If you thought the “meat market” guy from a couple of days ago – you know, the one prattling on about the “market makers of pussy” — was risibly wrongheaded, here’s an even more insidious attempt to reduce the complexities of human sexuality to a question of “supply and demand.” Over on The False Rape Society blog, Pierce Harlan has a new post with the title:
False rape claims: increasingly a tool to skew the current economies of sex, where sex is cheaper than most women prefer
As you might imagine, the post itself is based on some fairly twisty blame-the-victim logic – with some feminist-bashing thrown in for good measure. Let’s wade through the muck here.
According to Harlan, the “cultural tenets governing sexual encounters” have gone all loosey-goosey in recent years, due to birth control, a general loosening of sexual mores and “the feminist-inspired norms that pressure young women to ‘party like the guys.’”
I assume you have all read Mary Wollstonecraft’s classic A Vindication of the Rights of Women to Get Totally Wasted and Fuck Some Dudes.
But, alas, feminists totally don’t understand the law of supply and demand –and that in the market of sex, they are the supply and not the demand (because it’s not like women ever really want to have sex themselves). As a result, the feminist-inspired young women of today are totally flooding the market with cut-rate pussy.
As Harlan explains:
The experts tell us that men have a much easier time obtaining sex than they did in days long gone. … Women who’d prefer to put a higher price tag on their sexuality are finding themselves locked out of the market.
The results are all too predictable. Women are having sex more often when they secretly are conflicted about it. We’ve frequently reported here about the proven gender “regret asymmetry” where young women have much higher levels of after-the-fact regret than men following sexual hook-ups. Regret too often is transmogrified into feelings of being used, and feeling used too often metamorphoses into a false rape claim.
Does Harlan have any evidence to back up this hypothesis? Yes. And it comes straight from his ass.
Having studied the false rape phenomenon closely for a number of years, it is my conclusion that young women are increasingly resorting to false rape claims as an inappropriate method of skewing the current economies of sex, which favors men and which makes sex cheaper than most women consciously or subconsciously prefer.
In other words: he has spent the last several years searching out news stories on false rape accusations to post on his blog. Because there are almost 7 billion people on planet earth, he has been able to find a fair number of such stories. So he’s concluded that there is some sort of “false rape epidemic” going on. In other words, his conclusion seems to be based almost entirely on what’s known as the “availability heuristic,” which, as Wikipedia puts it, “is a phenomenon (which can result in a cognitive bias) in which people predict the frequency of an event, or a proportion within a population, based on how easily an example can be brought to mind.”
Were I to start a blog entitled “The Dudes Peeing on Things You Shouldn’t Pee On Society,” guess what? I too could cite many examples, drawn from the newspapers of the world. Were I to do this for several years, my brain would be stuffed full of stories of men urinating on just about anything that can be urinated on, from prayer rugs to cough drops. This, through the power of the “availability heuristic,” might convince me that we faced an epidemic of inappropriately urinating men, and that this epidemic was getting worse by the hour. (I mean, before I started specifically looking for such stories I almost never heard about this terrible social ill.)
But back to Harlan and his argument, such as it is:
Women are pressured by feminist-inspired norms to make themselves more available to men than ever, but they have also learned that crying rape after-the-fact is a culturally accepted, indeed, feminist approved, antidote to sex they feel was too cheaply obtained. Instead of saying “no” up front, they are retroactively saying “no” — with false rape claims — after-the-fact. And society has given this backward state of affairs its imprimatur.
One solution? Women need to stop having so much sex — for the sake of teh menz. Or as Harlan, still working the creaky economic metaphor, puts it:
One cure is to enhance the value of female sexuality by decreasing the supply and thereby reduce both regret and false rape claims.
But, darn it, this won’t work, because women are out there marching in the street for the right to, you know, have sex when they want to with consenting partners without being shamed for it.
That, of course, can never happen in a society where “slut walks” are celebrated as liberating events, where colleges excuse women from underage drinking charges so long as they report they were raped, and where false rape claims are routinely excused and implicitly encouraged. In short, it can never happen in a society that encourages young women to be promiscuous and to then tell rape lies when that promiscuity results in an unfavorable sexual experience.
Harlan ends his piece with a call to lock up false accusers for a long time.
Certainly malicious false accusers should be charged. Women who identify the wrong guy in a lineup? No.
And it would be nice if Harlan extended the sympathy he shows for falsely accused men to real victims of real rape, a much larger group of people than the falsely accused. But instead he writes pieces like this one, and links in his sidebar to a host of misogynist blogs that, among other things, routinely joke about female victims of rape and murder, that urge men on juries in rape trials to vote to acquit the accused even when he’s clearly guilty, that claim that age of consent laws are inherently man-hating, and that think it would be great if sex robots and artificial wombs rendered women obsolete.
Those actually interested in helping those falsely accused – rather than supporting Harlan’s retrograde agenda — would do better to support The Innocence Project, and to stop reading Harlan’s drivel.
Welcome back, NWOslave! I see you’ve warped in time back to the Red Scare, and somehow picked up slang. Very nice. Also, pretty much everything Victoria von Syrus said.
OT: This economy metaphor is getting way out of hand. If your model can’t even account for something as basic as, I dunno, women wanting to have sex, your gonna need to go back to the drawing board. Its like everybody dates out of bars, where guys buy girls drinks and girls give pussy in return. What happened to college/highschool sweethearts? Friends-turned-serious? Thinking this one girl you see every so often at a cafe is kinda cute? There are probably millions of ways events can lead to sex, and yet in every single case it’s supposedly the man buying the woman… *sigh*
That should read “done the wasH by hand” Friggin’ typos.
NWOsub is like the internet equivalent of that one sub-culture of street-flasher who expose their baby dick just so that people can laugh or hurl abuse at it. He comes on here proud and excited to reveal his massive idiocy and loves to be insulted because of it.
Here are the dynamics of a NWOsub post.
Step 1: Writes stupid
Step 2: People call him out on his stupidity.
Step 3: Demands people cite why what he said was stupid.
Step 4: People cite why what he said was stupid.
Step 5: (See Step 3)
Step 6: Responds with childish and nonsensical insults involving pez dispensers and such.
Step 7: Flounces off to eat/sleep/prepare for another day of his grueling menial job.
Can we ban someone for being such a pathetic a bore? Please?
I’m Mr Kobold, and my “state sponsored deity” (what the fuck is this loser talking about?) is Wuotan, with Shai Hulud subbing in on weekends.
Used to be women never lied about that shit
Well damn, whoever came up with Potiphar’s Wife had one hell of an imagination.
Also.. I read through the age of consent thing.. Holy footballs, that is logic so twisted it could pop out of existance. Being able to have sex with older women but not young girls is treating women like children? Here’s a little sample.
“This is what makes feminists angry and this is why age of consent exists still today, because it is assumed women are not mentally mature enough to give consent AND because older women want to limit men’s options to increase their own value in the sexual marketplace. Older women, however, are generally not of a much higher intelligence level than teenage girls. The big difference between the two is that older women are less attractive and that is what makes them so damn angry.”
First of all, it’s assumed that kids are not mentally mature enough to give consent, not all women in general. Second, if older women are competing with anyone, its with 20-30 year-olds, since a woman’s age is so tied to her perceived attractiveness by men, and you here so often from these guys that women peak in attractiveness in their 20s (or at 18.. for some reason). Third, more absolute dumb-assery on how all women are really as intelligent as teenagers.
I mean really, while its self consistant, every aspect of this reasoning is demonstrably false… argh…
@ Mr Kobold, you forgot 6a: Backpedals into sarcastic, passive-aggressive self-flagellation when he realizes he’s lost the argument.
@ Mr Kobold, you forgot 6a: Backpedals into sarcastic, passive-aggressive self-flagellation when he realizes he’s lost the argument.
God yes, that’s my favorite part, where this loser starts writing stuff like: “Well I guess you’re just so much smartr[sic] then me.”
No shit? Really?
6b. Self-sustained frothy diatribe against the Rothchilds, etc. …
Stong words there Mr. Kobold.
My poor knowlege and indifference to the classics of Shakespeare, Milton, ect along with my horribly poor grammar, (see grammar nazi spearhafoc) has been used to prove my stupidity.
As far as my childish insults, (NWOsub, NWOaf, slavey, ect.). Why I can’t compare to masters of this fine group.
I asked the question and the unanimous vote went to the State teaching morals, (their version of morals). The whole gang here agreed to have the State teach it’s version of morals to children at the youngest of ages. State deity.
Look on the bright side. If it wasn’t for stupid people like me, you’d have nothing to compare yourselves to. Without me, you folks wouldn’t be geniuses.
That.. That was the fastest I’ve ever seen him jump from 1 to 6a… Can we put this in the hall of fame? It’s gotta be a world record.
“Look on the bright side. If it wasn’t for stupid people like me, you’d have nothing to compare yourselves to. Without me, you folks wouldn’t be geniuses.”
We have now jumped to step 6a.
“As far as my childish insults, (NWOsub, NWOaf, slavey, ect.). Why I can’t compare to masters of this fine group.”
Gosh, you’re just ever so right Subby, here let me add a little to that collection (that wasn’t at all in response to time spent with a guy who spouts off cliched and laughable conspiracy theories without any citation on their part or consideration of the contrary evidence provided)
Gonna go eat now.
NWO the only person who ever brings up Shakespeare on these threads is you. You don’t want to read anything but Star Wars books, that’s fine. Nobody gives a shit.
How do you manage to work 10 hour days with that enormous chip on your shoulder?
The hall of fame is over at feminisite. Man those folks are some real thinkers as well. I can tell, cause every third word is either abliest or kyriarchy, and that equals smart.
Man for a non-monolithic block, every opinion is the same.
If rape convictions have been going up, the Bureau of Justice and the FBI seem to been missing it somehow http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/glance/tables/viortrdtab.cfm. It is immigration and drugs offenses that fill up the prisons, not rape convictions. But immigration and drugs offenses, by design and by discrimination in enforcement, target the poor and people of color, about whom most of the MRAs don’t care much.
Sigh, moving on, women’s bodies are not objects to be bought and sold, they are people’s bodies, and women are people (ditto for men and other people and their bodies). If only these folks could get it into their heads that spending time with other humans can at times be pleasant, and that mutual respect for bodily autonomy makes things far more fun, they would not be so confused.
On a similar note, has anyone else seen PZ Myer’s brilliant take down of Scott Adam’s latest bullshit? It is filled with jewels like this “Go live in a cave if you resent having to get along with others and respect their autonomy.” http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2011/06/scott_adams_is_being_a_self-in.php (I usually don’t link here to places that allow comments, but pharungulites eat trolls for breakfast).
NWO: Man for a non-monolithic block, every opinion is the same. And the lies continue. Go back and read the answers to your question about abortion. Note the variety.
Which points out 6b: Drop the topic in one thread, and continue as if had been resolved when making oblique references in other threads.
Women dress up, wear jewelry, perfume, ect. Every kind of enhancing surgery, The re-virginized pussy being the fastest growing. Women, with full knowlege and intent sell their bodies for prostitution, modeling, porn, ect. Women act like objects on purpose.
Women love being objectified. Stop pretending like this isn’t the case. Even your oh so great Ozzy couldn’t resist posting pictures of her naked self. She loved it, as do you all.
Re-viginized pussy?! What the hell, what planet is this?
“The experts tell us that men have a much easier time obtaining sex than they did in days long gone.” – OP
Wait, I’m so confused…I thought the MRAs thought that men weren’t getting enough sex?
Or is it just alphas that get all the sex? Do the experts only poll alphas when they ask how easy it is to get sex?
“Women dress up, wear jewelry, perfume, ect. Every kind of enhancing surgery, The re-virginized pussy being the fastest growing. Women, with full knowlege and intent sell their bodies for prostitution, modeling, porn, ect. Women act like objects on purpose.”
Subby is practically the state sponsored deity for all the sad and angry 4chan virgins at this point.
Honestly this tactic of yours where you do a final lash out by saying something utterly abhorrent gets old really fast, and is a mark of a really pathetic and selfish person considering it’s the same voice and tone of a rapist: “She loved it, as do you all.”
God what an utter fuck-up you are. Momma must be proud.
Here ya go speedlines
Gee Mr. Koblod it sounds your reverting to… Step 6: Responds with childish and nonsensical insults.
Or does that only work for NWOsub?
I’m gonna reprint this so you actually have to read the source.
“Cosmetic surgery can be used to enhance appearance and self-esteem. But it can also be used to enhance function. For some women, having enlarged inner genital lips (labia minora) can be functionally or emotionally bothersome. Age, childbirth, hormones, and sexual intercourse can cause enlarged labia, or it can occur naturally. Local irritation and problems with personal hygiene can interfere with sexual intercourse and cause discomfort during other activities like cycling, walking or sitting. Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure that offers women a solution.”
Where the hell do you get “re-virginized pussy?” From “sexual intercourse can cause…?” Are you just gonna ignore every other cause mentioned? I can argue facts with you all day long.. but reading comprehension? That one’s on you, buddy.
[citation missing]
Step 6a.
The labia is not a hymen, you twit. Then again, I wouldn’t expect someone who’s never been on a ship to know what the ocean looks like, either, so I suppose you can be forgiven for not knowing much about female genitalia.
Heads up: The labia majora and labia minora are small folds of skin which normally fold over and cover the vaginal opening. When a woman is aroused, the labia, particularly the inner labia, fill with blood (much like the male erection). This gives them a full, red appearance (and has been the inspiration for comparing female genitalia to blossoming flowers). Whether a woman is experienced or not, her labia are going to be generally the same.
The hymen is a small piece of skin which covers the vaginal opening. Some women are born without them, some women are born with exceptionally thick hymens, and some women born with hymens lose them through non-sexual activities (horseback riding is commonly cited, though other sports might be just as culpable, as are various masturbatory activities). It is the loss of the hymen through penile penetration that is most commonly referred to as ‘losing one’s virginity.’
Labiaplasties are performed on women who are self-conscious about the appearance of their own labia – usually by thinking that they are too long. The surgery is intended to ‘tuck’ the labia minora back behind the labia majora by artificially shortening the minora. It has nothing to do with ‘re-virginizing’ anything.
That’d be the appearance and self esteem part kirbywarp.
Look at me with my new and younger looking object. It’s just like a virgin.
Damn dude, can you ever not excuse vanity?