If you thought the “meat market” guy from a couple of days ago – you know, the one prattling on about the “market makers of pussy” — was risibly wrongheaded, here’s an even more insidious attempt to reduce the complexities of human sexuality to a question of “supply and demand.” Over on The False Rape Society blog, Pierce Harlan has a new post with the title:
False rape claims: increasingly a tool to skew the current economies of sex, where sex is cheaper than most women prefer
As you might imagine, the post itself is based on some fairly twisty blame-the-victim logic – with some feminist-bashing thrown in for good measure. Let’s wade through the muck here.
According to Harlan, the “cultural tenets governing sexual encounters” have gone all loosey-goosey in recent years, due to birth control, a general loosening of sexual mores and “the feminist-inspired norms that pressure young women to ‘party like the guys.’”
I assume you have all read Mary Wollstonecraft’s classic A Vindication of the Rights of Women to Get Totally Wasted and Fuck Some Dudes.
But, alas, feminists totally don’t understand the law of supply and demand –and that in the market of sex, they are the supply and not the demand (because it’s not like women ever really want to have sex themselves). As a result, the feminist-inspired young women of today are totally flooding the market with cut-rate pussy.
As Harlan explains:
The experts tell us that men have a much easier time obtaining sex than they did in days long gone. … Women who’d prefer to put a higher price tag on their sexuality are finding themselves locked out of the market.
The results are all too predictable. Women are having sex more often when they secretly are conflicted about it. We’ve frequently reported here about the proven gender “regret asymmetry” where young women have much higher levels of after-the-fact regret than men following sexual hook-ups. Regret too often is transmogrified into feelings of being used, and feeling used too often metamorphoses into a false rape claim.
Does Harlan have any evidence to back up this hypothesis? Yes. And it comes straight from his ass.
Having studied the false rape phenomenon closely for a number of years, it is my conclusion that young women are increasingly resorting to false rape claims as an inappropriate method of skewing the current economies of sex, which favors men and which makes sex cheaper than most women consciously or subconsciously prefer.
In other words: he has spent the last several years searching out news stories on false rape accusations to post on his blog. Because there are almost 7 billion people on planet earth, he has been able to find a fair number of such stories. So he’s concluded that there is some sort of “false rape epidemic” going on. In other words, his conclusion seems to be based almost entirely on what’s known as the “availability heuristic,” which, as Wikipedia puts it, “is a phenomenon (which can result in a cognitive bias) in which people predict the frequency of an event, or a proportion within a population, based on how easily an example can be brought to mind.”
Were I to start a blog entitled “The Dudes Peeing on Things You Shouldn’t Pee On Society,” guess what? I too could cite many examples, drawn from the newspapers of the world. Were I to do this for several years, my brain would be stuffed full of stories of men urinating on just about anything that can be urinated on, from prayer rugs to cough drops. This, through the power of the “availability heuristic,” might convince me that we faced an epidemic of inappropriately urinating men, and that this epidemic was getting worse by the hour. (I mean, before I started specifically looking for such stories I almost never heard about this terrible social ill.)
But back to Harlan and his argument, such as it is:
Women are pressured by feminist-inspired norms to make themselves more available to men than ever, but they have also learned that crying rape after-the-fact is a culturally accepted, indeed, feminist approved, antidote to sex they feel was too cheaply obtained. Instead of saying “no” up front, they are retroactively saying “no” — with false rape claims — after-the-fact. And society has given this backward state of affairs its imprimatur.
One solution? Women need to stop having so much sex — for the sake of teh menz. Or as Harlan, still working the creaky economic metaphor, puts it:
One cure is to enhance the value of female sexuality by decreasing the supply and thereby reduce both regret and false rape claims.
But, darn it, this won’t work, because women are out there marching in the street for the right to, you know, have sex when they want to with consenting partners without being shamed for it.
That, of course, can never happen in a society where “slut walks” are celebrated as liberating events, where colleges excuse women from underage drinking charges so long as they report they were raped, and where false rape claims are routinely excused and implicitly encouraged. In short, it can never happen in a society that encourages young women to be promiscuous and to then tell rape lies when that promiscuity results in an unfavorable sexual experience.
Harlan ends his piece with a call to lock up false accusers for a long time.
Certainly malicious false accusers should be charged. Women who identify the wrong guy in a lineup? No.
And it would be nice if Harlan extended the sympathy he shows for falsely accused men to real victims of real rape, a much larger group of people than the falsely accused. But instead he writes pieces like this one, and links in his sidebar to a host of misogynist blogs that, among other things, routinely joke about female victims of rape and murder, that urge men on juries in rape trials to vote to acquit the accused even when he’s clearly guilty, that claim that age of consent laws are inherently man-hating, and that think it would be great if sex robots and artificial wombs rendered women obsolete.
Those actually interested in helping those falsely accused – rather than supporting Harlan’s retrograde agenda — would do better to support The Innocence Project, and to stop reading Harlan’s drivel.
Kirbywarp OMG, I love the googlefight site–when did that come around? Why did I not know of it? I am so using it in my research class this fall! Thank you! Oh, and no surprise, penis enlargement won big over vaginal rejuvenation proving that as Carly Simon so famously sang, men are soooooooooo vain.
I like rain more. In fact NWOaf, I am not a big fan of being looked at by any man. So me myself and I prove your little ass derived assertion wrong.
*watches as NWOaf tries himself into pretzels to get around this*
I don’t remember, I saw it before and remembered it randomly. It quite awesomely makes the point.
Plymouth, just because YOU didn’t accuse him of rape doesn’t mean another woman won’t.
Plymouth, just because YOU didn’t accuse him of rape doesn’t mean another woman won’t.
Just because YOU didn’t drink enough Windex to see the alien ships doesn’t mean they weren’t really there!
PosterformerlyknownasElizabeth, you’re joking right? Oh how will I ever squirm out of this? HAHAHA!
NWO’s logic. “All women just love to accuse their bad lays of rape. What, you didn’t? Well, I’m sure somebody else will. It’s only a matter of time.”
Seriously NWO, are you here to have a conversation, or to blast us with screed? Cause you don’t seem at all interested in actually finding out the truth. Does correcting every falsehood you utter mean anything when you’re just gonna come back and repeat them tomorrow?
That was brilliant response Victoria von Syrus. I see how I’m quite overmatched intellectually.
“You’ve turned a woman feeding her own vanity and narcissism into a man beating a woman to death for not bleeding on her first night.”
Subby, I can’t tell if you’re confused, or just an asshole. *fails to care*
Yuck, NWOaf and the word squirm should never go together.
I recommend a few more shots of Windex.
Go to the society and learn Kirbywarp.
NWO, in all the time you’ve been posting on this site it’s been abundantly clear that you don’t know very many women. It occurs to me now that you don’t know very many people. And while I’d already pegged you as a none-to-bright, fairly unaccomplished conspiracy nut the real level of your social isolation is possibly greater than I’d imagined.
NWO: people are vain. Some people are vain about their looks, some their money, some their smarts; whatever it is that they value and believe others value in them. But vanity is not gender specific. Not even a a little bit.
It was your quote Bee. If ya didn’t mean it why say it?
Oh wait, thats right, when caught in a lie default to, “I was being sarcastic.”
So now I have to refute an entire blog to disprove your point that… women like to be objectified? What is your logic here?
There is no logic Kirby, it is just his way of staving off his terrible terrible endless loneliness.
If he was not such an asshole I would feel sorry for him.
When I look out my window at home, I see cows. And some burros, and some goats, and horses, depending on which window, and where the animals are being pastured that day. Some day I may ask my neighbor for the theory of how the critters get moved around. Or I might not, and just keep making up theories (it’s Tuesdays, so put the goats in the west pasture!)
And I see bunnies this year. Three of them, bopping around the yard with their little cottontales.
And birds. Squirrels. Butterflies. You know, NATURE.
In the hotel where I am now, I look out the window and see the sky and the river (18th floor).
And I never dress to attract men because, wait for it, I live with a woman.
NWO, you do realize that my OP here is ABOUT A POST ON THE FALSE RAPE SOCIETY BLOG …
I think you misunderstand the situation. He doesn’t have to learn Kirbywarp: he is Kirbywarp.
Kirbywarp, the little they wear, the make up, perfume, jewelry, surgery, their actions. How is even in the dead of winter women are showing cleavavge. Why the skin tight clothing. Can you see? Do they choose to be hookers? Do they choose to be porn stars? Do they choose to be models? Stop making excuses.
David, I don’t think he reads your posts. He showed up in this thread talking about commies. The mind boggles.
@Spearhafoc and @David:
XD Both of these things I have utterly and completely missed. Thanks for pointing these out.