Ladies, your days are numbered! The sexy lady sexbots are only a few years off, which will free men of the onerous task of having sex with your cootie-ridden human bodies, and pretty soon you wonβt be needed for anything at all, not even making babies. At least according to this comment by “JR” on Roissyβs blog, which was recently highlighted on the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog:
I think the obvious gender-wide frustration of women today can partly be explained by this lowered value of children/reproduction altogether. Women understand that their primary purpose will always be tied up with reproduction and not civilization-altering achievement; now that this purpose has been largely removed, what do they have left? … [M]en are as useful as ever, whereas womenβs role as child-bearer is rapidly becoming unnecessary and in many cases even harmful.
Babies? We donβt need no stinkin babies!
And if after a few years of childless Children of Men-style dystopia we male humans decide that maybe it would be good if we, collectively, had a few kids, well, by then some clever dude will have invented an artificial womb. And then, ladies, youβre toast! (Which we dudes will be eating a lot of in the future, by the way, as actual cooking, not to mention sammich-making, is for bitches.) As Mr. Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology explains:
Before β¦ our current level of technology, women were in complete and total control of reproduction.Β Women could get knocked up by one guy and claim another guy is the dad and there was no way of knowing what the truth was.Β First came increased scientific knowledge about reproduction.Β Before that the process of reproduction would have been considered to be almost magical given women room to exercise total control.Β This lessened womenβs control over reproduction.Β In the 20th century came paternity testing so men could know without a doubt who a childβs father is.Β Now women have no room to hide except that the law allows for paternity fraud.Β Eventually we will have artificial wombs which will allow men to have children without women if they so choose.Β The artificial womb represents control of reproduction being wrestled away from women.Β This is a pretty direct progression of how women become less and less necessary in reproduction.
Of course, thereβs that whole issue of actually raising the little buggers. But donβt worry, dudes are totally better at this, too!
[W]omenβs role as child bearer in many cases is becoming harmful.Β …Β All the pathologies caused by single mothers do not need to be repeated here.Β Beyond single motherhood take a look at younger women in their 20s.Β How many of them would you really trust to be mothers even if divorce wasnβt an issue?Β Take a look at the current crop of teenage girls, and itβs clear they will be even worse for motherhood than women currently in their 20s.Β Donβt forget all the misandry that these women carry which will have a negative impact on any sons you might have with them.Β …Β All things being equal the two parent family is probably better for raising children, but all things are not equal.Β Because of divorce the two parent family can become single motherhood at the drop of a hat.Β Single fatherhood from the beginning is better than that.Β Even without divorce women are increasingly unqualified to be mothers.Β … We are getting to a point where single fatherhood may be the superior system of raising children, especially when it comes to raising sons.
In your face, ladies! Moms suck!Β DudeMoms rule!!!!
Of course, not all dudes want to be single fathers. As savethemales notes in the comments on Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology,
Robogirls can take the place of mothers and assist in raising children for the biological dads who employed artificial wombs in the labs to incubate their babies. Personally, I never want kids and frankly, what reason is there? Children and women are a big liability. Actuarial escape velocity and transhumanism will be the answer and logical choice over procreation for many men.
I have no idea what he just said there, but I am totally 100% behind it. Except maybe for the part about Robogirls. I mean, how do we know for sure that Robogirls arenβt going to teach robomisandry to our dude-children?
Personally, I wouldnβt trust my artificial-womb-born dude-children to anyone but a RoboDudeMom.
David K. Meller
8:17 pm – 370 words
10:18 pm – 391 words
9:55 pm – 647 words
Average number of words per post – 469.3.
As Shakespeare reminds us, brevity is the soul of wit.
so brevity is the vitality of levity
DKM reminds me of a lawyer I know who has a weird habit of putting exclamation points where it seems illogical to put them. The difference is that Paul’s writing is a pleasure to read as it is well written, intelligent and occasionally funny while being informative even with the odd exclamation point.
But DKM sounds like Megatron in my head cuz of the !s and I think that’s awesome xD
I hear Skeletor saying the bad guy’s line in Scoobie Doo, “And we would have our obdient housewifes if it weren’t for you meddling kids!”
All one needs to know about DKM is in these of his ideas:
1: Kill off most women.
2: The remainder are kept as sex slaves.
3: They will be happier for it.
I’ve also figured out what he means by “overeducated”. He means they now know they can do better than trying to simper and please a man like him, who think s they can all go to hell because they don’t agree with his ideas on their proper place.
Keep laughing, children! He who laughs last, laughs best, and I KNOW who will have the last laugh on these issues!
I am talking about permanent disappearance, not a miniscule five, ten or twenty percent decline in income, population size or scientific research.
I have six thousand years of history on my side (magnificent cultures and empires, far mightier in their times than the USSA is in ours, who also “kept” their schools, their libraries, their engineers and architects, their medicine men and their astronomers, their priesthoods and their gold and silver, until their population and capital dwindled to the vanishing point and they and their cultures disappeared forever…
If it happened to Sumer, Athens, Egypt (many times), Mayans, Minoan Crete, Rome (and Byzantium) China (many times) Spain, Netherlands, Renaissance Italy–arguably the most brilliant culture to that time anywhere– and more recently, e.g. to France, UK, Russia, Germany, and probably Japan, all of whom are currently undergoing both birthrate decline and capital erosion, what makes you think WE are in any way immune, considering that in many ways our “leadership”–not only on this incredibly wasteful and stupid feminist “war of the sexes” issue–is at least as corrupt and degraded as the WORST aristocracies and priesthoods of those previous civilizations? Food for thought! I stand by my impression that we will rate (if we are lucky) a few small footnotes in the history and anthropology texts of 3011AD and feminism will have been found to have played a significant, though not exclusive role in our bankruptcy, disintegration, and disappearance.
Total repudiation of feminism and gender equality won’t save humanity by itself since a great many other things have gone wrong since 1914 or so, but it would enable us to make a good start.
David K. Meller
DKM: Mankind will disappear, men and women together. I have billions of years on my side. All the species which have gone extinct, kept their form of segregated gender. It didn’t save them.
As to the laughing, unless you manage to attain actuarial escape velocity… you will die before you find out the fantasies you’re spinning are going fail to pan out. It’s a pity really…. I’d be willing to have you live thousands of years to discover the incremental increase in gender equality (which has, as with all such things, increasing in a scalar manner) will continue.
Why? Because women are people too. It’s only just, fitting, and proper, that they be given the same treatment as men. I’m sorry the loss of privilege, and power (which men as a class are going through) has your panties in a bunch, but that’s your problem, not mine.
Actually, Meller, the early Roman Empire had incredibly low birthrates among the upperclass and it was considered acceptable to be childless. Small families were the norm. Actually, it was towards the end of the Roman Empire that birth rates among the upperclass soared (in part due to the extinction of a certain genus of plant that worked as pretty reliable birth control, in part because the rise of Christianity). You don’t really know shit about history either, do you?
So I just finished Ethan of Athos…for a guy who had zero experience with women, it was pretty odd he was sexist right from the start but then again maybe sexism was built more into the society then appears on the brief surface. Should be explored more I would say.
Also, Cachet is more complex and definitely more awesome then Harrington who is just way too perfect. Although I disapprove of his being with anyone but me. *snickers*
Women ARE people, and often wonderful people at that! Feminists, on the other hand, AREN’T!
Rarely has there been such concentrated hatred, contempt, and vilification of people because of their gender identity, along with such grandiose and megalomaniac convictions of what their womanhood consists of! .Many, perhaps even most, feminists refer to men in the same ways that Stalin refered to “Kulaks” during the collectivization period in Ukraine and Byelorussia, and the way Hitler referred to “Jews” during the holocaust! The bile and venom characterising feminist attacks on tradional wife,,mother,and homemaker types of women, the women who love men–no doubt, the vast majority in a normal world– are, if possible, even more vicious than their attacks on men, but that is a subject for another post!
I know that “Not all feminists are like that”… Not “all”communists” were “like that”, during the collectivization and the purges either, and for that matter, not “all” Nazis were “like that” during the holocaust! That didn’t stop the ones who WERE “like that”.
My replies, while occasionally they may go a little “over the top”, are a thoughtful, measured, lone-overdue response, on the part of several decades,of feminists attacks on ME–on my gender identity, and on my humanity. They are a defence of YOUR humanity too, but too many modern new-age men(?) here on this post, along with many others like it, are too brainwashed, too dense, or too damn cowardly to stand shoulder to shoulder with me and men like me! You prefer to be thought of by those horrid harridan hags as ‘politically correct”, as “progressive”, as “liberal”, or whatnot…The FEMINISTS’ expressed approval of you and your posts is NOT worth it! You gain nothing by being a race of lemmings!
Men, by and large, are a wonderful sex! We are more intelligent than women, more creative, at least in the areas outside the home. We are, also, as a rule, physically stronger as well, although you may not know it from cinema and idiot-box overproduction of vile, kick-ass grrrl-power “kung fu” entertainment (and I use the term very loosely) showing one woman disabling or killing half a dozen or more men without suffering so much as a scratch! Outside the home and family, men are also vastly better organizers and executives, hence the substitution of females for real leadership in the larger world destroying and poisoning OUR society!
It is because of THEM, feminists and those who work with them, that he stark choice of enslavement, extermination, or wholesale exile of such loathsome anti-woman shrikes becomes a legitimate subject of discussion. Women are people, and properly raised, educated, and loved,, are beautiful, charming, and lovely! Women contribute as much to the home, the family, and perhaps the local community, as men contribute to the larger world outside the home! As the bearers and rearers of the up and coming generation, they, to the extent that they remain real women, CIVILIZE the society!
Does anyone STILL think that “equality”, still less female domination, is such a good idea? I think that the ideals of harmony, love and complementarity have MUCH more to offer!
There are quite a few women who still love us, and our manhood! Many are still in hiding!
Feminists, on the other hand, are a strange mutant strain of creatures;neither male nor really female, anti-women who act as the carriers and spreaders of defective–and, if widespread–extremely toxic social and sexual memes masquerading as “equality” or as “female domination”, polluting the political, legal, and academic/media (especially the last) thinking of our age. If I am wrong, then find something better, but surrender is not an option! Feminists (as opposed to real women) are NOT people, and are NOT WOMEN, just enemies.
David K. Meller
You be Godwinned. Therefore your argument is bunk.
Kirby S. Warp.
I’m suspecting that the word “gender identity” doesn’t mean what he thinks it means. xD That or he’s more of an ally than I thought π And we could have some fun going after M Andrea together! (he is right that certain rad fems have serious issues w/ gender identity tho xD )
I’m so sry btw that they are attacking you for your gender identity : I had no idea you were trans :
DKM, will you define what a feminist is for me? Please be more specific then “Feminists, on the other hand, are a strange mutant strain of creatures;neither male nor really female.” Use concrete examples.
How would I spot one on the street? Can you tell, when engaging in casual conversation, if you’ve accidentally stumbled on a Feminist instead of a Woman? Or can you tell based on appearance? Or is it something else?
Oh, DO shut up.
Indeed! One can tell! The sloping forehead which indicates lesser intelligence! The dyed hair, as if we cannot tell that she has grayed early from the burdens feminism has placed on her! Black, brown or blonde, she may seem! But the truth is obvious to any that care to see beyond the lies and hypocrisy of the USSA! A casual pinch of the skin! A slight slap on the buttocks! If there is wiggle, if there is jiggle, if she does not giggle, then a feminist is before you! Are you so blind, so beholden to your ideology, the rhetoric of your Marxist elders that you cannot see this? If so, perhaps you are indeed a French Demon as your alias suggests! And Kirby! I will respond to your juvenile name-calling with a quote from one of the great scholars of nation: “I know you are, but what am I?” I hope you do take those words to heart, as they were created for a lesser mind such as yourself! You have all been seduced and manipulated and brain-washed by the she-he-beasts that are the soldiers of feminists! I merely bring the truth down from the mount! And yet I am scorned! Mocked! Abused! But you will see!
Ami A. Angelwings
PS: Hellkell, to quote another one of my founders, great men of caucasoid descent, who did not require help from the United Socialist States of America, or Soviet Canuckistan to impose their will upon the Earth: “No you shut up.” – AAA
“We are, also, as a rule, physically stronger as well, although you may not know it from cinema and idiot-box overproduction of vile, kick-ass grrrl-power βkung fuβ entertainment (and I use the term very loosely) showing one woman disabling or killing half a dozen or more men without suffering so much as a scratch!”
You know that’s a fairly common trope with male action heroes as well?
“Women are people, and properly raised, educated, and loved,, are beautiful, charming, and lovely!”
In your ideal society, what would be the place of women who were fat, ugly (not just “bad at makeup, but didn’t fit any of the standards of beauty), or trans?
I kind of want to give Ami an award for her parody. Will you accept Godzilla Haiku?
Meller’s tone also sounds weirdly familiar. Mad scientist? Middle Ages rhetoric? Or does all propaganda sound the same?
@Molly Ren he respects trans ppl (presumably including trans men) because he recognizes how wrong it is for trans-exclusionary rad fems to discriminate and spread hatred against people for their gender identity :3
Um… sure? : /
I’m just going to humor you for a moment.
My mother. When she went to university in the 1940’s it was proper for women to take courses in humanities, she was a English lit major. It was the social standard that women went to university to meet a man and dropping out was socially acceptable.
In the 80’s my mother went back to school and got a degree in mechanical engineering. Feminism allowed her to get the degree she’d always wanted. Between her degrees my mother was a major part in the designs of our families business, much more heavier on the design front then my father was. Without giving up too much information we develop and produce products with engines and plastic which are a mainstay in the economy.
I would consider my mother to be a feminist, in the early days of my parents running the company she was a integral part of our success but because of the times my father put his name to her designs. In the last 20 years since she’s been able to get her degree and society has excepted that a woman can do what she has done she is finally getting some acclaim.
What about that above do you have a problem with?
Ami…I lol’d π
The part DKM doesn’t like is pretty much the whole second half. In fact, you must be lying, because lady-brains couldn’t possibly cope with the extreme complexities of engineering. Feminists convinced her that she needed to leave her comfort zone and be forced into an area she was unsure of, and your father probably did all the heavy work, but convinced your mom it was her work, just to make her happy. What a loving dad.
Bleh… Honestly there isn’t much point in replying to him. There is not one shred of intelligence in his design, its just “men are awesome, women belong in the kitchen, and feminists are big hairy beasts.”
@Molly Ren well he’s the one who said that feminists are oppressing his gender identity.. I can only assume that he’s a trans man who is being called a gender traitor by Miss Andrea, Heart, DirtyWhiteBoi and others π (oh and btw, any MRAs reading this, dun take note of those names and troll them… plz don’t! they are our sekrit feminist elders!!! )