Ladies, your days are numbered! The sexy lady sexbots are only a few years off, which will free men of the onerous task of having sex with your cootie-ridden human bodies, and pretty soon you won’t be needed for anything at all, not even making babies. At least according to this comment by “JR” on Roissy’s blog, which was recently highlighted on the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog:
I think the obvious gender-wide frustration of women today can partly be explained by this lowered value of children/reproduction altogether. Women understand that their primary purpose will always be tied up with reproduction and not civilization-altering achievement; now that this purpose has been largely removed, what do they have left? … [M]en are as useful as ever, whereas women’s role as child-bearer is rapidly becoming unnecessary and in many cases even harmful.
Babies? We don’t need no stinkin babies!
And if after a few years of childless Children of Men-style dystopia we male humans decide that maybe it would be good if we, collectively, had a few kids, well, by then some clever dude will have invented an artificial womb. And then, ladies, you’re toast! (Which we dudes will be eating a lot of in the future, by the way, as actual cooking, not to mention sammich-making, is for bitches.) As Mr. Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology explains:
Before … our current level of technology, women were in complete and total control of reproduction. Women could get knocked up by one guy and claim another guy is the dad and there was no way of knowing what the truth was. First came increased scientific knowledge about reproduction. Before that the process of reproduction would have been considered to be almost magical given women room to exercise total control. This lessened women’s control over reproduction. In the 20th century came paternity testing so men could know without a doubt who a child’s father is. Now women have no room to hide except that the law allows for paternity fraud. Eventually we will have artificial wombs which will allow men to have children without women if they so choose. The artificial womb represents control of reproduction being wrestled away from women. This is a pretty direct progression of how women become less and less necessary in reproduction.
Of course, there’s that whole issue of actually raising the little buggers. But don’t worry, dudes are totally better at this, too!
[W]omen’s role as child bearer in many cases is becoming harmful. … All the pathologies caused by single mothers do not need to be repeated here. Beyond single motherhood take a look at younger women in their 20s. How many of them would you really trust to be mothers even if divorce wasn’t an issue? Take a look at the current crop of teenage girls, and it’s clear they will be even worse for motherhood than women currently in their 20s. Don’t forget all the misandry that these women carry which will have a negative impact on any sons you might have with them. … All things being equal the two parent family is probably better for raising children, but all things are not equal. Because of divorce the two parent family can become single motherhood at the drop of a hat. Single fatherhood from the beginning is better than that. Even without divorce women are increasingly unqualified to be mothers. … We are getting to a point where single fatherhood may be the superior system of raising children, especially when it comes to raising sons.
In your face, ladies! Moms suck! DudeMoms rule!!!!
Of course, not all dudes want to be single fathers. As savethemales notes in the comments on Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology,
Robogirls can take the place of mothers and assist in raising children for the biological dads who employed artificial wombs in the labs to incubate their babies. Personally, I never want kids and frankly, what reason is there? Children and women are a big liability. Actuarial escape velocity and transhumanism will be the answer and logical choice over procreation for many men.
I have no idea what he just said there, but I am totally 100% behind it. Except maybe for the part about Robogirls. I mean, how do we know for sure that Robogirls aren’t going to teach robomisandry to our dude-children?
Personally, I wouldn’t trust my artificial-womb-born dude-children to anyone but a RoboDudeMom.
What the-? Calm the fuck down people! It’s just a (pardon me) stupid game!
Yus SRSLY >_<;; They rioted in 1994 when they lost too…
And Montreal rioted last year and they didn't even make the final…
I always knew there was a reason I was never into sports…but then the Twilight series proved it can happen with books too… -_- *sigh*
Wait! When/where did people riot over Twilight? D=
What bugs me is that when it started, it was a few assholes smashing up a car, and the crowds just taking cell vids and such -_-;; Why dun ppl step in and stop it… rather than just taking pictures or joining in once everybody else joins in >:| (that was rhetorical… just RAWR >:| )
The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato.
–Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947), Process and Reality
I actually think it’s mostly exaggerated, but some fans certainly took things way too far, like the one who shot a flare gun at some people who didn’t like the books, or the psychopath who threw acid in her lab partner’s face.
Eeek! Yeah, I have heard about that nonsense. People can’t take being a fan of anything too far. D=
I like turtles.
Also, 1080p porn? Seriously? Find me when 1080p porn can handcuff me to a bedframe and sit on my face. I’ll be long dead before a sexbot can do that.
Marc is a maroon.
“Marc is a maroon.”
And has apparently never thought to Google “feminist porn“.
@Ozy, was that in his later “Einstein stomped me so I am going to sit in a corner and cry” phase? (Oh, I see it is from Process and Reality, so, yes, it was). Whitehead’s early work isn’t bad, but the third period and his metaphysics are rather bizarre. Though he was only really ever solid on the math and formal side, his work towards the end of his life on other areas is especially bad. Whitehead was always really good at only using logic in math and logic, and therefore at compartmentalizing.
“In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of a defeat; but in the evolution of real knowledge it marks the first step in progress towards a victory.”
Nope, it still marks defeat, Whitehead, which is why you fail.
@Ami, I am genderqueer, but I am not too strict about pronouns usually.
I would comment on the content of the original post, but their entire argument falls apart if you consider that women might not be useless for anything other than giving birth. Or that persons are decent company. Why have a child at all when they could just have a perfect robo baby, explain that to me?
I get to have high-def porn AND awesome sexy-sex with my fiance. Double-win!
But alas I have no artificial uterus that will make me kittens that turn human at age 3. Until I can have that I am not reproducing. No way no how.
I’m sure the world weeps.
Not sure why that posted twice, or what’s up with the gap in timing, but feel free to delete the first one, David…
Given how much new stuff we find out all the time about what the fetus learns in utero, an artificial uterus is going to have to be damn sophisticated. Just off the top of my head, they learn about the mother’s diet (their future diet) from the flavours in the amniotic fluid (and breast milk). If the mother eats something about a dozen times, it primes the fetus to like that food when it grows older. It learns about the environment it will grow in & the normal sounds from what it hears as it grows. Babies whose mothers lived on flight paths while pregnant startled far less when hearing planes than babies who hadn’t had that in utero experience. Babies hear, remember & respond positively more positively to a story they heard in the womb than ones they didn’t. They learn the sound of the mother’s voice (& those around her) and actively seek out those voices after birth. They sleep & wake to the movement of the mother’s body.
And that’s just off the top of my head. I wouldn’t be surprised if we weren’t far off being able to physically grow babies in artificial uteri, but until we can recreate all the subtle learning that happens every moment of every day, any baby grown in one is going to have some serious issues.
I have to say, pregnancy and birth have their sucky moments, but they also have some pretty amazing, awe inspiring ones to go along with it. Before I had kids, I wanted to be pregnant exactly once, with twins, so I’d never have to go through it again. After having done it 3 times now, I’m kind of sad that I’ll never do it again after this one. Not sad enough that it makes up for having to raise them after, but still. (I like my kids, I like raising them, most of the time, but 5 of them would be way beyond my abilities to cope)
I actually did have a point in there, but I seem to have lost it. Sorry for the rambling.
Apparently I also lost my ability to make a coherent sentence a few times. *wishes again for an edit button*
Yeah, back then we had bishopsinister (AKA Richard/Random Brother) who was always good for some absolutely-foaming-at-the-mouth anti-feminist rants.
Or…LOL…witman, who coined the classic “Female Feral Sexual Cycles”.
Every season has their own Big Bads xD
Yes, and some of us still lingered on after the Boss Fights.
I just wax nostalgic sometimes, recalling some of the previous regulars.
how sick. sounds like a cross between something from frankenstein and a fake, robotic woman that steve martin the comedian might come up with.
This is me trying to fill up the “recent comments” with just pictures of me xD
Just so it’s not a total waste… this is so wtf xD I can’t decide whether it’s more amusing that they dunno how the house was stolen, or that the house was found on a nearby neighbour’s property xD
“Hey isn’t that my house!?”
“No. >_>;;”
*looks at sidebar and cackles*
I like my army of Amies! 😀
You been toppled.
(I want to see if you’ll post five more comments now … teehee.)
My usericon is a picture of me too! …It’s just a little less recognizable.