
For the record, I don’t believe that rape is around every corner. I just don’t believe that it never happens. And I leave my house just fine.
Your response is a typical feminist straw man. If there were no controls or laws governing government corruption, do you not believe that most politicians would be corrupt? Your response is akin to asking somebody who points out the corruption if they believe no politician ever passed an honest law. Just like there are honest Olympians who do not cheat. You would argue on that basis that we should not have random testing for drug users. You are hiding behind actual rape victims. You know, the ones you claim you care about? You are waving them around like the perverted flashers you feminists seem so fascinated by, wave their penises around, and it is just as lewd.
Of course, rape actually happens. But it is impossible for us to know just how often these cases truly occur when we have a justice system where a finger point results in a life sentence.
I’m sorry, what? How exactly have I been “got”? What am I missing?
What I’ve said is that if a woman is tried and convicted of filing a false police report and perjury with malice of intent she should be punished for those crimes to the fullest extent of the law and, if feasible, subject to civil penalties as well.
Well gee, my math does suck. So in a college that has zero rapes, whats that percentage again? Is it 1 in 4 or the newly revised 1 in 5. Is it 25 reported and 225 unreported. I get it all so confused. You gals are a real hoot!
Yeah, I’m familiar. Thanks for reminding me though! XD
more XD
The percentage would be zero.
Also, where is this college? I’m sure there are a lot of women who would love to attend.
So, you don’t understand stats either? Because over all colleges 1 in 4 women are raped, that means in every single college there are also 1 in 4 raped? grah… I can’t even begin to explain to you how wrong you are. The average family owns a little more than 2 cars. Does every family thus own a little more than two cars?
“Hey Mr. Kobold. If 1 in a thousand women decide for whatever reason to falsely accuse a man, thats 200,000 men that might end up in prison. Sounds like an epidemic to me.”
Citation, seriously.
Also, many women don’t report their rapes.
And dragons are real. They’re just hiding.
What you mean is that there are some women who are moral enough to turn down the pot of gold at the end of the rape accusation rainbow, and your friend is trying to convince them otherwise to get in on the jackpot. It is disgusting that you are such a blatant and proud support of the feminist rape industrial complex.
Sweet! Where are the dragons hiding?
“pot of gold at the end of the rape accusation rainbow”?
Bwahahaha! aMiRA troll is much more fun than the other trolls!
unintentionalfeminist, The impossible standards of woman. Ohhhh, I feel it. Women have always had it so hard. Why are men such lazy shits? You can find out by reading the mulitude of books explaining just that. Women have always done so much more than men. Have men ever done one damn good thing? Not to my recollection. Not only are they lazy, but stupid and abusive as well. Be sure to send dad a you’re a piece of shit card for fathers day. Just a gentle reminder of his worthlessness.
“Lets go with the feminist jargon
1000 women at college and 1 in 4 are raped. = 250.
90% of rapes are unreported.
If 250 represents the 10% that are reported than 2250 represents the 90% that aren’t.
That makes a grand total of 2500 rapes.
Every woman in college will be raped 2.5 times.
Wonder why I’m sceptical?
Could this be an outright lie?”
First, you clearly do not understand how statistics work. Go look for some YouTube videos, or something, there are a bunch of good tutorials.
Second, I have no problem for you demanding a source citation when someone–even a, gasp, feminist–throws out a statistic and doesn’t say where it’s from. By all means demand sources. Then you can look at their methodology and determine for yourself if it is good (even a press release or news write-up can give you some indication of how they did what they did). I wish more people demanded to see sources.
…but that doesn’t let you off the hook, either. Two wrongs not making a right, and all that jazz.
It also doesn’t make your earlier comparison not a false equivalency. Because it is.
aMiRa, I’m not waving about any straw-men and I’m not hiding behind anything. I’m trying to move past your thick rhetoric and non sequitors and understand exactly what it is that you want.
If you agree that rape actually happens then you acknowledge that because most people are not raped in front of witnesses the very nature of the crime means that there are only two witnesses. I’m ignoring your “finger point” trope because DNA evidence is collected when an accusation of rape is formally made. The fact that this has not always been available is an issue of science and technology and not anyone’s fault.
DNA evidence has been used in convictions and exonerations alike.
And, yes, I agree with you that rape actually happens. Thank you for answering my question.
So what do you want? What she would do about the fact that the very nature of the crime usually means that there are no witnesses other than the accuser and the accused? Shall we institute laws like Sharia that say a woman cannot accuse a man of rape unless there are four witnesses?
What do you suggest? Because we already have a system where a woman’s claims are taken seriously but investigated for veracity.
The pot of gold at the end of the false rape accusation rainbow? Citation needed.
Hey, all you people stole money from me. My word is all the proof thats needed. Lock em up judgeypooh.
Or maybe it’s actually the words that are the problem, not the math.
“1000 women at college and 1 in 4 are raped. = 250.
90% of rapes are unreported.”
That’s 90% of the 250, not 90% of the general population, which you seem to have missed.
That said, it’s important to remember that while the 10% is for one specific group of people, if the 90% figure came from a different population (such as one that included older women) than number of reports in the college sample may be a different value.
Not knowing where those numbers come from, I really can’t evaluate them. But I can say that given the premise that the 10% of women are raped/90% unreported figure are from the same population, your analysis is still lacking.
I’m sorry, the pot of gold at the end of the rape rainbow? What the fuck are you talking about?
As for the rest of it, it’s almost too absurd to address. My friend is a registered nurse and the rape crisis work that she does is volunteer work. Volunteer. She makes no money from it and the city is happy to have her and others like her on call. She sees girls as young as five and women as old seventy.
You should be ashamed.
If 1 in 4 are raped, and there are 1,000 women, then 250 are raped. If only 10% are reported, then 25 are reported and the other 225 are not.
I don’t know if these statistics are valid, but I suspect that they aren’t for two reasons. 1) reliable figures indicate that 1 in 6 women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime, and 2) you have a history of pulling statistics out of your ass and more often than not they involve the figure 90%
Sorry if I’m ruining the joke, but people are aware that aMiRA is Ami, right? I’m just saying it would probably be for the best not to get worked up over her posts.
Can I read the pamphlet on “why men are controlling” before I render my guilty verdict? Thats the Title IX thingy. Bet that drives the stats way up.
I already gave you a citation for it on a previous post.
Bad boys, Bady boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
NWO: again with the lies. 1 in four college women will be victims of rape, or attempted rape; during their time in college. The present time to complete a degree is (per the College Board) averaging 4.7 seven years.
So… if there are 1000 women at a school, then 250 of them will be the victims of rape, or attempted rape, over the course of five years (rounding off for the sake of convenience).
Which is 50 rapes. If 90 percent go unreported then the average number of reported rapes, per year, will be about five.
It’s basic arithmetic. Children learn how to do this in school. It’s not algebra. It’s not stats. It’s not calculus.
It’s multiplication, and division.
NWO, Men are not lazy shits any more than women are. Some are amazing fathers, others not so much. Likewise some women are amazing mothers and others aren’t. Men and women are both lazy shits sometimes, but the men are more likely to get away with it.
Spearhafoc – thanks for the clarification! I loved the thread where Ami used her regular avatar to parody MRA positions and I thought she was brilliant but i didn’t realize that this poster was her.
Although the pot of gold comment and the comment earlier about a rape victim being a like an accomplice did give me Poe pause.
Darling, you’re brilliant!
Now answer the question: How many witnesses does a woman need to make an allegation of rape?